His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 2


Xu Yu's idea of giving way to them is already unrealistic. He just rejected the other party, and if he doesn't leave now, he will feel a little embarrassed.

So like this, Xu Yu stood up and left without looking away.

It's just that this corridor is too long and too straight. For a long time, Xu Yu felt very uncomfortable when he thought that there might be a group of people staring at him behind him.

Turning another corner is the elevator door. The moment Xu Yu left the corridor, he let out a soft breath.

"Sister Yun," Xu Yu said, "Go ahead."

Sister Yun was not in a hurry, so she asked first, "What's the matter? What happened just now?"

Xu Yu pressed the down button of the elevator: "It's nothing, someone strikes up a conversation."

Sister Yun let out a long sigh, as if she was a little confused: "Why didn't I hear anything, how did you strike up a conversation?"

Xu Yu curled his lips, looked at the elevator that was about to reach the floor, and said, "I picked up something and asked for my name."

The elevator dinged to the floor.

Xu Yu walked in, and when he turned to close the elevator, he heard a voice from the corridor. Then, those people appeared in sight and walked towards the elevator.

Xu Yu calmly took a step towards the number keys, looked straight ahead without expression, and quickly pressed the door close key where no one else could see.


The moment the elevator door closed, the man seemed to have glanced inside.

But maybe Xu Yu was wrong.

This reception was strongly invited by Xu Yu's cousin, saying that it would be fun, cousin, you must come, I begged my father to get the ticket after a long time.

As a result, on the way, my cousin was told that there was something wrong with the experimental data, and he was called back to school on the spot.

Xu Yu had already set aside time for the evening, so he simply went upstairs with the invitation letter, but he didn't expect that the reception would be so boring.

Before my cousin left, please ask Xu Yu, if you meet something interesting at night, you must take a picture of it for him to see.

When going downstairs, Xu Yu sent a WeChat message to his cousin: I'm bored, I'm leaving

What is the reception tonight

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

"I'll move on to the next point," Sister Yun said on the other end of the phone, "This is what the lawyer told me, you have to pay special attention."

Xu Yu: "Yes."

Xu Yu has been very busy these days.

Not only do I have unfinished work on hand, but I also visit companies and law firms several times a day.

The termination of the contract has already been applied to the company, and the company probably thinks that he has no future, so they give up after a few words of persuasion.

Then there is the question of program.

And money.

At the end of the day, Xu Yu returned home exhausted.

Open the door and go straight to the bathroom and fill the bathtub with water.

Not long after, the bathroom was filled with warm mist. Xu Yu took off his clothes and stood on the floor with bare feet, touched the water in the bathtub, and stepped in.

It took more than half an hour to soak, and finally the phone ringing in the room woke him up.

Xu Yu opened his eyes, turned his head to look at the mobile phone beside the bed, and sat up.

Next to the bathtub is a floor-to-ceiling glass window, and outside is his bed.

As night fell and the lights in the bedroom were not turned on, the glass window at this moment was like a mirror, clearly framing Xu Yu inside.

Although he has been exercising all year round, although Xu Yu looks thin, he has a good figure, with well-defined muscles and straight legs.

He had just taken a shower, and his hair was limply hanging, partly covering his eyes and partly covering his ears.

The ringing of the mobile phone in the bedroom had stopped, so Xu Yu simply didn't rush over there, first brought a towel, and wiped his hair against the glass window.

My hair is a bit long, but I haven't had time to cut it recently.

Xu Yu wiped it a few more times, threw the towel into the bucket, and walked out in a bathrobe.

As soon as he got to the bedside, the phone rang again. When Xu Yu saw the call, he showed a rare smile these days.

"Brother." Xu Yu answered the phone and sat down beside the bed.

The other end of the phone hummed lightly and asked, "Are you off work?"

Xu Weichi always referred to his work as work, Xu Yu wanted to change it when he heard it for the first time, but after thinking about it, it seems that there is no more suitable word to replace it.

It is very appropriate to go to and from get off work.

"It's off work," Xu Yu also asked, "What about you? It's early morning over there, why are you calling me at this time?"

Xu Weichi: "Happy birthday."

Xu Yu bit his lower lip lightly, and laughed: "It's not twelve o'clock yet."

Xu Weichi: "Then I'll call you again tomorrow."

Xu Yu laughed: "No need, thank you brother."

Xu Weichi: "I sent you a gift, but it may be two days late."

Xu Yu knew that Xu Weichi couldn't see him, but he still shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

Xu Weichi asked: "How are you doing recently? I don't have much time recently, and I haven't called you for a long time."

Xu Yu thought about it, and still told Xu Weichi: "I'm going to terminate the contract with the company, no, I'm not preparing, but I'm already doing it."

"Huh?" Xu Weichi was puzzled, "What's the matter? The contract is about to be terminated suddenly."

Xu Yu lowered his head: "I don't like to stay anymore, I still want to do what I like."

Xu Weichi asked: "Aren't you happy with what you did?"

Xu Yu nodded: "I'm a little unhappy."

Xu Weichi didn't ask any more questions, he just said: "If you're not happy, don't do it," then he asked Xu Yu: "Do you need money?"

