Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 37: I can't, I can't


After Gu Xi was stunned, he lowered his eyes, his dense eyelashes trembled like dead leaves knocked down by the wind.

It seems that since he accidentally met Rong Jing, he has become a lot quieter when facing Rong Jing, maybe a little embarrassed and a little shameless. As a junior, Rong Jing, who had only mentioned it not long ago, saw so many embarrassed sides of himself. His dignity made him not know how to relieve it at all.

Really broke the shame line, he didn't even want to cover his body.

Is Rong Jing interested? He even put on a gas mask, Gu Xi smiled wryly.

He doesn't care, but someone does.

When Rong Jing came over again, he was fully prepared, and with a glance just now, he determined Gu Xi's position and walked over, closing his eyes the whole time.

He spread out the huge towel blanket he brought and wrapped Gu Xi like a cicada pupa. Gu Xi sat there for too long, his whole body was like ice cubes, and it was firmly wrapped by the soft temperature. reaction.

Rong Jing gently placed him on the stone chair beside him, there was a soft cushion on the stone chair, not so cold.

During this period, Gu Xi was like a well-behaved puppet, not resisting at all, even breathing lightly as if he couldn't hear it.

In fact, it is not surprising that Rong Jing, Gu Xi seemed to trust him inexplicably.

Rongjing still remembers the extremely disgusting description of the touch of alpha in the original book.

But the reality is the complete opposite. Rong Jing was worried that Gu Xi was over-strikes, forgetting that it was Alpha who touched him.

Rong Jing closed his eyes, and it was not easy to open his eyes again to be abrupt.

After being filtered through the layers of the gas mask, although it was still very tempting, he was able to resist it.

I can finally breathe with confidence, wearing a gas mask, huh.

Yes, very safe.

The destructive power of the alpha is too terrifying, and the sexuality is too strong. Even the willpower of Rong Jing almost broke his power just now.

Rather than worrying about Gu Xi, he was less worried about turning into a beast.

[Finally can breathe freely without worrying about hurting him. ]

Rong Jing turned his back to Gu Xi, but did not notice that Gu Xi suddenly looked up at him, as if surprised and a little disbelieving.

Maybe staring at the ground for too long, even the gas mask that looks like et is a little funny and cute.

Gu Xi's peach blossom eyes curved slightly, unable to resist the turmoil in her heart, and she didn't want to look away.


Rong Jing drained the cold water in the bathtub and put the hot water again.

There was only the sound of water being poured in the bathroom, and the huge multi-person bathtub was filled with faint heat, which warmed people's hearts.

When Rong Jing closed his eyes and hugged Gu Xi again, the person in his arms seemed to be shaking slightly, and he didn't know if it was because he was afraid or too cold.

Rong Jing just wanted to say something, so don't be afraid of Gu Xi.

But he felt Gu Xi's silky silky arms wrap around his neck lightly and tremblingly, his head leaned slightly, and the soft hair brushed his clothes.

Soft, delicate, sweet.

It seems that the frost flower that is proudly independent on the side of the snow-capped mountain has receded the outer layer of ice crystals, revealing the sweetest stamens, which makes people tremble.

Rong Jing's walking pace paused, feeling like he was holding soft snow, his heart beat faster.

"Just now... I couldn't control it, didn't I..." Gu Xi said softly with his head buried in Rong Jing's chest.

In fact, it's not that he couldn't control it. After so many inhibitors, he was almost dying of pain. How could he be irrational? It's just that another guy couldn't wait to come out.

"It's not your problem." Rong Jing hurriedly interrupted him, it wasn't Gu Xi's fault at all, and he didn't blame Gu Xi just now.

Although I haven't experienced it, estrus is very difficult for an omega to control.

Rong Jing was embarrassed to take off the blanket for him again, and only carried him to the bathtub.

"Come out to deal with your wounds later, try not to touch it when you take a bath." After speaking, Rong Jing seemed to be chasing him with some fire behind him. He noticed the bathroom door that he kicked and left faster.


It's a very soft response, but the end sound has a hint of sultry.

