His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 51


He said he was sleeping, but Xu Yu seemed to have suffered from insomnia because of Bai Yueguang.

Originally, he only played the video of Pan Wei in his head, but after playing it, Xu Yu remembered the scene when he and Su Yuanjiu met for the first time.

Based on what he knows about Su Yuanjiu now, it doesn't look like Su Yuanjiu would take the initiative to strike up a conversation at all.


Su Yuanjiu's original intention to get to know him was very obvious.

Xu Yu slowly opened his eyes

So wouldn't it be...

Xu Yu thought for a while, then closed his eyes, and smiled to himself. The stand-in thing is a bit too funny.

No, it's impossible.

How Xu Yu fell asleep afterwards, he didn't quite remember, but the next day he saw that Su Yuanjiu was early, and he was a little bit lost in interest.

But some people don't want to care about others in their hearts, but they bring their handicrafts to the place of work.

He also comforted himself that if Su Yuanjiu's birthday wasn't so urgent, he wouldn't be in such a rush to make gifts.

Xu Yu, you are so kind.

Probably because of Su Yuanjiu's habit of calling as soon as he received a reply, Xu Yu went to the studio, purposely found a place where there was no one around, and called him back early.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for his knife to peel off a piece of skin when the phone rang.

Xu Yu sensibly maintained the habit of reconnecting after a few seconds, and put on the earphones slowly before answering the call.

"Hello." Xu Yu spoke first.

Su Yuanjiu: "Are you resting?"

Xu Yu sharpened the thing in his hand, and his voice became more forceful: "Yeah!"

Su Yuanjiu paused and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xu Yu compared the drawings: "I won't tell you."

Su Yuanjiu asked, "Are you alone?"

Xu Yu: "Yes."

Su Yuanjiu asked again: "In the studio?"

Xu Yu: "In my own office."

It happened to be a very detailed place, Su Yuanjiu didn't speak, and Xu Yu didn't open his mouth, he lowered his head and carefully worked with the carving knife.

When this detail was over, Xu Yu let out a breath and asked, "What are you doing?"

Su Yuanjiu said, "I'm on the phone with you."

Xu Yu: "What else?"

Su Yuanjiu: "It's gone."

Xu Yu smiled: "Okay."

Speaking of this, the glass door on the side was knocked twice suddenly, Xu Yu turned his head to look, and saw the people in the studio take a piece of paper and gesture to him.

Xu Yu gestured ok to that person, put down the things in his hands, and said to Su Yuanjiu, "I'm going to work."

Su Yuanjiu: "Okay."

Xu Yu has really had a lot of work these two days. He just hung up on Su Yuanjiu's phone and arrived at the airport an hour later. Next, he has to fly to two cities, and he will not be able to return to Jianshi until tomorrow night.

In the past two days, apart from the most important ID card, Xu Yu only carried the box from the handicraft workshop with him.

Do it when you have time, it's pretty fast.

Maybe it was also because he was so busy all of a sudden, so Xu Yu was lucky that he didn't have time to read the online comments on him in the past two days.

For this kind of good-looking star who suddenly became popular, cyberspots can always drive a group of jealous netizens to hack him together on the Internet.

In addition, Xu Yu has no black material, so everyone can only hack him from the technical aspect.

For example, singing is just like this, what is there to be praised to the sky.

For example, the face should look better, as expected, the world still looks at the face.

For example, how embarrassed is Weibo to certify a singer, just be a vase, and forget it as a singer.

For example, singing depends on the sound card.

Xu Yu is working here, and on the other side, the studio works with fans to help him clarify accusations, and then report some accounts for personal attacks.

Xu Yu failed to see these, but Su Yuanjiu, who was free in Jianshi, did.

He called Xu Yu first, but Xu Yu was not very free, and it sounded like he didn't know about it yet, so Su Yuanjiu simply stopped mentioning it.

When Xu Yu knew these things, it was already the night when he returned to Jianshi.

There was a wave of scolding and arguing on the Internet, it was searched several times, and it was withdrawn several times, and it has been suppressed a lot.

So Xu Yu didn't see it on the hot search.

After these two days of hard work, there was only one tail left of his gift. Thinking that tomorrow would be Su Yuanjiu's birthday, he planned to wrap it up and play with his mobile phone along the way.

By the way, he first went to Wishing for a Long Time to finish chasing the latest comics, and then clicked to search for his name.

He was stunned by this search.

When his songs first came out, there were indeed negative voices, but not too many, and they were all overshadowed by rainbow farts after refreshing.

Looking at it today, there is a Weibo dedicated to criticizing Xu Yu in the hot spots, and he carefully intercepted Xu Yu's voice on the show, criticizing every sentence.

Contrived, too showy, unnecessary treble, flawed bass, unprofessional, what the lyrics are trying to express, etc.

Xu Yu watched the video carefully, and then clicked into the comments.

The comments are all praising the blogger's professionalism, and then saying that they don't know why Xu Yu suddenly became popular. With this level of professionalism, there are a lot of music majors.

"Some time ago everyone was talking about Xu Yu's fairy singing. I didn't agree with it and dared not speak up. Today, finally someone dared to tell the truth. Bloggers hold on, Xu Yu's fans will be here soon."

"I also feel that being praised is too much, so it's okay."

Xu Yu flipped through the comments one by one, took a long breath, and let it out again.

He quit again and watched the video again.

Then he clicked into WeChat and opened the studio group. Sure enough, thousands of messages in the past two days were all dealing with this matter.

Xu Yu flipped through and backed out. Just as he was about to click into Weibo again, his phone rang suddenly.

It's a number without notes, but Xu Yu is very familiar with the tail number.

I was already in a bad mood, but it was even worse because of the person who called me.

