Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 42: I want to overturn the original


In those few seconds of reaction time, it was obvious that the body was falling, but the road in front of him was still intact, the street washed by the rain, the shallow puddles reflecting the red clouds, everything was so gorgeous and real.

His body seemed to be inhaled in half by the ground, and the special effect burst.

Rong Jing simply closed his eyes and didn't want to be disturbed again.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the edge of the manhole cover dangerously. Because of the excessive force, the blue veins appeared on his forearm.

If he hadn't stayed in the Shaolin Temple for a few years, there would still be an old master who would practice reaction training for these little thorns in the middle of the night.

The people around who watched this thrilling scene exclaimed repeatedly, and Rong Jing was able to see the real scene in front of him completely.

The flower pot in his eyes is actually a warning sign. There is a pothole on the flat sidewalk. In the eyes of everyone, he is walking normally. He is blind and does not see the warning, and then he seeks death

So it is now certain that the traffic light fantasy is not his imagination.

There really is a force majeure thing that wants to kill him, a non-human mechanism.

And it's even more brutal now than the first time.

Before waiting for the people around him to step forward to help him, Rong Jing thought while doing a standard pull-up movement. This movement is not fancy, simple but full of power.

In an uproar, he crawled out of the manhole at a slow speed. This alpha was so manipulative that it made one's heart pounding.

The reason why he moved slowly was because there was some invisible force that was enticing him to re-enter the manhole.

It was dark there, which should be the underground transportation of the city, but it seemed to be bottomless.

Rong Jing looked at the blue-gold gradation sky, and a damp breeze blew, as if silently laughing at his futility.

Do you want me to die, I just don't die, what can you do with me

Rong Jing didn't look back at the manhole that looked like an abyss, and took his lost gaze back.

A pair of familiar shoes came into his sight, and Rong Jing slowly raised his head.

The setting sun in the distance outlines a slender figure with backlight, and you can vaguely see the reflection of water under the brim of the hat, like dew falling from the tip of the blade.

The moment Rong Jing fell, Gu Xi was pulled by the aunt who hit him.

Auntie is still entangled, entangled in who should take the main responsibility. From Gu Xi's point of view, on the sidewalk, Rong Jing's figure has disappeared, and there is a green belt blocking him, so he can't see the specific situation.

All of a sudden, all the negative emotions flooded up, and my mind went blank.

He took out his wallet from his pocket, and the moment he raised his arm, he gasped in pain. He took out all the cards in it without pausing, and stuffed the rest, including the cash and wallet, with his aunt. He just wanted to spend the most money. Go quickly.

"Wait boy, why are you giving so much!"

Gu Xi ran without turning his head, and when he saw Rong Jing crawling out of it, he stopped as if he had recovered.

Gu Xi squatted down, his eyes were serious and his expression solemn, even the crowd watching the excitement felt that this omega was in a bad mood.

Gu Xi carefully looked at Rong Jing's whole body with his eyes: "Are you injured?"

The plain tone, how can there be any water light.

"No, fortunately I can respond quickly."

"Didn't you hear me calling you just now? Or didn't you see the warning sign in front?"

"Thinking about things is too fascinated, I didn't notice it." No one would believe this kind of bizarre thing. Even if he believed it, he couldn't help him. Instead, it made him more troubled. After Rong Jing's mentality recovered, he glanced at the manhole with a pity, "It's a pity that the milk tea fell into it."

What a pity, it is not a pity to be able to circle the planet three times. Is your life better than a mere milk tea

Gu Xi's face instantly turned cold, and his eyes were filled with fog.

Seeing that Rong Jing had just escaped from danger and looked innocent again, he couldn't stop scolding.

Gu Xi, what position do you take

Borrow for a few days and really treat yourself as a character.

Gu Xi turned around and left, walking towards the car on the side of the road.

Gu Xi got into the car on the front foot, and Rong Jing came over on the back foot.

Seeing that Zhou You got on the phone, Rong Jing took the phone and pressed it down: "Don't tell Zhou Xiang and my brother about this."

"but… "

"I'm fine now, it's just a little accident, isn't it resolved?" Seeing Zhou You still hesitated, Rong Jing could only use his trump card, "I pay your monthly salary, I think you should know something. What should be said, what should not be said.”

Rong Jing is very gentle most of the time, a person who is so gentle that he has almost no edges and corners.

