History’s Best Reincarnation

Chapter 121: life gestation


Kill, kill, kill, kill thousands of armies, and die at the extreme level. At the entrance of the computer room, Jiang Chen blocked the entrance with a horse. He sensed the unusual temptation of flesh and blood. Dozens of predators that attacked him turned to him at the same time. Launched an attack, the sharp claws intertwined with the most terrifying killings.

"Well done!" With a cold snort, Jiang Chen's whole body's true energy exploded. In an instant, a wave of air surged, like the roar of a river, stacked on top of one another. The two predators that had just hit him were immediately killed. It flew away and fell hard to the ground dozens of meters away.

"Roar—" The fire suddenly appeared, the unicorn roared, the dazzling bloody sword light, the cold sword intent, and with the control of Jiang Chen's mind, the scarlet lin sword was immediately unsheathed.

Almost at the same time, several of the remaining predators were already rushing along the laser channel. It was obvious that Jiang Chen's flesh and blood had become something they were determined to obtain.

"Kill!" Jiang Chen had nothing else to say to these mythical monsters derived from the T virus. With a cold drink in his mouth, he immediately stepped forward instead of retreating. The one who stepped forward with him was him. The sharp sword light in his palm, with a dazzling red light, suddenly swept out through the air.

"Pfft!" The red lin sword, an indestructible divine weapon, could not resist even the most ferocious predators. The head of the predator rushing at the front was directly beheaded. The flying blood, with a disgusting stench, was thrown into the air.

"Hiss!" Killing will only further arouse the ferocity of the predators. They do not feel the slightest sadness or fear at the death of their companions. As the blood is being thrown, their figures have already rushed forward, with ferocious sharpness. Claws and blood-red tongues all came straight towards Jiang Chen.

"The sword of destiny dominates the world!"

Faced with the joint siege of many predators, Jiang Chen raised his sword and reappeared the martial arts of the ten directions. The red lin sword glowed brightly and instantly formed a group of swords, roaring through the air and flying out vertically and horizontally.

The predators that flew forward were like moths flying into the flames when faced with the huge sword light. The moment the two sides collided, blood spattered everywhere and their limbs flew everywhere.

Stepping forward with a sword in his palm, Jiang Chen moved forward step by step, killing one step at a time. In the laser channel, blood flew everywhere in the blink of an eye. Broken limbs were everywhere on the ground, rendering it the most terrifying Shura killing field. .

Almost at the same time, in the computer room, the Red Queen's data transfer was at its final moment, and the mercury ball suspended in mid-air began to undergo strange changes.

As countless pieces of data continued to be transmitted in, the mercury ball, which was originally only the size of a fist, continued to expand while slowly rotating. After a while, it expanded to the size of a basketball. Immediately afterwards, a little bulge began to appear on the mercury ball, with feet extending from the bottom and hands extending from the left and right. A head was faintly visible above, and soon, the prototype of a human body was vaguely visible.

Just like a baby is growing up, its body is also growing as time goes by. When it was first formed, it was only the size of an ordinary baby, but soon it grew into a child of five or six years old, and then In the blink of an eye, he was seven or eight years old, then ten years old, twelve or thirteen years old, until he was still fifteen or sixteen years old.

According to common sense, the size of a robot has nothing to do with its age. However, whoever thought that the Red Queen was born was instinctively born according to the human model. This is the physiological age she assessed for herself. Therefore, her body was born. Then he grew up and stayed at the age of an ordinary person at fifteen or sixteen years old.

It seems that the body made of mercury is constantly making the smallest improvements, or in other words, this is a derivative evolution of life.

The body has been formed, and the next step is to construct gender. Theoretically speaking, there is no distinction between male and female mechanical life, but it is only the creator who imagines, constructs and differentiates it at the beginning of the generation of intelligence.

In the Umbrella Company, the doctor who was responsible for building the intelligence of the Flame Queen originally built the intelligence in the image of his own daughter. Therefore, the Red Queen derived from the Flame Queen was naturally also a female, and according to the time of her birth, Determine your age for yourself.