Xu Yu picked up the phone.

"Hello." The other side spoke first.

Xu Yu: "What's the matter?"

Xu Sheng asked over there, "Are you at home?"

Xu Yu: "What are you doing?"

Xu Sheng: "Grandpa asked me to bring you something. I happened to be passing by. I'll come down and get it when I'm home. Hurry up."

Xu Yu said "Got it" and immediately hung up the phone.

What Xu Sheng said was passing by should be near the community, so there was no need for Xu Yu to go down so early.

He put down the phone, rubbed the wood with paper a few times, picked up the phone again, and clicked on Su Yuanjiu's WeChat.

Their chat stopped half an hour ago. Su Yuanjiu asked him if he was back, and he said he was back.

Xu Yu clicked on the chat box, but shook his hand on it for a long time, but he couldn't type anything. He thought about it, and then returned the WeChat message.

Within a few minutes, that strange phone called again, but Xu Yu didn't answer it, as if he didn't want to say a word, hung up the phone and went downstairs directly.

Sure enough, Xu Sheng was already waiting downstairs. Xu Yu walked over and raised his hand: "Here."

But Xu Sheng didn't give it to Xu Yu right away, but smiled: "Recently, a lot of people have scolded you, have you seen that?"

Xu Yu raised his hand a little more: "Give it to me."

Xu Sheng still refused to give it, and even hid the bag: "Talk to me."

Xu Yu: "I don't want to talk to you."

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and continued: "Recently, I have a good relationship with Su Yuanjiu, don't you?"

Xu Yu didn't know why Xu Sheng mentioned Su Yuanjiu, and he frowned: "It's none of your business."

Xu Sheng said: "I also have a cooperation with Mr. Su, do you know what happened? I told the people in his company that I was Xu Yu's younger brother, and then it was over, so easy," Xu Sheng said with a smile : "I still have to thank you."

Xu Yu frowned and looked at Xu Sheng's smug face. After a few seconds, he smiled lightly and said disdainfully, "Why are you still following my ass?"

Xu Sheng's expression turned bad instantly: "Who the hell cares about you!"

Xu Yu: "Who knows."

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows in anger: "Who do you think you are? Do you think that because your surname is Xu, people will look after you? You don't even look in the mirror. You used to be Xu Weichi's brother's stand-in, but now," Xu Sheng seemed He suddenly thought of something, and suddenly laughed: "Haha, now I will be Su Yuanjiubai Yueguang's stand-in."

Xu Sheng continued: "You know that Su Yuanjiu has a white moonlight, right? You never wondered why he suddenly likes you? President Su has been single for so many years, don't you find it strange? How long have you two known each other?"

Xu Yu looked at Xu Cheng with a funny face on his face: "The dog bites people in a hurry, do you believe what you say?"

The corner of Xu Sheng's mouth pressed down, and his eyebrows raised anxiously: "The truth, why don't you believe the truth."

Xu Yu raised his head: "So what? Su Yuanjiu just likes me."

Xu Sheng: "Do you want this kind of liking too?"

"Why not?" Xu Yu said proudly, "His white moonlight is me."

Xu Sheng paused, and then said, "Fart!"

Xu Yu snorted: "Believe it or not, believe it or not, as long as I say a word casually, your cooperation with JSS will be ruined."

Xu Sheng blinked twice, obviously thinking about it seriously.

Xu Yu made a contemptuous voice, and pointed to the bag in Xu Sheng's hand: "Give it to me."

Xu Sheng still refused, probably because he couldn't swallow the breath, he gritted his teeth and said to Xu Yu, "You are in your bones..."

His words stopped here suddenly, because Xu Yu suddenly took a step towards him, and the next second, Xu Yu grabbed his shirt collar.

Xu Yu looked at Xu Sheng coldly: "What do you want to say?"

Obviously, Xu Sheng trembled.

Xu Yu didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he snatched the bag from Xu Sheng's hand, and then pushed Xu Sheng away.

There was a lawn just behind Xu Sheng. After he was pushed away, he took a few steps back, tripped over a stone, lost his balance, and fell into a bush all of a sudden.

Xu Sheng: "Fuck!"

Xu Yu didn't want to talk to Xu Sheng anymore, he had already got the things, so he turned around and walked into the building.

But before he could move forward, he saw a person out of the corner of his eye.

Xu Yu looked over there and saw Su Yuanjiu standing on the other side of the road.

Xu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

He was under the lamp, and Su Yuanjiu was in the darkness outside the lamp. He didn't know when Su Yuanjiu was there, and the distance between them was not close or far, so they could definitely hear everything. .

Xu Yu swallowed.

What did he just say

Xu Yu temporarily lost his memory, and Su Yuanjiu also walked over.

When Xu Sheng got up from the grass, Su Yuanjiu had already walked to Xu Yu's side.

Xu Sheng was about to scold someone, but he suddenly saw who it was, and immediately raised his back: "Mr. Su, Mr. Su, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Su Yuanjiu glanced at Xu Sheng indifferently, but quickly turned his gaze back, as if there was no such person around him, and it seemed as if no one had spoken just now, so he just ignored it.

Su Yuanjiu patted Xu Yu's shoulder: "Let's go, let's go back."

Xu Yu's momentum just now disappeared, and he behaved like a cat beside Su Yuanjiu: "Oh."

Then the two of them went straight into the building.

After entering the elevator, Xu Yu asked slowly, "How much did you listen to just now?"

Su Yuanjiu said, "I heard everything."

Xu Yu swallowed, "I don't know where you are."

Now he remembered what nonsense he was talking about.

"So what? Su Yuanjiu just likes me."

"His white moonlight is me."

"Believe it or not, as long as I say a word casually, your cooperation with JSS will be yellow."
