His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 26


Not only Sister Yun was puzzled, but Xu Yu was also puzzled.

Sister Yun was still busy with this matter. After Xu Yu said he didn't know, the two of them were silent for a few seconds before hanging up the phone.

Xu Yu clicked into WeChat, and reminded him to watch the group of friends on Weibo, but now the group name has been changed, and it is called "Seriously?"

Xu Yu clicked in, and his friends were discussing Weibo. The content of the chat was to cut off the comments one by one, and then everyone laughed hahaha.

Xu Yu interrupted their hahaha, and asked: Did you buy the hit

When Xu Yu asked, the topic changed immediately.

Friend 1: No, Master Xu, how can we have this spare money

Friend 2: We are also wondering, originally we just organized a Weibo together, but we didn’t expect all of them to be popular

Friend 3: Just now we were discussing whether you bought it

Friend 4: Did your studio buy it

Xu Yu: It's not me, my studio didn't buy it either

Xu Yu: @郑学 Did you buy it

Zheng Xue: Not me

Zheng Xue: I don’t have that much spare money either.

Xu Yu thought for a moment.

Xu Yu: Seriously

Friend 1: Seriously

Friend 2: Seriously

Friend 3: Seriously

Friend 4: Seriously

Zheng Xue: Seriously

Xu Yu looked at the full-screen copy and laughed.

While chatting, a number popped up in the upper left corner, and someone outside sent him a message.

Xu Yu withdrew to look, it was Sister Yun who sent it.

Sister Yun: I am wondering...

Sister Yun: Could it be that some benefactor has taken a fancy to you, hahaha

Sister Yun: I even began to suspect that the last time I sing you song incident was also caused by the sponsor

Xu Yu: Seriously

Sister Yun: You learn and use

Sister Yun: Look at the last time, how long did it take? The wind changed suddenly, and Zeng Chen quit the show the next afternoon

Sister Yun: This time too, the speed is very fast, it seems that I don’t want to see you being bullied

Sister Yun: I suddenly have a brain hole

Sister Yun: Could it be your Mr. Clumsy

Xu Yu:

Xu Yu: Put your brains away, don't think too much

Xu Yu quickly typed in the input box "Mr. Clumsy is by my side, how is it possible", but after thinking about it, he still deleted this sentence.

Xu Yu: There are so many people who don't like Zeng Chen, it's normal for everyone to beat him and help me

Xu Yu: I am now in a disadvantaged position, and the masses usually stand on the disadvantaged side

Sister Yun: yes

Sister Yun: Your third song will be released today, but you don’t need to post on Weibo, and you won’t need to post this kind of Weibo in the future. Someone in the studio will do it

Sister Yun: Now you have a team

Xu Yu: Sister Yun has worked hard

Xu Yu locked the phone, turned around and found that Su Yuanjiu's phone and tablet were all put away.

Xu Yu asked: "Solved?"

Su Yuanjiu nodded: "Solved."

Xu Yu nodded: "That's good."

Su Yuanjiu: "What's wrong? I feel relieved."

Xu Yu: "After all, I came to build the city. If it delays your work, I am not, and I will feel bad."

Su Yuan laughed for a long time, and followed suit: "Yes, what should I do?"

Xu Yu paused.

But seeing Su Yuanjiu's relaxed expression and still smiling, he curled his lips and said, "Is this how you answered it?"

Su Yuan groaned for a long time, and asked, "Otherwise? How should I pick it up?"

Xu Yu said: "You should say, why would you think so, no."

Su Yuan groaned for a long time, and nodded: "Teacher Xu is a good teacher, I have learned it, and I will answer like this next time."

Xu Yu: "..."

Xu Yu: "Su Yuanjiu."

Su Yuan smiled for a long time: "What's wrong?"

Xu Yu turned his head back: "It's okay."

The seats of Xu Yu and Su Yuanjiu are separated, so as long as Xu Yu leans into the chair, Su Yuanjiu cannot see his expression.

Xu Yu decided not to speak for now.

He looked at the flowers, plants and trees running back outside the car window, and thought to himself, why does Su Yuanjiu keep teasing him like this

After more than ten seconds, Xu Yu came to his senses, and reflected on why he was like this? Why is it so easy to be provoked and lose your temper

Just then, the phone vibrated again.

Xu Yu turned his head to look at Su Yuanjiu, and saw that Su Yuanjiu also picked up the phone.

Xu Yu is a little sensitive to mobile phones now, especially when it was Sister Yun who sent the message.

He clicked to open it.

Sister Yun: By the way, there is one more thing, a movie contacted us in the morning, saying that they want you to be the theme song of their movie

Sister Yun: The name of the movie is "The Second Person". I checked, and the hero of the movie is Fan Qi, and Fan Qi made the phone call in the morning. I remember you told me that you like Fan Qi

Sister Yun: Take a look at this matter, I think it can be done

Sister Yun: Although this movie doesn’t look very powerful, there is no publicity, and there are few news, but the crew is not bad, I think we can talk about it

Xu Yu watched and sat up straight.

Xu Yu sent a message asking: Fan Qi? Fan Qi made the call? I played it

Sister Yun: yes

Xu Yu: Give me your phone number

Xu Yu: I'll call him

Sister Yun: Do you want to contact me by yourself

Sister Yun: Tell me what you decided, and we will help you get in touch

Xu Yu: No, not talking about movies

Sister Yun sent Fan Qi's phone number.

Xu Yu clicked on it, but instead of calling immediately, he said to Su Yuanjiu, "I'll make a call."

Su Yuanjiu nodded: "Okay."

Xu Yu asked, "How long will it be?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Five minutes."

Xu Yu: "Okay."

He coughed and called the phone.