The body shape continued to undergo subtle changes. As the mercury flowed, it became more and more like a normal human body, and then gradually evolved into the appearance of a sixteen-year-old girl.

The slender legs, slender arms, tall figure, delicate face, and long silver hair are all constantly condensed and formed between the fluctuations of mercury.

Strange fluctuations and dazzling brilliance filled the entire computer room. Life, a unique mechanical life, was being nurtured and born.

Outside the computer room, the fierce battle continues!

Jiang Chen was covered in powerful flesh and blood, and in the eyes of the biochemical monsters, he had an irresistible delicious temptation. After the first batch of predators attacked, zombie dogs and predators continued to attack one after another.

In order to ensure the successful birth of the Red Queen, Jiang Chen naturally did not allow these biochemical monsters to get close to the computer room to avoid causing unnecessary damage. The constant fighting coming from the entrance in the distance means that the Umbrella Company's large forces are preparing to reopen the hive, and he cannot leave!

Fighting and killing were Jiang Chen's only options at the moment. He stood alone in the laser channel with his sword, killing the invading biochemical monsters one by one.

During the fierce battle, outside the laser channel, a predator that was sent flying by Jiang Chen landed right next to Ryan's body. Without any hesitation, it immediately opened its bloody mouth and swallowed up Ryan's flesh and blood. , entering the flesh and blood of the body, belonging to the human gene chain, instantly promotes its evolution.

"Hiss!" As if suffering great pain, the predator stretched its neck and trembled all over. This tremor was not a tremor of fear. The wound was cut open by Jiang Chen's sword and the flesh and blood were scorched black. , the weird black flesh buds are constantly squirming, pulling and merging the open wounds together. The terrifying scene makes people feel creepy when they see it.

Soon, a fully mature predator stood up again. With a huge body of several meters, a terrifying and ferocious face, and already developed and sharp limbs, it looked very fierce, and most importantly, it looked very fierce. As if he had awakened a certain amount of wisdom, he stared at Jiang Chen who was killing everyone with his sword in the laser channel. After a moment of hesitation, he gave up attacking again, turned around and ran towards the distance. After a while, he disappeared deep into the hive. .

Although Jiang Chen was in the middle of a fierce battle, he was still very sensitive to this scene, which made him feel a sudden shock in his heart. For no reason, he thought of the infinite evolutionary possibilities of the T virus. He knew that if the predator If the eater is immortal, then a terrifying biochemical monster will be born in this world!

It's a pity that Jiang Chen has no time to pursue it now, nor is he interested in pursuing him. The leakage of the T-virus had already been doomed from the moment Ryan broke the test tube containing the original virus solution. The Red Queen was only a newborn after all. As an intelligent life, she can only theoretically block virus leakage as much as possible, but in fact, this theory is not safe. Hidden infections have appeared in Raccoon City above. Therefore, under such a premise, having one more mutated predator does not seem to be a big deal. After all, nothing can escape the cleansing of nuclear bombs.

The red light was dazzling, roaring through the air, and in the blink of an eye, several more biochemical monsters were killed by Jiang Chen's sword. They stood in a pool of blood and stumps, looking around. Although there were no other biochemical monsters around, they were attacking. , listening to the increasingly dense gunfire in the direction of the entrance, he still felt a sense of oppression in his heart.

The Umbrella Company has strong strength and tyrannical firepower. If they are determined to attack the hive, although they may pay a lot of casualties, they will definitely succeed in the end. Jiang Chen does not want to fight them head-on, so he must ensure that Allow the Red Queen to complete her rebirth before the Umbrella Corporation invades the Hive.

"According to the previous progress, it should be almost done now, right? After all, so much time has passed." Jiang Chen silently calculated in his heart, and then he turned around with his sword and walked towards the computer room. However, before he could wait for him, Stepping into it, I heard a clear voice coming from the computer room from the inside to the outside: "I am a very bad, bad girl..."