Omegas in heat will stick to alpha unconsciously, much more than usual.

Gu Xi mechanically took off the warm blanket and buried himself in the bathtub, the warm water wrapping the cold and stiff limbs.

When the body warmed up, he gradually regained his senses. The two of them almost met frankly just now, not almost, but already... Gu Xi touched the glands on the back of his neck that had been removed from the restraint patch, and slowly immersed his head in the water Inside, bubbles popped to the surface from time to time.

It was not until he could hardly breathe that he came out of the water, his increasingly red face full of enthusiasm.

Gu Xi washed it this time and put on new clothes prepared by Rong Jing.

In the past few years, the clothes in the villa will be changed regularly, and they are all new in season. It was customized by Xie Ling according to his younger brother's body shape every year, but it has never been used. In recent years, the brother relationship has dropped to the freezing point, and Xie Ling has no longer had a warm face and a cold butt. These clothes are customized according to Rong Jing's previous figure, but Gu Xi's clothes are only a little bigger, but they look a bit casual and small. Like a little boy.

It was probably after taking a shower, and when Gu Xi came out, her cheeks were puffed, and she looked much healthier than before in the rain.

He came to the living room on the first floor. Rong Jing was by the stove, putting the chopped ginger into the pot, and didn't look back: "You sit first."

The food in the refrigerator here is put by the aunt who comes to clean it every week.

The open kitchen is facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. As dusk is approaching, the lawn outside the window is still shimmering in the afternoon light. Dewdrops are still falling on the grass after the rain. The bright lights of the community shine on the road. Dogs pass by the artificial lake in the distance.

Rong Jing was also wearing a white t-shirt, simple casual pants wrapped around his slender and powerful thighs, and replaced the casual suit just now. The whole person showed the atmosphere of home, and the busy figure showed peace.

Gu Xi sat quietly, his eyes gradually focused and sticky.

The surroundings were too quiet except for the sound of boiling water in the pot, and everything that had happened before was like a dream.

When Rong Jing turned around, Gu Xi immediately looked away.

Rong Jing brought over the ginger tea: "It's still a little hot, I'll drink it later."

Rong Jing brought the medicine box, and Gu Xi naturally stretched out his hand. Rong Jing wanted Gu Xi to handle it himself. He knew that Gu Xi was quite independent, and he never wanted alpha to touch him. The few times just now were all about the situation.

Rong Jing observed it, and seeing that Gu Xi had no plans to take it back, he touched his nose and resigned himself to deal with his injured hand.

Looking at the fair skin, it was full of shocking wounds, and it was even more terrifying after cleaning, and it was blue and red.

Maybe Gu Xi was too white. A little injury made people feel frightened. In order to divert Gu Xi's attention, Rong Jing muttered: "The old injury is not healed yet, and a new one is added."

Gu Xi lowered his eyes and said lightly: "Do you still remember that you are a junior, don't think that I can be no big or small if I don't care about you."

Seeing that Gu Xi was joking, Rong Jing also laughed: "Are you trying to educate me as a senior now? But in fact, you are only one year older than me?" Get up and bandage Gu Xi's wound to minimize Gu Xi's pain.

"The entertainment industry doesn't talk about age, it's about seniority, it's about popularity. Do you know how old I was when I debuted?"

"Fourteen?" Shengteng Entertainment took a fancy to him at the age of twelve. At the age of thirteen, he signed a contract under the pressure of many parties to go to the Smecta Junior Training Camp for training, and sleep no more than five hours a day. In order to make his debut, he practiced until his ligaments were strained, and he was hospitalized many times due to fatigue.

Gu Xi was stunned, how could he know so clearly.

When Rong Jing knew about his past, Gu Xi felt a little uncomfortable.

He never liked to sell miserably before, and always felt that it was something the weak did.

Seriously said: "It's good to know, I'm a former senior, so respect."

Holding a white porcelain cup and wearing a soft white T-shirt, Gu Xi looked as soft as a rabbit and had no offensive power, but he was still holding the air of his predecessors, as if he wanted to regain some face.

"Okay, I got it. 'Old' senior." Rong Jing said a few words perfunctory, unexpectedly saw the other side of Gu Xi, and his heart softened.

"It's not old, it's senior!" Gu Xi corrected seriously, no matter how old he was, he didn't want to hear about old, and he was indeed a year older than Rong Jing, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Rong Jing smiled and watched Gu Xi sip ginger tea with a smile, and stuck out his tongue because it was a little hot.

cat tongue.

Such Gu Xi is agile and energetic, and finally no longer dead.

The two exchanged a few words with each other, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed. No one mentioned what happened in the bathroom again. They seemed to have forgotten it, and it just seemed.

Rong Jing sent Gu Xi, who had finished drinking ginger tea, upstairs and chose a special room.

Rong Jing was still worried about Gu Xi's mental state. Whether it was in the novel or in reality, he felt that there might be a problem with Gu Xi. If there was a problem, he wanted to pull him before it was serious. return.

I don't want to have the kind of serious failures in the novels again. Gu Xi shouldn't be like that.

"Do me a favor?"

"Okay." Gu Xi sat on the bed, clenched the quilt in his hand, looked at Rong Jing, but raised his heart.

He heard the first half of the sentence, and the second half of the sentence [whether it is—] was murmured again. There was never a murmur in front of others, only Rongjing's often appeared. Is it broken

Rong Jing is doubting him, yes, that kind of thing, he can make himself like that in the bathroom, who can't doubt whether he has encountered a lunatic

Rong Jing asked Gu Xi for a cell phone, but Gu Xi didn't know what he was going to do, so he handed it over without hesitation.

Rong Jing found the scl-90 self-test table to test whether his brain was watts, and asked Gu Xi to do it again.

Rong Jing didn't want to express his hidden worries, and said, "My brother's company recently conducted a small questionnaire to investigate the psychological state of young people. It should be used to promote the launch of new products. Can you help me?"

Gu Xi's pupils trembled, but he took it over calmly. Looking at the first question, there was one question: *Unnecessary thoughts in mind...

miss him, okay

Gu Xi didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and said, "Then wait for a while, I'll prepare it for you."

There were a total of 90 questions, and Gu Xi did it very seriously. Because he lowered his head, Rong Jing didn't notice the anxiety in Gu Xi's eyes, as if he was going to court to await trial.

Rong Jing was accustomed to Gu Xifei's coldness when he was in heat, so he just sat on the side and waited patiently.

After finishing, Rong Jing took over the phone.

Click OK, and the results come out in seconds. From f1 to f9, the values are better than him. Only one interpersonal sensitivity is mild, the others are all normal.

This shows that Gu Xi's mental state is very good.

It seemed he was overthinking.

Rong Jing always felt that something was wrong and couldn't tell.

But no matter what, Gu Xi was no problem, he was more or less relieved, and in the future, he could not easily suspect that Gu Xi was going to commit suicide.

Before Rong Jing left, he thought of another problem that must be solved at the moment.

He's an alpha, so it's definitely not suitable for Gu Xi's side to look forward to it.

Lonely a widow o, like words.

Beta certainly won't work either. Beta may be even more beast than alpha if it's crazy.

Otherwise, let Gu Xi call an omega he can trust to come here to take care of it? This should work.

But before Rong Jing could speak, Gu Xi seemed to know what he was thinking, and said coldly: "I leaked pheromones before, which affected omega, and then when the estrus period comes, I will..." It seems to be thinking of some embarrassing memories .

Gu Xi trembled slightly, like a helpless and panic-stricken little animal, arousing pity.

But his eyes were as cold as ice and snow, and this trembling was for Rong Jing to see. He has been an omega for so many years, and although he has never done it, he knows what can arouse an alpha's desire for protection.

Rong Jing was shocked, Gu Xi's pheromone was already so fierce...

Thinking of the scene of the encounter in Maya City, Rong Jing had lingering fears, and it seemed that it was not an accident.

