History’s Best Reincarnation

Chapter 39: Wing Chun, Ip Man!


"This is it!" The rickshaw puller, who was rewarded with three times the reward, performed very conscientiously and pulled Jiang Chen downstairs to the staff of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Hotel.

This is a typical old-fashioned neighborhood in Xiangjiang. There are posters of all sizes on the narrow corridor of the staff building. One of them is an advertisement for Wing Chun, and there are pictures of Wing Chun moves on it, which are similar to Jiang's. It's almost the same as the one I took off in the morning.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind. Jiang Chen turned around subconsciously and saw a young man wearing a peaked cap and carrying a bag on one shoulder walking over from behind. He also held a piece of paper in his hand. Flyer, seeing Jiang Chen who was also holding a flyer, he immediately asked calmly: "Hey, boy, are you here to learn boxing?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen responded with a smile: "Are you here to learn boxing too?"

"Let's take a look and talk. At least we have to make sure that the person who teaches boxing is qualified to be my master Huang Liang!" The young man curled his lips, "Boy, what's your name?"

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen responded calmly, and said with a somewhat playful smile: "Then we'll have to wait for you, Brother Huang."

"Don't worry." Huang Liang nodded proudly, as if he was some great master.

At that moment, the two of them went up to the rooftop together. This rooftop was very wide and the venue was huge, so Ip Man’s friends recommended it to Ip Man as a place to practice martial arts and teach boxing. Unfortunately, because at this time " "Wing Chun" has no reputation at all in Hong Kong, so for more than a month, Ip Man was unable to recruit an apprentice, and the great venue was wasted.

This was originally a residential building with many people living there. Among the neighbors, the third aunt of the old Wu family was a worker responsible for cleaning tablecloths in the Hong Kong and Kowloon Hotel. Seeing that the place was spacious, she begged Ip Man to hang clothes on the rooftop. It was difficult for Ye Wen to refuse offers from neighbors, so soon, the originally empty rooftop turned into a living laundry drying yard.

When Jiang Chen and Huang Liang came, they saw a rather fat aunt sitting leisurely on the rooftop. Next to her, at a glance, there were clothes and tablecloths hanging all over the place that had just been washed.

Looking around, there was no second person on the rooftop. Huang Liang immediately asked the aunt suspiciously, "Hey, are you teaching Wing Chun?"

The aunt glanced at Jiang Chen and Huang Liang with a half-smile, then suddenly turned her head and shouted in the direction behind the clothes rack: "Master Ye, someone is here to learn boxing from you!"

Hearing this call, a middle-aged man hurriedly emerged from behind the clothes rack with a look of surprise on his face. Before he could get closer, a voice came over: "Are you here to learn boxing?"

The words were gentle, but there was also a bit of urgency in the gentleness. After all, he had opened the shop for more than a month and so far, he had not even received a disciple. At this time, his family was already very tight, and even his children's It is difficult to come up with tuition fees and rent, which makes Ip Man, who plans to make a living teaching boxing, quite anxious.

"Look, I don't even know what Wing Chun is." When Huang Liang saw this, he immediately said with some disappointment, without any courtesy between his eyebrows.

Ip Man was not upset about this, and said as he walked: "Then let me introduce it to you first. In fact, our Wing Chun is a form of close combat in the south..."

"Okay!" Huang Liang waved his hand impatiently: "You don't have to tell me so much. Let's play. If we lose, I will pay the tuition."

Ip Man smiled and responded: "Okay, you two can come together." However, his words were inevitably laced with a bit of bitterness and self-deprecation. He and his wife Zhang Yong CD came from a wealthy family. If it hadn't been for the war and their family's decline, In the past, he would never have agreed, but unfortunately, now he was forced to make a living, although he had no choice but to do it.

As the saying goes, a penny cannot defeat a hero. Everyone is in trouble, so what if it is a Wing Chun master? At this point, Jiang Chen sees things more clearly than Ip Wen, so he can also understand Ip Wen's complicated mood.

"Master Ye, don't get me wrong. Jiang Chen comes here to learn boxing sincerely, without any intention of provocation." As he spoke, Jiang Chen quickly took two steps back, indicating that he and Huang Liang were not from the same team.

Nodding slightly, Ip Man withdrew his gaze, looked at Huang Liang, slowly made a two-character horse stance, and said calmly: "Wing Chun, Ip Man!"

When Huang Liang saw Ye Wen's posture, he felt more and more contemptuous. He immediately put his backpack on the box beside him, then twisted his neck and assumed a boxing posture. His body was still shaking slightly, ready to attack at any time. Although his posture was good, both Ye Wen and Jiang Chen could easily see that this kid's steps were frivolous, his lower body was unstable, and he was shaking without even a trace of order. He was just a show-off!

