Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 48: It's here again


Jung Kyung froze completely.

Feeling that, the tip of Gu Xi's tongue seemed to circle around his Adam's apple.

The heat rushed up, and Rong Jing's neck was stained with blush.

In the next second, Gu Xi fell softly into Rong Jing's arms as if he had lost his strength.

Rong Jing caught him, then looked at Zhou You, who was already stunned: "You saw it."

Zhou You shuddered: "I didn't see anything."

I'm a tool person without feelings.

Rong Jing touched the place where he was bitten, it was very light and there was no pain.

But it was wet, indicating that the Adam's apple was biting, and it was real.

I felt like I was being slapped on purposely or unintentionally, and I couldn't stand it.

Suddenly, a sentence from the original came to mind:

A strong rose with a bloody smell can kill people invisibly in the moment of bloom.

Rong Jing took a deep breath, emptied the distracting thoughts first, and said, "After fifteen minutes, send them to the doctor."

Fifteen minutes was basically useless, wasn't it, Zhou You looked at Fang Juelian's blood-filled bottom, and felt that he deserved it.

They just delayed dealing with other things, not deliberately delaying time.

Rong Jing sent back Gu Xi, who fainted again. The monitor should be connected to the mobile phone and the computer, but Rong Jing found that he only entered the wrong password once, and the mobile phone began to automatically clear all the content. What kind of black technology is this

"Zhouyou, you can call someone to remove the computer." Needless to say, this computer may also have a one-time password. Who knows if there is any conclusive evidence in it, so let the computer experts who have won over before try it.

Zhouyou expressed his understanding and immediately called the staff to come over.

Their young master has nothing else, that is, the execution is very strong.

Rong Jing saw blood everywhere in the opposite room. Although it was wrong for Gu Xi to be so impulsive, Rong Jing was completely unsympathetic compared to what Slag Gong did and prepared to do.

And the most important thing is that he wants to prevent the crazy counterattack of the scum attack, and the signs have to be pinched.

Rong Jing didn't care too much. Thinking that he could suppress this matter, he called Xie Ling directly: "Brother."

Xie Ling raised his hand to suspend the meeting and walked to the quiet passage outside: "Speak."

"I got into trouble."

"Yeah." Xie Ling smiled.

Finally, like a normal child, he will cause trouble for him.

And after the break, I know that I have come back and told my parents that I have grown.

Rong Jing: "Brother, do you know Fang Juelian?"

Xie Ling thought for a while: "You mean the Fang family who makes electronic parts, the one whose youngest son is not doing his job properly."

Rong Jing: "... um." I don't know how to react to the description of the eldest brother, and the vicious tongue is sharp.

Rong Jing briefly explained the process, omitting Gu Xi's name, and only saying that Fang Jue Lian used the solar monitor from Wu's family to do illegal things and spy on others. helped.

Xie Ling: "Are you fanning the flames?"

Rong Jing: "I used the wrong idiom. I am seeking justice, and the road sees injustice."

Xie Ling: "Why don't you see justice for others."

Rong Jing: "I can't handle it, and he... "It's different.

Xie Ling: "How radical?"

Rong Jing: "Inhumane?"

"Victim a, b or o?" Xie Ling still remembered the possibility that his younger brother was unknown. That Ji Leping took the money and didn't do anything, it was too bad.

"Does it have anything to do with gender?"

"Of course, the law protects o more. If it's too much, o's behavior is justifiable defense."


Xie Ling silently pressed the worried heart, everything is easy to say if it is o.

He doesn't want his younger brother to be gay, it's not discrimination, but it's too difficult for homosexuality to survive in this world.

Xie Ling: "Since they were at fault first, what kind of trouble are you doing? They justified the loss, and it should have gotten such a result. It's just that if we go to court and a person is disabled, it's not good for us. It's better to negotiate privately. , I will talk to the Fang family about the terms of reconciliation."

"Brother, are the Fang family and the Wu family still related?"

"The Fang family is a supplier of accessories, and the Wu family is the biggest buyer. They have a mutually beneficial relationship. Are you worried that the Wu family will interfere?"

Rong Jing analyzed: "Well, the Wu family has two methods. One is to abandon the car and protect the coach. If there is a scandal in this matter, let the Fang family bear it; the other is to help the Zhou family to suppress it." Jing doesn't like to be in contact with Wu Hanqi very much, and it's easy to be tricked because you can never guess what he wants to do.

