History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 100: Thunderbolt! Desire to be a blockbuster (congratulations to the new leader who chased you that year) 03-31


(Congratulations to chasing you that year and becoming the new leader of this book)

Following Li Wenzheng's order, two silver-clothed warriors rushed in.

They have to arrest people directly.

Shen Lang smiled in his heart.

Li Wenzheng, you finally jumped out.

You are a dignified second-class Jinshi, and the silver-clothed inspector has become a knife in the hands of others after all.

A good future is not good, but you are here to die!

Shen Lang smiled and said: "Master Li, I would like to know, how did I end up dying?"

Li Wenzheng was playing with the wine glass in his hand, and said calmly: "Not only is your death imminent, but it will also bring disaster to the Earl of Xuanwu. Miss Mulan, your family will probably be implicated. In a few days, the monarch will send a silver-clothed envoy to investigate your Xuanwu. Earl's Court."

The eyes are faint, the expression is faint, and the movements are faint.

Shen Lang narrowed his gaze,

What I am most displeased with is your lightly pretentious look.

Shen Lang smiled slightly, then sat back on the chair.

He has an advantage, that is, he allows others to finish pretending before they die, and he will never interrupt.

"Master Li, before arresting me, why don't you explain my crimes clearly?" Shen Lang said: "In order not to let people say that you will be punished without teaching."

Li Wenzheng said: "Shen Lang, your "Jin Ping Mei Zhi Feng Yue Boundless" is honestly well written, and the poems in it are also very standard."

Next, Shen Lang should have said something like the award or the award.

But he didn't. Instead, he said: "So you also think that I write well. It seems that my level is really too high."

This sentence almost choked Li Wenzheng.

But soon he was relieved, facing a son-in-law like Shen Lang who was almost dying, he didn't have to worry about his faux pas.

"There are many excellent poems in your book. For example, it is better to go home and sleep with your wife if you spend a lot of time at leisure. Although there is no fun on the pillow, you don't need money to sleep until dawn." Li Wenzheng said: "Although it is not very elegant, But it’s also true to the world.”

"It's also like being grateful and accumulating hatred since ancient times, and there will be no dust for thousands of years. It's an excellent sentence."

"But this one is my favorite."

"Pedestrians are gone after the luxury is gone, the zither is silent and the throat is swallowed. The majestic sword is powerless and glorious, the treasure piano is scattered and the gold stars are gone. The jade steps are lonely and fall to the autumn dew, and the moon shines on the singing and dancing place at that time. At that time, the singing and dancing people did not return, and it turned into today's Xiling Ash."

At this moment, Zhang Jin interjected, "I think the other song is the best, because it fully expresses humanity."

"The matchmaker always said that Meng Ji loves to marry a rich man. If you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, you will never meet face to face."

Thus, Zhang Jin and Li Wenzheng came and went, and even started to praise the poems in Shen Lang's book.


Li Wenzheng slammed his wine glass on the table, and said sharply: "However, Shen Lang, your book has hidden objections."

His voice suddenly raised, and everyone couldn't help pricking up their ears.

Thunder suddenly struck the flat ground, this was the big brother's favorite method.

What starts as a mild drizzle, suddenly thunders and scares you to pee.

"Listen to this poem." Li Wenzheng read aloud: "Zhu Rong came from the south to whip the fire dragon, and the fire clouds and flames burned the sky. The sun wheel will not stop at noon, and the nations are like in a red furnace. The bottom of the sea is sad and thirsty. Why should the golden wind blow out overnight and sweep away the heat in the world for me."

This poem shocked everyone.

Quite a few people present had never read Shen Lang's "The Boundless Wind and Moon of the Plum in the Golden Vase", and they only thought it was a well-written rhubarb book, but they didn't expect such a majestic poem.

It's a good poem, but this poem has a hidden meaning

Li Wenzheng said with a sneer: "The monarch once said that the New Deal is like a scorching sun in the sky, and it must wipe out all the rottenness and make nowhere to hide, sweeping away all the filth in the world."

Yes, the king did say such a thing.

Shen Lang and Earl Xuanwu's Mansion also compared the New Deal to scorching sunshine more than once.

In the entire Tiannan Province, there was the big tree of Zhenbei Houjue's Mansion before. But now the Marquis of Zhenbei had withdrawn, leaving the Earl of Xuanwu's mansion under the scorching sun alone.

