Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 13


Rong Jing came to the fourth floor office of the Academy of Performing Arts and wanted to find Mr. Hu, the head teacher of his class, to hear his opinion on the original owner.

It was this teacher Hu who recommended the original owner to be the male protagonist of the show. After the performance overturned, the teacher also became the object of jokes in the following years, but he still encouraged the original owner to break the shackles bravely in private and try Face the camera again.

The original owner was surrounded by such lovely people, so he never lost hope.

"Are you looking for Lao Hu?" It was Teacher Zhang, who was called Audiovisual Language. Looking at Rong Jing's striking face, he recognized the student who was called "Rong Accident" by that class of students, "There was an accident at his house, I was taken by 110 to recognize the body today, alas, how can a good person not be rewarded."

Probably thinking of the students in front of him, the teacher didn't say any more.

"Recognize a corpse?" Rong Jing suddenly thought of the emergency news that he saw on the subway.

"I don't know the specifics. If there is anything, let's wait for him to come back."

After a while, Teacher Zhang remembered something, and tore off the sticky note on a desk. It said that Teacher Hu gave Rong Jing a chance to audition.

"He often talks about you, you also have a conscience, and you didn't forget to come back to see him after graduation. Most of the students in your class have a good way out. He said before that if you come here, it means you haven't given up. This is a good opportunity, don't give up. I missed it." Teacher Zhang patted Rongjing's shoulder heavily, "Young man, he asked me to tell you something: Flowers are not popular for a hundred days, acting is like life, there is no eternal winner, and there is no eternal loser."

Perhaps only those who have experienced strong winds and waves can say words with a long aftertaste.

Rong Jing squeezed the note slowly, suddenly remembering that his parents in his previous life had said similar things to him.

That was when he missed the Newcomer Award and lost the Best Supporting Actor award one after another. Seven nominations in three years, no grains were received, and he was escorted by Xiao Wan Nian.

However, his parents have always been confident in him. Since childhood, they said that he has a talent for acting. Although he entered the industry late, he was able to overtake in a corner, which is their pride.

He also always wanted to be the pride of his parents and do his best.

Rong Jing continued to settle himself, and it took another year to get the first trophy in his life, and then more and more honors came later.

He will always remember that his parents looked at him on the podium with tears in their eyes. It was gratification and pride.

When he first came to this world, he was still overwhelmed with new changes, and he had no time to think about his mood.

But these similar words suddenly aroused his strong homesickness and an inescapable sense of loneliness.

His family and career are all in the original world, Rong Jing covered his wet eyes.

I really want to go back.

Who is Gu Xi? There seemed to be a thin film in his head, as if there were some rules restricting him from thinking.

Rong Jing was a little confused on his way out of school. Before, he only thought about why he became the new Rong Jing.

What about the original him, wouldn't he also die

After the speech, Gu Xi was invited by the school to go to the playground to play a friendly match with the students from the school's performance department, and completed some series of shooting.

When he came out of the school, he saw the mysterious classmate who caught him a glimpse, walking on the road like a lost lamb.

Gu Xi felt that he was already very rational, and did not raise the possibility of this person to 80%.

He wants to observe again, but there is always a chance to meet it.

When he was hesitating, he saw that the man was answering the phone and was hit by a few playful classmates while walking.

"I'm sorry, please suspend the shooting." Gu Xi stopped the staff.

Rong Jing got through to Qi Ying's phone, and it was already the fifth call, four calls while watching the speech.

Rong Jing thought that there might be something urgent, otherwise, with Qi Ying's eyes above the top, it would be impossible to call the original owner. Rong Jing finally answered the phone, and Qi Ying didn't call, and asked him why he didn't go to the audition after so long. Do you know that because of Rong Jing, he couldn't explain it now.

Rong Jing looked up WeChat, and only then saw Qi Ying's WeChat message asking him to audition last night.

Probably because the original owner could not reject him, Qi Ying didn't think that Rong Jing was deliberately ignoring him.

