His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 40


After Xu Yu and Ji Zhouchuan finished playing the song together, Pan Wei returned to Su Yuanjiu.

Pan Wei: I have never heard of it.

Pan Wei: Let me check

Xu Yu walked over with a happy look at this time, Su Yuanjiu put away his mobile phone first, and handed Xu Yu's mobile phone over.

And Xu Yu took the phone, walked over to Ji Zhouchuan without even looking at him.

Ji Zhouchuan: "Let me see the recorded one."

Xu Yu: "Yes."

The voice that echoed in the hall just now came from the mobile phone at this moment. Su Yuanjiu stood aside, quietly watching the two people not far away, interacting with each other.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, Su Yuanjiu looked back and took out the phone.

It was a message from Pan Wei.

Pan Wei: I don’t know, I didn’t find out

Pan Wei: I haven't seen anyone calling Ji Zhouchuan Mr. Clumsy. Where did you see that

Su Yuanjiu typed: I heard it by chance, where did you check it

Pan Wei: I searched on Weibo. Now I basically use Weibo as a search software. I can find almost everything. It is easier to use than search software.

Su Yuanjiu replied well, so he clicked into Weibo. After posting a Weibo that day, he clicked on it for the second time today. Ignoring the large list of unread messages below, he clicked directly into the search, and then Type in "Mr. Clumsy".

After clicking on the search button, many microblogs appeared below, but none of them were useful.

Su Yuanjiu entered "Mr. Clumsy Ji Zhouchuan" again, and the correlation was 0.

He thought for a while, and then entered "Mr. Clumsy Su Yuanjiu", and the correlation was also 0.

Su Yuanjiu directly cleared the Weibo background.

"How do you eat tonight?" Ji Zhouchuan asked suddenly.

Su Yuanjiu put away his phone, and both of them walked towards him before meeting him.

Ji Zhouchuan stopped a meter away, but Xu Yu naturally walked up to him and stood up.

Su Yuanjiu turned his head and asked Xu Yu, "What do you want to eat?"

Xu Yu: "It's all right."

Su Yuanjiu: "Do you want to eat spicy crab?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "Don't eat."

Before Su Yuanjiu asked why, Ji Zhouchuan suddenly said, "What spicy crab are you eating? Don't you don't eat seafood?"

Su Yuanjiu: "He likes to eat."

Ji Zhouchuan choked: "Yes."

Xu Yu shook his head at this moment: "I don't want to eat, eat something else."

As the two of them went back and forth, Ji Zhouchuan clicked his tongue: "Why do I feel that I am a bit redundant, if I have to be a landlord, alas," Ji Zhouchuan shook his head and waved his hands, "Let's go, don't stay here If you are entangled, I will take you to eat delicious food."

Ji Zhouchuan took the two of them to a well-known Chinese private restaurant in Jianshi. Xu Yu and Su Yuanjiu were both quiet people, so Ji Zhouchuan was basically the one talking during this meal.

Occasionally, Su Yuanjiu responded, and occasionally Xu Yu responded. When the meal was almost finished, Ji Zhouchuan looked at the two people sitting across from him, shook his head suddenly, and said, "Are you two usually bored together?"

Xu Yu raised his head and glanced at Ji Zhouchuan, he didn't seem to want to answer, but Su Yuanjiu beside him spoke.

But instead of answering Ji Zhouchuan's question, he asked Xu Yu following Ji Zhouchuan's words: "Are you bored staying with me?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "It's not boring."

Ji Zhouchuan scolded in a low voice: "What am I asking, I'm not looking for guilt."

Having said that, Ji Zhouchuan still said, "What do you usually talk about?"

Su Yuanjiu, who was in charge of answering, said, "Talk about everything."

Ji Zhouchuan snorted, and deliberately asked, "Are you talking about music?"

Su Yuanjiu's soldiers came to stop him: "Talk."

Ji Zhouchuan: "When I talked about music with you before, you didn't like to listen to it."

Su Yuanjiu looked up at Ji Zhouchuan: "Who are you?"

"Hahahahahaha," Ji Zhouchuan laughed, "Okay, okay."

Thinking about it, Su Yuan held back for a long time all afternoon, and Ji Zhouchuan thought it was quite interesting to be so bullied.

He leaned a little closer to the table, and asked Xu Yu: "Su Yuanjiu sometimes has a sharp mouth, have you experienced it?"

As if he did remember something, Xu Yu nodded: "Yeah."

Ji Zhouchuan asked again: "Is he aggressive at other times?"

"Ji Zhouchuan." Su Yuanjiu suddenly called his name.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ji Zhouchuan picked up the drink and drank it like wine: "I'm a little bit high, don't worry about it."

Xu Yu also lowered his head and took a sip of his drink, pretending not to understand.

When he put down his drink cup, Su Yuanjiu asked him: "Do you still like him?"

Xu Yu asked, "Teacher Ji?"

Su Yuanjiu nodded.

Xu Yu: "Why don't you like it?"

Ji Zhouchuan laughed hahaha, and gave Xu Yu another drink: "I don't understand, I'm taking the route of strength."

Not only the line of strength, Ji Zhouchuan's interviews and variety shows when he was young were even more outspoken, and he could make any jokes. Xu Yu has seen a lot of them. Today, he doesn't feel anything at all.

After drinking the drink in the cup, the three of them left the restaurant.

It looked like it was going to rain. As soon as he left the building, Su Yuanjiu asked Xu Yu, "Is it cold?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "It's not cold."