Li Wenzheng said: "Shen Lang, your poem compares the sun in the sky to a vicious fire, which scorched many nobles to death. Especially the last sentence, why should the golden wind shine overnight and sweep away the heat in the world for me. Shen Lang What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"The monarch is the sun of our country of Yue, bright and great, what are you Shen Lang doing? Hou Yi shooting the sun?"

"Golden wind?" Li Wenzheng said coldly: "Your Xuanwu Earl's Mansion happens to be named Jin, and your golden wind will sweep away the heat in the world. This is to destroy the New Deal, or to rebel and become self-reliant and replace it."


At this moment, Shen Lang was really convinced.

He really deserves to be a master of learning, he is very good at writing. A normal poem, but you say it is against the New Deal and intends to rebel.

The point is that even Shen Lang felt a little reasonable after hearing it.

Although a little far-fetched, although a little unwarranted.

However, it does make sense.

However, at this time, the Dayan Dynasty was not yet the Manchu Dynasty. It is very rare to be convicted of a crime, and there is no serious literary inquisition.

There is no such thing as Qingfeng being illiterate, and why flipping through books randomly.

So Li Wenzheng wanted to use this poem to label Shen Lang, but it was impossible to convict him.

If you go against your will like this, five or six out of ten poems in the world can be interpreted as anti-poetry.

Li Wenzheng said: "Perhaps you think that this poem can't convict you at all, right? Then the next poem will be your own death, Shen Lang."

Then, Li Wenzheng read the following poem in a murderous voice.

If I knew that you love to rest, I have no room for envy;

Whoever makes Jin love deeply is now the opposite.

Sorrowful and sleepy at dawn, weeping and sitting in the golden boudoir at dusk;

The only soul in the sky is still the same as before.

When everyone heard it, it seemed that there was nothing in this poem.

The writing is still very good, but the level seems to be not as good as the one above. The key point is that there is no intention of treason, even if it is far-fetched.

Li Wenzheng took out two copies of "The Boundless Wind and Moon of Jin Ping Mei", one was sold in Lanshan City, and the other was sold in Xuanwu City.

"Wait with pen, ink, paper and inkstone." Li Wenzheng said sharply.

Soon, several servants brought up pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and it was a large piece of paper.

Li Wenzheng copied the poem on paper.

What a good word, there is no lack of sword spirit in the beauty, and the power penetrates the back of the paper.

Copy Shen Lang's poem on a big paper, and then a few servants opened it wide so that everyone can see clearly.

"Everyone, this is a Tibetan acrostic poem. Please connect the characters in the first, third, fifth, and seventh lines together."

Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look closely.

The king will kill the sky!

Read it the other way around, it means Heaven Zhu Jinjun!

Everyone's expressions couldn't help being shocked.

Tibetan acrostic, it really has the meaning of treason.

Sure enough, the ironclad evidence is so strong that Shen Lang is really doomed this time.

Li Wenzheng said: "Some people may doubt whether this is a coincidence. I can tell you that it is absolutely not, it is completely done by Shen Lang deliberately. I have two copies of "The Boundless Wind and Moon of Jin Ping Mei" here, one bought by Lanshan City, and the other It was bought by Xuanwu City."

"There is a difference between the two books."

"The poem in the previous book is Mourning at Zhu Zhangxiao, Weeping and Sitting in the Golden Boudoir."

"The latter book is about sleepiness and tent dawn, weeping and sitting in the golden boudoir at dusk."

"One is vermilion Zhu, and the back is Zhu Sha." Li Wenzheng said: "The Zhu tent is still reasonable, how can there be such a Zhu tent in the world? What does this prove? After Shen Lang wrote this Tibetan acrostic poem, Seeing that no one found out, he became even more frenzied and changed Zhu to Zhu."

Heaven punishes Jinjun!

"Who is Mr. Jin? He is the adopted son of the monarch, the son-in-law, and a member of the royal family. If you want heaven to punish him, you are cursing the royal family!"

"Shen Lang, what is this if you're not rebellion? You're not seeking your own death, so what is it?"

This time it's almost a real hammer!

Who is Jinjun

He is almost the most unprovoked and unhackable person in the entire Yue Kingdom.

His name is Ning Jin.

His original surname was Sha, and he was the prince of the Nanbei Kingdom.

So what kind of country is this South China

It is a small country, about the size of three counties, with a population of more than one million.

It is a vassal state of Vietnam.

