History’s Best Reincarnation

Chapter 36: The main plot ends


Jinlun was defeated and Guo Xiang was rescued. When Huang Rong saw that her beloved daughter finally escaped death, she couldn't help crying with joy. Her gratitude to Jiang Chen was beyond words. She was willing to die for him and hurriedly rushed to her daughter's side and hugged him. In arms. Guo Jing, Huang Yaoshi, Master Yideng, Zhou Botong, Yang Guo, Xiao Longnv, Yelu Qi, etc. were all refreshed.

Under the high platform, the Yuanmeng army saw the death of its general, and immediately dispersed. Then the five Song armies attacked back and forth, and they were immediately defeated.

Guo Jing immediately raised his arms and shouted: "All troops, listen to the order, follow me back to Xiangyang to rescue Xiangyang, and kill the Tatar Khan!" The five Song armies immediately responded to the shouts, turned around and charged towards the Yuanmeng army that was attacking the city.

Although Jiang Chen was attacked by Jin Lun Dharma King before his death, he received two palms and was seriously injured. However, after using his reincarnation talent to take away his energy, not only did his injuries heal, but his cultivation level improved further and he reached the fourth level of perfection. With a loud roar, they joined forces with the others to counterattack the Mongolian army.

At that time, Guo Xiang finally saw Xiao Longnu, and couldn't help blurting out: "Sister-in-law Yang, you are so beautiful!"

Xiao Longnu said with a smile: "Little sister, thank you for praying for our reunion. Your elder brother said hello and will take me to Xiangyang to see you."

Guo Xiang sighed and said, "You are the only one who is worthy of him." Xiao Longnu held her hand and became very affectionate with her. Xiao Longnu originally treated everyone coldly and ignored her, but when she heard Yang Guo praise Guo Xiang, saying that she prayed for her husband and wife to reunite, and risking her life to come to Jueqing Valley to dissuade Yang Guo from doing stupid things, she started to treat her differently.

Immediately, Yang Guo rescued Yeluqi who was besieged by the Mongolian army, and resolved the long-standing grievances with Guo Fu, his fateful enemy. He saw Jiang Chen running over and said to Yang Guo: "The elite Mongolian army cannot be defeated easily. If we want to succeed today, we must first kill the Tatar Khan, would Brother Yang be willing to fight with his younger brother?"

Yang Guo thought to himself: "I will meet Long'er in this life. God has been really kind to me. Even if I die today, I will have no regrets. A man who died on the battlefield fighting for his country is the best destination." Yan Nian At this point, he became energetic and immediately shouted: "Brother Jiang's words are exactly what I want!"

At that moment, Yang Guo and Jiang Chen each held their swords and leaped forward on horseback. The divine eagle strode forward beside the two horses, stretching out its wings to deflect the incoming crossbow arrows. Xiao Longnv, Yeluqi, Guo Fu, and Guo Xiang followed closely behind. Not long after, the Shi brothers, Xishan Yigugui and other weirdos from three mountains and five mountains came closer.

This group of people went very fast. In the blink of an eye, they rushed several miles and arrived at the foot of Xiangyang City. Meng Ge's personal soldiers saw that the people were coming with great momentum. Several centurions had already rushed forward to stop them, but Jiang Chen threw a spear, which penetrated the armor of a centurion and passed through his chest. . When Yang Guo saw this, he immediately copied it. Both of them were extremely skilled. Yang Guo was a master of martial arts, which he had practiced in mountain torrents. Jiang Chen had the Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Kung Fu to help him. This spear could be thrown with great force even on rocks. Insertion, let alone ordinary human flesh and blood

In an instant, the two men had thrown twenty or thirty spears and killed twenty or thirty fierce Mongolian generals. The surrounding Mongolian soldiers had no one to lead them, and there was chaos. The Shi brothers immediately summoned wild beasts, including elephants, lions, tigers, leopards, and bears. There were nearly a thousand wild beasts in total. They rushed out from the forest on one side of the battlefield and attacked the Yuanmeng soldiers fiercely.

Although these ferocious beasts have been tamed, they are extremely ferocious after all. The battlefield is full of blood, which makes it easier to arouse their ferocity and make them uncontrollable. When the time comes, they will not be able to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Therefore, when the two armies initially fought, they did not dare to use them. , but now that everyone is rushing into the formation and going deep into the hinterland of the Yuanmeng army, there are Yuanmeng soldiers everywhere, so naturally there is no need to worry.

Although the soldiers of Yuanmeng were elite, they were still flesh and blood. Seeing so many beasts coming, they were in chaos for a while, and because they lost the command of the general, it was difficult to organize a formation. So, in front of nearly a thousand beasts, Under the sudden attack, the situation was immediately in chaos.

Jiang Chen, Yang Guo and others took this great opportunity and immediately urged their horses to charge forward. This sudden attack was as fast as lightning. The Mongolian army had more than 100,000 troops stationed under the city. However, Jiang Chen, Yang Guo and others galloped forward, breaking through the stronghold like a torrent, and rushed to the Khan's horse in one breath. forward.

Meng Ge's bodyguards risked their lives to resist, and the armored men with halberds rushed over and covered the Khan. Jiang Chen let out a long roar and lunged forward. The sharp edge of the broken golden sword in his hand cut iron like mud and was indestructible. As soon as he met them, dozens of soldiers were killed by him on the spot.

Seeing that the momentum was not good, the Great Khan of Yuanmeng picked up the reins of his horse and started galloping. The horse under his crotch is a good horse selected from among ten thousand Mongolians. It has a dragon's back and a bird's neck, strong bones and strong muscles, roars like thunder, and gallops like the wind. It is named "Feiyunzhui" and Guo Jing's "sweat-blooded horse" back then. On par. At this moment, his saddle was sweating profusely, his hooves were flying, and he was galloping towards the open space.