But when he got serious, people couldn't help but want to listen to him.

Gu Xi turned his head away from Rong Jing in silence, and held the other hand that was shaking so tightly that he couldn't stop.

He has never been so afraid of even encountering those high-ranking perverts.

Rong Jing said just now that he didn't notice, and was just an excuse to appease himself.

Under the turbulent waters that seemed calm, there seemed to be a bottomless vortex surging.

What is he hiding.

"Gu Xi." There is also a little ancestor here.

Gu Xi ignored him at all, leaving the back of his head for Rong Jing.

Gu Xi, who has a small temperament, is also a little more lively.

The nerves that Rong Jing had tightened just now were finally relieved when he saw the fresh Gu Xi.

He lied!

Gu Xi slowly recalled everything just now and restored the whole process.

Rong Jing heard the voice just now.

Because there was a young woman next to her calling her boyfriend what to do, Rong Jing smiled and glanced at them.

Then Rong Jing held up the warning sign, and fell instantly within two steps.

Therefore, in the eyes of Rong Jing, that is the road!

It's just like looking for death, without any suspense.

There were many witnesses, and the whole "suicide" process was very natural, except that no one knew why he committed suicide.

Rong Jing also seamlessly thought of the traffic light illusion not long ago, because there was no fantasy for a long time after that. Although Rong Jing didn't take it too seriously, he also kept an eye on it, such as not driving by himself, such as seeing traffic lights. Look at the movements of the people around you before you go.

Rong Jing's prudence and caution allowed him to survive longer. Of course, it may be that Tian Dao wanted to completely paralyze Rong Jing.

Before that, the sky had just changed, and he and Wu Hanqi's uncle and nephew bought a necklace and milk tea. It was the most relaxed time.

If you want to remove cannon fodder at this time, it is perfect.

Rong Jing felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, he didn't know when the next time would be, and whether he could escape.


Very soft sound.

Rong Jing felt the soft weight on his shoulders, Gu Xi didn't know when he fell asleep and leaned over.

Under the soft hair, the usually bright and indifferent eyes were closed, and he was well-behaved like a child.

Rong Jing was still seriously analyzing the moment before, but he was abruptly softened by the weight, and called his name softly.

There was no response, maybe he was so angry that he fell asleep.

Why didn't he know that Gu Xi was worried, but the matter was so complicated that he couldn't figure it out himself.

Rong Jing slowly adjusted his posture to make Gu Xi sleep more comfortably, and gestured towards the rearview mirror, indicating that Zhouyou should drive slower.

After being quiet for a long time, Rong Jing said slowly, "I've made you worry."

Gu Xi's lowered eyes slowly opened, clear and rational.

What can I do to keep you safe

Gu Xi quietly analyzed his thoughts, but Rong Jing didn't seem to think about anything.

Back at the door of the villa, Gu Xi didn't move, closed his eyes and leaned against him.

Jung-kyung didn't even call him to wake up and waited silently.

During the period, I looked at my mobile phone and saw the Weibo posted by Gu Xi, and it was the number one trending search. It was hard not to notice.

Is it that day, the day they met in the rain, what happened to him.

I don't know, this Weibo has been up for almost a day.

Among the messages asking Gu Xi to call the police, protect himself, and severely punish the brokerage company, was mixed with a hot comment: If it wasn't for Gu Xi's misunderstanding, the boss wouldn't have broken in, right? Things can't be clapped with a slap.

It's the theory of victim guilt again, as if Gu Xi's treatment was his own fault. Whoever told him to choose the entertainment industry, whoever called him an omega, these were what he deserved.

Rong-kyung thought about the same in his own world. But any public figure is bound to have negative news.

But when it was Gu Xi's turn, he always hoped that there would be less damage.

Originally, Shengteng Entertainment was in jeopardy because of the bank's refusal of loans and the rumors that Rong Jing let out. Now that this video of Gu Xi is released, no one should buy this company.

Rong Jing felt that the time he had been waiting for had come.

In addition to Gu Xi's hot search, Rong Jing also saw one related to him.

#imperial power, slippery powder#

Before, whether it was publicity or Xun Jiarui's team, it was basically determined to appear in "Imperial Power". In addition, there happened to be some scandals with Gu Xi, and there were some expectations of CP fans, so it was almost certain that Gu Xi would cooperate with Xun Jiarui.

