His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 39


The recording of the program was very smooth. After the phone call to borrow money, we chatted a few words about Xu Yu's future plans, and finally Xu Yu sang another song, and the program ended.

Probably because the audience was too excited in the part of borrowing money. In the last half hour, everyone was in a particularly good spirit, and the occasional interactions were also very cooperative, and the atmosphere was not too good.

Not only the audience, after Xu Yu walked off the stage, he saw several people in his studio, and saw the same smiles as the audience on their faces.

Xu Yu didn't want to ask what everyone was laughing at.

After greeting the program crew, Xu Yu and his party left the TV station.

In the past two days, someone leaked Xu Yu's whereabouts, so when he stepped out of the TV station, he saw a row of fans standing outside on the street.

It was already very late, fans were standing and sitting by the side of the road, a few piled up together holding up light signs, and when they saw Xu Yu going out, they immediately trotted towards them.

Xu Yu didn't get into the car directly, but also walked towards them.

Sister Yun arranged security guards for Xu Yu, and Xu Yu followed the security guards. Fans also surrounded him, and the screams followed.

Xu Yu smiled and waved to everyone, and made a silent gesture: "Good evening, everyone."

The fans responded enthusiastically and lowered their voice obediently.

"Good evening, Yuyu."

"Yuyu, don't work too hard."

"Go back to bed early."

"Come on, Yuyu!"

In order not to increase the security work, Xu Yu didn't stay long. He just stood there for a while before saying goodbye to the fans. It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Xu Yu asked them to go back early and be careful on the road.

As soon as they left the TV station, it seemed that everyone's excitement was exhausted. When they got in the car, everyone was exhausted.

Xu Yu was also a little tired, and he closed his eyes when he got in the car.

When the car was on the road, Xu Yu suddenly opened his eyes and took out his phone.

He found Su Yuanjiu's WeChat and sent him a message.

Xu Yu: No need to borrow money

Xu Yu: It was just a part of the show

Xu Yu: Excuse me

When Xu Yu was typing the third paragraph, it already showed that the other party was typing. When Xu Yu finished typing the third paragraph, Su Yuanjiu's reply was sent.

Mr Su: It's all right

Mr. Su: Is it over

Xu Yu: Yes

Su Yuanjiu's next reply was a phone call.

In the quiet carriage, the bell suddenly rang, and everyone opened their eyes.

Xu Yu pressed the volume button to cancel the sound before picking it up.

"Hello." Xu Yu whispered.

Su Yuanjiu: "Have you gone back?"

"Well, we're in the car," Xu Yu asked, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Su Yuanjiu said, "Wait until you get off work."

Xu Yu's Adam's apple slipped, his throat stuck for half a second, and he said, "You just said you're off work."

There was a sudden pause for a few seconds: "Who else said off work?"

Xu Yu: "My brother, he also said to get off work."

"Your brother." Su Yuanjiu suddenly repeated, and then let out a disappointed laugh.

But Xu Yu on the other end of the phone didn't hear it. He remembered the "Mr. Xu" that Su Yuanjiu called in the show just now, and asked Su Yuanjiu, "Did you know that I was playing a game just now?"

Su Yuanjiu: "I guessed it."

Xu Yu: "How did you guess that?"

Su Yuanjiu: "The kid promised me not to call Mr. Su, but if he suddenly called out like that, there must be something wrong."

Xu Yu raised his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Then what if the kid just forgot and called you Mr. Su?"

Su Yuanjiu laughed: "No way, what can I do?"

Xu Yu pursed his lips and smiled, and said deliberately: "Mr. Su, good evening."

Su Yuanjiu let out a deep laugh.

Xu Yu closed his eyes, sighed inwardly, and opened them again.

He asked: "What if it wasn't a game just now? Lend me the money?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Here."

Xu Yu: "You trust me so much?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Not much money."

"Wow," Xu Yu laughed softly, "Boss Su is rich and powerful."

Su Yuanjiu also laughed, but soon, he said: "Okay, let's stop making trouble, and I won't be called Mr. Su."

Xu Yu's mouth was round: "Oh."

Su Yuanjiu: "Is it possible?"

Xu Yu: "What if it's not possible?"

Su Yuanjiu: "I'll give you half a million."

Xu Yu was so teased that he laughed out loud, but thinking that someone was sleeping behind him, he immediately covered his mouth.

Xu Yu's voice became softer: "A change of mouth fee?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Alright."

