History’s Best Reincarnation

Chapter 84: Fight zombies


"Death, evildoer!" I heard a loud shout. Under the dark night, a strong figure in apricot Taoist robes quickly ran towards me. He raised his hand and moved a copper coin sword, like a sharp arrow taken off the string, in the blink of an eye. In a short time, it shot out of the air and hit the zombie's chest without any hesitation.


Although the zombie was covered in copper skin and iron bones, it was still unable to withstand the fierce attack. A burst of sparks flew from the chest, and the originally pitch-black skin turned a strange red color, like the red-hot iron in the blacksmith shop. It hurt. The zombies roared crazily, and their corpse energy exploded, becoming even more frenzied.

"Senior brother, you are back." A familiar figure and a familiar voice. No need to look or guess. Jiang Chen also knew that the person coming was none other than Uncle Jiu. He quickly reminded him: "This zombie has evolved. Ordinary Taoism We can’t deal with him at all, we have to find another way.”

"Use the ink fountain thread." Uncle Jiu turned over his hand and took back the copper coin sword. Looking at the crazy zombie in front of him, he frowned. Then he squeezed the seal with his hand and popped out an ink fountain thread, but it was not towards the zombie, but towards Jiang Chen.

"Understood." He responded, having caught the ink thread in his hand. Jiang Chen and Uncle Jiu used their magic at the same time to pull the thread, vibrate and release it, and flick it on the zombie.

"Crack!" A burst of sparks flew, and the zombie fell down and flew out suddenly in pain, landing in the courtyard of Yizhuang. However, the glutinous rice spread on the ground exploded with the power to dispel evil, as if it was lit by a real fire. , the zombie was covered in black smoke, and he screamed in pain.

Jiang Chen and Uncle Jiu hurriedly jumped into the courtyard with the ink string to give chase. However, as the black smoke rolled, the zombie actually rolled all the way to the door of the room where Qiu Sheng and others were, and crashed into the closed door with a loud bang. , the power of the talisman on the door exploded, and during the crackling sound, the exploded zombies roared repeatedly, and black smoke exploded from their bodies, but the fierce light in their eyes became more and more ferocious, and their arms swept across like big guns, slamming into them fiercely. on the door.

Although the door is thick, it is only made of wooden boards after all. How can it withstand the heavy blows of the powerful zombies? There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the door was broken open by a zombie with a powerful blow.

"Not good!" Seeing the zombies breaking down the door, Uncle Jiu and Jiang Chen couldn't help but exclaimed in unison, quickly speeding up their pace and chasing after them.

"Ah! The zombies have come in!" In the room, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, and Ren Tingting were even more frightened. Wen Cai turned around subconsciously and was about to run away, but Qiu Sheng grabbed the Taomu Sword from his hand and used his blood to In order to lead, the two swords worked together to stab the zombie's eyes!

At the same time, Ren Tingting also unplugged the bamboo tube in her hand and threw all the French ink in the bamboo tube towards the zombies.

"Crackling!" There was a continuous explosion, and sparks suddenly flew from the zombie's body. Although it was made of copper and iron bones, it could not withstand the erosion of the power of dispelling evil. It suddenly screamed and flew backwards.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and Uncle Jiu arrived from behind, worked together to grab the ink line, and flicked the zombie in the air towards the flying zombie.


There was a muffled sound and sparks shot out. Although it was just a thin ink line, the zombie seemed to have hit an extremely thick copper wall and iron wall, and fell hard to the ground full of glutinous rice. There was a violent howling and rolling, and the permeating black gas was extremely stinky, making Jiang Chen's Ninth Uncle retreat repeatedly.


The more painful it is, the more ferocious it becomes. Although he suffered heavy injuries one after another, the zombie old man Ren became more frustrated and braver. As the evil-dispelling power of the glutinous rice on the ground gradually dissipated, he unexpectedly stood up again, roaring in his mouth, fangs It was ferocious, flashing with a strange sharp cold light.

Under the clothes that were almost torn into strips of cloth, it was clearly visible that the body was made of steel. The hair on his head turned from white to green and spread out, and layers of green hair quickly grew on his hands.

