History’s Best Reincarnation

Chapter 129: Technology, magic!


After rushing out of the underground, Jiang Chen was suddenly in a spacious hall. Although the hall seemed a bit dilapidated and messy at the moment, there was no doubt that this meant that he had escaped from the destruction of the hive not long after. Next, All he has to do is deal with the siege of the Umbrella Company.

There was less than half an hour left before the time bomb in the hive exploded, but it was obviously impossible for him to spend the remaining half hour safely.

Through the broken glass wall, Jiang Chen could see clearly that a large number of Umbrella Company soldiers, armed to the teeth, were advancing towards him with guns and cannons. Above the roof, propellers were constantly rotating rapidly. The sound means that there are at least more than ten helicopters circling in the sky.

A commander shouted loudly: "Everyone listens to the order, the target is in the hall, launch an indiscriminate attack with all your strength, and try to kill the target!"

Following the commander's order, the large forces of the Umbrella Company surrounding him launched attacks at the same time. Like a torrential downpour, countless bullets poured towards Jiang Chen in the hall.

"Hunyuan Tiangang!"

Almost subconsciously, Jiang Chen took a deep breath and raised his Yuan Gong. In an instant, the unparalleled Hunyuan Tiangang came out of his body, forming the most solid defense outside his body, no matter the hail of bullets. , He stands firm like a rock, guarding himself from harm.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The hail of bullets was obviously just an appetizer, and more powerful weapons followed. The shoulder-mounted rocket launcher was used by Jiang Chen against the enemy in the hive, but at this moment, it was used by the large forces of the Umbrella Company instead. Dealing with him, in an instant, the entire hall was completely destroyed, and the ruins were wrapped in endless flames.

Seeing that the hall was almost completely destroyed, and expecting that the target in the sea of fire must be in danger, the officer in charge of the battle command had a proud smile on his face, but soon, the smile on his face solidified, because, through Using a high-powered telescope, he could clearly see a figure standing in the sea of flames in the hall that had been reduced to rubble.

Yes, even in the face of such a high-intensity onslaught, Jiang Chen still did not fall, although he was not unscathed. After all, the attack just now was too fierce. Even if Hunyuan Tiangang's body protection was turned on, Jiang Chen's current appearance could not help but look very embarrassed. His clothes were torn, and his body was covered with gunpowder, dust, and dirt. Even though he was almost indestructible, The destroyed immortal demon body also had a harmful burnt black color in some places.

Fortunately, after all, he was protected by Tiangang and the demon body was immortal. Although the rockets were powerful, they could not cause any effective damage to him.

But despite this, Jiang Chen still felt extremely angry. He had traversed several reincarnation worlds. Although he had suffered disastrous defeats before, this was the first time he had been in such a mess. Standing in the endless sea of fire, his face became very ugly, his eyes were cold and stern, full of ferocious cold-blooded killing intent.

"Damn it!" shouted coldly, and Jiang Chen raised his hand and pulled out a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher that had already been loaded with ammunition from the space of the watch.

In the distance, the officer in charge of the battle command saw Jiang Chen take out such a big thing silently, and his face changed greatly. When he saw clearly what Jiang Chen took out, his mouth was even more... I couldn't help but shout: "Damn it! Where did he get the heavy weapons?!"

Jiang Chen didn't care how shocked his enemies would be. With his extraordinary sensitivity, he directly targeted the location where the Umbrella Company's people were most densely populated and launched the most ferocious counterattack.


There was a loud explosion, waves of fire roared, and countless dust and gravel flew into the sky. At the same time, the bodies of more than a dozen Umbrella Company soldiers were also blown away.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything, just threw away the barrel in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, he pulled out a six-barreled Vulcan cannon from the space of his watch.

"Click, click..." The turbine rotated, and tongues of fire spurted out with fierce force. The extremely ferocious lines of fire broke through the blockade of the sea of fire and rushed towards the soldiers of the surrounding umbrella company overwhelmingly.

The power of Gatling lies in its terrifying rate of fire. As long as there are enough bullets, even one person can form the most terrifying firepower network.

They were also violently attacked by bullets and bullets, but after all, the soldiers of the Umbrella Company were no better than Jiang Chen, did not have Hunyuan Tiangang, and did not have the Immortal Demon Body. In one encounter, dozens or hundreds of people fell to the Vulcan cannon.

"Hidden! Hidden! Pay attention to hiding!" With the hurried shouting, the soldiers hurriedly fell to the ground or looked for bunkers. However, outside the hall were flat gardens and lawns. Where could they find a suitable bunker? Not long after, many more people were shot and fell to the ground.

"Damn it, where's the sniper? Where's the sniper?!" Seeing his own side suffering a counterattack and suffering heavy casualties, the commander in charge couldn't help shouting: "Kill him! Kill him!"

After receiving the order, a sniper appeared on a helicopter hovering in the sky with a sniper rifle and quickly aimed at Jiang Chen's head.

Jiang Chen, who was holding the Vulcan Cannon high and firing wildly, suddenly felt his heart tighten. At this moment, he clearly felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

In the sea of fire, Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. He saw more than ten helicopters approaching his position in the sky above his head, and there was a Caucasian soldier at the hatch of one of the helicopters. Aiming at him with a sniper rifle.

"Bang!" Almost at the moment he looked over, a gunshot sounded. In an instant, an armor-piercing bullet carrying a huge impact roared through the air, and was already close at hand.

The bullets fired by the sniper rifle are not comparable to ordinary bullets. The speed of fire has definitely exceeded the limit of the speed of sound. When the gunshot was heard, the bullets were already close. Jiang Chen had no time to react. I could only let go of Hunyuan Tiangang subconsciously.

"Ding!" There was only a crisp sound, and the bullet roared through the air, carrying a huge force, and suddenly hit the Hunyuan Tiangang. In an instant, the air shook violently, and ripples vibrated in circles, like The ripples set off on the water surface are layer upon layer, clearly visible, and shocking.

He struggled several times, but finally succeeded in blocking it. However, at this time, Jiang Chen could not help but shed a few strands of cold sweat on his back. He was careless. After all, this is a world with highly advanced technology. Although ordinary guns and cannons cannot break through his defense, it does not mean that all weapons are ineffective against him.

With a solemn expression and a hint of anger about to explode, he threw away the Gatling gun in his hand that had stopped firing. It was not powerful at all against the helicopters in the sky. To deal with these annoying things, Fly, he must find someone more handy.

Different from the irritability and anger in Jiang Chen's heart, at this moment, the sniper on the helicopter had a look of horror on his face. Through the scope, he could clearly see that the armor-piercing projectile he fired was hitting Jiang Chen. Less than a foot was forcibly blocked.

"Oh, my God, how is this possible?!" The sniper couldn't help but exclaimed: "He actually blocked my armor-piercing projectile?!"

Not only him, almost everyone present who saw the scene just now was shocked, but soon, a scene that surprised them even more appeared. Jiang Chen actually dragged out a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher out of thin air, with the muzzle The direction was exactly the helicopter where the sniper was.

"Ah, no, evade quickly, evade strategically!" There were loud and panicked shouts. Although the helicopter pilot had made the fastest reaction operation, he still could not stop the arrival of the wheel of fate. A shell, It has been dragging a long tail flame and attacked in anger...