His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 12


Xu Yu sent a thank you to Su Yuanjiu, and seeing that Su Yuanjiu didn't reply to him again, he put away his phone.

The rain outside became more and more urgent. Sister Yun dragged Xu Yu to walk a little further in. The phone showed that the car would arrive in three minutes.

It seemed that she suddenly remembered that she hadn't praised Xu Yu yet. Sister Yun withdrew her gaze from looking at Ma Lu, then turned her head and patted Xu Yu: "I'm just so angry, I didn't say anything serious," Sister Yun smiled at Xu Yu: "I sang very well tonight. It has improved a lot from the last time I listened to it. It sounds very good."

Xu Yu smiled: "It's been almost a year since you heard it last time."

Sister Yun raised her eyebrows: "Has it been this long?"

Xu Yu shrugged: "It may take longer."

Sister Yun clicked her tongue and frowned: "You seem like I don't care about you."

Xu Yu: "You said it yourself."

It was a bit of consolation, Sister Yun laughed when she heard it, and patted Xu Yu on the shoulder: "It sounds really good, it's steady."

While chatting, the side door was suddenly opened, and three men came out of the building.

Xu Yu and Sister Yun's eyes were attracted, and they looked over at the same time.

Seeing who it was, Xu Yu asked softly, "Ji Zhouchuan?"

Sister Yun turned her head: "Yes."

Xu Yu stared over there, and the man he recognized over there suddenly turned his head.

Ji Zhouchuan is Xu Yu's favorite musician. Xu Yu has followed him since high school. Ji Zhouchuan used to sing some songs, but now he basically works behind the scenes.

Sister Yun knew that Xu Yu liked Ji Zhouchuan, so she asked Xu Yu, "Do you want to go over and say hello?"

Xu Yu took a look, and saw that Ji Zhouchuan's car had already parked at the door, and they were anxious to see the heavy rain.

Xu Yu was eager to give it a try, but after thinking about it, he said, "There will be a chance next time."

It's just that Xu Yu didn't go there, Ji Zhouchuan came by himself.

He had already stepped on the car with one leg, and put it back, then said something to the people in the car, closed the door, and walked towards Xu Yu.

Xu Yu and Sister Yun looked at each other, and then looked back to make sure that they were the only ones here.

"Hello." After Ji Zhouchuan came over, he spoke first.

Xu Yu nodded: "Mr. Ji is good."

Ji Zhouchuan raised his eyebrows: "You know me?"

Xu Yu smiled and said, "I'm a fan of Teacher Ji."

"Oh, really," Ji Zhouchuan smiled even more happily: "Is that Xu Yu?"

Xu Yu: "Yes."

Ji Zhouchuan took out his phone: "Is it convenient to leave a contact information?"

Xu Yu nodded, and immediately took out his mobile phone: "Yes."

There were people waiting there, Ji Zhouchuan didn't dawdle much, he moved quickly, dialed the number immediately, hung up immediately, and after saying "see you again when we have a chance", he turned around and got in the car to leave.

After a short operation, Sister Yun was in a fog.

Sister Yun: "What do you mean?"

Xu Yu lowered his head to change the note, still smiling: "I don't know."

Sister Yun smiled: "Ji Zhouchuan is quite handsome."

Xu Yu nodded: "I went to his fan club when I was in high school, and he was even more handsome then," for a moment. Xu Yu added: "He's handsome even now."

Just as Ji Zhouchuan's car left, the car called by Sister Yun also arrived.

It seems that because of Ji Zhouchuan, the unhappiness that the show gave them just now has also been diluted a bit.

As for what it will look like when it is cut out, and what kind of impact it will have on Xu Yu, it is useless to think too much now.

I was too angry just now, but when I think about it carefully, Zeng Chen mainly targeted the original "Hello Sing and Dance" program, and Xu Yu's part still has merit.

With Xu Yu's reputation, when the show comes out, there shouldn't be much popularity when it is mixed with "Hello Sing and Dance" and scolded on Weibo.

