His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 34


Xu Yu's voice was so low that if Zheng Xue's spoon touched the bowl, he wouldn't be able to hear it.

Then Zheng Xue laughed out a sound that could be heard by little ants in the corner of the ceiling on the second floor.


So fresh.

Xu Yu finally had a relationship.

The breakfast was intermittent, and finally Zheng Xue helped Xu Yu clear the table, and the two left the kitchen with a bottle of wine. For the convenience of drinking, the two walked to the bar at the back of the living room.

Thinking it's been a while since I came here, the last time Zheng Xue came here, he was also sitting here, watching a movie with Xu Yu.

However, before I finished watching the movie, Xu Yu's phone rang when he was only ten minutes away. His company had an event for him to attend right away.

At that time, it was all over and they broke up. Today, the two simply picked up the movie again.

"Should no one call you over this time, right?" Zheng Xue asked Xu Yu.

Xu Yu shook his head: "No."

Zheng Xuexiao: "You are also the boss now, and you will never be oppressed by strange bosses again."

Xu Yu smiled, tuned out the movie, and opened the wine by the way.

Zheng Xue went to the refrigerator to get ice cubes, threw a few into the glass, and Xu Yu poured the wine down.

"You can only have one drink." Zheng Xue said.

Xu Yu: "I know."

Zheng Xue asked: "Can we start?"

Xu Yu glanced at Zheng Xue lightly.

Of course Xu Yu knew that Zheng Xue was not talking about movies.

Xu Yu: "What do you want to know?"

Zheng Xue became excited and geared up.

What a coincidence, the movie shown on the screen is a romance movie.

Zheng Xue smirked: "Suddenly I don't know where to start."

Xu Yu sat down and took a sip of wine.

Zheng Xue tilted his body a bit, looked at Xu Yu, and asked, "When did you like him?"

Xu Yu: "Just now."

Zheng Xue laughed, and Xu Yu also laughed.

In Zheng Xue's perception, Xu Yu has always lacked interest in love, not only love, but also friendship. Of course, family affection will not be mentioned.

Xu Yu is not a proactive person, Zheng Xueneng and him became such good friends back then, it was all because of Zheng Xueneng.

Xu Yu's family is good, he treats people politely, and is polite and friendly to everyone, but he is born with a sense of alienation and is also very slow. Even if he contacts and talks to him every day, it is difficult to get into his heart.

Zheng Xue felt that Xu Yu's family accounted for part of the reason, and the rest was Xu Yu's own character.

As for Xu Yu's "just now", it probably means that Zheng Xue's question awakened Xu Yu and made him realize his liking for Su Yuanjiu.

For so many years, the two talked about love because of Zheng Xue, and many times it was Zheng Xue who was talking and Xu Yu was listening.

Zheng Xue felt excited that it was finally your turn today.

He picked up the cup, touched Xu Yu's, returned the topic, and asked, "Is Su Yuanjiu chasing you?"

Xu Yu didn't deny it this time, and only left the first half of the answer: "I don't know."

Zheng Xue asked again: "Is he crooked?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "I don't know."

Zheng Xue: "If I didn't chase you, it's always true that I like you, right?"

There are many kinds of liking, Zheng Xue likes Xu Yu is one kind, and Su Yuanjiu likes Xu Yu can also be one kind.

Xu Yu finally admitted a bit: "Maybe," Xu Yu took another sip and said slowly, "He likes my song quite a bit."

Senior Zheng let out a long cry.

Xu Yu added: "Is it my fan?"

Zheng Xue let out another long ah, and asked Xu Yu, "Is he treating you well?"

I got to the point.

I also asked Xu Yu's heart.

Xu Yu nodded: "Be nice to me."

The cup Xu Yu gave Zheng Xue was a serious drinking cup, but his own cup was taken casually.

The cup was equipped with a spoon with a small head. When Xu Yu said this, he was pressing the ice cubes on the side of the spoon to the bottom.

Xu Yu: "When I was filming a commercial in JSS, he let me and Sister Yun take his special elevator, and would come to see me. Later, I accidentally fell and broke my knee, so he stopped the commercial immediately. , He also sent me medicine when he came back, and asked me to pat the wound to show him after a few days, he cared about me very much."

The ice cube twisted its body, and when it was about to float up, Xu Yu raised the spoon again and pressed it down.