Rong Jing remembered that there was a message last night, but he was concentrating on watching a movie at that time, and when he saw Qi Ying's head portrait, he crossed it out.

Qi Ying felt that he had bad luck today. Originally, his financial master had already been sponsored by the Xie Family Entertainment Company, but today he told him that the Xie Family had withdrawn the capital.

He didn't know if it was his self-recommendation yesterday that angered Xie Ling.

He went to wait under the office building early this morning, wanting to apologize to see if he could recover it, but until now, he didn't even touch a corner of Xie Ling's clothes, and the front desk kept smiling and said that there was no appointment and could not be notified.

He thought that he could at least win some sympathy by insisting on waiting there, but he never thought that a cold and ruthless Alpha like Xie Ling would not eat this set at all.

Here, I received the news that Rong Jing didn't go to the audition. I felt that Rong Jing did it on purpose, and of course his tone was very bad.

Rong Jing didn't intend to let his ears continue to endure the noise: "Qi Ying, first of all you have to understand that I didn't promise you yesterday."

At least ask my own opinion before deciding.

Qi Ying sneered: "If it wasn't for the fact that you were good to me before, you thought I would give you this chance. I'm really glad I broke up with you, Rong Jing, I'll tell you—"

Rong Jing was hit by someone, the books were scattered on the ground, the screen of the mobile phone was touched by something, and it became hands-free, and there was Qi Ying's voice inside:

"Even if you submit a thousand resumes, no crew will want you, you will be a loser all your life!"

Classmates, you are going too far!

He just looked at the original owner's infatuation, plus Qi Ying was a very difficult person, like a blood-sucking vine, the original owner was almost sucked, so he was released.

Rong Jing was not familiar with this world at first, and didn't want the other party to feel profitable and pester him, so he kept silent all the time. Anyway, long live the breakup.

Just as Rong Jing was about to answer, he saw a pair of skeletal hands took the mobile phone and said to the other end, "I am a staff member of the "Imperial Power" crew, and I have officially invited Rong Jing to participate in the audition, and now he has something to discuss with us. , please call back later."

Saying that, he hung up the phone neatly.

Oh, I tried my best to find a benefactor that you can trample on casually

Did I agree.

After hanging up, I remembered my impulse just now.

Through the sunglasses, I saw Rong Jing looking at him suspiciously, ah, well, so embarrassing, how should this end.

Do you want to say that I am Gu Xi, the one you asked me to have breakfast on the stage just now, I saw that you were in trouble, so I came over to take a look, and then I didn’t expect to hear such a paragraph, and I didn’t want to spy on your privacy, but When I heard that I didn't do anything, I felt that I was in vain.

Uh, none of the above is in line with his external image.

What is the primary condition of an idol, manage his image well, just like he is tired, he will always shine when someone is there.

He really shouldn't have gotten out of the car.

Gu Xi squatted down, picked up the book, and dusted off the dust.

Just like he once picked up the bracelet, he was careful not to let them get dusty.

Rong Jing looked at Gu Xi in surprise when he saw such a careful approach.

Gu Xi sorted out a few books and handed them to Rong Jing. Seeing that Rong Jing had been looking at him, he lowered his head again.

I just wish I was wearing sunglasses, a mask, and a cap, and I changed clothes because of a basketball game, so the other party couldn't recognize me.

Rong Jing seemed to see his embarrassment: "Is it true that you said the crew is recruiting people?"

Gu Xi felt that the other party really didn't see him, and his attitude became more natural: "Yes, I'm sorry for making the decision for you just now, if you want to call back and call again?"

There are a lot of people dressed like him in the film school, and he also changed his voice on purpose, should he really not recognize him

"It doesn't matter, you are in time for the rain." Rong Jing said that he didn't mind, and it wasn't that he couldn't tell the goodwill.

"Then... do you want to come and see?" Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't recognize it, and was a little lost for no reason.

