His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 42


Xu Yu spent a very torturous 7 seconds in Su Yuanjiu's living room.

Not only him, but the remaining two people in the living room also looked very surprised.

Probably before realizing what happened, this video ended, and the last impression left in everyone's mind was only the blooming red flower at the end of the video.

That flower must have bloomed too much, it was still so red, and it was still so panting.

"Ha, haha, hahaha," Pan Weixian broke the silence and laughed: "Eating candy slowly is amazing, the cut is good," he laughed dryly after saying this: "What am I talking about."

Probably because the atmosphere was too weird, Pan Wei turned off the screen projection, found an excuse to go to the bathroom, and left.

Watching this kind of video with two real masters is really killing me.

During the whole process, Xu Yu didn't say a word, and when the video was playing just now, he was the farthest away from the TV, and he was still sitting on the carpet.

So now, as long as he lowers his head quickly enough, he can pretend he didn't see those just now.

However, Su Yuanjiu didn't seem to want him to succeed. He had just put together a small piece of Lego. Su Yuanjiu suddenly sat on the sofa behind him, and then opened a bottle of peach-flavored drink for him.

Give the drink, just give the drink, and asked: "Are you embarrassed?"

Xu Yu was about to digest the embarrassment by himself, but when he was asked this question, he suddenly became embarrassed again, and the body of the bed substitute in the TV just now appeared in his mind.

Xu Yu insisted, "It's not me."

Su Yuanjiu said, "Your ears are red."

Xu Yu: "..."

He silently raised his hands and covered his ears.

Suddenly, Su Yuanjiu said, "It doesn't quite look like you."

Xu Yu's Adam's apple slipped, and he said suddenly: "I have a better figure than him."

Su Yuanjiu nodded: "Eight pack abs."

Xu Yu's stomach shrank, and he didn't know what to do with the small cube in his hand for a long time.

When Pan Wei came back from the toilet, the atmosphere in the living room was almost the same. Not long after, grandma came over to call for dinner.

Before getting busy with work, Xu Yu often went to Zheng's family for dinner, so it was not too difficult for him to deal with the elders of his friends. He himself was not very talkative. He would only answer when someone asked a question, and the rest of the time was silent. Have a meal.

Probably because of this personality, the elders always think he is a very nice, quiet little boy.

In the evening, Pan Wei was there, and the dinner table was very lively. It seemed that this was not the first time the family had entertained junior friends, and the whole meal was very casual.

After the meal, Mother Su stopped Xu Yu and asked him if he wanted to stay at home overnight.

Before Xu Yu could say anything, he was surrounded by people.

Grandma: "Stay here, we all go to bed early at night, you have a companion."

Pan Wei: "Stay, stay, I have to go back to live broadcast after nine o'clock, it's so boring to leave my brother alone at home."

Mom: "There are plenty of rooms."

Grandpa said directly: "I asked my aunt to clean up the room."

A group of people surrounded Xu Yu, Xu Yu smiled, subconsciously looked at Su Yuanjiu, Su Yuanjiu was also looking at him, his eyes seemed to be asking.

Xu Yu nodded: "Okay."

Half an hour later, Xu Yu sat alone on a deck chair on the balcony, and began to think carefully about how things turned out like this.

Why did you come to Su Yuanjiu's house for dinner

How did you meet so many parents

Why did you stay overnight


After Xu Yu agreed and everyone dispersed, Pan Wei suggested drinking some wine, and now he went to the wine cellar with Su Yuanjiu.

As soon as they left, Xu Yu turned his head and glanced at the door behind him, then he took out his phone, clicked on Weibo, and found Slowly Eat Candy.

There were more than 20,000 comments on the video just now, Xu Yu was surprised and clicked into the comments directly.

Most of them are screaming strangely, ah, wishing for a long time is true, ah, I am gone in the last ten seconds, as expected of you eating sugar slowly, I can do it again, it’s too sweet, I’m a bit above.

Some of them are urging the update, and some of them captured the moment when the two of them were in the same frame in the video.

Xu Yu clicked on the picture and was about to click save when a voice came from behind him. He quickly locked his phone, put it in his pocket, and looked into the distance.

"Do you want to turn on the light?" It was Pan Wei's voice.

"No, it's bright enough." It was Su Yuanjiu's voice.

Xu Yu sat up straight from the recliner, and saw that Pan Wei was holding wine and a goblet, while Su Yuanjiu brought the Lego that he hadn't finished building just now.

Su Yuanjiu sat down on the chair beside him, and Pan Wei sat across from them. He opened the wine and said, "It's the first time I've seen red wine with Le Gao." Sample?"

Xu Yu: "It's okay."

Pan Wei: "If it weren't for the live broadcast later, I would really like to have a good drink with you."

Su Yuanjiu said, "Next time."

Xu Yu accosted: "If you have the opportunity to come to Lincheng, I'll treat you to a drink."