"I wanted to eat Jianshi's spicy crab the day before yesterday, so he took me to Jianshi that day and came back after eating." Xu Yu stared at the ice cubes: "He has watched a lot of my videos, and he has strawberries in the refrigerator at home. The drinks are also full of peach flavor, I told him that I occasionally play Lego at home, and he gave me last year's limited edition Lego in a few days."

There is also the matter that Zheng Xue knew about yesterday.

As if looking back, and also as if thinking about why he was gradually falling, Xu Yuyue said his tone became weaker and softer, and the ice cubes became smaller.

"Oh my god." Zheng Xue was very surprised when he heard this, he shook his head and looked at Xu Yu: "Is he teasing you so much?"

Xu Yu didn't quite understand: "Really."

What Xu Yu was talking about was just an incident.

He couldn't describe what Su Yuanjiu said to him.

Zheng Xue smiled: "Who can stand this, Su Yuanjiu."

Xu Yu suddenly froze: "Yes."

But Zheng Xue still said: "But I think he might be chasing you." Zheng Xue thought for a while and asked, "Does he have an ex?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "I don't know."

Zheng Xue let out a cry.

Xu Yu added: "Actually, I don't know him very well, I don't know him very well."

Zheng Xue let out another ah.

This is Xu Yu.

Zheng Xue gave a small suggestion: "How about you confess to him first?"

Xu Yu immediately said, "No."

Zheng Xue shut his mouth.

Xu Yu: "What if he's just chasing stars, it's so embarrassing."

Zheng Xue was excited: "Which fan doesn't want to sleep with an idol."

Xu Yu looked up at Zheng Xue.

Zheng Xue laughed dryly.

Xu Yu lowered his head again and took a sip of his wine.

The ice cube under the spoon has melted halfway and is now smoother and harder to press.

"You also know that idols don't last long, and they can be changed every minute," Xu Yu said, "He likes me so much today, and he likes others like this tomorrow. Besides, I haven't known him for long, so I don't know that he loves everyone. It’s all like that, or just me.”

Zheng Xue thought for a while, and nodded in agreement, but after thinking about it, he still said: "But some fans are very long-term, and they will chase after a star for a lifetime."

Xu Yu didn't deny it either: "These exist, and those also exist."

Zheng Xue hummed, he picked up the wine and was about to drink it, but suddenly he felt something wrong.

What idol fans, how could the topic be taken astray.

"No," Zheng Xue brought the topic back again: "What if he likes you?"

Xu Yu also asked: "What if he doesn't like me?"

Zheng Xue frowned. While he felt that it was reasonable, he also felt that Xu Yu had surrounded him.

He lowered his head and drank half a glass of wine, finally sorting out his thoughts a bit.

Zheng Xue: "I mean, if he likes you too, once you say it, isn't everyone happy?"

However, Xu Yu still said, "No."

Zheng Xue looked at Xu Yu, dazed for a moment, as if the Xu Yu in front of him was not the Xu Yu he knew.

"Then I don't even want to talk about it." Xu Yu suddenly remembered the smile on Su Yuanjiu's face when he teased him.

Xu Yu's spoon ran after the ice cubes: "Why should I say it first? If he likes me, he must be earlier than me, and must be much earlier. Maybe it's the first time we met."

Xu Yu recalled the first time they met, Su Yuanjiu picked up the cufflinks.

Maybe Su Yuanjiu forcibly tore that cuff button off his sleeve just to get his name.

Why should he speak first

Why should he speak first.

It was Su Yuanjiu who came to strike up a conversation first.

It was Su Yuanjiu who first came to invite cooperation.

It was Su Yuanjiu who took the initiative to move to this community.

It was Su Yuanjiu who proposed to build the city.

It was Su Yuanjiu who wanted to bring the breakfast.

Why should he speak first

Xu Yu: "I won't say it, I won't say it."

Zheng Xue held back his laughter and couldn't get into a fit. Looking at Xu Yu like this, he was surprised and cute. He asked, "You guys have known each other for so long, has he ever told you anything?"

Xu Yu: "What did you say?"

Zheng Xue laughed: "That's right, um." Zheng Xue thought for a while and asked, "Did he express any words? For example, did he like you, hinting that he wanted to be with you?"

Xu Yu shook his head. Instead of chasing the ice, he poked it vigorously and smashed it directly at the bottom of the cup: "No, not at all."

