His White Moonlight Turned Out to be Me

Chapter 54: Small episode


Lin City is still in spring, and the weather has shown signs of warming up, but it is still a bit cold at night.

There are not many pedestrians on this street, and a little further past the three-way intersection, a man in a long black trench coat with his hands in his pockets stood alone in front of a red light.

But when the light turned green, he didn't see him crossing the road.

Su Yuanjiu saw the pedestrians walking on the zebra crossing behind him, only to see that the light was already green. He looked up and saw a blue sign not far away that read "School ahead, slow down vehicles".

Before I knew it, I had already walked to the vicinity of No. 2 Middle School. After crossing the road and walking a few hundred meters, I saw the gate of No. 2 Middle School.

It was already late at night, and a few white lights hung on the door of the No. 2 Middle School. The door was closed tightly, but the side door was wide open.

Su Yuanjiu looked up at the door, and then saw the school motto of the No. 2 Middle School, and went in like a ghost.

There were students studying at night in the school, and many classrooms were lit. Instead of walking towards the teaching area, he wandered into the playground.

There are not as many lights in the playground as in the teaching area, and the visibility is not too high. About halfway to the playground, some sounds suddenly entered Su Yuanjiu's ears.

He searched for the sound, and not long after, he saw a little boy under the rostrum not far away.

The little boy was wearing a school uniform and was holding a guitar in his hand. When Su Yuanjiu passed by, he was strumming.

When Su Yuanjiu walked up to the little boy, he raised his head.

"Huh?" The little boy made a puzzled voice and stopped what he was doing.

A very good-looking boy with bright eyes and delicate facial features, now because of Su Yuanjiu's sudden appearance, he showed a little puzzled expression.

Su Yuanjiu said first, "Hello."

The little boy also said: "Hello."

Su Yuanjiu pointed to the steps beside him: "Can I sit here?"

The little boy nodded: "Yes."

Su Yuanjiu sat down beside him. Probably because there was someone beside him, the little boy did not continue to play, but still looked at Su Yuanjiu with puzzled eyes.

Su Yuanjiu was stared at and laughed.

"What's wrong?" he asked the little boy.

The little boy also asked, "Are you a teacher?"

Su Yuanjiu shook his head: "No."

The little boy nodded: "I don't think you look like that either."

Su Yuanjiu asked, "Why?"

Little boy: "You are so young."

Su Yuanjiu smiled and stopped talking, the little boy also turned his head back and continued to play his guitar.

Su Yuanjiu just sat and listened like this, listening to unfamiliar tunes, and the little boy singing in a low voice. Su Yuanjiu looked at the side face of the little boy, and the occasional moles that could be seen under his ears in the dark. Seemed to be a little comforted.

When he finished the song, Su Yuanjiu asked, "Are you practicing?"

The little boy nodded: "Well, the class will perform in a few days."

Su Yuanjiu: "What's the show?"

Little boy: "Perform a show "The Stubborn Hedgehog". I want to accompany the hedgehog."

Not knowing what was so funny, Su Yuanjiu laughed and asked, "Why don't you practice at home?"

"I don't want to go home," said the little boy.

Su Yuan thought for a long time and asked, "Did you quarrel with your family?"

Little boy: "No, no." He turned his head to look at Su Yuanjiu, frowned slightly: "Don't ask."

Su Yuanjiu laughed: "Okay, don't ask."

The little boy continued to play, and Su Yuanjiu continued to listen.

When another song was over, Su Yuanjiu pointed to the guitar and asked what he had been holding back just now: "XYY, did you engrave this yourself?"

The little boy paused for a moment, and then laughed: "Yes, it is actually XY. Look at the Y in the middle, I made a mistake, so I scratched twice and started over again." It seems that because of the guitar, the little boy's mood Be nice: "My brother gave it to me, my birthday present."

Su Yuan let out a long sigh, and asked following the words: "Is XY your name?"

The little boy nodded: "My initials are capitalized."

Su Yuanjiu: "I can't tell it was crossed out on purpose, I thought it was your idea."

The little boy smiled happily: "My brother said the same thing. He said that he looked better on the contrary, and told me not to be sad."

Not only the little boy's mood improved, but Su Yuanjiu's mood also seemed to become better because of him.

Very pure happiness, very innocent eyes, and a carefree age.

"It's really beautiful." Su Yuanjiu also praised.

The little boy patted the three letters happily, and the guitar made a dull sound.

Su Yuanjiu said again: "The playing is also very good."

The little boy turned his head and smiled at him: "Thank you."

When the little boy was about to do it again, Su Yuanjiu suddenly spoke.

He issued a request: "Can you sing me a song?"

The little boy's hand stopped for a moment, and he said "oh" before nodding his head.

But before playing, the little boy asked Su Yuanjiu: "Big brother, do you have something on your mind?"

Su Yuanjiu was puzzled: "How did you see it?"

"It's obvious at a glance, you adults are all like this," the little boy tilted his head, and asked Su Yuanjiu, "Why?"

Su Yuanjiu said: "Big Brother's business has failed."

The little boy suddenly became quiet, and it took a long time before he hummed.

Without warning, the little boy plucked the strings suddenly, and after a few seconds of prelude, he sang: "Amen, Aqian, a vine..."

The little boy's timbre was very good, because of his singing, Su Yuanjiu seemed to have obtained a very brief peace.

"I'll be mature when I climb it." The little boy flicked it one last time, raised his hand, and said to Su Yuanjiu, "Thank you."

Su Yuan smiled for a long time: "I should thank you."

The little boy smiled and said: "This song is for you. I hope that my elder brother will be happy, and I also hope that my elder brother can be like this snail. All the hard work will not be in vain, and I can eat what I want as soon as possible." grapes."

Su Yuanjiu admitted that he was moved for a long time by what the little boy said.

Not just tonight, but for many days to come.

"Thank you." Su Yuanjiu smiled heartily at the little boy.

The little boy patted the guitar: "You're welcome."

Su Yuanjiu looked at the three letters under the little boy's finger and asked him, "When is your birthday?"

The little boy said, "Today."

Su Yuanjiu was surprised: "Today?" Su Yuanjiu looked at the phone while talking: "March 10?"

The little boy shook his head: "My birthday is on the eighteenth day of the lunar calendar."

Su Yuanjiu smiled and nodded: "Okay," he asked again: "But why are you outside alone on your birthday?"

"My brother is not at home," said the little boy.

Su Yuanjiu nodded, thinking about what the little boy said earlier, and stopped asking.

But he was curious: "Do you have a birthday wish?"

The little boy laughed suddenly, and his voice became quieter: "I want to play the piano at the grand theater in Jianshi."

I don't know if it's because we can chat easily, or because we don't know Su Yuanjiu, so we treat him as a strange tree hole, and the little boy seems willing to share.

"When I was young, I watched TV, and other children performed there, and I wanted to go too," he smiled. "But I didn't tell anyone, I just told you."

Su Yuanjiu was amused and laughed: "You will get your grapes too."

The little boy didn't expect Su Yuanjiu to return his words, lowered his head and laughed: "Okay."

It was getting late, and Su Yuanjiu also received a meeting message from a friend on his mobile phone.

Listening to the little boy's practice again, Su Yuanjiu stood up.

"I'm leaving." Su Yuanjiu said to the little boy.

The little boy nodded: "Big brother goodbye."

Su Yuanjiu smiled: "Happy birthday to you."

Little boy: "Thank you."

Su Yuan thought for a long time, and then said: "I owe you a birthday present, and if we can meet again in the future, I will definitely make it up."

The little boy nodded: "Okay, it's a deal."

Su Yuanjiu: "It's a deal."