Pan Wei nodded: "Okay," Pan Wei said, glanced at Su Yuanjiu, and asked Xu Yu, "Is it just the two of us?"

Xu Yu pointed his index finger at the people around him: "He's here too."

Pan Wei laughed, and the wine cork in his hand was opened with a bang, and he asked Su Yuanjiu, "Where did you find me, darling?"

Su Yuanjiu took advantage of the situation to look at Xu Yu: "Little boy."

Pan Wei: "Fuck!"

It was getting dark gradually, and the lights of the residents in the community and the street lights downstairs were also turned on one by one. It was very quiet on the balcony. After Pan Wei poured wine for everyone, the three of them clinked glasses with a clang.

"Tomorrow, the first day of the lunar new year, my mother is going to the temple tomorrow morning, and he asked us if we can go." Su Yuanjiu said after taking a sip of wine.

Pan Wei responded: "Don't go, this kind of activity is quite early, you have to go to the temple after nine o'clock."

Su Yuanjiu glanced at Pan Wei indifferently: "I didn't ask you."

Pan Wei: "..."

Pan Wei: "Yes."

Su Yuanjiu asked: "Are you going?"

Xu Yu asked back, "Are you going?"

Su Yuanjiu: "It won't be long, I will come back soon after burning incense and worshiping Buddha, and I can go shopping."

Xu Yu glanced at the Buddhist beads on Su Yuanjiu's wrist, nodded and said, "Okay."

Su Yuanjiu asked again: "Is there still a job in Jianshi?"

Xu Yu: "There will be a live event in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, and I can go back to Lin City the day after tomorrow."

"Oh!" Pan Wei on the side suddenly sat up straighter and remembered something: "Xu Yu, do you like spicy crab?"

Xu Yu nodded: "What's wrong?"

Pan Wei laughed, but he didn't explain much, but said something Xu Yu couldn't understand: "One percent is different."

Xu Yu looked at Su Yuanjiu suspiciously, Su Yuanjiu said nothing, but shook his head at Xu Yu, Xu Yu had no choice but to drink.

Gradually, Pan Wei and Su Yuanjiu started chatting about family and work matters, and Xu Yu just sat and played Lego when he couldn't get in the conversation.

Pan Wei seemed to be having difficulties at work recently. It didn't sound like a matter of a day or two. Xu Yu didn't get involved in this, so he listened in a fog, listening to Su Yuanjiu comfort him and give him advice.

After the two of them finished their drinks, Xu Yu stood up to add more.

When Xu Yu sat down, Su Yuanjiu suddenly glanced at him.

Xu Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

Su Yuanjiu smiled: "Little darling."

Xu Yu didn't quite agree, and stared at Su Yuanjiu: "Don't call me that."

Su Yuanjiu changed his words: "Little tough guy."

Pan Wei on the opposite side: "Hahahahahahahahaha."

Su Yuanjiu asked Pan Wei: "You also know tough guys?"

Pan Wei: "You must know this, it's all on the top searches."

Pan Wei raised the cup and looked at the time on the phone: "It's getting late, I'll go back and get ready."

There was less than half a bottle of wine left on the table, the three of them clinked glasses together, and Pan Wei drank it all in one gulp: "Let's go, see you next time brother, see Xu Yu next time."

Xu Yu nodded and said goodbye to Pan Wei. When Pan Wei walked backwards to the balcony, he suddenly walked back.

Su Yuanjiu asked, "What's wrong?"

Pan Wei took a light breath and asked Xu Yu, "Can I take a picture of you? The place where you are standing is very well lit."

Xu Yu had no objection: "Yes."

Pan Wei picked up the phone: "I don't have the equipment, just use the phone, you can just lie down."

Xu Yu lay down obediently and looked up at the sky. Within two seconds, there was a crackling sound in the air.

"Tsk, it's so beautiful," Pan Wei said and took the photo to show the two people. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and laughed: "By the way, Xu Yu, the 'Most Immortal Male Artist' vote on Kayou.com , I voted for you, I am a member, 10 votes."

Su Yuanjiu asked, "What vote?"

"It's a vote on a website," Pan Wei put away his phone, "Oh, and one more thing, Xu Yu, I follow you on Weibo."

After receiving the message, Xu Yu also took out his mobile phone: "I'll be a follower."

Pan Wei became happy, and looked at the time again: "It's too late, I'm leaving."

Xu Yu: "Well, be careful on the road."

After Pan Wei left, Su Yuanjiu asked Xu Yu, "What vote?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "I don't know."

Probably the votes made by the netizens themselves. There are too many such votes on Kayou.com, and they vote at every turn.

Su Yuanjiu listened and nodded, and leaned on without seeming very interested. After a while, he suddenly asked Xu Yu again: "Why are you so obedient?"

Xu Yu lowered his head and picked up the wine glass: "It's okay."

Su Yuanjiu moved closer, put his hands on the edge of the table to support his head, and looked into Xu Yu's eyes: "Can't you yell, darling?"

Xu Yu: "No."