Shaking on the spot, Huang Liang tentatively launched a tentative attack, but found that Ye Wen remained calm and had no intention of moving. He was annoyed, took a feint step, and after a fake move, A right hook hit Ye Wen's head immediately!

At a glance, Jiang Chen felt that Huang Liang's movements were full of flaws. If it were him, just one face-to-face meeting would be enough to make him lie down on the ground. Ye Wen was no exception, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone. , raised his hand to block, and immediately blocked Huang Liang's right uppercut.

Seeing that his offensive was blocked, Huang Liang began to speed up, punching wildly, attacking one after another, and was about to knock down Ip Man. It's a pity that although his attacks are fierce, they are not organized. It is okay to scare ordinary people, but it is of no use to an internal boxing master like Ip Wen. Ip Wen easily fends them all off. From the beginning to the end, He has a calm and calm look.

After being unable to attack for a long time, Huang Liang felt angry and anxious. At that moment, he had an idea and quickly sold a flaw. As soon as his fists slowed down, he was instantly hit by Ye Wen's elbow on the neck. But at this time, he also Taking the opportunity to strike out with his right hand, he suddenly hit Ye Wen's ribs!

The ribs are a relatively weak and important part of the human body, because the inner organs of a person are located inside. If this part is hit by a heavy punch, the lighter case will have difficulty breathing, and the severe case will fall to the ground and even lose weight. consciousness.

Who is Ye Wen? A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He put his elbow and left hand on Huang Liang's neck and exerted force at the same time. Huang Liang gave a hopeful blow. Before he could touch Ye Wen's body, his whole body was hit by a blow. He pushed out with all his strength, and his feet suddenly "kicked" and he took several steps back before he regained his balance.

"How is it?!" Ye Wen did not pursue him, but asked calmly, with a sincere smile on his face as he spoke.

However, it is a pity that Ip Man has the demeanor of a master. Jiang Chen, who had already known the development of the plot, naturally knew in his heart that Huang Liang would not give in so easily.

Sure enough, at this moment, Huang Liang shook his body, and replied in a rough voice while holding his neck: "What, you didn't beat me!" As he spoke, he attacked again.

Ye Wen frowned and took action again, but this time, when he took action, he no longer kept his hands as before, spreading his hands, shoulder armrests, double shovel hands, double arm hands... a series of, like clouds and flowing water, a set of After the Wing Chun fight, all the attacks fell on Huang Liang, and Huang Liang was defeated step by step. Until Ip Man stopped, his head was still dangling, and he didn't even know if he was still standing.

"Well, the punching speed is so fast, and the power is controlled very accurately. Ip Man, a generation of Wing Chun masters, really deserves his reputation." On the side, Jiang Chen looked at it and couldn't help but admire in his heart, but he also knew better. , when dealing with people like Huang Liang, it is useless to just think about being merciful and convincing people with virtue. If you don't beat him hard and beat him to the ground, he will never give up easily.

After withdrawing his fist and stopping his hand, Ye Wen immediately looked at Huang Liang calmly, smiled and asked: "How is it? Now you have to admit defeat!"

But Huang Liang shouted again: "Why do you want to lose? I don't even know what you are doing!" As he spoke, he pounced on Ye Wen again.

Facts have proved that even a good old man will get angry when he is offended. Ye Wen has a high level of personal accomplishment, and his external performance is that he has a good temper. However, in the face of Huang Liang's constant provocation, he became impatient and suddenly suddenly The punch went straight into the palace and hit Huang Liang directly on the nose, causing Huang Liang's nose to bleed.

"You know now?" Ye Wen smiled lightly, not knowing whether it was the other party or himself who was laughing.

Seeing Huang Liang rushing forward again in anger, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shook his head secretly. At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Wen's kung fu was much higher than that of Huang Liang. Beating him was like an adult bullying a child. What do you want? Play however you want. Sure enough, not long after, Huang Liang was pushed to the ground by Ye Wen.

"Master Ye, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. What a great skill!" On the side, the aunt said quickly: "Young man, hurry up and become the master!"

"Huh!" Huang Liang's temper was that he was convinced but not convinced. He was taught a lesson by Ye Wen. He couldn't lose his dignity for a moment, so he immediately wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, picked up his bag and left.

"Hey, young man, why are you leaving?" The aunt called out repeatedly, but Huang Liang still didn't look back, which made her a little disappointed: "Fortunately, there is only one left. Young man, you are also here to pay homage to the master." Bar."

Without saying a word, Jiang Chen immediately stepped forward and bowed down, saying, "Disciple Jiang Chen, pay your respects to the master!"