Fans of Xun Jiarui have begun to promote their idols, and they are active in various post bars and forums.

However, according to a big news, Xun Jiarui's original role may be replaced by an unknown newcomer.

It is said that the newcomer wants to have no works, but to be famous and not famous.

Not to mention the fans of Xun Jiarui, the fans who were particularly distressed by Gu Xi were shocked. Why should we let our brother go to poverty alleviation

Are the people in your crew trying to do things? Where did this newcomer come from

Rong Jing's name has not been revealed yet, and there has been a series of fans boycotting it.

Xun Jiarui originally thought it was a sure thing, but Gu Xi, who had one veto power, would directly appoint the male protagonist and remove him from the crew

How could he be able to swallow this breath? It's still a newcomer like Rong Jing who has no word of mouth and is full of bad reviews!

Rong Jing looked at the discussion in the hot search. In the entertainment industry, as long as you don't have a serious problem in principle, you have a chance to save if you have business ability.

And in this short period of time, at least many people are discussing who has taken this role.

The phone vibrates and there is an incoming call.

Rong Jing wanted to turn off the vibration, but Gu Xi was already awakened.

He blinked in confusion, looked around, just wanted to confirm the existence of Rong Jing, but he was too comfortable and fell asleep accidentally, Gu Xi's fair face was stained with red, even the mask could not cover it. live.

What about your face, where did your face go

How can you sleep like this

Rong Jing found that under Gu Xi's unattainable appearance, it was actually very easy to be shy, and it was very easy to put on his face, which was quite interesting.

Rong Jing's mood was much better just now that he was broken by fantasy, so he picked up the phone and said, "Brother."

When he heard the words from the other side, Jung Kyung's smile slowly disappeared.

The strong attacking aura belonging to alpha seemed to explode from him at any time.

"Rong Jing..." When Rong Jing didn't smile at all, the aura made Omega a little uncomfortable.

"I have something to leave." Rong Jing was also worried that his appearance would scare Gu Xi, so he immediately calmed himself down as much as possible.

The last moment he almost had an accident, and it didn't take long for him to receive the news that Xie Zhanhong's life was hanging by a thread.

Assistant Mo Dian contacted Gu Xi early in the morning and came to the place Gu Xi said.

When I got here, I found out that isn't this Yushuiwan the villa area where one square meter is so expensive

It is said that the house here is not bought by the rich at all. It must be powerful and have a little relationship. At the gate just now, the security guard dutifully called the owner before letting him in.

Entering such a community, I really feel a little restless all over my body, just like Grandma Liu.

He just saw the car parked in the aisle not far away, but when he saw the model of the luxury car, the tiger body was shocked and did not dare to go up.

Until two people came down from above, one was Gu Xi who was familiar with him, and the other was relatively unfamiliar.

It's an alpha who is full of momentum and looks very difficult to mess with. At first glance, this is the type that Gu Xi usually avoids and walks away.

When he came to the door, Rong Jing instructed: "Remember to have dinner, don't go there on an empty stomach."

Gu Xi's three meals a day is a long-standing problem.

When the cabbage is kept and raised, it has the feelings of the owner.

Gu Xi nodded, completely unaware that he was being treated as a delicate cabbage by Rong Jing.

It was the first time Mo Dian saw Gu Xi face an alpha with such a sexual expression.

If it wasn't for the fact that Gu Xi was a person, he would have thought that the other party was Gu Xi's financial master. He was even a handsome guy who did not need to be the financial master at all.

Gu Xi took the ink dots upstairs, a little embarrassed, and even more difficult to say: "Did you bring something?"

When Gu Xi decided to give it away for the first time, he asked his assistant to obtain a medicine through relevant channels, a medicine that could forcefully enter a short estrus period.

This medicine is only used to make some ao have some kind of sex.

He has passed the estrus period now, and if he wants to make Rong Jing mark not know that it will be the year of the monkey, it is better for him to point directly to Huanglong.

"Bring, bring. Gu Xi, do you want to—" Don't you hate estrus the most

Mo Dian was shocked and puzzled as if he didn't know him.

"I don't want to explain this matter for the time being." Gu Xi squeezed the medicine tightly.

Before I even started, I was already nervous.

