History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 63: Absolutely awesome! Here comes the good show! (bug) 03-31


In ancient China, after the Sui Dynasty, the county was abolished as the state capital, and there was no official post of prefect.

The post of governor-general only existed in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Previously, similar high-ranking officials were Xuanfu envoys, Jiedu envoys, state shepherds, etc.

In this world, there are no city lords, county prefects, and provincial governors coexist, which is very different from the ancient Chinese official system.

It can only be said that my Great Yan Dynasty has its own national conditions.

But Shen Lang could probably understand the reason.

First, the level of military force in this world far exceeds that of ancient China, so the most outstanding talents are often both civil and military, so this makes it difficult to completely separate civil and military positions.

Second, there are a large number of feudal nobles in all countries. As a local governor, if he wants to suppress these old nobles, he cannot do without military power, so it is difficult to completely separate military and civil power.

In the evening, Earl Xuanwu's Mansion ushered in two big figures.

The envoy of the Governor's Mansion of Tiannan Province, and the aide of Lord Zhu Rong, the Governor, is Wuji.

The prefect of Nujiang County in Tiannan Province, Zhang Chong!

Accompanying people were Xuanwu City Lord Liu Wuyan, former Xuanwu City Zhang Bo, and Xuanwu City garrison leader Zhang Jin.

In order to express their welcome to the visit of the two great figures, the eldest son Jin Mucong and the lady of the Earl's House Jin Mulan personally led two hundred cavalry to meet them for twenty miles.

Then the Earl led his wife, Shen Lang and other people to greet him at the gate of the Earl's Mansion.

This is also the first time that Shen Lang, as the son-in-law of the Earl's Mansion, appears on such an important occasion.

Before that, Shen Lang did detailed homework on both Wuji and Zhang Chong.

Wuji, male, fifty-three years old.

Yueguo Palace to test the flowers!

Bull or not? Cock or not

Vietnam is also a big country with a population of nearly 20 million, and he was able to pass the national third place in the exam.

Such an awesome person should be a high-ranking official by himself, but why did he become Governor Zhu Rong's staff

Because his family committed a crime, Wuji was implicated in it. After he was forced to leave the officialdom, he opened an academy, taught for ten years, and became famous throughout the country of Yue.

Afterwards, he was favored by Master Zhu Rong, visited the door three times, and finally became the staff of the Governor's Mansion.

This person is extremely trusted by the governor, and his actions can represent the will of Zhu Rong.

Many people even said that they would rather offend the governor's son than Wuji.

For example, it is better to offend Ma Yingjiu than Jin Pucong.

Some people say that Wuji is Lord Zhu Rong's sleeve, what does that mean, a pure and beautiful man like Shen Lang doesn't understand.

As for the eunuch Zhang Chong, he is definitely a master, a super master.

His father was a military officer, and he himself was versatile in both civil and military affairs. He could lead troops to fight when he was on horseback, and govern the people when he was off his horse.

In the previous twenty years, he traveled around and served as the city lord for five terms.

He has made outstanding achievements in every term, but he has been sluggish, and his official career is not prosperous.

There is no way, the widow sleeps, no one pushes behind her.

And the first battle three years ago made his reputation shake the entire Yue country, and since then he has been favored by the monarch and the Zhu family, and he has soared into the sky.

At that time, he was the Lord of Wangya City in Dongjiang County.

In the past hundred years, who is the prefect of Dongjiang County? no one knows.

But when it comes to Dongjiang Earl's Mansion, it is well-known and awe-inspiring.

Almost everyone thinks that Dongjiang Earl's Mansion is the sky of Dongjiang County, and has been the local emperor for hundreds of years.

Compared with Earl Xuanwu, Earl Dongjiang was much more domineering, and his methods were extremely fierce, completely overwhelming the prefect of the county.

Wangya City, where the Dongjiang Earl's Mansion is located, is known as the death zone of officialdom.

The New Deal of the Yue State is completely difficult to achieve in Dongjiang County.

It took this Zhang Chong five years to drive the Earl of Dongjiang's mansion into a corner, and the domineering Earl of Dongjiang led his army to attack the Lord's Mansion of the city.

With few enemies, Zhang Chong led his army to defeat them and won a complete victory.

So far, the Earl of Dongjiang's mansion lost all military power and fief, and the Earl of Dongjiang committed suicide.

In the end, the monarch was merciful and did not commit mass killings, and did not even deprive the Hai family of their titles, but the Dongjiang Earl's Mansion has completely become an empty shell.

After Zhang Chong became famous in the first battle, he was transferred back to the capital and kept a low profile for three years.

Last year, he was sent to Nujiang County as the prefect to carry out administration.

Who is the native emperor of Nujiang County? Xuanwu Earl's Mansion.

Therefore, it couldn't be more obvious where this Lord Zhang Chong's sword was pointing at.

Back then when he was just a city lord, he killed the Earl of Dongjiang, and now he is the prefect, with military and political power in his hands. No wonder Earl Xuanwu is always cautious like a thorn in his back.

However, after this Master Zhang Chong took office, he did not burn three fires as everyone imagined, nor did he confront the Xuanwu Earl's Mansion, but seemed particularly low-key.

After seeing these two big men, the image was similar to Shen Lang's imagination.

Wuji is a middle-aged handsome man. He looks friendly, but he is actually arrogant and arrogant. Moreover, his clothes are incensed and his eyebrows are painted a little. Don't think that Shen Lang didn't notice.

Sure enough, the rumors are not all groundless, even though he has no holes.