Hearing the meaning on the other end of the phone, the person in front of him was either bad at acting or bad reputation. Gu Xi planned to go to the school forum later when he had time.

In addition, this person's classmates seem to reject him, which can already explain some problems, and may also be related to personality.

But Gu Xi will not identify a person based on a few things, just like he thinks that Xun Jiarui may have a bad character, but that doesn't mean that there is no possibility of saving him, and the most important thing is that most of Xun Jiarui's key points are Right on.

If it was Xun Jiarui, after he paid off the favor, he would settle the matter.

Now, the same person will not completely deny Rong Jing, he will only rely on 79.9999% of his intuition.

Besides, it's just a chance. They auditioned for overseas selection. If Rong Jing can't do it, then it's useless for him to recommend. As he spoke, he handed over a director's business card. Seeing that Rong Jing had taken the business card, he was not excited at all, and suddenly added, "Actually, the male protagonist of this movie is very good-looking."

Ah, Gu Xi, what are you talking about, why do you bring this up

Gu Xi covered his face in embarrassment, at this moment he just hoped that Rong Jing didn't recognize him at all.

The next play is a big male protagonist's play, and it is also Gu Xi's role once again, and he attaches great importance to it.

Rong Jing thinks that the male protagonist is good-looking, and it has nothing to do with him going or not. He is not the heroine, why should he care about this.

Rong Jing is also an habitual past life thinking mode. I don't know that the big male protagonist here may also be divided into three genders. It is not necessarily the heroine who plays the opposite role, but it may also be another male protagonist.

Rong Jing saw that the man got into a nanny car, and finally reacted half a beat.

Just now I felt like, is he Gu Xi

Rong Jing picked up the phone and put Qi Ying on the blacklist.

While deleting Qi Ying, I thought, Gu Xineng will give you some books and recommend you to join the group

Rong Jing, you are floating.

Rong Jing looked at the business card given by Gu Xi and the introduction phone number given by Teacher Hu, and found that it was still the same.

What a coincidence

Rong-kyung thinks that there will be a banquet in the evening, but what about his clothes

It was Zhou Xiang who helped him get it, and then... then Zhou Xiang forgot about it.

What about the legendary omnipotent secretary, Secretary Zhou, didn't you say that if you forget everything, you will not forget about the boss

Where did Zhou Xiang forget, he was staring at a few shopping bags and studying.

Zhou Xiang glanced at his own vice president who was in the office and looked at his mobile phone from time to time. The vice president was looking at WeChat at the moment, and stared at his brother's WeChat avatar for a while, and from time to time, the corners of his mouth curved, and then he continued to handle official business.

The boss of his own is the kind of straight A, not careful, not tender, not considerate, and the steel is too hard to turn.

When I meet the young master who is basically inactive, that is, the planet hits the earth, and a disagreement can lead to a cold war to the end of the world.

No one tells the truth, and who knows what they are thinking, isn't this a serious misunderstanding

If the young master doesn't change his inherent cognition, maybe this pair of brothers will be strangers in this life.

If no one takes a step first, how can there be change.

It's just that he didn't expect that Rong Jing, who rejected Xie Ling so much, took this step first.

Zhou Xiang thought about it, and sent a text message to Rong Jing, saying that he forgot to return his clothes, but now he can't leave, can the young master come to the company.

Rong Jing was thinking about this question when he saw Zhou Xiang's news and called an online car-hailing.

Was looking for information on "King Power" and noticed the driver's license and trade license that the driver put in front of the windshield.

Due to the six genders and the rarity of Omega, most of the online car-hailing in this world are from regular companies.

Rong Jing thought of something, and took out the photo of the driver's license that he took last night. At that time, he hit the road casually. There was no online record, and he didn't give him a taxi receipt afterwards.

But he kept his mind and photographed the person's road permit and license plate.

Rong Jing made a careful comparison. Although the light was dim at the time, it was still obvious that the photo he took had no driver's ID, and the format was different.