When Rong Jing rushed to the hospital, Xie Zhanhong had already been sent to the emergency.

He walked quickly to the door of the emergency ward, Xie Ling was already waiting there, and there was Han Lianmei who was crying and swollen in the corner, as if she would faint in the next moment, Xie Ling asked the housekeeper to send Han Lianmei back first.

Rong Jing gestured with his eyes, and Xie Ling shook his head.

The red light for surgery is always on, which seems to indicate the turning point of Xie Zhanhong's fate.

Zhouyou explained that Xie Zhanhong couldn’t bear the loneliness this time, and went out to find a little lover who was wrapped all the year round. The little lover belonged to the periphery, and a few little sisters also came over and prepared the three of them to fly together. Xie Zhanhong entered When I get excited, I want to use medicine to help.

The medicines he uses are all quantitative, and they will not harm the body. Otherwise, after walking by the river for so many years, he will not be healthy every year.

I don't know what's going on in the back, I feel like being fed something in a daze, and there is a woman's consolation sound next to it.

#Don't eat anything outside#

This reminder suddenly came to mind.

Perceived what the two women were doing in the room.

Xie Zhanhong kept pretending to be dizzy and endured it until they left completely, then spit out half of the medicine, taking advantage of the last bit of consciousness to call an ambulance.

Fortunately, his series of self-rescue was still timely. At least when the ambulance arrived, he did not faint completely, and he could say something intermittently.

The remaining half of the medicine has been sent to the laboratory for testing, and the results will come out soon. It is a drug to boost the fun, but a large dose can kill people invisible.

Compared with the inexplicable fantasy that Rong Jing had, this time it was more artificial, and it needed someone who knew Xie Zhanhong very well to do it.

Rong Jing and Xie Ling looked at each other, and they both vaguely guessed someone.

People are still in the detention center, and they still don't stop, or this is simply decided long ago. Xie Ling didn't show it, so he killed Xie Zhanhong as originally planned.

The plot has come back in other forms.

Rong Jing stared at the lights in the operating room. If Xie Zhanhong could save himself this time, it meant that everything he did was not in vain.

I don't know how long it took, the red light turned green, and Xie Zhanhong, who was in a coma, was pushed out.

The doctor said to Xie Ling vaguely, ask your father to restrain himself in that kind of thing. Looking at this rescue process, Xie Zhanhong once had a weak heartbeat. If he was delivered a few minutes late, he should go directly to the funeral home.

Rong Jing's body almost softened, and Xie Ling thought that he was just like this because he heard someone being rescued.

In fact, Rong Jing felt that he was still one step ahead of Tian Dao, and the plot was back, but the result was different.

Although Rong Jing doesn't like Xie Zhanhong very much, but this stepfather who is not stingy, is still alive... It's better.

Xie Ling's whole face was dark, and when he heard the doctor's words, he felt like he had been slapped in the face several times.

What else did this father do other than cause trouble for him, to be a father in vain.

Do you really want to die on a woman's belly as grandpa said.

After more than half an hour, Xie Zhanhong finally opened his eyes and saw the white color of the ward, his eyes hesitated.

still alive

After washing his stomach and taking anesthesia, he doesn't really feel any pain now.

After a while, he turned his head to look at the two sons standing beside the bed, countless complicated emotions flashed in his eyes, and when he saw the cold eyes of the eldest son for ten years, he slowly spit out a sentence: "You two, when exactly is it? Broken boy body?"

Who would have thought that it was at the point of life and death, and Xie Zhanhong was still thinking about whether or not there was something.

Xie Ling laughed angrily, and did not change.

Looking at Xie Zhanhong mockingly: "The scourge has left a thousand years."

"You look at him, I'm going out for a walk."

Xie Ling didn't want to see Xie Zhanhong at a glance, and turned to leave.

Rong Jing saw that Xie Ling was so tough that there was no softening of his back at all, and the breath silently expressed his boredom and disappointment. If he wasn't extremely disappointed with Xie Zhanhong, how could Xie Ling's temperament leave him alone.

A trace of melancholy flashed in Xie Zhanhong's eyes.

Rong Jing noticed it and pulled Xie Ling, Xie Ling shook off his hand and went straight out the door.

Rong Jing looked at Xie Zhanhong's handsome face, but compared to his radiant face at the banquet before, he now showed a little old-fashioned appearance, and asked, "Do you know who gave you the medicine?"

