His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 45


Xu Yu's head was about to explode.

His fists were still clenched tightly, his whole body became very weak, he didn't know how to stand, he didn't know how to put his hands, and even his legs were a little weak.

The towel still covered his face, so that he didn't have to face Su Yuanjiu directly, and just didn't have to think about what to say next.

What is he going to say

I do not know.

Say oh


Or, huh, I've already seen it.

At this time, Su Yuanjiu started to move and helped him too.

Su Yuanjiu continued to rub his hair, and said: "It's a bit sudden, it shouldn't be, I," Su Yuanjiu rarely spoke so intermittently, he paused for half a second, and then added: "I can't hold back. "

The towel was still covered, and Xu Yu looked down at Su Yuanjiu's clothes, still not knowing what to say.

Seeing that Xu Yu didn't respond, Su Yuanjiu wiped the hair next to his temples, picked up the towel and lightened it.

The sudden light made Xu Yu's hands tremble unnaturally.

His eyes were still covered, but his head was lowered even more. He heard Su Yuanjiu say: "I know it's a little fast, we haven't known each other for a long time, I should take my time."

Xu Yu's breathing became short, and his fingers were beating with his heart.

"It's better to let you know earlier," Su Yuanjiu continued, "But you don't need to respond to me now, I'm in a hurry." Su Yuanjiu gently rubbed the back of Xu Yu's head, and his voice was lower: " I am serious, and I hope you will seriously consider me."

Xu Yu's heart was beating too fast, his ears were buzzing, and his throat was dry.

He felt he should say something.

But still the problem.

What do you say

For the next time, Su Yuanjiu and Xu Yu didn't speak. Su Yuanjiu seemed to want to wipe off every strand of Xu Yu's hair, carefully and patiently rubbing it pinch by pinch.

When he reached the back of his head, Xu Yu's eyes were finally released, and he and Su Yuanjiu were no longer separated by a towel. He raised his head a little, and raised his gaze, but only up to Su Yuanjiu's chin, then he retracted it, not daring to look up again.

Xu Yu looked like a wooden man, standing and being played by Su Yuanjiu for more than ten minutes. Finally, Su Yuanjiu put away the towel and tidied Xu Yu's hair with his big hand: "Okay."

Xu Yu still lowered his eyes: "Thank you."

Thank you politely, Su Yuanjiu smiled: "You're welcome."

Xu Yu still didn't look at Su Yuanjiu, he pulled the chair beside him and sat down, and started to put together puzzles.

The face was naturally calm, as if Su Yuanjiu had simply brushed his hair just now, and hadn't experienced a thrilling confession.

In fact, who knows, what kind of madness has become inside.

Su Yuanjiu stood beside Xu Yu, grabbed the towel in his hand, and instead of sitting down opposite Xu Yu, he looked down for a while before asking, "Did I scare you?"

Xu Yu pretended to put together a jigsaw puzzle, and thought for a long time before saying, "Yes."

Su Yuanjiu asked again: "Should I stay here with you or should I leave?"

Xu Yu only thought for half a second: "I'll be alone for a while."

Su Yuanjiu: "Okay."

Not long after, Su Yuanjiu left the study with a towel, and the door was gently closed.

Su Yuanjiu must have felt that Xu Yu was embarrassed.

Xu Yu was a little embarrassed, but the embarrassment accounted for a little less, and he was mainly.

Xu Yu let out a low ah, and lay down on the table.

Obviously it was Su Yuanjiu who confessed, why is he so nervous!

It took a long time to slow down.

In the following time, Xu Yu began to put together the puzzle seriously, looking for the pieces in the picture, matching the colors, and recalling what Su Yuanjiu said just now.

Chasing after him, chasing after him, chasing after him, without saying a word of liking, who knows if you like it or not.

Xu Yu picked up a piece in his hand and secretly laughed.

Start harsh.

It seemed to Xu Yu that it had been a long time, but in fact it had only been five minutes. He hadn't put together a piece of the puzzle in these five minutes. Finally, he couldn't help but stood up and walked to the door.

He opened the door a little bit first, and wanted to see if Su Yuanjiu was outside, but he saw Su Yuanjiu standing at the door with his back to the door, his hands resting on the railing and his head bowed.

Probably because Xu Yu's movement was too small, Su Yuanjiu didn't notice it at all.

Xu Yu slowly opened the door wide. Su Yuanjiu didn't have a towel at hand, so he probably put it away.

He stared at Su Yuanjiu's background for several seconds, obviously Su Yuanjiu was not doing anything, but Xu Yu felt distressed for a moment.

"Su Yuanjiu."

After Xu Yu called out, Su Yuanjiu immediately turned around. He glanced at Xu Yu and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Yu: "Come in."

After Xu Yu finished speaking, he immediately turned and went back.

Soon, Su Yuanjiu also came in, and Xu Yu quickly sat on the chair. He could clearly hear the voice from the other side, and heard Su Yuanjiu close the door.

When Su Yuanjiu came to him, Xu Yu pointed to the chair opposite him: "Sit."

Su Yuanjiu walked over obediently, pulled out the chair and sat down, Xu Yu pushed the pieces on the table over at this moment: "Let's fight together, how long will I fight alone."

Xu Yu's tone was very complaining, and Su Yuanjiu laughed: "Okay."

The time seemed to be back before Xu Yu took a bath, the difference was that Su Yuanjiu also started to do it. With Su Yuanjiu's help, the progress was much faster, and it didn't take long to put together a big piece.

Unpacking another bag, Xu Yu asked, "When are you going back to Lin City?"

Su Yuanjiu said, "It's about the same as you."

Xu Yu snorted, and heard Su Yuanjiu ask him, "Do you want to go back with me?"

Xu Yu didn't immediately agree: "Let's have a look."

Su Yuanjiu suddenly smiled.

Xu Yu looked up at him: "What are you laughing at?"

Su Yuanjiu shook his head: "You always rejected me, I was wondering if you would reject me even more because I said I like it."

Caught off guard by the liking, Xu Yu obviously felt a small electric current passing through his fingers and penetrating into his arm.

Xu Yu lowered his head, thinking that he was in a place where Su Yuan could not see for a long time, and secretly smiled: "Let's see how you behave."

Su Yuanjiu pressed the fragments in his hand into the blank part in front of Xu Yu: "I will work hard."

Xu Yu also pressed the fragments in his hand.

The performance is not bad slightly.