"Oops, he's going to completely evolve into a green-haired zombie!" With an exclamation, Uncle Jiu quickly pulled the ink thread to flick the zombie, but he never thought that he would take a few steps back without waiting for the ink thread to approach.

"Senior brother, he can see!" Jiang Chen said in surprise, and then hurriedly stepped forward. The ink line in his hand trembled, and he forced it to be as straight as a pillar, and suddenly stabbed one of the zombie's eyes.

Although zombies are almost immune to physical attacks, the ink lines blessed with mana have extremely good power to dispel evil and have a great restraint effect on zombies. Now they hit the eyes of zombies that are relatively weak in defense. Qi and mana worked together, causing a burst of sparks to fly around.

Before the zombie could react from the pain, Jiang Chen struck again. The ink line was like a sword, stabbing sharply with a sharp and ear-piercing sound, and stabbed the zombie's other eye again. Another burst of sparks flashed, and the zombie's eyes were injured and he was temporarily unable to see, but he roared wildly.

"The heavens and the earth rotate, the numbers of battles return, the universe reverses itself, the true king subdues the demons!"

Seeing the zombie's eyes injured, Uncle Jiu knew that the time had come. He quickly took off his apricot robe, twirled his hands, and threw it into the air.

With the seven stars under his feet, the magic seals in his hands, and the mantras in his mouth, Uncle Jiu pushed all his magic power to the limit, and applied it all to the Taoist robes spinning in mid-air, and saw yellow light blooming in the night sky. In the middle, the Tai Chi seal circulates yin and yang, bursting out the exorcism power, like a net falling from the sky, heading straight towards the zombies and falling.

If it were before that his eyes were intact, the zombie might have been able to dodge, but his eyes had been blinded by Jiang Chen. In the midst of the severe pain, he could not care about anything else. He barely dodged or resisted, and was beaten by Jiu Chen. My uncle's apricot-yellow Taoist robe covered his head. The robe was of extraordinary quality, and with the help of Uncle Jiu's lifelong magic power, it actually looked like a living thing. With just one roll, the zombie's entire body was wrapped in it.

"Crackling..." A burst of more violent explosions than before came out one after another. As the fire flickered, bursts of black smoke kept rising, covering the whole body of the zombies in the blink of an eye. .

"Qiu Sheng, wooden sword!" When Jiang Chen saw this, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly. Inside the room, Qiu Sheng saw this and hurriedly ran out and threw the two peach wood swords in his hands towards Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen suddenly kicked them out. Hitting the hilt of a wooden sword, the wooden sword immediately shot out due to force, hitting the zombie's chest without any bias.


Even though he was made of copper skin and iron bones, he couldn't resist the repeated attacks. Jiang Chen's sword was too powerful. In addition, the peach wood sword infused with mana was innately capable of restraining zombies. It broke through the defense and penetrated directly into the zombie's chest. Suddenly, A roar of grief and anger erupted from the zombie's mouth again.

Taking advantage of the victory, Jiang Chen did not slack off at all. The moment he reached out to catch the other mahogany sword, he suddenly jumped into the air, turned over, and reached the top of the zombie. Then, he lowered his head and stabbed down with the sword, hitting the top of the zombie's head with a crack. After several explosions, the wooden sword suddenly broke into several pieces, but the zombies also suffered fatal injuries.

"Fire talisman, go!" Uncle Jiu, who had taken a breath, made another magic spell, activated a fire-control talisman, burned it in the air, and turned into a fire crow. It fluttered its wings and flew out, pounced on the zombie, and immediately turned into a fire crow. The roaring fire completely enveloped the entire zombie in flames.

Jiang Chen turned over and fell to the side. With a flip of his hand, he took out a bamboo tube of French ink and poured it all on the zombie. The fire grew stronger and stronger, and the flames lit up the surrounding night sky.

"Reincarnation Jiang Chen killed the plot character zombie Mr. Ren. You currently have the talent given by reincarnation. Can you choose whether to obtain its abilities?"

What rice? The message transmitted by the Samsara Watch suddenly appeared in his mind. Jiang Chen, who had just experienced a battle, did not react for a moment, but he was blind and subconsciously chose:
