Hokage: Ryo’s Path

Chapter 52: first drop of blood


Because medical ninjas need to carry a lot of medical equipment, their movement speed is slower than that of combat ninjas. Although Yamanaka Ryo and Jirai also set off together, they have fallen far behind Jiraiya after a few days.

"Captain, we have just left the safe area, and the battlefield is not far ahead," said a ninja in the medical team.

"Ming, check the front with your white eyes to see if there are any hidden enemies. You are about to enter the battlefield, be careful." Yamanaka Ryo said to Hinata Ming who was beside him.

Hyuga Ming opened his eyes and looked around, and Yamanaka Ryo also carefully sensed the movements around him.

"Captain, no enemy is found within 1 km ahead." Yamanaka Ryo sighed in relief with Hyuga Ming's words.

"Ming, check the surroundings with your eyes every kilometer, and don't accidentally fall into an ambush!" Yamanaka Ryo knew that this medical force was especially important to the Konoha ninjas on the battlefield of the Land of Winds, and he had to be careful everywhere.

The medical team continued to move forward, and Hyuga Ming would check the surroundings every one kilometer to confirm safety. After advancing five kilometers, Hyuga Ming found that there was Sand Shinobu in ambush ahead.

"Captain! Sand Ninja is found ahead, there are twenty-seven people!"

"Stop, Man, you go to the front to see the configuration of Sand Shinobi." Yamanaka Ryo told everyone to stop moving forward, and sent Uchiha Man to see the details of Sand Shinobi.

Yamanaka Ryo knows a little about Uchiha's full strength, after all, he has played against each other before. During a few days of rushing, Yamanaka Ryo and Uchiha Man chatted to learn that he had started Sangouyu.

Knowing that Uchiha Man opened the three-gou jade writing wheel eye, Yamanaka Ryo was both envious and helpless. His Sharinyan has not changed for almost 3 years, and it is still Ergouyu.

Soon Uchiha Man came back, "Captain! The sand ninja in front should be resting. There are five junin in the team, and the leader's strength is also junin. The others should also have the strength of chunin."

Yamanaka Ryo made an assessment of the strength of both the enemy and the enemy. There are five Shangren, and the leader is also Shangren. If you add medical ninjas who can use chakra scalpels, the two sides are almost the same in terms of combat effectiveness.

"A team of pigs, deer and butterflies, and 7 fighting ninjas left behind to protect the medical team. Those in the medical team who can use a chakra scalpel will go with me to ambush Sand Ninja in front." Yamanaka Ryo assigned the tasks of everyone and took the lead in facing the sand. Run to the place where Shinobu rested.

Yamanaka Ryo could have chosen to bypass these sand ninjas and continue to move forward, but once caught, these medical ninjas with weak combat power would inevitably suffer casualties. As the captain, Yamanaka Ryo had the responsibility to protect his team members.

Moreover, Yamanaka Ryo's decision to ambush Sand Ninja is that they have Hyuga Ming's eyes on their side who can grasp the enemy's dynamics, and he has the strength of his full firepower ability to fight Junkage.

There are 7 people in the medical team who can use the chakra scalpel. With the help of Ming Baiyan Hinata, Ryo Yamanaka and his group of 23 people chose several positions that were in the blind spot in the field of vision. Ryo Yamanaka was alone at the front, waiting for Sand Ninja. Enter.

Not long after Yamanaka Ryo and others were in ambush, Sand Shinobi appeared. This sand ninja team apparently also has the existence of perception ninjas. Yamanaka Ryo used the secret technique he had obtained from the sand ninja female spy to hide his chakra.

Yamanaka Ryo used it for the first time after cultivating this secret technique. When he was experimenting with the Yamanaka clan before, he was sure that this secret technique could evade the detection of perceptive ninjas.

Sure enough, Sand Ninja's perception ninja didn't find him. After Sand Ninja relaxed his vigilance, Yamanaka Yuan condensed a chakra scalpel in his left hand, entered the ice elementalization, and the thunder chakra mode broke out.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Shun of Ice Thunder Mode appeared behind the perception ninja of the sand ninja team, and cut off the throat of the perception ninja with one knife.