After waiting for nearly thirty seconds, the other side finally picked up.

Xu Yu said politely, "Hello, is this Teacher Fan?"

Over there: "Hello, it's me, are you?"

Xu Yu: "Teacher Fan, I'm Xu Yu."

The tone over there immediately became gentle: "It's you, your studio told you?"

Xu Yu: "Well, but I'm not here to chat about singing."

Fan Qi laughed: "I can understand that you remember who I am?"

Xu Yu smiled: "I didn't think about it, I kept remembering it. I have watched all the scenes you made, Mr. Fan."

"Really or not," Fan Qi joked, "Then I'll test you."

Xu Yu smiled and said, "You take the test."

"I believe you," Fan Qi smiled, "I didn't expect you to remember me. It's been so many years. I couldn't believe it when I saw your news a few days ago. My wish has come true. The new song is very good."

Xu Yu smiled: "Thank you teacher."

Fan Qi: "But it's not convenient for me right now, I have something to do here, can I add you on WeChat?"

Xu Yu: "Yes."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yu changed the phone note just now to "Teacher Fan Qi."

Before Fan Qi could do anything, Xu Yu found his WeChat account by his number and sent a friend request.

After doing this, he found Su Yuanjiu looking at him from the corner of his eye.

Xu Yu turned his head, his smile still remained, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Yuanjiu said: "It's so fun to make a phone call."

Xu Yu's happiness had faded away, but he got up again in an instant. He smiled and shook his phone: "Do you know who he is?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Who?"

Xu Yu: "Fan Qi, do you know him?"

Su Yuanjiu: "I don't know."

"An actor, and my English tutor in junior high school," Xu Yu shared earnestly: "He has good acting skills, but maybe the resources are not good, he has no background, and has never been popular."

Su Yuanjiu hummed lightly and asked, "How old is he?"

Xu Yu did the math: "Five years older than me."

"Five years old?" Su Yuanjiu was puzzled: "Your tutor?"

Xu Yu nodded: "At that time, he had just finished the college entrance examination, and my English was not very good at that time. My brother found him, and his English is very good."

Su Yuanjiu said lightly.

Xu Yu: "In addition to English, he also made up other subjects. His college entrance examination scores are very good."

Su Yuanjiu: "Yes."

Xu Yu: "After he went to college, he stopped giving me tutoring. Then I found out that he became an actor, so I have been paying attention to him since his first play."

Su Yuanjiu: "Yes."

Xu Yu: "If I have a chance, I'll show you his movie."

Su Yuanjiu: "Yes."

Probably because Fan Qi was Xu Yu's only tutor, and Fan Qi not only taught well, but also treated Xu Yu very well. Impressions have always been good.

So many years later, I accidentally saw Fan Qi on TV. After he paid attention, he never stopped.

After another five minutes, the car slowly stopped in a square.

"Here we are." Su Yuanjiu said.

Su Yuanjiu got out of the car first, followed by Xu Yu, and when his legs landed on the ground, Su Yuanjiu asked, "Have you been here before?"

Xu Yu looked up and scanned around: "No."

Su Yuanjiu: "It's fine if you don't have one."

Xu Yu looked at Su Yuanjiu: "If I had been here, would Mr. Su's trip be wasted?"

Su Yuanjiu thought for a while: "Then I can only make up a better one to lie to you."

Xu Yu was amused: "Why are you so bad."

What Su Yuanjiu took Xu Yu to was a private restaurant, which was located on the basement floor of the inner row.

On the way, Su Yuanjiu asked Xu Yu, "Are you hungry?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "It's okay."

Su Yuanjiu glanced at the time, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's a little impulsive," Su Yuanjiu smiled, "That's how I came here."

Xu Yu nodded in agreement: "Yes."

Su Yuanjiu put his hand on Xu Yu's head, and asked, "Is it fun, kid?"

Xu Yu bent down to break away from Su Yuanjiu's palm, and said, "Then let's have fun."

There is an escalator going to the basement level. There are two escalators side by side, one going up and the other going down.

The two reached the middle of the escalator, and a person came up the escalator coming up from the other side. The person was playing with his mobile phone at first, then raised his head inadvertently, and was suddenly stunned.


When Su Yuanjiu was called out by him, he turned around.

Just at this time, the two passed by.

Pan Wei was surprised: "I didn't see the wrong person, did I? Why did you come to build the city?"

After Pan Wei finished speaking, he immediately took a few steps up, and after getting out of his elevator, he stepped on the elevator going down again, and caught up with Su Yuanjiu three steps in two.

The three of them got off the elevator together, and Pan Wei was still surprised: "What's going on? Why did I see you here?" Pan Wei glanced at Xu Yu, but immediately looked away: "Why are you here to build the city? "

Su Yuanjiu said, "Eat."

Pan Wei didn't quite understand: "Eat? Just have a meal?"

Su Yuanjiu nodded: "Just have a meal."

Pan Wei: "When are you leaving?"

Su Yuanjiu: "In the evening."

Pan Wei exclaimed: "As expected of you."

Just to say hello and make sure, Pan Wei didn't intend to go with him, he had other things to do, so he didn't plan to stay longer.

After the two parties said goodbye, Pan Wei also smiled politely with the people around Su Yuanjiu, and then separated.

But whatever Pan Wei thought was wrong, he turned around and grabbed Su Yuanjiu before leaving.

"Cousin," Pan Wei's voice was low as if he was afraid of being heard, he raised his eyebrows wildly, raised his chin against Xu Yu's back, and asked in a very ambiguous tone: "Who is he?"

After listening to it for a long time, Su Yuan glanced at Xu Yu, lowered his voice, and said to Pan Wei, "One percent of me."