Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 25: Beauty, he's... broken


In fact, when the police station received a report that someone had gathered to race cars, they had already prepared to send a patrol team there, but this half-mountain curve was too suburban, and it took time to pass.

Since Zhou Xiang also reported the same case, the police station saw an increase in the number of police reports, so they temporarily cooperated with the traffic police department, and asked the nearest traffic police officer who was investigating drunk driving to go over to check the situation first. It was only under the influence of several factors. very fast.

Just when the people present were very nervous, the traffic police stepped forward to question and seize the scene. There was a huge roar of the engine in the sky. Looking at the helicopters from far and near, the whole scene was completely chaotic.

A group of people looked at the helicopter hovering above in shock and opened their mouths one after another: This is too exaggerated, is it a spy movie

We're just getting together for a little excitement, but we don't want to get involved.

In fact, because of the influence of his young master, Zhou Xiang almost rushed over at the fastest speed, but it was still a little slower than the nearby traffic police.

Zhou Xiang held the horn and asked Xie Ling below: "Mr. Xie, please stand still."

Xie Ling didn't move, looked at the helicopter helplessly, and could already guess who did it.

How do you think the little brother is a little cute.

His heart that had just been chilled, warmed up a little. He always thought he was fighting alone, but his younger brother gave him a huge surprise.

Before Xie Jisheng left, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the attendant had unknowingly handled both cups.

It would take at least two hours for the effect of the drug to strike. If he was at the police station at that time, he would have the best alibi, and the plan was almost a perfect crime.

When entering the police car, he looked at Xie Ling outside: "I don't blame my elder brother for telling me about racing here, we are always brothers."

Xie Ling looked at him blankly, it looked similar to usual, but if you look closely at his eyes in the night, it seems so complicated and heavy.

When the police put a group of boys and girls into the police car and drove away, Xie Ling asked Zhou Xiang, "Did my brother ask you to come?"

Zhou Xiang was greatly relieved to see Xie Ling who was safe and sound: "Yes, the young master didn't say anything."

The night seemed to cover his eyebrows: "Of course he won't say it, because there is no evidence."

And Rong Jing, who was in the hotel, was lying on the sofa weakly. He actually wanted to shut down because he didn't want to hear the bad news.

After calming down, think about why there were so many obstacles for him to make a phone call, and why Zhou Xiang just happened to be absent. All signs showed that Xie Ling's life and death were too important to this story world.

The phone rang in the quiet room, and Rong Jing jumped up abruptly. When he saw the word Xie Ling, and heard Xie Ling's familiar cold voice on the other end of the phone, Rong Jing covered his nose and changed all his expressions. Hidden in the palm.

Turning around, he thought it was impossible.


In the roar of the engine, Xie Ling increased the volume: "I'm fine, I will come to the company tomorrow to talk about the rest. Go to bed, what time is it."

Rong Jing was dumbfounded and hung up the phone.

Xie Ling turned off the phone screen, her gentle eyes instantly cooled, and she looked at her finger: "Go to the drug lab."

The Xie family's industry covers many fields. Xie Ling has increased investment in medicine and equipment in recent years, and acquired a laboratory that is on the verge of bankruptcy but full of talents.

As we all know, such laboratories require a lot of investment in the early stage, and the final results are not necessarily useful, so it is difficult to attract investment. Xie Ling has also been losing money in this regard, which has made the shareholders of the group quite critical. Even because of these expendable investments, there are voices who hope that Xie Ershao will also join the decision-making level.

But now, it seems to come in handy.

Not long after, Xie Ling came to the laboratory and asked the experimenter to scrape the residue on his fingers.

Waiting for the result tormented, before the result came out, he still held a glimmer of hope, he did his best to treat his second brother, if this result was exchanged, wouldn't it be... too sad.

On the other side, Rong Jing didn't go to bed obediently. With the recovery of some memories, he searched for Guan Hongyi, who should have died. Guan Hongyi was Gu Xi's long-term friend. It's over thirty.

He is the assistant director of a well-known foreign horror film director. He is well-known in Hollywood, but not many people know him in China.

I only returned to China at the beginning of this year, and I have been pulling investment to prepare the first domestic thriller movie.

Although he is not famous, he has his own encyclopedia. When Rong Jing found that face, he was surprised: "My God, it's her."

It's actually the big guy in women's clothing who corrupted him. Did he bring some buffs with him, or else he would always encounter the protagonist group.

In fact, when he recalled the beginning, what he should be most worried about was Gu Xi.

But there is a difference between people, and he will definitely care more about Xie Ling, who may die at any time, than the protagonist Shou, who is not familiar with him.

It is impossible for him to help out just because the other party is the protagonist.

Judging from Gu Xi's speech at the Film Academy, he escaped his first encounter with Wu Fuyu because of his own intervention. That is to say, the plot can be destroyed, but the key plot is more difficult to break, such as today Saving Xie Ling was much more difficult than Guan Hongyi, and there were countless obstacles.

This may depend on the identity of the cannon fodder and supporting characters, or how much a character influences the story.

Rong Jing always had an inexplicable panic in his heart. Did he ignore some important and crucial information

No, I've been thinking too much tonight, and I feel like I'm going to explode.

It's better to pause for a while, and what to say later, he needs to rest now to relax his mind.

