Hokage: Ryo’s Path

Chapter 44: Graduated concurrently


The Yamanaka Clan, Yamanaka Yuan and Yamanaka Haiyi talked about the healing talisman. Anyone who can be the head of the clan is not stupid. After hearing it, Yamanaka Haiyi knew how much the healing talisman could bring to the Yamanaka family.

Among the three clans, the Nara clan is responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the Konoha medical system, so the Nara clan basically contracted the medicinal materials inside the Konoha.

The profit from the supply of medicinal materials in a Da Nin village is huge. In the original work, Shikamaru can use the detonation charm at will, which is the reason for this.

The Qiudao family said that the invention of the Bingliang Pills borrowed the secret medicine from their clan, and the Qiudao family would receive dividends from the sale of the Bingliang Pills.

Only the mountain clan has no business of its own, and there is no dividend. Most of the expenses within the clan are maintained by the ninjas of the mountain clan.

The healing talisman developed by Yamanaka Ryo gave Yamanaka Kaiichi an opportunity to improve their living conditions. Yamanaka Hai confirmed it again and again, and asked Yamanaka to make a healing talisman on the spot.

A few days later, Yamanaka Kaiichi and Yamanaka Ryo were summoned by Hokage.

In the Hokage office, the three generations of Hokage and Jiraiya are waiting for the arrival of the two.

The three generations of Hokage received a report from Jiraiya yesterday that Yamanaka Ryo developed the healing charm that the village had been researching before.

The value of the healing charm is naturally known to the three generations of Hokage. If the energy is produced, it will have a huge impact on the next war of Konoha. The survival rate of Konoha Ninja will be greatly improved.

Yamanaka Ryo and Yamanaka Haiyi and two arrived at the Hokage office, and the three generations of Hokage directly asked Yamanaka Ryo, "Yuan, can the healing talisman be mass-produced?"

Yamanaka Ryo shook his head, even if he didn't sleep, there weren't many healing talismans he could make every day.

"How much can you make in a day?" asked the third Hokage.

"Up to 30 a day." Yamanaka Ryo said after thinking about it.

The three generations of Hokage nodded, and the number that Yamanaka Ryo said was not much different from Jiraiya's guess. According to the information Jiraiya just collected from Sand Shinobi, Sand Shinobi is currently undergoing an unknown civil strife and will not start a war for a short time.

According to the output of 30 pieces a day, Konoha will have a lot of healing charms in reserve before the war begins, and the three generations of Hokage are very satisfied with this.

"Hai Yi, I think you understand the value of the healing talisman. This talisman is of great significance to the village and the mountain clan. You are the chief of the mountain clan, tell me what you think!" Three generations of Hokage said after a while of silence. .

"Lord Hokage, the village is responsible for helping the mountain family buy jade, and the mountain family makes and sells healing talismans. Each piece of healing talisman sold will give the village 30% of the income." The sale of healing talismans must be in their own hands, and Yamanaka Haiichi knows very well at this point.

In the future, the two negotiated the price, and finally reached the conclusion that the materials for making the healing talisman would be produced by Konoha, and each piece of healing talisman sold by the mountain family would be handed over to the village for 40% of the income.

Both parties were satisfied with the result, and Yamanaka Ryo's mission was changed from going to Konoha Hospital to be a medical ninja to making a healing charm. It is worth mentioning that this mission is a B-level mission.

For more than a month, Yamanaka Ryo has been making healing charms in the third training ground. Uzuki Xiyan also entered the swordsmanship under the guidance of Kakashi.

Uzuki Xiyan's performance is naturally incomparable to a super genius like Kakashi, but it is still much stronger than ordinary people.

In the process of teaching Yuzuki Yuyan for more than a month, Kakashi discovered a lot of his basic deficiencies. Previously, Hatake Sakumo pointed out that Kakashi did not take these problems into his heart, and he did not understand the problem until he discovered it. serious. So now Kakashi is not so repulsive to teach Yuzuki Yuyan.