Seeing this, Yang Guo immediately started Qinggong and chased after him. The Mongolian army wanted to step forward to intercept them, but Jiang Chen blocked them with one sword and one man. In an instant, the field turned into a competition between Meng Ge and Yang Guo. When the two armies saw this situation, they immediately forgot to engage in battle, and all eyes were focused on it, shouting with one voice.

Meng Ge's horse was so fast that it was difficult to catch up. Yang Guo immediately threw the spear in his hand violently, and saw the spear flying like a meteor chasing the moon. The two armies saw it clearly, everyone was dumbfounded, but they saw flying clouds under Meng Ge's seat. Zui rushed forward suddenly, the spear was about a foot away from the sweat's vest, and fell to the ground with all his strength. The Song army shouted: "Ah!" The Mongolian army shouted in unison: "Long live!"

Yang Guo was frustrated when he saw that his success was about to fail. At this moment, he saw Jiang Chen's feet shake, and countless gravels were shaken up. When he pushed with his palm, locusts suddenly rained out, trying to rescue Dahan. The Mongolian army encountered flying rocks blocking the road, and countless people were killed immediately.

"That's right! The spear is difficult and far away, why not use a stone?" With a thought in his mind, Yang Guo quickly picked up a stone and threw it out using his strength. But there was a sound of "chi", flying rocks broke through the air, and hit Fei Yunzhui on the buttocks. The horse felt pain, let out a long neigh, raised its front legs, and stood up.

Although Meng Ge was the Great Khan of the largest empire in history, he was proficient in bow and horse since he was a child. He followed his grandfather Genghis Khan and his father Tuo Lei on several expeditions. During Batu's western expedition to Europe, he even established special honors and grew up in On the back of the horse, among the swords and guns, he acted very strangely, but he did not panic. He drew his eagle bow, set a long arrow, clamped the horse's belly tightly with his legs, turned around and shot Yang Guo with an arrow.

Yang Guo lowered his head to avoid it, and then quickly rushed forward. He had already picked up a fist-sized stone from the ground with his left hand, and threw it with a "whoop" sound. His force was stronger than that of wind and thunder, and it hit Meng Ge in the back of the heart without any bias. With this throw, Yang Guo used all his strength. Under the influence of the magical power, the force was so fierce that Meng Ge's tendons and bones were broken. He was knocked off his horse and died instantly.

When the Yuanmeng party saw the Khan falling from his horse, they were all frightened and grabbed him from all directions. Guo Jing shouted orders and took advantage of the situation to charge and kill. The Song army opened the city and rushed out. The Mongolian army was in chaos and trampled on each other. Countless people died. They threw flags and guns along the way. They were defeated and fled north.

When everyone was chasing, they suddenly saw enemy troops coming from the west. The troops were very orderly, and the flag of Kublai Khan was erected in the army. However, although Kublai Khan's army was strict, it was immediately thrown into chaos when the defeated troops came in like a tide. Kublai Khan saw that the momentum was not good, so he hurriedly led a group of soldiers to the rear and slowly retreated north.

Jiang Chen and others followed Guo Jing in pursuit and killed the Mongolian soldiers. During this period, he spotted where Kublai Khan's flag was and immediately fought his way out of the chaos. Seeing Kublai Khan from a distance, he rushed forward. , the sharp point of the broken golden sword was directed, and Kublai Khan was killed on the spot with one sword, and even the handsome flag beside him was also chopped down.

The emperor died, the general was defeated, and the remaining Yuan and Mongolian soldiers were leaderless. Huang Yaoshi issued orders and dispatched them to attack with the twenty-eight star formation. For a while, the Mongolian army suffered heavy casualties. The Song army pursued for hundreds of miles and took the opportunity to recover. Nanyang, Wancheng and other places returned in triumph.

It can be said that since the battle between the Yuan, Meng and Song armies, there has never been such a huge defeat, and the loss of the leader of a country under the city made the Yuan and Meng armies extremely depressed.

You must know that the position of Great Khan of Yuanmeng was not inherited by his father after his father died, but was supported by a meeting of royal princes, important ministers and generals. After Meng Ge died, his younger brother, the seventh prince Ali Buge, was supported by the prince in his old home in northern Mongolia and became the Great Khan. But the other princes did not obey, and each brother led an elite army to fight against each other, just to compete for the throne.

In this way, even if the Yuan and Mongolia are unified in the end, their vitality will be greatly damaged. In a short period of time, they will be unable to attack the south, and the decadent Song Dynasty will be able to survive for a while.

Jiang Chen was determined to revive the Han Dynasty, but as the Xiangyang War ended, he immediately received a message from the Samsara Watch.

"Congratulations to Samsara Jiang Chen for completing the main mission: assist Guo Jing to defend Xiangyang, ensure that Xiangyang is not captured by the Yuanmeng army before the end of the plot, participate in the battle and kill at least a hundred Yuanmeng soldiers, obtain a wishing dragon ball, and unlock the next Qualification for one reincarnation.”

"Special reminder: The main mission has been completed. The mission rewards will be distributed after returning to the land of reincarnation. Jiang Chen, the reincarnator, can stay in this world for up to thirty natural days. Before the time limit is reached, he will be forced to return to the land of reincarnation."

The task was completed and the time limit was approaching, which made Jiang Chen feel helpless that he had no power to use. Standing at the top of Xiangyang City, looking at the great rivers and mountains, he couldn't help but feel silent for a while...