Hitting Up The Big Leagues with a Green Tea Personality

Chapter 108: Luo Dong's praise


Xia Bohe had never been exposed to the line that Mi Min tested.

But the first time she heard it, it struck a chord.

A good actor enters the play quickly and can quickly find the position where the characters' emotions are stacked.

Xia Bohe has long-term experience in group acting, and after repeated experiences of secret love and broken love every night, she can almost enter the scene in a second.

I don't pray if you love me or treat me well, I just wish you well.

This state of mind is too in line with her training results!

Moreover, with great luck, this line is suitable for attacking Luo Tianlin!

Sure enough, Xia Bohe raised her 'uneasy' little face, and saw Luo Tianlin's dark eyes darkened.

"Student Xia, this performance is not bad."

Xia Bohe's pink lips parted involuntarily.

Not bad, passable.

Cheap husbands praise others, they are all so reserved and restrained.

"Mint, you are very good, you have completely captured the emotions of the characters just now!" Zheng Qingshan was really pleasantly surprised. You must know that Director Wang just complained not long ago, and her lines only scored 59 points.

Xia Bohe was modest and polite, "It's all taught well by the teachers."

Zheng Qingshan's old face burst into laughter, "You are a good boy, you have aura, you have aura!"

Luo Tianlin's eyebrows were raised slightly, his eyes fell on her quietly, his expression was calm and unwavering.

But those who are familiar with him know that he is in a slightly unhappy mood.

Xia Bohe glanced at him secretly, bowed very sensiblely, "I've wasted Director Luo's time, my performance is over."

Is this a reminder that he can go

Luo Tianlin's brows became tighter, and he came back with a cold body, and his eyes swept around her before he nodded calmly.

He turned around, turned his head for a moment, but left another sentence, "Director Zheng, I didn't see the name of student Xia for the several scholarships at the end of the year. She has a good performance and is friendly to her classmates..."

Xia Bohe raised her head suddenly, her watery eyes were filled with a halo!


The scholarship of Nanyuan Art School has always been famous for being rich because of the support of Chongyi.

In order to allow students to concentrate on the study of acting and not to waste time in commercial performances, Chongyi allocates 1 million yuan to the scholarship winners of the acting department every year.

Even if there are ten winners, each will have one hundred thousand!

Her saliva is about to flow down!

One hundred thousand, although there is 150,000 pocket money given by Luo's parents in her bank card, but who can think that money is too much!

Naturally, the more the better!

Her blushing little face with shining eyes and closed mouth corners all fell into Luo Tianlin's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"But—forget it this year."

Xia Bohe's eyes widened: "!??"

Forget it, forget it!

Banknotes can still be counted!

Luo Tianlin's black eyes were filled with a smile, he lowered his head slightly, and his deep and mellow voice was next to her ear, "The quota has been confirmed, next summer students will perform well."


Xia Bohe almost hugged her like a dog, and called out to her father.

Luo Tianlin looked at her terribly rich, even more vivid expression just now, his chest trembled, and he chuckled happily, "I'll take my leave first."

Xia Bohe bit her lip, feeling so remorseful that she was about to cry.

"Chairman Luo has worked hard!" Zheng Qingshan hurriedly sent him out.

When Luo Tianlin's back disappeared at the door of the classroom, Xia Bohe really felt the pain of missing a millionaire!

Gone, really gone... Scholarships.

"Director Luo is right. Mint, you are very talented. You didn't work hard enough before and wasted too much time and opportunities. Next year, if you work hard, there is great hope for scholarships. You join Chongyi, and the starting line is higher than others. The future is limitless."

Zheng Qingshan turned her head, not forgetting to comfort Xia Bohe.

"The gains and losses of a scholarship are all temporary."


Not temporarily!

Lost is forever!

Xia Bohe's expression was grim.

But when she walked out of the classroom dejected, frustrated, and sad, she heard Zheng Qingshan muttering in surprise as she looked at the new messages on her mobile phone.

"The Greatest Improvement Award... Director Luo wants to add a new scholarship?"

"Mint, then you go back and prepare the materials, and I'll help you report them."

Xia Bohe grinned for a second.

From hell to heaven.