The political relationship in this world is very complicated. The Yue Kingdom is a vassal state of the Yan Dynasty, and the Nanao Kingdom is a subsidiary state of the Yue Kingdom.

The geographical location of the Nanao Kingdom is very critical, it is a buffer zone between the Yue Kingdom and the Shamans.

More than 20 years ago, the Yue Kingdom fought against the sand barbarians in the southwest. The leader of the Nanbai Kingdom led the whole country's elite as the vanguard of the Yue Kingdom's army, and made great military exploits.

And in that decisive battle, the Lord of the Nanbai Kingdom died in battle.

The king of Yue vomited blood in public in great grief, and the whole country mourned afterwards.

At that time, the prince of Nanbei Kingdom was only nine years old, and the King of Yue sent someone to take him to the capital, adopted him as a foster son, and gave him the surname of Yue Kingdom, changing his name to Ning Jin.

Jin, the meaning of sleeves.

This means that Yue and Nanao will always be brothers and sisters.

From then on, the prince Ning Jin of the Nanbei Kingdom treated him like the royal family of Yue in all respects.

Even to some extent, he enjoys more reputation than the king's son.

In the political environment of the Yue Kingdom, you can blackmail the younger brother of the monarch, the sons of the monarch, and even the prince of the Yue Kingdom.

Only Ning Jin, the crown prince of the Nanbei Kingdom, must be flawless. Anyone who dares to tarnish Ning Jin's reputation will be severely punished by the monarch.

This is not uncommon on Earth, but of course it cannot go deep here.

Therefore, this Prince Ning Jin became a political taboo in the Yue Kingdom.

And this Ning Jin has been in the capital for fifteen years, and he also has a high reputation, and his virtuous name is all over the world.

Do you know who wrote the first memorial about the New Deal of Yue

It was Ning Jin, the prince of the Nanbei Kingdom, who was only eighteen years old back then.

At that time, this memorial caused a huge sensation, and also set off a vigorous chapter of the New Deal of Yue.

That was the year that the monarch betrothed his daughter, Princess Ningluo, to the prince of the Nanbei Kingdom.

Ning Jin restored her original surname and became Sha Jin.

Princess Ning Luo accompanied her husband back to the Nanbei Kingdom, and the Nanbei Crown Prince officially became the new ruler of the Nanbei Kingdom, known as Jinjun.

So Sha Jin, the lord of the Nanbei Kingdom, is not only the adoptive son and son-in-law of the monarch, but also the barrier of the Yue Kingdom in the southwest.

He has become a more undefiled existence.

It’s still the same sentence, in the Yue Kingdom, you can even blackmail the crown prince, but you absolutely cannot blackmail the leader of the Nanbai Kingdom, Sha Jin.

However, Shen Lang concealed Tianzhu Jinjun in a poem "The Boundless Wind and Moon of Jin Ping Mei".

When Li Wenzheng discovered this acrostic poem, he was overjoyed.

He is a new official, what he lacks most is political achievements.

Or to put it more bluntly, what he lacks most is heads.

And this head needs to be big enough to dye his official hat red and make him famous in one battle.

Moreover, he is also defending the monarch's new deal, which is absolutely politically correct.

The Xuanwu Earl's Mansion is absolutely the best candidate.

So destroying a Shen Lang is not his goal at all, his goal is to drag the entire Xuanwu Earl's Mansion into trouble.

Shen Lang is just a little son-in-law, how can he be qualified to be his opponent for Li Wenzheng

Li Wenzheng pointed at Shen Lang and said sternly: "Didn't you just write a memorial ten years ago to start the chapter of the New Deal? So you, Shen Lang, regard him as the enemy of life and death, and cursed him to die in the poem, It's really insane."

"Jinjun is not only the son-in-law of the monarch, but also the son-in-law of the Yue Kingdom, and even more is the barrier of our country in the southwest."

"Shen Lang, you cursed the emperor to die in your poem. If this is not against the New Deal, what is it? If this is not rebellion, what is it?"

"As a silver-clothed inspector who inspects the counties in the world, how can I tolerate such a thing?"

"This is a major organized and premeditated case. I must thoroughly investigate to see who is behind you, Shen Lang? How dare you dare to curse the royal family to death in the book."

"Now do you know where you died? Someone, take Shen Lang down for me."

Li Wenzheng shouted sharply, feeling extremely relieved.

Note: The first update is sent,