"Kakashi, do you want to go to school today?" Yamanaka Ryo asked.

"Go to school? Why?" Kakashi asked Yamanaka Ryo with a glance.

"Lin and Obito are graduating, don't you know?"

Kakashi shook his head. In fact, Yamanaka Ryo didn't know about his graduation at the same time, but he just sensed it with the immortal mode when he made the healing talisman.

"Then let's see?" Kakashi asked.

"Okay!" Yamanaka Ryo also hadn't seen Lin and Obito for a long time.

"Xiyan, we are going to the ninja school to watch our classmates' graduation exams, do you want to go?" Yamanaka Ryo asked Xiyan.

"Brother Yuan, I won't go. I have to practice hard."

During this period of hard work, Yamanaka Ryo finally asked Uyuki Xiyan to change his name to his brother. He was very happy about it for a long time.

Yamanaka Ryo and Kakashi went to the ninja school together, just in time for Yuhika to take the stage. For someone like Hong Yuhi, who is taught by elders in the family, it is not a problem to pass the ninja school's genin exam.

After that, Mitarai Red Bean, Sarutobi Asma, and Shiranui Genma all passed the exam successfully.

"Next, Matekai!"

The students around Kai burst into laughter from time to time before he even got on the field. Usually Kai's performance is the standard crane tail in Hokage, ninjutsu is the last one, illusion is not at all, only taijutsu is okay.

The graduation assessment of the ninja school was generally based on the [Three Body Technique] in the peaceful era, but now that the war is about to break out, Konoha needs a new batch of ninjas, or new cannon fodder to enter the battlefield.

Kai was able to let the ninja school be the three generations of Hokage, but the headmaster of the ninja school put him in the elite class because of the special care of the three generations of Hokage to Kai.

Different from the ordinary class, the children of the elite class are the pillars who hope to grow up Konoha, and the children who graduate from these elite classes will have Konoha's elite Jonin to serve as their instructors.

The war is about to break out, the ninja school's graduation exam is all the ninth school teachers decide their own subjects, Kai's subject is the physical art that he is best at, and like everyone else, Kai also successfully graduated.

"Next, Uchiha Obito. Uchiha Obito, are you there?"

The examiner's deliberate repetition made the surrounding classmates laugh even more. Obito is also in the elite class because he belongs to the Uchiha clan. But his grades were only slightly better than Kai, and Obito also had a problem with being late. The recognized Konoha "Late King"!

Obito's exam subject was [Clone Jutsu], a ninjutsu that the Uchiha clan had learned since childhood, and Obito passed it very easily.

After that, Lin is somewhat similar to Sakura in the original book, and Chakra's control is outstanding, so the subject of [Clone Technique] is naturally not a problem.

After the last classmate finished the exam, all the students in the elite class graduated successfully. After that, there was a long speech by the teacher of the ninja school, and then the forehead protection was awarded. Since then, Obito and others have officially become Konoha's Genin.

"Lin, Obito! This way!" Yamanaka Ryo called to the two of them.

"Bastard Kakashi, Shifu Shan Zhongyuan. I also graduated!" Obito's temperament did not change at all, and shouted at the two of them.

"Kakashi, why are you here?" Lin asked.

"I'm bored to see your graduation exam." Yamanaka Ryo replied.

The four of them were chatting, when a student on the side spotted the two of them.

"Is that Kakashi and Yamanaka Ryo?"

Kakashi and Yamanaka Ryo were set up as role models for the students by the ninja school, and Kakashi was Konoha's youngest chunin. Yamanaka Ryo is a medical ninja comparable to Tsunade.

"Kakashi, Obito, Lin looks like we are in trouble. I don't want to deal with these students. I'll invite you to eat barbecue when you graduate today. See you at the barbecue restaurant next to the third training ground." Chakra mode, use Lei Shun to leave.

Kakashi followed suit and ran away with Lei Shun, Obito and Lin looked at each other, rushed out of the crowd and ran towards the barbecue shop.