His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 23


Xu Yu's studio has become bustling and busy these days.

The first is to recruit and train new people, and the second is that Sister Yun starts to find someone to share her work.

Day after day, Xu Yu was almost always so busy that he went home and fell asleep after taking a shower, and then slept until early morning.

In addition to the difference in the studio, there is another difference in Xu Yu's breakfast.

Three mornings ago, Xu Yu received a call from Su Yuanjiu as soon as he woke up. Su Yuanjiu asked him if he wanted breakfast.

Before Xu Yu could answer, Su Yuanjiu said again: "My assistant will bring me breakfast every day. I think you should also eat takeaway every morning, so I brought you an extra copy."

Xu Yu made a confused voice in a daze: "What? No need."

Su Yuanjiu smiled: "Just woke up?"

Xu Yu said lazily, "Yes."

Su Yuanjiu: "The assistant is already downstairs, if you think there is no problem, open the door for him."

Then Xu Yu's doorbell rang.

Xu Yu wanted to refuse, but he may have just woken up, his mind is not so clear, and he can't think of a reason for his refusal.

The whole bedroom was filled with the sound of the doorbell, Xu Yu had no choice but to say thank you, and then opened the door for the assistant.

It seemed that they really came to deliver breakfast. Besides wearing a suit, the assistant also introduced himself as Lai Ming, just like a takeaway.

Even when he said "Have a nice meal" when he left, his tone was exactly the same as that of the delivery man, and finally he helped Xu Yu close the door.

As for Su Yuanjiu on the phone, it seemed that he did this incidentally. After making sure that Xu Yu got the takeaway, he said goodbye and hung up the phone.

But Xu Yu opened the bag and felt that the takeaway Su Yuanjiu was talking about might not be the same as the takeaway he usually eats.

It's so delicate, who would eat such a delicate breakfast every day.

He looked at the packaging again, and the logo was a high-end restaurant in Lin City.

Today was no exception. While Xu Yu was changing clothes, the doorbell rang in the bedroom.

He opened the door directly and went downstairs.

After waiting at the door for a few seconds, I heard the sound of the elevator reaching the floor.

Xu Yu thought it would be Lai Ming who appeared, but unexpectedly, Su Yuanjiu appeared suddenly.

"Huh?" The yawn in Xu Yu's mouth was suppressed in an instant, and he regained his energy: "Why are you?"

Su Yuanjiu said, "Morning."

Xu Yu was stunned: "Morning."

Su Yuanjiu was wearing casual clothes today, and the warm light in the morning just came in from the window in the corridor. Su Yuanjiu passed through the light step by step, and walked in front of Xu Yu.

After Su Yuanjiu stood up, Xu Yu realized that he had been staring at him just now.

So he pretended to move his eyes down naturally, looking at the bag in Su Yuanjiu's hand: "Why are you today?"

Su Yuanjiu said: "Today I rest."

Xu Yu didn't understand the causal relationship between these two incidents. They were not from the delivery company, so why did they take over

But after Su Yuanjiu finished speaking, he picked up the bag, so Xu Yu had no choice but to say, "Thank you."

Su Yuanjiu said, "My breakfast is also inside."

Xu Yu snorted, took the bag and put it on the cabinet: "I'll take out your share."

Su Yuanjiu smiled suddenly, and Xu Yu turned to look at him.

Xu Yu: "What's wrong?"

Su Yuanjiu looked into Xu Yu's eyes and asked, "Can't we eat together?"

Xu Yu paused.

But it seems to have been knocked somewhere.

"Come in." Xu Yu made way, and took out Su Yuanjiu's slippers last time.

After Su Yuanjiu came in, Xu Yu closed the door, and he heard Su Yuanjiu ask, "Is it still like a home visit?"

Xu Yu smiled: "My teacher won't bring me breakfast."

Su Yuanjiu asked: "Then who will bring you breakfast?"

An answer immediately flashed in Xu Yu's mind.

But instead of answering the one in his head, he said, "Takeaway."

Xu Yu took Su Yuanjiu to the dining room, put the bag on the table, sat down, and stood up again within half a second.

Suddenly standing and sitting, Su Yuanjiu was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet," Xu Yu said, patting the bag, "Eat first, I'll wash it."

After leaving the dining room, Xu Yu closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and tilted his head.

Why is he in such a panic

Xu Yu smiled when he thought of something.

It's like a home visit.

After washing and going downstairs again, Xu Yu thought he was in a better state of mind.

