Hokage: Ryo’s Path

Chapter 111: future things


The nine tails in Naruto made a special trip to tell Yamanaka Ryo that it was related to the three tails.

Yamanaka Ryo has always had an idea for San-Tailed, and San-Tailed is the most suitable tailed beast for him. Whether it can launch a large-scale water escape or provide a huge chakra, Yamanaka Ryo urgently needs it.

"Kurama, why did you tell me this?" Yamanaka Ryo asked Jiuwei somewhat strangely.

"It can be considered that you have protected Kushina's favor! Remember to use the sealing technique to hide this memory first, and forget that I will not remind you a second time."

Yamanaka Ryo, as Jiuwei said, sealed this memory by himself. This kind of seal is somewhat similar to Itachi putting the water-stopping kaleidoscope on the crow. Once certain conditions are met, the seal will be triggered, and this memory can be recalled.

Yamanaka Ryo has never seen Sanwei, and he doesn't know what kind of chakra of Sanwei, so Yamanaka Ryo set that when he uses the [Ice Colossus], the seal will be automatically lifted.

These things are complicated, but in fact it only takes a few minutes. Everyone is listening to Naruto about the future. Except for Minato Namikaze, others have not noticed the abnormality of Yamanaka Ryo.

However, Minato Namikaze thought that Yamanaka Ryo was distracted as usual, and he didn't think much about it. He was worried that Naruto would reveal too much about the future.

"That, Kushina, isn't it bad to ask more about the future!" If Kushina wasn't here, Namikaze Minato would directly stop everyone from continuing to ask, but Kushina listened with gusto. Let Namikaze Minato feel helpless.

"What does Minato have to do with it! Wouldn't it be better to use the sealing technique to seal all our memories when we left Loulan?" Jiuxinai said.

Kushina said so, Minato Minato can only compromise, and since gossip is human nature, he also wants to know something.

"Naruto, I'm your mother, then who is your father?" Kushina asked a lot, and finally asked what Minato Namifeng wanted to know.

"My father is him. He is exactly the same as the photo at home, and he is also very similar to the Hokage Rock of the Fourth Hokage." Naruto pointed to Namikaze Minato and said bluntly.

"Minato, that's great! We will get married in the future, and we have such a wonderful son." Kushina was very happy when she heard Naruto's return, and rushed over to hug Minato Minato.

Namikaze Minato can become the fourth Hokage, not only because of his strength to shock the ninja world, but also because of his wisdom and character.

From Naruto's words before, the information Minato Namikaze got is that Kushina grew up with Naruto, and he didn't seem to exist.

Just now Naruto said about his photo, and Hokage Rock made Minato Namikaze confirm his guess that he must have died in a future mission.

Thinking of this wave of Fengshuimen, my heart is a little heavy. Anyone who knows that he will die in the future and can't accompany his wife and children will not be in a good mood.

When Yamanaka Ryo was awake, he heard Naruto's words, and noticed Minato Minato's dim eyes.

"Brother Minato, I won't let him happen in this future." Minato Namika smiled and thought it was Ryo Yamanaka who was comforting him.

While everyone was chatting happily, Yamanaka Ryo felt someone break in within his range of perception.

"Shh! Be quiet, someone is coming!" Shan Zhongyuan's words interrupted everyone's conversation, and when they heard the news that someone was coming, everyone was on guard.

A figure walked in cautiously outside the door, "Brother Minato, I'll leave it to you." Yamanaka Ryo sent a voice transmission to Minato Minato, who was ambush nearby.

As soon as Yamanaka Ryo's voice transmission ended, the figure of Minato Namikaze disappeared. After a flash of light, Fei Lei Shen Kunai was already on the neck of the person who came.

The visitor was frightened into a cold sweat. He hadn't noticed anyone before. If it wasn't for Minato Namimo's mercy, he probably wouldn't know what happened until he died.

The reason why Namikaze Minato kept his hand was because he saw the Konoha forehead guard of the person who came. However, out of prudence, Minato Namikaze subdued the visitor first.

"Are you a Konoha ninja?" Minato Namikaze asked.


"Do you know Naruto Uzumaki?"

The visitor was silent. Whether it was out of affection for his companions or the secrecy of the mission, he could not reveal Naruto's news.

The visitor thought that if he didn't say it, the Kunai of Namikaze Minato would slash his throat. He, who was ready to sacrifice generously, closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

But after a while, he heard Naruto's voice: "Captain Yamato, they are all companions, don't worry."

"Naruto?" Hearing Naruto's loud voice and opening his eyes, he was startled by the people around him.

"Teacher Yamanaka, why are you here? This... what's going on?" Yamato was the first to see Ryo Yamanaka.

Immediately after that, he noticed Minato Namikaze, "Sir Minato! Didn't you go on a secret mission? Why are you here?"

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up when he heard Yamato's words. He didn't seem to be dead when he heard Yamato's words, he just went to perform some mission.

Immediately after Namikaze Minato thought of Naruto's tone, he was not sad, but rather complained. Namikaze Minato felt a sense of relief.

"Yuan, don't let him guess, tell him the whole story!" Minato Namikaze said.

Yamanaka Ryo nodded and explained the current situation to Yamato. During this period, Yamanaka Ryo noticed that when Yamato faced himself, it was like seeing a majestic elder, and he was both afraid and respectful, which made Yamanaka Ryo a little confused.

"Thank you, Mr. Yamanaka, I understand. I didn't expect the power of the dragon veins to have such an effect." Yamato said.

Yamanaka Ryo nodded, ignoring him, while Yamato was confused.

"That, Mr. Yamanaka, could you please tell me how we should go back to our era?" Yamato couldn't help but ask.

"This! The reason you came here is that Baizu broke the seal of the dragon vein. I guess as long as you defeat him and seal the dragon vein again, you can go back." Yamanaka Ryo said.

"Thank you, Mr. Yamanaka." Yamato respectfully thanked Ryo Yamanaka after receiving the answer. It was the first time he saw such a polite person, Ryo Yamanaka was not used to it and nodded stiffly.

Everyone discussed the next actions together, Naruto Yamato must go back to the future, and back to the future must defeat Baizu.

Baizu's identity in Loulan is unknown to anyone except Shan Zhongyuan, but Shan Zhongyuan has no way to explain the source of the intelligence and can't say it, and can only develop according to the original work.

After that, just like in the original book, Minato Naruto proposed to let Naruto protect Queen Loulan, and the others went to find the trace of Baizu.

Kushina disagreed, she felt that it was too dangerous for Naruto to go alone, but Naruto Minato had no choice but to agree to her and Naruto to protect Queen Loulan.

This time everyone agreed to this arrangement, and the action began.