When he stopped at the red light intersection, Rong Jing took a picture of himself and showed it to the driver. The driver looked at it for a while and said, "This is not released by our company. Generally, we need to have a job number and ID photo when we go on the road. This should be It's a private black car."

Strictly speaking, small black cars are not allowed, but because they don’t have to be handed over to the company, they are also very popular with people who don’t have a job and want to work part-time. In addition, they are cheaper than regular cars. When traffic management is lax at night, from time to time It will pop up, it will be difficult to manage, and everyone will turn a blind eye if there is no major incident.

But if it is really a small black car, there is no need to make fake documents at all, it is superfluous.

Rong Jing thought of the person from yesterday, and finally looked at the red-clothed Omega's eyes.

All kinds of signs made him feel that he couldn't let it go, and asked the driver to turn and go to the police station first.

It was very late to go to Xie Ling's company after leaving the police station. At this time, Qi Ying, who had not seen anyone for almost a day after waiting for Xie Ling, could only leave unwillingly.

When Rong Jing arrived, he said to Zhou Xiang, and registered his name under the guidance of the beautiful and gentle lady at the front desk.

Rong Jing just wrote his name here, and Zhou Xiang has already arrived downstairs over there.

I said to a few receptionists, "This is the young master. I used to be at school and didn't come to the company. Let's get to know him now, but don't ask him to sign in again."

Several front desks thought that Rong Jing was the new signing actor of the entertainment department, but they only thought that the appearance was high, and the clothes were very casual and comfortable. How could they know that they were so low-key and actually wrote their names honestly. Where did Xie always find such a good guy? 's brother.

They were amused by Zhou Xiang, and Qi Qi said hello to Rong Jing: "Hello, young master."

Rong Jing was born into an acting family in his last life, and he has seen a lot of big scenes, but the people he knows don't do this. He was greeted teasingly by several female Omegas, and his ears were all red.

Rong Jing had never been in a relationship, so he couldn't resist, and quickly followed Zhou Xiang away.

There was laughter from behind, Zhou Xiang saw that Rong Jing was so popular and asked, "Little Master, what kind of Omega do you like?"

Zhou Xiang is a competent assistant. If he wants to slowly resolve the ten-year estrangement between the two brothers for the boss, he must start with understanding.

Rong Jing: "Why can't it be Alpha?"

Because in his opinion, male A and male O are both male, what is the difference? Why can one be a wife, people in your world can't be so sexist.

Rong Jing sent out the torture of his soul, he was just pure doubt.

"This, if you have to... it's not impossible, no, it's really not possible!" Zhou Xiang had a hard time imagining that scene.

Zhou Xiang looked at Rong Jing in shock. Should he tell President Xie that the young master might be gay

I don't seem to like Omega, I prefer Alpha!

Rong Jing didn't know yet, his words were about to shatter Zhou Xiang's three views.

He asked according to the concept of his previous life, and he didn't even think there was any problem with what he asked.

Zhou Xiang took Rong Jing as an exclusive elevator to the 26th floor of the top floor.

Then he forced himself to go to the pantry and poured a glass of milk for him, and brought some snacks.

"The vice president is still in a meeting. If the young master is not in a hurry, do you want to wait for the vice president to go with him?" When Zhou Xiang asked, he was still a little apprehensive. The former Rong Jing would never agree to take a car with Xie Ling. .

Rong Jing looked at the time and agreed that the itinerary for the meeting was related to the Xie family.

After Xie Ling finished the meeting, his expression was solemn and his brows were furrowed. The supervisor behind him was very frightened. This time the project they were in charge of suffered a lot of losses, and the group needed to fill in the loophole.

This is the project that the second young master of the Xie family is in charge of, but in the end, Xie Ling is required to finish the project.

When he came to the door of the office, Xie Ling's footsteps stopped, and he saw his younger brother asleep on the sofa.

Xie Ling entered the office without the slightest change in expression, and said to Zhou Xiang who was sorting documents, "You, come here."

Zhou Xiang walked over.

"Pinch me, the heavier the better."