Suddenly, Ji Zhouchuan came over and said, "I'm cold."

Su Yuanjiu glanced at him lightly, and Ji Zhouchuan smiled and moved away from Su Yuanjiu again.

Xu Yu lowered his head and coughed, raised his hand to straighten his hair that didn't need to be done, so that they wouldn't find that he couldn't hold back his laughter.

Ji Zhouchuan drove here by himself. After getting in the car, Ji Zhouchuan asked, "Where are you going?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Send the kids back first."

"How can there be a kid... Damn," Ji Zhouchuan laughed, "I'm going to be soured by you today."

After Ji Zhouchuan finished speaking, the kid in the car said, "I'm staying at Via Hotel."

Ji Zhouchuan changed lanes and asked, "Xu Yu, he calls you kid, what do you call him?"

Xu Yu said, "Old friend."

Ji Zhouchuan: "Hahahahaha, you two are quite interesting."

Xu Yu and Su Yuanjiu sat in the back together, and Su Yuanjiu didn't refute anything when Ji Zhouchuan said these words.

Judging from what happened today, Su Yuanjiu still had Ji Zhouchuan's intentions.

Xu Yu turned his head and looked out the window, thinking wildly.

Probably because the car was a little quiet, Ji Zhouchuan played music, but he didn't play anything else, and what he played was Xu Yu's song. Now that it was played, Ji Zhouchuan began to chat about music with Xu Yu in the following time.

Not long after, the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Xu Yu leaned forward a little: "Thank you, Teacher Ji."

Ji Zhouchuan: "You're welcome."

Xu Yu turned his head and wanted to say something to Su Yuanjiu, but Su Yuanjiu spoke first.

Su Yuanjiu: "I'll take you up."

Ji Zhouchuan turned his head: "What do you give him?"

Su Yuanjiu has already opened the door: "Do you have a question?"

"No~yes~" Ji Zhouchuan turned his head with a smile, probably seeing that Xu Yu had already got out of the car, Ji Zhouchuan began to be unscrupulous: "I parked the car in front, half an hour is no problem, but hurry up."

Su Yuanjiu didn't bother to talk to him.

Xu Yu stood at the entrance of the hotel for a while, then Su Yuanjiu came over, the two walked in together, and waited for the elevator together.

"What are the arrangements for these few days?" Su Yuanjiu asked Xu Yu.

Xu Yu said: "I'm going to talk about the theme song of the movie tomorrow. It's the teacher when I was young. I mentioned it to you."

Su Yuanjiu: "Fan Qi?"

Xu Yu nodded: "Yes."

"Will it take a long time?" Su Yuanjiu said suddenly, "My grandfather wants to see you."

After hearing this, Xu Yu turned his head slowly, and slowly set his eyes on Su Yuanjiu's face: "Your grandfather, do you want to see me?"

Su Yuanjiu: "Yes."

Xu Yu swallowed unnaturally, just at that moment the elevator arrived.

The two walked in, and when the elevator door closed, Xu Yu recovered a bit. He asked, "Why does your grandfather want to see me?"

Su Yuanjiu said: "He also listens to your songs, he is your fan."

Probably because he thought it was funny, Su Yuanjiu laughed after he finished speaking.

Xu Yu stared at Su Yuanjiu without saying a word.

Only then did Su Yuanjiu say: "My grandfather is very hospitable. He knew that I came here with friends, so he insisted on letting me bring them home." Su Yuanjiu was a little helpless in his words: "All the locals in Jianshi are like this."

Xu Yu accepted this explanation. He thought for a while: "I don't know how long the conversation will last tomorrow. I'll call you when it's over."

Su Yuanjiu hummed, and then asked, "Come to live at my house?"

Xu Yu stared at Su Yuanjiu again: "You're a bit pushy."

Su Yuanjiu said, "It was also invited by my grandfather."

Xu Yu was amused and laughed, and nodded cooperatively: "Okay, okay." Half a second later, he added, "The people of Jianshi are really hospitable."

The elevator arrived with a ding, and the two went out together, the soft carpet of the hotel eating up the sound of their footsteps.

Xu Yu walked on the left, and Su Yuanjiu walked on the right. The two walked straight together, turned left, and walked straight again until they reached the door of Xu Yu's room.

"I'm here." Xu Yu turned to face Su Yuanjiu, and took out the room card.

Su Yuanjiu: "Yes."

Xu Yu unlocked it with his backhand: "Teacher Ji is still downstairs, don't keep him waiting."

Su Yuanjiu raised his hand naturally, and gently placed it on the back of Xu Yu's head: "Go in."

Open the door, go in, close the door, and soon, the last light in the corridor disappears through the crack of the door.

The lights in the room alternated. Xu Yu inserted the room card into the slot by the wall and walked in step by step.

He pouted his lower lip and blew on his bangs, then looked down at his hands, and suddenly thought of the unintentional touch between him and Su Yuanjiu at the door of Ji Zhouchuan's house.

And what Su Yuanjiu said.

And those words that Ji Zhouchuan teased.

kid, kid...

Thinking about it, Xu Yu suddenly pulled out of this situation at a certain moment.

Then, he realized that he was actually laughing for no reason.

So in the next second, Xu Yu immediately lowered the corners of his mouth, stopped smirking, and kicked the suitcase on the side several times.

Su Yuanjiu, if you don't like me, you will die!

Two more kicks.