No one should come in to disturb him today, Rong Jing thought about it, took off his clothes, got into the quilt, covered it, and closed his eyes, all in one move.

The ups and downs of the day have been tense for a long time just now. After learning that the eldest brother escaped, he completely relaxed, fatigue swept up, and Rong Jing almost fell into a deep sleep in a few seconds.

A soft snoring sounded in the room.

With Gu Xi, who was separated by a wall, his breathing gradually synchronized.

Rong Jing turned off the lights before going to bed, and the room was pitch black.

At this time, the elevator in the corridor opened, and the lobby manager had received instructions from Xie Zhanhong before, and if he found Rongjing, he should report it.

The lobby manager came to the corresponding floor, accompanied by a shy and timid beauty, who looked like an adult, and a look made people soft.

Xie Zhanhong also counts his words, saying that if he wants to surprise his stepson, he will not break his promise.

Coupled with the fact that he himself has connections all over the world in this regard, he soon selected a dewdrop-like beauty among countless candidates.

The word Dewdrop Beauty was specially created by Alpha for Gu Xi.

In recent years, the aesthetics of alphas have been based on Gu Xi. Of course, the deity is useless, but the same kind of temperament can always be found, and there are not a few with good qualifications.

As the first omega to break the law for his stepson, he not only has strict requirements in terms of age, appearance, and figure, but also the most important thing is that his body should be pure, and he should not even have temporary marks. Various channels have dug this treasure.

The manager and the beauty walked one after the other, their footsteps were absorbed by the European-style carpet below, and they quietly came to the door of Rong Jing's room.

The manager said: "Remember, the employer is very shy, you must step by step, and must not be hasty. If he refuses, you act like a spoiled child, and slowly let him taste the benefits of omega."

The beauty was a little puzzled and wondered: "Rejection, rejection?" Probably she had never met such a miraculous a, and she still refused when she met o's embrace.

The beauty couldn't help but said, "Is he really a?"

The manager sighed: "You don't understand, these young masters are either unruly or guarded like jade, the latter are rare, this... Anyway, it's a fake a."

The beauty suddenly felt a little curious about the people inside, and also had a somewhat inexplicable sense of mission. It was said that it was not her who was at a loss tonight.

He nodded lightly: "I understand."

"That's right, put pheromones as soon as you enter, and make him stunned. No alpha can escape your clutches. Work hard, Lao Xie is always optimistic about you." The lobby manager felt that even a beta of himself could not resist such a beauty , their young master will not give up unless Daluo Immortal is alive, it is absolutely impossible to refuse, young master, you will live up to your expectations.

The manager patted the beauty on the shoulder encouragingly, go.

The beauty prepares herself and takes a deep breath.

He took out the card and quietly opened the door. It was dark inside, and it was obvious that the owner had fallen asleep.

This is the first time the beauty has done this kind of thing. She looked at the lobby manager hesitantly, and the manager indicated that it was okay: "Don't worry, the owner is very handsome, and you won't lose this wave."

Judging by the shy look of this omega, he is a novice, maybe he is not familiar with the business.

The manager couldn't help but praise the merits of their young master.

The most intuitive, isn't it that he looks handsome. The facial features of the mixed-race child seem to have the temperament of European aristocrats.

Don't say anything but a greedy o, really good conditions a, let's see if they don't flutter.

The beauty took a deep breath and quietly closed the door.

Through the moonlight that seemed to be covered with a veil outside the window, I could see the bulging part of the bed, and I could hear the even breathing of the alpha.

Beauty was a little scared and a little excited.

The whole room has a faint and refreshing alpha breath, which is full of tension and danger under this lightness. He is a young and powerful male, and it is difficult for an omega to refuse such a strong a.

The beauties swallowed their saliva and said that the appearance is born from the heart, the breath is the essence of a, and the a can be felt from the breath, maybe it is really handsome.

As a surprise waiting to be taken down, he nervously lifted a corner of the quilt.

At first, I was still a little scared and excited.

Thinking of the manager's tip, he decided to start with the basics.

Ankle, smooth skin.

The calf, the representative of strength and toughness.

Little by little, I got more and more nervous.

He flinched a little, looking at the motionless alpha, all releasing pheromones, why didn't he respond

Can you be so sleepy that you don't even feel when you touch o

Going up again, the beauty almost exclaimed.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that this person was actually Guoshui. He was a little embarrassed, and his face was about to burn. He had never been so close to a.

Slowly, he felt that his heartbeat might be a little fast, this a's figure is really good.

Rong Jing slept soundly, probably dreaming of something, and when he met himself, it became more and more wrong, and he subconsciously struggled.

Who... dream


what the hell!

A pair of cool, soft snake-like hands suddenly grabbed, and his back instantly stiffened.

Rong Jing shivered, is this a place that can be touched casually

Almost instinctively a shadowless leg.

The beauty was shyly teasing while releasing pheromones one moment ago, and the next moment it turned into a parabola.

Hit the wall and let out a shrill cry.


Beauty he's... broken.

Gu Xi was awakened by the terrifying roar, and climbed onto a sleepy head from the soft pillow.

What, an earthquake

After a few seconds, I woke up a little. Gu Xi's good sleep was disturbed, and his eyes were like zombies, staring at the neighbor who was constantly making noise.

Even if you create a human, you don't have to be so earth-shattering.