Xu Yu laughed.

The hotel was not very far from the TV station. Xu Yu calculated that he was almost there, so he said to the phone, "Go to bed early, I'm almost at the hotel."

Su Yuanjiu hummed: "What time is your appointment with Ji Zhouchuan tomorrow?"

Xu Yu: "Two o'clock in the afternoon."

Su Yuanjiu asked, "Who will go?"

Xu Yu: "Sister Yun and I have one assistant, three."

Su Yuanjiu: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Xu Yu: "Yes."

The phone hung up just right, Xu Yu put away his phone, and the car stopped in front of the hotel.

The assistant opened the door for him, and he was about to get out of the car when he heard strange laughter from the back seat.

He turned his head, the carriage was very dark, he could only see Beibei and another staff member holding hands tightly and snickering, probably seeing Xu Yu turning his head, the two of them immediately became serious and coughed several times.

Xu Yu had guesses in his heart, but he didn't know how to ask.

Everyone was very tired, said good night in the corridor, and went back to their rooms.

After taking a shower and going to bed, Xu Yu picked up his phone and found that Su Yuanjiu had sent him good night ten minutes ago.

Xu Yu also replied good night, and fell asleep.

Xu Yu's job the next day was to meet Ji Zhouchuan, so everyone got up at noon because they were very slack.

Except for Sister Yun and Bei Bei who wanted to accompany Xu Yu, the rest of the studio had other jobs. They had lunch at the hotel together and then parted ways.

Ji Zhouchuan's home is some distance away from the hotel. In order not to be late, Sister Yun called a car in advance.

"I didn't expect to go to Ji Zhouchuan's house, are you happy, Xu Yu?" Sister Yun asked Xu Yu in the car.

Xu Yu let out a successful star-chasing laugh: "Happy."

Beibei also turned her head: "Xu Yu likes Ji Zhouchuan?"

Xu Yu nodded: "Yes."

Beibei: "I also liked him when I was a child, and I even bought two of his albums. Afterwards, I didn't pay attention to him when he didn't release any songs."

Xu Yu: "He's working behind the scenes now, occasionally doing shows."

Sister Yun: "We're not talking about the show this time."

When Ji Zhouchuan first contacted the studio, he said that he just wanted to make a song with Xu Yu. Later, after chatting, he talked about Ji Zhouchuan's upcoming show, and finally said that he wanted to make the theme song of the show with Xu Yu.

The studio is naturally happy, Ji Zhouchuan's program must be good, plus the song is made with Ji Zhouchuan, then Xu Yu's exposure rate will be even higher.

Sister Yun and Beibei talked and laughed all the way, and found Ji Zhouchuan's house according to the address.

A small villa in the luxury community, I have already said hello before I came, and when I arrived at the door, Sister Yun pressed the doorbell, and the three of them waited quietly at the door.

Within half a minute, the door opened.

And the person who opened the door.

While Sister Yun was shocked, she felt that Beibei beside her was hooking her wrist very tightly.

"Boss Su Su? You're here too." Sister Yun spoke first.

Su Yuanjiu hummed, and made way for the three of them.

Sister Yun and Beibei didn't go in right away, but turned their heads tacitly, and set their eyes on Xu Yu who was at the side.

But Xu Yu didn't catch their sight and walked in before them.

"You came here so early." Xu Yu said to Su Yuanjiu after entering.

Su Yuanjiu: "It's in the morning."

New slippers had been prepared at the door, but Xu Yu suddenly sprained his ankle and fell to one side.

Su Yuanjiu was on the side where he fell, and naturally reached out to support him, and the palm of his hand touched the side of Xu Yu's hand.

There was no intention of falling, Xu Yu immediately took his hand back after standing upright.

"Here we come." Ji Zhouchuan also came out from inside.

Xu Yu changed his shoes: "Mr. Ji is good."

Ji Zhouchuan sighed: "Come in."

Several people from Ji Zhouchuan's team also came, except for Su Yuanjiu, the rest of the people in the room went to the reception room.

Ji Zhouchuan made tea for everyone, and when Xu Yu's cup was placed in front of Xu Yu, Ji Zhouchuan said to him: "He is outside."

Xu Yu paused: "Huh?"

Ji Zhouchuan smiled, but said nothing more.

Time passed, and the discussion on cooperation gradually came to the fore. After chatting for nearly an hour, the two sides initially settled down.