Sister Yun pinched her brows, powerlessly comforting herself.

"Still thinking about it?" Xu Yu asked her.

Sister Yun raised her head and sighed.

Xu Yu said: "When I participated in Hello singing and dancing, it seemed that you hadn't come to me when I was scolded."

Sister Yun: "It wasn't there at that time. When I came here, the Internet was already full of scolding."

Xu Yu added: "The show is almost too cold."

Sister Yun sighed again, and looked at Xu Yu: "What have you experienced at such a young age?"

Xu Yu blinked his eyes, as if thinking of something, then turned his head and smiled at Sister Yun, a little comforting Sister Yun: "The younger you go, the stronger you are, it's nothing, I am like this now, and I can't retreat gone."

Sister Yun frowned, looking like she was about to cry.

Xu Yu was almost amused: "Don't be like this, the situation is not so bad."

Staying in Jianshi for another night, the two of them went back to Lincheng the next morning.

There are still a few days left for the agreed JSS commercial, and there is nothing to do these days. While Sister Yun is busy in the studio, she contacts people to get Xu Yu's song out and put it on the music platform.

In addition to the one sung on the show, there is another one. Xu Yu spent a few days making it together and releasing it together.

It must be a good thing to release it in time for the second episode of the show. Xu Yu speaks with his strength, and nothing else will work.

As soon as the song was released, Xu Yu forwarded it to three people.

One is Zheng Xue, one is Xu Weichi, and the other is Su Yuanjiu.

He sent the first two directly, and he sat on the sofa in the living room and hesitated for a long time before deciding to give the last one.

Having not contacted for a long time, Xu Yu was not sure whether Su Yuanjiu was being polite to him when he said he wanted to hear him sing.

So before sending it out, he deliberately checked the chat history.

After reading Su Yuanjiu's "always looking forward to" several times, he clicked on the edit box.

However, he didn't just throw the song over like Zheng Xuehe did, but typed a few words first.

Always lay a mat first.

Xu Yu: What is Mr. Su doing

Xu Yu sent this sentence, and suddenly remembered a sentence said on the Internet, when the other party asked what you were doing, the implication was...

Xu Yu touched his eyebrows. He felt that someone like Su Yuanjiu who didn't even have Weibo should not know what it meant.

No, the point is that he didn't mean that.

What was he thinking about

Just then Zheng Xue replied to him, and he withdrew.

Zheng Xue: It’s finally posted, brother

Zheng Xue: I will immediately find the navy to give you a good review!

Xu Yu: No need

Xu Yu: Just listen

Zheng Xue: This is not possible

Zheng Xue: How can I just listen to it by myself

Zheng Xue: Immediately send it to your group and send it to Moments

Xu Yu laughed.

While chatting with Zheng Xue, the number 1 appeared in the upper left corner, and the number 2 appeared after a few seconds.

Xu Yu withdrew and saw that it was indeed Su Yuanjiu's reply.

Mr. Su: be free

Mr. Su: What's the matter

Xu Yu: My song has been released

Xu Yu: Do you want to listen

Mr. Su: yes

Xu Yu switched to the music software and sent the two songs together.

Mr. Su: Listen now

Xu Yu pursed his lips and laughed.

Outside, Xu Weichi also responded to the news. Su Yuanjiu probably went to listen to the song, so Xu Yu withdrew.

Xu Weichi has always only praised Xu Yu, and sure enough, this time is no exception.

Brother: Great, even released a song

Brother: It’s great, it sounds great [thumbs] [thumbs] [thumbs]

Very earthy, but very sincere praise.

Presumably, my brother and Su Yuanjiu are about the same age, Su Yuanjiu must have the same reaction.

A few minutes later, Su Yuanjiu also sent a message.

Xu Yu clicked on it.

Mr. Su: nice to hear

Mr. Su: You wrote the lyrics and music yourself

Mr. Su: The music is well written, the lyrics are also good, so talented

Su Yuanjiu is still different.