A few people in the sand ninja team protecting the perception ninja, wind escape ninjutsu, kunai, and the shuriken attacked Yamanaka Ryo.

The surrounding Sand Ninja hurriedly avoided when his companion attacked Yamanaka Ryo. Sand Ninja's attack did not cause any damage to the ice elemental Yamanaka Ryo, and Yamanaka Ryo once again used Lei Shun to disappear instantly.

From the appearance of Yamanaka Ryo, to when he killed the perception ninja, to when he disappeared, it took only 5 seconds in total.

The ninjas outside the sand ninja team didn't even have time to react, and the few people responsible for protecting the perception ninjas, their attacks did not cause any substantial damage to the ice-elementalized mountains. In this way, Yamanaka Ryo perfectly won his first drop of blood in the three battles.

Yamanaka Ryo's performance not only made the Sand Ninja team panic, but even the teammates behind him were stunned.

In particular, Uchiha Manchu, who has a Sharinyan, can only see clearly with the dynamic vision of Sangouyu Sharinyan, which is completely beyond his imagination.

"Don't panic! Take Tanaka's body and move on. The name of the perception ninja who killed us didn't want us to move forward. There must be something ahead."

Sand Ninja's judgment on the Jinnin is still very accurate. Yamanaka Ryo killed the perception ninja in Sand Ninja's team by means of thunder. On the one hand, he wanted to protect his companions from being discovered. On the other hand, he also wanted to shock Sand Ninja and make them retreat .

The sand ninja team continued to move forward and stepped into the ambush of the medical team step by step.

Uchiha Man was the first to attack, and the skill of the fireball burned one of Sand Ninja's Chunin into charcoal. Not to be outdone, Hyuga Ming used an empty palm to kill a Chunin.

Others also took action one after another. The Sand Ninja team, who lost their perception of the ninja, did not notice the ambush ahead, and was caught off guard by Yamanaka Ryo and others.

The sand ninja team was eliminated in an instant by 9 chunin, and one Shangin was cut off the meridian of his right arm by Yamanaka Ryo's Chakra scalpel.

"You are Konoha's ninjas! Damn Konoha!" The leader of the sand ninja team was furious and charged directly towards Yamanaka Ryo, who seemed to be the weakest in the team.

Yamanaka Ryo entered the ice thunder mode, and the chakra scalpel was condensed in his left hand. In the state of ice thunder mode, Yamanaka Ryo's body reaction and speed were not comparable to the leader of the Sand Ninja team, and he was kicked by Yamanaka Ryo in a few rounds. fly.

"Damn, [Wind Dun. Continuous Big Breakthrough]." Yamanaka Ryo was very fortunate to have Orochimaru show him the wind escape ninjutsu before. At the moment when the big breakthrough hit, he stimulated the activity of the cells through the thunder escape, and easily avoided it.

"It's up to me!" When an ordinary Jōnin turned on the ice thunder mode in Yamanaka Yuan, he was no match at all. A flash of lightning flashed away, and the leader of the sand ninja team was cut by Yamanaka Ryo's Chakra scalpel. throat.

After killing the leader, Yamanaka Ryo and members of the medical team wiped out the Sand Ninja team.

The medical team wiped out the Sand Ninja team at the cost of three serious injuries and five minor injuries. The members of the medical team, after this ambush, looked at their captain with admiration.

Before, except for Uchiha Man, everyone else thought that Yamanaka Ryo was just a medical ninja with better medical ninjutsu. Only through the battle just now did they know that their captain was still a powerful ninja.

Naruto World worships the strong, and all the members of the medical team participating in this battle are convinced by the captain of Yamanaka Ryo.

Yamanaka Yuan was afraid that there would be too many dreams at night, so everyone buried Sand Ninja's body hastily, and continued to move towards the Konoha station with the medical ninja behind him.