This is difficult to do. In the original book, Rong Jing really didn't know about this. Now it's too embarrassing to let the omega come over. Wouldn't it hurt Gu Xi.

What to do then, Gu Xi's situation, he can't be left alone in the villa.

Especially according to Zhou Xiang, after taking so many inhibitors, if something goes wrong, it is really no joke.

"Can you stay?" Gu Xi seemed to summon up the courage of his life.

I've never been so mean, for the first time, approaching you in a mean way.

Rong Jing thought he had hallucinations, did he know what he was talking about

Rong Jing got stuck, and Gu Xi kept his head down, like a desperate beast who had no choice but to be trapped.

After a while, he said, "I am alpha."

"It is clear."

"I might just tag you directly."

"…" He looked up at him.

"Don't look at me like that, you're beautiful, what's weird about it. Do you think I can sit still with someone like you by my side?"

"… "you can.

Otherwise what is a gas mask

Gu Xi didn't want to recall the scene where Rong Jing appeared at the door of the bathroom at that time, it was too deep in his memory.

Seeing that Gu Xi was silent, Rong Jing's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly approached Gu Xi, as if he had changed and sat beside Gu Xi's bed.

Gu Xi was so shocked that he immediately raised his head and saw the handsome face close at hand, Rong Jing, who had no gentle smile, was cold and charming.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Do you know what I meant just now? I'll emphasize it again. I'm a. I can knock you down at any time, including forcibly marking you and turning you into mine, but you are powerless to resist." Rong Jing was cold. Said, suddenly released his breath, and looked at the omega who was unable to resist at this critical moment, "I may suddenly break in while you are taking a shower, or I may suddenly tear your clothes while you are sleeping. , more likely when you're at your worst..."

Rong Jing's fingers slowly touched Gu Xi's stiff neck, near the glands at the back of the neck that were as elegant as a swan, and touched it, suggesting a strong smell.

That was one of the most sensitive places in omega, Gu Xi trembled unconsciously, but didn't run away.

The eyes of the two seemed to have met countless times.

Gu Xi said calmly, "Oh."

Very calm, calmly as if to say, today's moon is really round.

Rong Jing can't act anymore, what the hell, can't he scare away

He knew how much Gu Xi paid in order not to be marked by those scumbags in the original book. It was impossible for him to suddenly change just because he helped him a little. Gu Xi is definitely not the kind of person who does what others say Silly sweet.

"Don't believe it, you will suffer at that time." These words are far less deterrent than the previous sentences.

Gu Xi nodded, indicating that he understood.

That look seems to say, I know you can't.

Who can't, where can't I

Repeatedly being questioned about his x ability, no matter how good his temperament is, he will be annoyed.

I have to do it for three days and three nights to prove that my physiological structure is normal.

When Rong Jing wanted to explain, but didn't know how to explain it, Gu Xi smiled, like thousands of sparks blooming.

Rong Jing suddenly remembered a sentence in the original book, as long as he wants, no one can escape his charm.

Rong Jing went out with a heavy heart, and Gu Xi said again: "You live, don't be too far away from me, I'm afraid I won't be able to call anyone."

Rong Jing doesn't want to talk now, just wants to be quiet.

This is not the protagonist of the novel, it must not be.

Why are you not afraid of me, why do you believe me so much, do I have to prove once that I am a beast

It wasn't until Rong Jing left that Gu Xi's smile gradually disappeared.

He looked at the whole room, the windows were closed and only the overhead ventilator was working.

All such high-end villas will have an airtight room, including the gaps in the doors, which are sealed so that a or o can safely pass through difficult times.

He doesn't have to worry that Rongjing will smell it after the inhibitor's effect wears off.

As soon as Rong Jing left, the pain in his body became unbridled again.

With Rong Jing here, he can still divert his attention. When he was gone, those tastes that were deliberately ignored began to turn upside down.

In the dark room, only the light from the phone shines on his face.

Gu Xi thought of the test questions just now, and silently tucked his head into the quilt.

I have been seeing a psychiatrist regularly.

