Hokage: Ryo’s Path

Chapter 90: Snake fairy pattern


It has been more than a month since the battle with Iwanin. During this more than a month, Yamanaka has been helping Hongdou to practice the immortal mode.

The first problem to be solved is how to safely absorb natural energy.

To this end, Shan Zhongyuan also made a special trip to Miaomu Mountain, and asked Immortal Shenzuo how he used a board to punch natural energy out of the human body.

The explanation I received from Immortal Fukasaku is that the method of knocking with a board is to use pain to interrupt the communication of human and natural energy, and then attach the magic chakra to the stick. Squeeze out the excess natural energy in the human body.

After learning the principle, Yamanaka Ryo tried it himself and found that he could do it too. So after discussing with Orochimaru, Red Bean started the practice of absorbing natural energy for the first time.

Unlike Jiraiya and others who practice the immortal mode, Red Bean does not have toad oil to assist her. Although she can feel the natural energy, she cannot absorb it. Yamanaka Ryo asked Anko to calm down and consider himself a part of nature.

But Hongdou is only an 11-year-old child, and he has a very lively personality. Before sitting down for 5 minutes, he began to look around, scratching his ears and cheeks.

Yamanaka Ryo had no choice but to call for Orochimaru. As a teacher, Orochimaru is much more deterrent than Yamanaka Ryo, a classmate. At least Hongdou is obedient.

Ten minutes later, the two of them looked at Red Bean with black lines all over their heads. Originally, the two thought that Red Bean was cultivating seriously, but suddenly a word came out of Red Bean's mouth that the meatballs were delicious, which made them know that Red Bean had fallen asleep. .

"Yuan-jun, wake her up." Orochimaru pointed to the board in Yamanaka Yuan's hand.

Yamanaka Ryo nodded and hit Anko on the back.

"Yeah! It hurts! What are you doing, Yamanaka Ryo!"

"Sorry for disturbing you to eat meatballs, but please, can you be more serious?" Yamanaka Ryo said helplessly.

Hongdou smiled awkwardly, raised her head just to meet her teacher's stern gaze, closed her eyes again, and sat upright.

This time, Hongdou did not fall asleep. By constantly sensing natural energy and imitating the fluctuation of natural energy, Hongdou began to gradually integrate into nature.

In this way, Red Bean completed the first step to integrate into nature. In the following days, Yamanaka Ryo continued to teach Red Bean about the cultivation of immortal mode. And because of the Orochimaru staring at Red Bean, he learned very seriously.

After more than half a month of practicing the immortal mode, Red Bean finally made a big breakthrough.

This day, the natural energy around the red beans, who was sitting cross-legged as usual, suddenly fluctuated slightly. After a while, the natural energy around the red beans flowed into her body a little bit.

These weak natural energies are like a key, opening the door between the red beans and the natural energy.

After that, the natural energy and the body of the red bean established a certain connection. After the red bean participated in the circulation of the natural energy, the natural energy also began to pour into her body.

Yamanaka Ryo looked at the red beans strangely. The red beans absorbed so much natural energy, but no signs of assimilation of natural energy began to appear in any part of the body.

Hongdou, who was sitting silently suddenly, opened his eyes and charged towards Shan Zhongyuan with a grim face. The red beans were not assimilated by natural energy, but there was a violent situation after Chonggo absorbed natural energy in the original work.

Yamanaka Ryo opened the writing wheel, and found that the natural energy in Hongdou's body was scurrying around like a mouse. Hongdou's mental power couldn't control this energy, so he had a runaway similar to that of Shigego in the original book.

After discovering the reason, Yamanaka Ryo asked Orochimaru to help control the red beans, and he attached the immortal chakra to the board to punch the scurrying natural energy out of the red beans' body.

There is not much natural energy left in Hongdou's body. Within the range that she can control, Yamanaka Ryo instructed Hongdou to fuse physical energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy in a ratio of 1:1:1.

As a ninja, the distinction between physical energy and spiritual energy is very clear, and Red Bean's innate sensitivity to natural energy helped her complete the most important step of the fairy mode, integrating the fairy chakra.

A single horn grew on the red bean's forehead, purple eye shadow appeared at the corner of the eye, the skin became whiter and whiter, and there were tiny scales on the body.

Not far away, Yamanaka could clearly feel that a strong vitality suddenly appeared in the body of the red bean.

Red Bean's immortal mode is obviously different from Shan Zhongyuan's immortal mode. Red bean is the contractor of Longdi Cave. The immortal mode is somewhat similar to the state of the original Chinese Medicine Master's pocket, but the head is a single horn.

Hongdou slowly opened his eyes, first a little confused, and then looked at the world around him in surprise.

Seeing that Hongdou was awake, Yamanaka Yuan walked over and asked, "Hongdou, what do you think?"

"It feels so good, everything around me has become clear, and I can feel the endless power in my body." Hongdou said excitedly.

"Red Bean, come and play with me." Yamanaka Yuan wanted to see how much Red Bean's strength would increase with the increase of the Snake Immortal Mode.

The snake fairy mode in the original book has caused the two brothers Itachi Sasuke to suffer a big loss. If Itachi didn't use the Uchiha family's taboo pupil technique Izanami, the outcome is really hard to say.

"I don't want it, you are a shadow class, I'm a chunin at most, wouldn't it be abusive to beat me with you?" Hongdou decisively rejected Yamanaka Ryo's proposal.

But Yamanaka Ryo had no choice but to come up with a trick - looking for Uncle Snake.

And Orochimaru is also full of interest in the immortal mode of red beans, and decisively fulfills Yamanaka's request for red beans. Red Bean can only fight with a bitter face.

Since he couldn't hide, Hongdou decided to go all out, at least not to lose too ugly. Hongdou didn't even bother to test, and directly threw "[Fire Escape. Dragon Fire Technique]" at Shan Zhongyuan.

And after the ninjutsu shot, Hongdou realized that something was wrong. Her ninjutsu was so powerful, and her ninjutsu seemed to be given life, and it felt like she had become a fire dragon.

Yamanaka Ryo used the moisture ice in the air to condense into an ice wall, and Red Bean's dragon fire technique actually bypassed the ice wall. Yamanaka Ryo was taken aback, and quickly split the dragon fire technique with [Leiqi].

Ryo Yamanaka knew about the enhancement of ninjutsu by the immortal mode. The snake immortal mode could actually make an ordinary jutsu look like a living being, which surprised Ryo Yamanaka.

Anko looked at Yamanaka Ryo with excitement on her face. She found that after absorbing natural energy, not only her ninjutsu skills were improved, but her insight and physical fitness were also improved.

Just as the red beans were about to continue their attack, the characteristics of the immortal mode suddenly disappeared.

"Can the time last for less than 2 minutes?" Yamanaka Yuanjian Hongdou had already exited the immortal mode, so he did not continue to fight.

"Student Yamanaka Ryo, this natural energy seems to leave my body by itself, what's going on?" Hongdou asked.

"Natural energy is a special kind of energy that is constantly circulating in the world. When natural energy leaves your body, it returns to the cycle of the world," explains Yamanaka.

Hongdou had other questions he wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Yamanaka Ryo.

"The issue of the red bean fairy mode will be discussed later. Now let's entertain our "guests"!"