Xu Yu clicked on the edit box, and the word "thank you" was typed out. Before it was sent, Su Yuanjiu sent another message.

Mr. Su: Great [thumbs] [thumbs] [thumbs]

Xu Yu was so happy that he leaned back, leaned on the sofa, and laughed out loud.

Xu Yu: Thank you

The matter of the two songs came to an end, and Xu Yu got half a day's rest.

He didn't sleep well for several days. He took a nap in the afternoon and slept until night. He got up and had a meal and continued to sleep, and then the next day.

This day is the advertising time of JSS, because the location is different, the two parties agreed to shoot the advertisement in two days.

Today's shoot is a seaside advertisement, and he is dressed in a white suit. He has to go to the company to put on makeup early in the morning.

When putting on makeup, Sister Yun was by her side.

Sister Yun has been very busy these past few days. Before coming to JSS in the morning, she even went to the studio.

At the moment, she was sitting beside Xu Yu and eating bread.

"Your natural curls are really natural." Sister Yun said while drinking milk.

Xu Yu raised his eyes and looked up.

Sister Yun clicked her tongue, Xu Yu's side profile is absolutely amazing, her eyelashes are longer and thicker than hers.

After the makeup artist finished drawing the eyebrows, she followed what Sister Yun said just now: "Yeah, the hair is still very soft and easy to handle." After the makeup artist finished speaking, she raised her hand and gave Xu Yuzi a stroke.

Sister Yun raised her head and began to blow her cub: "And you know what? His hair looks good when he doesn't take care of it, like some people's natural curls, just after washing or something, it looks sloppy Very, Xu Yu doesn't know at all."

Makeup artist: "Yeah, I found out when I came in the morning."

After talking here, there was a sudden noise outside the dressing room. Xu Yu sat up a little when he heard the sound.

"Xiaowen, what's going on outside?" A man came in, and the makeup artist asked her.

Xiaowen said: "It's nothing, someone hit the lamp, helped it up and almost fell down."

Xu Yu pursed his lips.

When Xu Yu finished applying makeup and changed into clothes, the makeup artist was not around, and Sister Yun finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"My God, where did this little prince come from?" Sister Yun frowned and applauded.

Xu Yu buttoned his coat in front of the mirror, seeing that Sister Yun still wanted to continue talking, he immediately raised his hand: "That's fine."

Sister Yun laughed: "My mother said that people should praise more, and they will look better if they praise more."

Xu Yu's voice was three pitches higher, and he tilted his head very lively: "Thank you, Sister Yun!"

It's sunny today, so take pictures when the sun is good, the effect will be the best.

Without much delay, Xu Yu came out of the dressing room, and the group got into the car and went to the scene.

Sister Yun specially rented a nanny car today. After all, Xu Yu is the protagonist, and some vanity scenes are still needed. After the filming, she took a taxi back.

After asking for the address and getting in the car, Sister Yun clicked on the music software.

The familiar prelude came out, and Sister Yun said "Huh".

Sister Yun: "Why are there so many comments all of a sudden, I didn't see any of them last night."

Xu Yu leaned over and took a look.

"Are your fans so powerful? I used your Weibo to post it yesterday," Sister Yun shook her head, "There are only a few hundred comments on Weibo, why are there thousands of comments here?"

Xu Yu picked up the phone: "Let me ask."

Sister Yun was curious: "Who are you asking?"

Xu Yu: "Zheng Xue, he said yesterday that he would find a navy for me."

Sister Yun smiled: "Just ask."

Xu Yu sent Zheng Xue a WeChat message, and Zheng Xue replied to him not long after, saying that it wasn't him, so he only sent it in a few customer groups and circles of friends.

Sister Yun asked, "Did you send it to other people?"

Xu Yu turned his head and blinked at Sister Yun.

Sister Yun laughed: "Why do you look at me like that? I'm asking you something."