I also know that sometimes I'm in a bad state.

I'm not crazy, really not.

Don't be afraid of me, okay

Not knowing how long it took, there was a soft knock on the door.

It seemed a little excited, Gu Xi had taken too many inhibitors and was physically exhausted, but very energetic.

"No sleep, what's the matter."

Then Rong Jing walked in, belonging to this alpha's gentle and unassuming atmosphere, which made Gu Xi close his eyes again. He knew that Rong Jing had nothing important and would not come in at this time.

Although he was somewhat restrained, Rong Jing couldn't hide his joy and said: "I was accepted by the "Imperial Power" crew, and I just called me, thanks to you, I can really work with you this time!"

Rong Jing always remembered what Gu Xi said with a smile while he was downstairs that day.

It is undeniable that he is looking forward to it from the bottom of his heart. He has seen Gu Xi's movies and has a little bit of a fan's mentality. It is reasonable not to cooperate, but if he can cooperate, it will be a surprise.

As a former multi-material actor, he tried hard to audition and ended up embarrassingly. In fact, it is a lie to say that it has no effect at all. He has his pride. He didn't have any hope at all, and since it had been so long, he thought that the crew had already decided on a candidate, and he planned to try it elsewhere.

Gu Xi closed his eyes and hummed.

Of course he knew, because he decided against the crowd.

The director asked him why he wanted Rongjing. Rongjing's fatal flaw is likely to cause a waste of crew resources.

I believe he will have a miracle.

That was a few days ago, just a little familiar stranger.

He was grateful, but he would not joke about his career. At that time, he just wanted to help potential students.

He saw Rong Jing's performance, which was the alpha that stimulated the accelerated secretion of his adrenal glands. He could feel that Rong Jing was different from usual when he was acting, and his body exuded deadly hormones.

This is a genius with top talent and he is looking forward to playing against Jung Kyung.

It's a pity to miss opportunities again and again just because Rong Jing is temporarily unable to face the camera.

Rong Jing just wanted to share this good news with Gu Xi as soon as possible, and he didn't know why Gu Xi was the first to think of it.

Seeing Gu Xi closed his eyes, he thought he had fallen asleep.

Rong Jing touched Gu Xi's head, except for a little sweat, but he didn't have any fever.

I hope that the dozen or so inhibitors will go down and nothing will happen, so let's stand by next door at any time.

Just as he was about to leave, Gu Xi suddenly said, "Do you know there are some large-scale scenes in this play?"

Rong Jing glanced at the person who suddenly opened his eyes. In the original book, it only said that it became popular later, but because it was not Gu Xi starring, he did not go into details.

Gu Xi stared narrowly at the man in the backlight. Today, Rong Jing seemed to be controlling all the rhythms all day, and he finally felt that he had regained his strength.

"Isn't this a conspiracy drama?"

"This is a drama with a plot, and the core is love."

Rong Jing really didn't expect that, he thought Liu Yu was a serious director, the last "Lota" didn't even have a love, it was pure to die, "... how much?"

"Well, it's fine."

Jung Kyung breathed a sigh of relief, that's fine.

"It's just kissing, kissing, kissing again, and the woods..."

"It can't be shown." How did the two men pass the trial?

Gu Xi wondered: "Why? The original novel is like this."

Rong Jing was stunned, oh yes, this cosmopolitan concept is relatively open, after all, this is a world with pheromones, a place full of sexual attraction at all times, it is impossible to forcibly restrain nature, and in the eyes of the audience, alpha and omega should be is a pair.

As long as the scale is well grasped, a little lust but not lustful, you can pass the trial.

Does no one think it's unreasonable

Well, it's only him who's unreasonable.

"You... don't object?"

"I'm a professional actor." Gu Xi didn't answer directly, but he seemed to answer again.

"You can't?" Gu Xi asked back.

"Okay." Rong Jingjing didn't know what he was answering, but responded reflexively.

Even if his mind was taken away by Gu Xi's words, Rong Jing still didn't forget to remind him: "Don't use inhibitors anymore." He couldn't imagine how painful it was.