After this matter was over, there was no need for everyone to stay, and they said goodbye as soon as they left the living room.

Xu Yu originally wanted to join in the farewell party, but Ji Zhouchuan suddenly called him out.

"Is Xu Yu free? Stay here if you are free."

Xu Yu glanced at Su Yuanjiu before nodding and saying he was free.

Sister Yun patted Xu Yu's shoulder when she left, and Beibei also patted Xu Yu's shoulder when she left. Xu Yu couldn't stand the ambiguous expression.

He glanced carefully at Su Yuanjiu who was standing beside him, and saw that Su Yuanjiu was talking to Ji Zhouchuan with his head turned. He didn't know if he saw it.

Sister Yun said to Xu Yu: "Let's go, call if you have something to do."

Xu Yu nodded: "Okay."

Once the door was closed, there were only three people left in the room. Xu Yu walked up to the two of them and asked Ji Zhouchuan, "Is Teacher Ji looking for something for me?"

Ji Zhouchuan nodded: "Of course there is something," he said, "Did I say you were my fan last time?"

Xu Yu nodded: "I have liked Teacher Ji for a long time."

Ji Zhouchuan: "How long?"

Xu Yu calculated carefully: "8 years."

Ji Zhouchuan: "It's been so long," he said, patting Su Yuanjiu's shoulder: "It's been a long time, isn't it?"

Su Yuanjiu lightly put down the hands on his shoulders.

Ji Zhouchuan: "Hahahahahaha."

Ji Zhouchuan said seriously: "I heard from Su Yuanjiu that you can play the piano."

Xu Yu was puzzled, and asked Su Yuanjiu, "How do you know?"

Xu Yu has never played the piano under the camera.

Su Yuanjiu asked: "Am I good?"

"What?" Xu Yu nodded perfunctorily: "It's amazing."

Su Yuanjiu laughed, and put his hand on Xu Yu's head.

Ji Zhouchuan: "Hey, I'm still here." He smiled, and said to Xu Yu, "I got a score a few days ago and played it with four hands. I've been looking for someone to try it out, can I?"

Xu Yu nodded: "Yes."

Ji Zhouchuan walked towards the study as he said that, but after taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and asked Su Yuanjiu, "Can you?"

Su Yuanjiu looked like he didn't want to talk to Ji Zhouchuan: "Go quickly."

Ji Zhouchuan smiled and left.

Ji Zhouchuan disappeared at the top of the stairs, Xu Yu was still curious, and asked Su Yuanjiu, "How do you know I can play the piano?"

Su Yuanjiu: "You said so."

Xu Yu tilted his head: "Really?"

For the time being, it may have been mentioned in a previous program.

It didn't take long for Ji Zhouchuan to come down from upstairs with the music score. He beckoned Xu Yu to come over, and the three of them walked to another hall together.

There was only one piano in the hall, and Ji Zhouchuan played the score and asked Xu Yu to sit beside him.

Xu Yu flipped through the score first, then stood up suddenly.

"Mr. Ji, can I make a video?" Xu Yu asked.

Ji Zhouchuan nodded: "Yes."

Xu Yu quickly took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and strode towards Su Yuanjiu.

Xu Yu: "Help me record it."

Su Yuanjiu didn't move immediately, but looked at Xu Yu for several seconds before slowly taking the phone.

Xu Yu said, "Thank you."

Su Yuanjiu clicked to start, and Xu Yu in the camera ran over and sat down beside Ji Zhouchuan.

The two looked at each other and started very tacitly.

Su Yuanjiu was expressionless.

He looked at the two people on the screen and regretted it for a moment.

Why did he introduce these two people

Xu Yu smiled too happily.

Su Yuanjiu was very reluctant and had to hold up the phone, feeling complicated.

At this moment, a WeChat message popped up on Xu Yu's phone.

It was from Sister Yun, asking Xu Yu: Do you have dinner with Mr. Clumsy at night

Su Yuanjiu frowned suspiciously, and he didn't realize that the camera was crooked until the news about Sister Yun disappeared.

After adjusting the camera, Su Yuanjiu also took out his mobile phone, he turned to Pan Wei's WeChat, and Su Yuanjiu sent him a message.

Su Yuanjiu asked: Do you know who Mr. Clumsy is

After he finished speaking, he looked up at the people around Xu Yu, and asked again: Is it Ji Zhouchuan