Xie Zhanhong was full of ruthlessness: "It's those two sluts, let your eldest brother catch them, they can't let them escape!"

"Since you know you have to rely on big brother, why do you always run away from him."

Xie Zhanhong disguised his gaze and looked at the sky covered with a layer of dark blue.

After being silent for a while, he laughed at himself: "If I can choose, Xiaoling would rather not have my father." If he falls into the water, he will save you first.

Xie Zhanhong has experienced a life and death, and his attitude towards Rong Jing has changed somewhat.

At a critical time, it was Rong Jing's words that made him vigilant.

Although he didn't take it to heart at first, when he was given the medicine, maybe it was a strong desire to survive, and he suddenly thought of what Rong Jing said, forcing himself to stay awake and not swallow it.

Rong Jing is like a bond between him and Xie Ling, which makes Xie Zhanhong have a desire to talk: "The day his mother left, I actually wanted to make a good change. But after a month, I still couldn't do it. I'm not born to do business, otherwise why would Xie Ling be burdened with so much at such a young age?"

Rong Jing: "..." So you know.

"Not long after Xie Ling was born, the old man said that this is the only seedling of our Xie family. Let me stay close to him, so as not to be spoiled by me. Moreover, Xiao Ling also doesn't look down on me. This kid has high IQ but emotional intelligence. Low and scary. Look at how lonely and widowed he is, who would dare to ask for him."

"Big brother is very good, more than a thousand times better than most people, you know better than me." Rong Jing directly exposed Xie Zhanhong's duplicity.

Rong Jing seemed to understand a little, Xie Zhanhong didn't know that he was a jerk.

But desire overwhelms morality and has become a habit for many years.

It's not that he doesn't care about Xie Ling, but what separates them is the life of Xie Ling's biological mother, which can't be revealed in a few words.

Xie Zhanhong was a little relieved by Rong Jing's answer. Finally, there was someone in this family who could understand Xie Ling.

One is enough, Xie Ling is too lonely.

Xie Zhanhong looked at the door again, thinking that the eldest son should not come back for a while, and said to Rong Jing: "Don't look at him being fierce to you, and he didn't say anything nice to you since he was a child. The more I care, the more I won't show it. If you say this bullish temper, if I really die, who else will care about his life and death. "

"Maybe, he might not have a good grave when he died."

"Rong Jing, Dad doesn't want to die." Xie Zhanhong called himself Dad in front of Rong Jing for the first time.

"I just want to annoy him again, and I want to live to resist him."

After saying this, Xie Zhanhong turned his face away.

This man who had been wandering for most of his life finally spoke the truth after the rest of his life.

Rong Jing suddenly remembered that there was a scene in the original book where Xie Jisheng threw the ashes into the rotating disc, mixed them with the mud and made clay cups, and put them in his study as a Enjoy art from time to time.

Once he asked Gu Xi, "Guess who's in this?"

Gu Xi ignores him, and he can enjoy himself.

Later, he poured another glass of water and forced Gu Xi to drink it.

Whose ashes are those

Or is it a mix of all the ashes

Rong Jing dared not think about it.

It was not until Xie Zhanhong was in bad spirits that Rong Jing came out.

But I found that I didn't know how long I had been listening outside, leaning against the wall and silently watching Xie Ling in the void.

When Xie Ling saw him come out, the breath of no strangers dissipated, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you out."

"elder brother…"

"He's used to inciting people, rhetoric, don't believe it."


It's alright, he doesn't get involved in the matter of father and son.

Before leaving, Rong Jing told him what Xie Zhanhong said.

"The two women were already preparing to board the plane. It seems that they had planned it for a long time. They have been stopped by our people." Xie Ling seemed to be sure of something, and touched Rong Jing's head, as if he didn't want to do any more. Bring up these nasty topics, "I'll take care of these things, you've done enough."

Rong Jing felt that there was not enough, and he wanted to overturn the original.

Seeing that Rong Jing was still unsatisfied, Xie Ling smiled and said, "Don't think about these things at a young age. Didn't you tell me that you were accepted by the crew two days ago, and you are still so busy now? Since you are always If you don’t make any achievements, don’t say that you are my younger brother.”