Straight to the point, Xu Yu faltered after hearing it.

Xu Weichi heard it, and continued to ask: "How much?"

Xu Yu roughly estimated a number and reported it.

If my brother doesn't call him today, he will call his brother in a few days.

Xu Weichi was always straightforward with Xu Yu, there was no hesitation at all, and he just said, "I'll call you tomorrow, do you have any other questions?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "Not anymore."

Xu Weichi asked again: "Where's the lawyer?"

Xu Yu: "I found it, you don't have to worry about this, he is a very good lawyer." Xu Yu smiled and said, "I will return the money to you when I earn it."

Xu Weichi hummed lightly: "No rush, don't treat yourself badly."

Xu Yu: "Okay."

It was already time for the elder brother to rest, so he didn't say anything more.

Few people know that today is his birthday. Since his birth, he is the only elder brother who has blessed him every year.

Xu Weichi knew nothing about the entertainment industry, in Xu Weichi's eyes, Xu Yu probably just found a celebrity job.

Xu Yu rarely told Xu Weichi what happened to him. Firstly, when he first signed the contract, his brother had just bought a company, which was a busy time. Secondly, it was very inconvenient for the two of them to go home and abroad.

So every time Xu Weichi cared about him, he always said that he was fine.

He didn't suffer any major grievances, he just didn't like the things the company arranged for him.

Because of Xu Weichi's happy birthday, Xu Yu slept better today.

Early the next morning, he received a call from Xu Weichi, which was much more than what he said.

Xu Yu sent a thank you to Xu Weichi, and started another day of work.

Xu Yu's odd and unimportant work over the past few years has provided him with a lot of convenience in terminating his contract. He has no long-term endorsements and activities, and there are no messy things, so the procedures will be done faster.

In terms of the details of the contract, his lawyer tried his best to help him fight for the best rights and interests.

"It seems troublesome, but in fact, it's the same thing these days."

In the evening, Sister Yun and Need sat in the office, eating the takeaway that had just arrived, and chatting casually.

Xu Yu hummed.

Sister Yun took a bite of the egg, looked up at Xu Yu, coughed inwardly, and asked Xu Yu, "Do you have any plans for the future?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "No, I want to finish this matter before making any plans."

Sister Yun nodded, paused for a few seconds, and then asked, "What about me? Can I continue to be your assistant?"

Xu Yu smiled, and looked at Sister Yun: "I'm already like this, are you still willing to follow me?"

Sister Yun immediately sat up straight: "I am willing."

Sister Yun also belongs to Xu Yu's company, but she is not so constrained. Apart from Xu Yu, Sister Yun is also the assistant of many people. She manages very complicated things in the company, but Xu Yu has the most workload here, so she and Xu Yu also had the longest contact time.

If Xu Yu wants to leave, she can immediately resign and follow.

The three-year relationship with Xu Yu is a very important reason. They are used to working together. Another reason is that Sister Yun has been in this company for so many years, and she can tell the good from the bad.

Going with Xu Yu will definitely lead to better development than staying with her.

She was optimistic about Xu Yu from the bottom of her heart, and always felt that Xu Yu didn't have a suitable opportunity.

Xu Yuren has a sweet song and a good personality. It will be a matter of time before the public recognizes her.

It's just that the company restricted Xu Yu's development, and also restricted the development of Sister Yun. If the contract is terminated, Xu Yu will still let her be an assistant. She will definitely have a better plan and do well.

"Okay," Xu Yu nodded, "I originally wanted to ask you, but I just terminated the contract with the company. I still have to move forward. I need an assistant to make music." Xu Yu said with a smile : "I'm still worried that you won't follow me anymore."

Sister Yun shook her head vigorously: "No, I am very optimistic about you!"

Xu Yu smiled in relief.

Day and night began to alternate, and night came very quickly.

During the meal time, the city lights were all lit up.

After packing the lunch box, Xu Yu's computer ding-dong and received an email from the lawyer.

He was opening it when Sister Yun suddenly called out.

"Xu Yu Xu Yu, look!"

Xu Yu raised his head, first looked at Sister Yun, and then followed Sister Yun's finger to look out the window.

Looking from this side, on the building not far away, there are six shining big characters that are particularly conspicuous, saying, "Happy birthday to Xu Yu!"

"Is that you Xu Yu?" Sister Yun was very excited: "Happy birthday Xu Yu, is today your birthday?"

Sister Yun was a little confused with excitement, and it took a long time to remember: "Today doesn't seem to be your birthday, isn't your birthday already passed?"

Xu Yu's finger hovered over the mouse, he stared at the blessing on the building, and blinked.

"Today is my birthday," Xu Yu nodded, "Today is my birthday in the lunar calendar, and all my birthdays at home are in the lunar calendar."

Sister Yun's eyes widened in surprise: "So this is what a fan wrote for you?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "The company marked my birthday on the Gregorian calendar. Fans, like you, know the previous one. No one knows today's birthday."

Sister Yun was even more surprised. She pointed at the building: "Then what's going on? Your family wrote it to you?"

Xu Yu was also puzzled.

Of his family, only his brother would do such a thing.

But his brother wasn't the type to give him such surprises.

Xu Yu frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know."