Zheng Xue was also a little vacillating, he clicked his tongue, and became worried from Xu Yu's point of view: "If he doesn't like you or is chasing you, he is too scumbag," Zheng Xue thought of Xu Yu He added another sentence: "If it's just flirting, it's a scumbag."

Xu Yu pursed his lips, and suddenly said: "Not really." Thinking of what Su Yuanjiu said about friends yesterday, Xu Yu whispered more and more: "It's okay between friends."

It is completely understandable and normal to interpret Su Yuanjiu's behavior as being kind to his friends and caring for his younger brother.

The only thing that was wrong was Xu Yu, who was a good person, stupid, and didn't know how to resist when he was teased for nothing.

Probably because of the atmosphere and drinking, Xu Yu was depressed and nodded while talking.

At this moment, he was actually thinking that if Su Yuanjiu didn't like him, he would be very sad.

Sad and angry.


Xu Yu took another sip and finished the rest of the wine completely.

He put down the cup, stared at the cup, found his normal tone and state, and said, "I've said too much, so don't talk to me."

Zheng Xue smiled.

He seemed to have realized that Xu Yu only listened to him but didn't reply back then, and now he is the same.

Even Xu Yu doesn't know Su Yuanjiu, how dare he make suggestions, if the direction is reversed, Xu Yu will be sad.

But having said that, even though Xu Yu said this, Zheng Xue still thinks.

"I still think Su Yuanjiu likes you." Zheng Xue said.

Xu Yu turned to look at Zheng Xue: "Why?"

Zheng Xue sat up straighter: "I'm gay Da Ke is fucking smart, the way Su Yuanjiu looked at you yesterday, there was a little bit of concern in his eyes, and love in his eyes!"

Some did not, Xu Yu said: "Then you are amazing."

Zheng Xue laughed, and he asked again: "I have remembered JSS for several years, how old is he?"

Xu Yu: "30."

Zheng Xue raised his eyebrows and sat up straighter: "Oh? Oh?"

Xu Yu said what Zheng Xue wanted to know: "It's a month older than my brother, okay."

Zheng Xue laughed, picked up the wine glass, touched Xu Yu's empty glass, and sighed: "Love is here, and it can't be stopped. It doesn't matter if you are 8 years old, huh?"

Xu Yu and Su Yuanjiu only had a few things, Zheng Xue brought only one bottle of wine, and the movie lasted more than an hour, and they hadn't finished watching it yet.

Zheng Xue didn't have enough sleep time. He originally wanted to sleep at Xu Yu's house, but his boyfriend called him away.

In just one morning, Xu Yu seemed to have experienced a lot.

He was getting enough sleep, but feeling very tired.

After tidying up the living room, he took his mobile phone and went back upstairs.

Xu Yu's alcohol capacity is very good, so a glass is nothing at all.

I probably talked too much just now and confused myself, but now that I come to my senses, it doesn't seem to be that exaggerated.

He didn't like Su Yuanjiu very much either.


Thinking about it, Xu Yu took out his phone, switched to the small account and clicked on Weibo.

The originally sluggish spirit suddenly became energetic after seeing the trending search, and immediately sat up straight.

Hot search fifth: Su Yuanjiu posted on Weibo

Hot search seventh: Su Yuanjiu Xu Yu

He clicked directly into the topic of #苏元九许瑜#.

The leader was a Weibo post by Su Yuanjiu. The content of the Weibo was: "Who is interested, please cut a Xipi video of me and Xu Yu. I want to watch it."

Xu Yu's hands trembled, and he almost lost his grip on the phone.

It was posted on Weibo half an hour ago. At this moment, there are almost 10,000 comments, so Xu Yu clicked into the comments again.

The first hot comment: ""

The second hot comment: "What??!!!!!!!!!"

The third hot comment: "Leave me alone!!!"

The fourth hot comment: "Su Yuanjiu, He, Xu Yu? My village has just connected to the Internet. Who can tell me what's going on now?"

Xu Yu scrolled down one by one, read the comments, then read the comments in the comments, and even quit to check Su Yuanjiu's Weibo.

The microblog has been authenticated, so it is confirmed that it is me, and the opening time is also today, and only this one was posted.

Xu Yu sat on the chair and continued to brush.

While brushing, he inadvertently looked up, and found his face reflected in the mirror not far away.

A face that looks very happy and has a sweet smile.

Xu Yu paused, locked the phone and threw it aside, and buried his face in his hands.