"I know, there will be a dinner party later." Rong Jing thought that Xie Ling had always been so opposed to the original owner's entry into the entertainment industry, but he finally agreed indirectly. The thrilling scene in the afternoon, "Brother, apart from that accident, have you ever had anything that put your life on the line?"

Xie Ling gave him a strange look: "No."

Rong Jing can't understand, is it just me

Everyone is cannon fodder, why am I so good-looking

Forget it, I can't figure it out for the time being, let's put this aside for now.

"And the old man..." In the original book, Xie Ling died of sudden cardiac death, Xie Zhanhong died of a drug overdose, and Mr. Xie died of myocardial infarction not long after they died.

"There's still a show on Grandpa's side. You can come with me when the time comes. Also, Grandpa said he wanted to see you." Xie Ling paused, "Xiaojing, I think Grandpa wants you to call him: Grandpa."

Mr. Xie has been in a semi-conscious state, in a nursing home.

Rong Jing was dragged into this world all by himself, he was hesitating, always wandering outside, feeling that he was out of tune with this world.

He just wanted to live and find his way home.

But I don't know since when, maybe this moment, maybe earlier, he doesn't seem to be alone anymore.

There was also such a simple word, which slowly landed, and then carved in my heart stroke by stroke.

That's - family.

"it is good."

Rong Jing arrived at the KTV that the crew said, and it was already around ten o'clock in the evening.

This is a KTV located in a downtown building. There is a buffet area. When Rong Jing was brought to the box where he was by the waiter, the strong smell of smoke smoked on his face, and he covered his eyes that could not be opened.

Suddenly I remembered that whether it was the director Liu Yu or the assistant director, they were all old smokers.

It's a lot of pressure in this line of work, and they don't have any trouble solving problems, how can they spend countless nights.

Rong Jing coughed a few times.

No, smelling this smell, this body's addiction to smoking is a bit guilty again.

At this time, the person who was singing with the microphone was a person Rong Jing was very familiar with. The light beam hit the top. Qi Ying looked back and provoked it.

This is an omega who knows how to use his charms.

If it was the original owner, he might have been fascinated by the look in his eyes, but Rong Jing looked away expressionlessly.

I can block Gu Xi, where are you going

Others spotted him at once, maybe because he drank a little wine and got a little drunk, and pointed at Rong Jing and shouted loudly: "Wow, look at where this handsome guy came from!"

Liu Yu also saw him: he filled him with a glass of wine and said, "Come on, isn't this Fu Qianming, our drunken laugh? You are the only one left." Fu Qianming is the role that Rong Jing wants to play.

Rong Jing toasted them and looked around, but didn't see Gu Xi.

He whispered to Liu Yu: "Director Liu, where is Gu Xi?"

Director Liu Yu frowned and said coldly: "You alphas, all of you drunkards don't want to drink. Gu Xi is long, Gu Xi is short. Without Gu Xi, you can't walk! He sees you all. Hide and see how you scare people one by one. Don't look for him, I have already hidden him, making you group of people hungry all day long."

Rong Jing glanced at him and saw some alpha actors or staff members in the crew, looking at him narrowly.

It seems to be saying, we all understand, who is not jealous of Gu Xi.

"Handsome boy, you are the only newcomer here. Say hello to the seniors first, you should have some etiquette!" Liu Yu slapped Rong Jing on the shoulder, "Go, toast."

Director Liu had already drank a lot, and after drinking, he ran to grab the microphone and sang, like an old urchin.

As soon as Rong Jing smiled, he noticed the scrutinizing eyes.

The assistant director still had doubts about the choice of Rong Jing, and was a little dissatisfied with Rong Jing's attitude.

Because Liu Yu left, Rong Jing was close to the assistant director.

Assistant Director: "I hope that Gu Xi's choice this time will not disappoint us. Otherwise, you will lose more than your own face."

For this appointed candidate, even the main investor has been rejected, can you not be heartbroken

After speaking, he drank a whole glass of wine.

Before Rong Jing could answer, the others came to toast the assistant director.

The other actors, no matter which one, even Qi Ying, are higher than Rong Jing, and Rong Jing is a little dizzy when he comes down to respect him.

As an excuse to go to the toilet, while walking outside, the smell of cigarettes in the box was too suffocating, so I texted Gu Xi: You are...

Before it was finished, when he passed an empty box, a hand suddenly reached out from the darkness.