Su Yuanjiu had already taken out all the food from the bag and arranged it on the table, it was fresh as if it had just been served from the kitchen.

Xu Yu sat down and asked, "Do you eat these every day?"

Su Yuanjiu shook his head: "Occasionally do it by yourself."

Xu Yu: "What are you doing?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Do whatever you want to eat."

Xu Yu nodded.

Su Yuanjiu said again: "I invite you to come to my house for breakfast next time."

Xu Yu shook his head: "No more."

Su Yuanjiu suddenly lowered the spoon a little and turned to look at Xu Yu.

"You seem to be very used to rejecting me." Su Yuanjiu said.

Xu Yu didn't look at Su Yuanjiu, and lowered his head to poke the food on the plate with a spoon: "I didn't refuse it either."

Su Yuanjiu raised his eyebrows slightly: "It means that you will definitely come to my house for breakfast next time?"

Xu Yu paused, and stopped his hands: "What do I mean?"

Su Yuanjiu nodded: "That's what you mean."

In the end, Xu Yu didn't explain what he meant, and like many times before, he didn't carry out the rejection to the end.

After breakfast, Xu Yu packed up his things.

Back in the living room, Su Yuanjiu was sitting on the sofa. He walked over and looked at each other abruptly when the distance between them was within three meters.

"Oops," Xu Yu said, "what do you do next?"

Su Yuanjiu: "I thought you would drive me away."

Xu Yu twisted his mouth: "Am I such a person?"

Su Yuanjiu smiled and asked, "You don't have to work today?"

Xu Yu: "I also rest today."

Su Yuan hummed for a long time, and asked again: "Is it normal for a day of home visits?"

Xu Yu replied: "It is normal in some cases."

After Xu Yu finished speaking, he was stunned.

In fact, he just responded casually, probably to tell Su Yuanjiu that he welcomes him very much.

But when the words came out, there was a very sensitive word, some.

Xu Yu's mind flashed with thoughts.

At this time, Su Yuanjiu asked, "Under what circumstances?"

Xu Yu bowed his head: "It's nothing." He immediately picked up the remote control and turned on the TV: "Want to watch a movie?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Okay."

Xu Yu felt that he needed to reflect recently.

Su Yuanjiu was the guest, and Xu Yu entrusted him with the task of choosing a movie, but Xu Yu didn't expect that Su Yuanjiu would choose a documentary.

It's such an early morning, it's spring again, I went to bed late yesterday, and the documentary is still so boring.

So looking at it like this, Xu Yu successfully fell asleep on the sofa.

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he knew when he woke up.

The living room was pitch black, someone must have drawn the curtains.

The documentary was not finished, the sound was very low, and it was still a tone that could easily make people fall asleep.

But Xu Yu was not put to sleep, because he vaguely remembered what was going on now and who the people around him were.

The man is covering him with a blanket.

Su Yuanjiu moved lightly.

In fact, most of the time, Su Yuanjiu was very gentle to him, he seemed to be coaxing to do many things, and to coax him to say many things.

Xu Yu deduced that he should not have slept for a long time, otherwise Su Yuanjiu would have covered him with a blanket long ago.

He didn't know if he should wake up now.

Thinking, Su Yuanjiu had already pulled the lower part of the blanket, but the upper blanket was still messed up.

Xu Yu closed his eyes again.

Thinking of Su Yuanjiu approaching, Xu Yu's heart suddenly beat violently.

And swallowed unnaturally.

"Are you awake?" Su Yuanjiu said suddenly.

Xu Yu paused for half a second before slowly opening his eyes.

What caught my eye was Su Yuanjiu's broad shoulders, probably the blanket had been tidied, and Su Yuanjiu was about to get up.

Xu Yu's Adam's apple slid up and down, moving faster than his brain, he suddenly raised his hand and put it on Su Yuanjiu's shoulder.

Su Yuanjiu probably didn't expect Xu Yu to do this, he frowned slightly, and lowered his head to meet Xu Yu's gaze.

In the dark living room, there is an intriguing atmosphere everywhere.

Su Yuanjiu was very close to Xu Yu, so close that Xu Yu could even feel Su Yuanjiu's breath on his neck, warm and warm.

Xu Yu didn't know why he did this.

But he knew that if he pulled Su Yuanjiu down with a little more force, they would definitely kiss in the next second.

In his dream, he and Su Yuanjiu started like this, and then they did it.