Su Yuanjiu: "Where's the little tough guy?"

Xu Yu: "No."

Su Yuanjiu: "Cutie?"

Xu Yu: "No."

Su Yuanjiu: "Little Strawberry?"

Xu Yu's voice sank: "Su Yuanjiu!"

Su Yuan laughed for a long time: "If you don't call, don't call."

Even if you drink slowly, the bottle will bottom out.

Obviously didn't say anything, didn't talk a few words, but the time passed very fast. In a blink of an eye, Lego was finished, and it was almost time to fall asleep.

Su Yuanjiu packed up the bottles and cups, and said good night to Xu Yu at the door of his room.

Today Xu Yu didn't say not to dream of Su Yuanjiu before going to bed, but unfortunately, he didn't dream of Su Yuanjiu.

The alarm clock was not set, probably because Xu Yu woke up very early the next day in someone else's house. Su Yuanjiu's family also woke up early. After breakfast in the dining room, the family called a car and went to the temple together.

The temple is on a mountain in the suburbs of Jianshi. Today is the first day of the new year, and the temple is bustling.

Grandma and grandfather often come here, and Mother Su also comes here twice a year. Everyone is familiar with the temple. Xu Yu and Su Yuanjiu went in with the adults to burn incense and worship Buddha.

"Grandma and the brothers inside have to chat for a while, do you go in together or go for a stroll?" Mother Su asked.

Su Yuanjiu: "Let's go shopping."

"I'll call you when it's over," Su's mother suddenly said with a smile, "how about I take you to another place."

After Mama Su finished speaking, she and Su Yuanjiu looked at each other.

Looking at Xu Yu, he saw a strange meaning in his eyes.

Mother Su: "Let's go."

Su Yuanjiu smiled helplessly.

After Mama Su took two more steps, Xu Yu asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Su Yuanjiu also replied in a low voice: "Ask me for a marriage."

Xu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Ah."

It didn't take long for the two of them to be taken to the destination by their mother. The mother was about to go to the side to buy lights, but suddenly turned back halfway.

"Xu Yu, do you want it?" Mother Su said, "You are still so young."

Su Yuanjiu answered for Xu Yu: "He wants it."

Mother Su looked at Su Yuanjiu with a smile: "What's the matter with you?"

Su Yuanjiu said, "It's very much my business."

Xu Yu swallowed from the side, his eyes drifted to and fro, not knowing where to look, and finally fixed on the lamp.

Mother Su didn't ask Xu Yu again, probably because Su Yuanjiu said she wanted it, and thinking that Xu Yu wasn't too young, she bought two together.

"Go in with the lamp, and the master standing inside will light the lamp for you. If you have a wish, you can make it. If you don't have a wish, you can just worship." Mom divided the lamp, and then said: "Be pious."

Xu Yu nodded: "Okay."

Mom looked at Su Yuanjiu: "What about you?"

Su Yuanjiu also nodded: "Pious."

The two took the lamp together and went in. Xu Yu didn't know if Su Yuanjiu had a wish, anyway, he just, maybe, uh, read a few words in his heart, and then put the lamp on the stage.

Mom was waiting outside, and Xu Yu walked over naturally after she came out.

Mom glanced at him, and then at the person behind him: "That's Xu Yu here." Mom looked at Xu Yu: "I asked him to order it in the past, but he didn't order it."

As they said that, the three of them walked outside together. Not long after, Mother Su spoke again.

There were too many people, so Xu Yu took half a step towards Su's mother in order to hear her voice clearly. This happened to be a step.

Su Yuanjiu quickly grasped his hand and helped him up.

Su Yuanjiu: "Be careful."

Xu Yu: "Yes."

On the other side, Mother Su also said: "Be careful, the steps are so long, it will be terrible if you fall." She probably caught a glimpse of Su Yuanjiu and Xu Yu's hands, and mother confessed: "Hold on, don't fall again!" gone."

Sure enough, Su Yuanjiu's hand was so obedient that he didn't let go. I don't know if he wanted to hold it until the end of this section of steps. It was originally just a support, but Su Yuanjiu took it as he walked.

In fact, he didn't feel that unbalanced, and he didn't know why. Over the years, the only three times he was in front of Su Yuanjiu made his cerebellum very underdeveloped.

Going up another step, Mother Su asked what she didn't ask just now.

"Xu Yu," Su's mother said closer, "What do young guys like you like now?"

Xu Yu's hand was still held by Su Yuanjiu.

Xu Yu said: "Anyone who can get along is fine."

Su's mother nodded: "It's about getting along," Su's mother smiled: "You don't ask too much."

Xu Yu said vaguely, "Yes."

It was probably rare that Su Yuanjiu also lit the lamp. Mother Su raised her head, walked around Xu Yu to look at Su Yuanjiu, and asked, "What about you, son, I think you are quite demanding, what do you like?"

Xu Yu felt that Su Yuanjiu was holding his hand tighter.

Su Yuanjiu said: "I like young guys."