Zhang Chong's complexion was very dark, and his face was originally handsome, but it was too thin, and looked very gloomy like a knife chopping with an axe.

Moreover, this person is especially taciturn, with only a pair of eyes, as sharp as a falcon.

Wuji was wearing elegant and elegant clothes, while Zhang Chong was wearing a cloth robe without any expensive ornaments on his body.

From the appearance alone, I really can't imagine that the prefect was actually a Wen Jinshi.

After the meeting, Wuji exchanged pleasantries with Earl Xuanwu for a while, and then chatted with the Countess about the traditional friendship between the two families.

That's right, Lord Wuji was also born in a noble family, but it was the kind of nobleman who didn't have a fief.

And Zhang Chong just said to the Earl from the beginning to the end: "Chong, meet Uncle Xuanwu."

Afterwards, the prefect, who was both civil and military, and in control of the power, stood aside without saying a word.

"Lang'er, come here to pay respects to Mr. Zhang and Taishou Zhang." The Earl greeted.

Shen Lang stepped forward and slightly bowed his hands in salute.

These two are class enemies, father-in-law needs to cover everything, and he, Shen Lang, is still a small person at this time, his attitude is not important, just a little perfunctory.

Will the other party treat you better because of your good attitude? impossible!

As Shen Lang's son-in-law, the two big men will not greet you specially.

Wuji smiled reservedly, Zhang Chong nodded, and then ignored Shen Lang.

This is the normal attitude.

Next, Earl Xuanwu invited several important figures into the Earl's residence and held a grand banquet.

At this time, Shen Lang just buried his head in eating, at most he drank some sweet rice wine.

While eating, look at Mulan's charming waist-hip curve.

Unknowingly, I ate more.

Mulan had no choice but to act as if nothing happened to her rogue husband.


Shen Lang came out to recite poems? Pretending to slap your face

Absolutely nonexistent.

There are two important people in the family, one is Tanhua, and the other is a first-class Jinshi. They will come here to test your son-in-law's knowledge

think too much.

"Uncle Xuanwu, twenty years has come again." Wuji said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone put down their chopsticks.

Because, to get to the point.

Wuji said: "Your Excellency sent me here this time, just to ask me, regarding the dispute over Jinshan Island, what is Uncle Xuanwu's plan? Can it be peacefully mediated by the Governor's Office?"

This is the purpose of the two adults' visit.

The feudal dispute over Jinshan Island is related to the conspiracy of a certain monarch many years ago.

There is no need to go into details about the history. In short, the Earl of Jinhai in the north believed that Jinshan Island belonged to him, while the House of the Earl of Xuanwu believed that Jinshan Island belonged to the Jin family.

The two families almost beat out their brains for this, and after more than a hundred years of fighting, no one can clearly resolve this lawsuit.

Both families can cite a hundred pieces of evidence that they have the inviolable ownership of Jinshan Island.

In the end, the previous generation of monarchs decreed that every 20 years of Jinshan Island, the two sides will conduct civil and military competitions, and whoever wins the 20-year fiefdom will belong to him.

If it is an ordinary island, then forget it.

The key is that Jinshan Island has extremely high-grade iron ore, along with other minerals. Whoever gets the right to develop the island will increase their annual economic income by at least 30%.

Twenty years ago, the Xuanwu Earl's Mansion lost and lost a lot of money. It was really a bit traumatic.

The current financial crisis of the Earl's Mansion is not only because of a big moth like Xu Wenzhao, but the loss of Jinshan Island is also a more direct reason.

It can be said that after losing Jinshan Island, the backbone of Earl Xuanwu's Mansion was broken in half.

Earl Xuanwu said: "What do you think the governor wants?"

Wuji said: "Your Excellency has said that peace is the most important thing for everyone, so Jinshan Island will be divided into two, the north will belong to the Earl's Mansion of Jinhai, and the south will belong to the Earl's Mansion of Xuanwu."

As soon as these words came out, Earl Xuanwu immediately became angry.

Am I easy to bully when I'm an honest person

Everyone knows that the main minerals of the entire Jinshan Island are located in the northern half, while the southern half has only large areas of saline-alkali land, beaches, and large areas of woods.

But despite the anger in his heart, the Earl would not refuse in person, he just raised his glass and said, "Drink, drink."

Of course Wuji knew this was the result, so he stopped talking.

He expressed his attitude on behalf of the governor, and it is enough to represent that I have already come to mediate.

The rest of you, Earl of Xuanwu's Mansion and Earl of Jinhai's Mansion, have no problem with fighting shit, and the harder the beating, the better.

Next, the party goes to garbage time.

We are not very familiar with each other, and we are still class enemies, so there is no need to chat awkwardly.

Earl Xuanwu is not the kind of person who is good at dancing with long sleeves and slick faces. Although the countess is clever, she hates evil and hates to hide it.

As for the son of Cong Jin Mu

ah? ! Sorry, I didn't realize you were there.

Although Shen Lang is a son-in-law with a low status, he is handsome anyway. Others can't help but look at it a few more times, and after reading it, they have to think about it, silently ranking the most beautiful men in their hearts, whether it is the first or the second Woolen cloth

There is no first handsomeness, no second beauty.

As for Jin Mucong's fat house, it's completely a backdrop.

Everyone present was silent, and the whole banquet was particularly quiet.

Just when the atmosphere was particularly awkward.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside.

Faintly, countless people could be heard shouting.

"Hand over Shen Lang, murder for life!"

"Hand over Shen Lang, murder for life!"

Shen Lang couldn't help exhaling, and his whole body was refreshed.


The good show is finally here, I'm about to fall asleep tm.