Gu Xi's lips parted, and after a while, he hummed from his throat: "Well."

The door closed again, Gu Xi opened WeChat, ignoring a bunch of inquiries because of his absenteeism, and only picked the latest one.

Liu Yu: Kiss and Luo have already been found. When you are healthy, they will be able to join the group.

Then I sent two pictures, which are four-sided photos of the two stand-ins, and they do look a bit similar from the back.

Although Gu Xi previously promised that the feelings in the plot are in place, there can be physical contact that goes with the flow. But Liu Yu knew how many crazy pursuits of alphas Gu Xi had been facing all along, and he was repulsive in his bones, and anyone else could be crushed by this group of hungry alphas.

So please be considerate in advance, so that when Gu Xi still can't work, it will be difficult to end.

Gu Xi was actually just teasing Rong Jing just now. It was very interesting to see that Rong Jing lost his gentle aura and looked stunned.

I typed "OK" in the box, but I couldn't send it.

I don't know how long it took, the alpha at the door had already left, and there seemed to be some noise next door.

Gu Xi wrapped himself in the quilt again, only showing his head, and deleted the word "good".

Changed to: I don't need it for the time being. I want to slowly get used to the emotional drama. The crew is short of funds, so save it.

Gu Xi rejected Xun Jiarui's starring role. He didn't want to waste a spot on a sane person.

After that, the main investor withdrew its investment. Unsurprisingly, the main investor seemed to have invested in another Xun Jiarui before, and the relationship was very good. The crew was terribly poor again. But that's how the last movie came about. Liu Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It was the producer's responsibility to pull investment, and he was only responsible for making a good movie.

Liu Yu quickly sent it: Don't be brave, you will vomit again at that time, but it will be delayed for several days.

Liu Yu still remembered that a director once said that Gu Xi was still a newcomer at that time, and he had no role in picking the scene. In a kiss scene, before touching his lips, he vomited because he was too disgusting. It was serious enough to be sick for several days. It wasn't a fake, it was because Gu Xi's physiology couldn't accept it.

Gu Xi: This time, don't vomit.

Liu Yu: [I will watch your performance quietly.jpg]

Gu Xi smiled, his body hurt a lot, but he just wanted to laugh, he looked at the waning moon outside the window.

Tomorrow, it must be good weather.

Rong Jing slept in the room next to Gu Xi, and was frightened by the little devil in the angel's coat next door.

Gu Xi hasn't come out for a few days. Usually, he writes down the list of things he needs the night before and puts it at the door of the room. Rong Jing prepares what he needs and puts it at the door. In addition to daily necessities, it also includes three meals a day. Passed silently with a note.

Gu Xi felt at ease knowing that Rong Jing was beside him.

After the inhibitor was no longer used, the rich pheromone was completely released.

Even in his former home, he felt cold, but this time he felt that he was always wrapped in warmth and slept soundly.

Rong Jing had been restless for a few days, worried that Gu Xi would be in trouble with the inhibitor, and remembered what Gu Xi said.

There was even a mess in the dream one night. Looking at his awe the next morning, he firmly believed that it was his body that betrayed his mind, and whispered: "I can't, I can't."

Xie Ling noticed that Rong Jing's face seemed to be excessive, and frowned: "Is the kidney deficient? I will ask Zhou Xiang to buy you some kidney treasures." The younger brother looks like a single dog for ten thousand years, it must be pure and simple. Kidney deficiency.

Rong Jing was expressionless: "..."

I said I lived with an omega for several days, would it scare you to death.

Brother, it's not unreasonable that you are single so far.

Rong Jing saw that Xie Ling's eyes were also black and blue, and asked: "Brother didn't sleep well?"

This time it was Xie Ling's turn: "..."

Xie Zhanhong doesn't know what's going on recently. He stuffs omegas of different styles into his bed every day. Even if he escapes to the hotel, there will be "surprises".

Xie Ling has already blacklisted his wretched and nervous father.

The brothers looked at each other.


At the same time, he sighed.