Xie Ling: "Wu Hanqi's work style is very clear, and generally he will not be partial to help. Even if the Fang family is gone, the Wu family can still find other suppliers, but the Fang family cannot do without the Wu family."

"So, the Fang family is begging the Wu family. As long as I make sure that the Wu family doesn't interfere, the matter will be settled."

"Almost." Thinking of Wu Hanqi, Xie Ling said one more sentence, "In the shopping mall, there are all kinds of people. You can't avoid contacting others, and you can't stop all maliciousness. Instead of this, it's better to know more, if necessary. You can also use your strength to break through each one.”

Xie Ling had already walked back to the office, his icy voice carried a hint of instruction.

He could see that Wu Hanqi was not simple, and of course Xie Ling couldn't see it.

The translation of that sentence is to live and see who has the last laugh.

Rong Jing felt that he must not say it directly, he needs to say it in a roundabout way.

It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, preemptively called Wu Hanqi's phone: "Uncle Qi, I'm Rong Jing."

Wu Hanqi's breath was a little unstable, but he was still calm and casual: "It's rare to call, but I didn't forget my uncle this time. How are you?"

After a few chats between the two, Rong Jing entered the topic: "If someone uses your products to illegally spy on others for many years. If the news breaks out, it will be a scandal for Parsons."

"Sure enough, the little guy goes to the Three Treasures Hall without incident. Let me talk about it in detail." Wu Hanqi had never been threatened by the younger generation, but he raised his eyebrows with interest.

Rong Jing roughly explained the situation: "Uncle Qi, look at the troubles caused by your family, should you come forward and solve it?"

This solar monitor is already somewhat controversial, and if it climbs to the cusp of this moment, it will indeed affect the operation of Payson.

Wu Hanqi was sitting on a chair in his clubhouse, and there was a beautiful omega blowing smoke for him below.

The omega was dissatisfied when he saw him chatting on the phone.

He wanted to grab the phone, but Wu Hanqi glanced at him with a vague look, and the omega's just pampered and arrogant mood instantly cooled down.

"This matter is said to be for the reputation of Pyson, but after all, isn't your friend the most benefited?"

"The use of the product for illegal purposes has done a lot of damage to the reputation of the Wu family. Isn't it appropriate to do something to remedy it? This is a win-win situation. How could it be that I took advantage of it when Uncle Qi said it."

"It's a tongue-in-cheek tongue, and everything depends on your mouth. Okay, don't beat around the bush, I won't help the Fang family, what will you give me in return?"

Holding the phone, Rong Jing came to Fang Juelian's house again, and Zhou You was dealing with the blood on the scene.

An ambulance has been called, now waiting for it to come.

Rong Jing opened the doors one by one, and one of the studios was electronically locked.

Electronic lock, there must be something in it.

Rong Jing wanted to try it out, but forcibly breaking through would definitely not work.

Rong Jing dragged the comatose Fang Jue Lian to the door, picked up his index finger and pressed it on the combination lock, dripped, opened.

I'm such an ordinary little genius.

This is a studio filled with portrait paintings. In addition to the imaginary painting based on Gu Xi in the living room, there are also many fruit paintings of different characters.

Just like the composite photos of Ji Hyung Jie in the past, they don't need to actually see the body, they can do things by imagination.

Since the living room has the prototype of Gu Xi, the figure paintings here may have prototypes in reality.

Rong Jing smiled and said to the other end of the phone: "Uncle Qi, it seems that there is no need to repay."

Wu Hanqi came to be interested: "Oh, let's hear it."

Rong Jing hung up the phone and took pictures of all the oil paintings and passed them to Wu Hanqi: Does Uncle Qi know the people in these paintings

Wu Hanqi replied: Most of them know, where did the paintings come from.

Jung Kyung: Found in this house by accident, they should go back to their owner right away.

I don't believe the owners of those paintings, I can calm down knowing that I have been painted as the birth of Venus.

Wu Hanqi took a while and replied with two words: Not bad.

It's really not bad. The two brothers of the Xie family have their own strengths and complement each other's personalities.

What changes will the cooperation of these two bring to the Xie family in the sunset and Xishan

Especially Rong Jing, this call is not so much a help, but a reminder to let him not interfere in Fang's affairs, otherwise he may lose Xie's friendship.

When I was young, I had a lot of heart.

According to Rong Jing, if he is willing to suppress the Fang family, it is also his Wu family's willingness to settle the scandal.

Moreover, it was unexpected that Rong Jing could find a way to crack it in a short period of time. The owners of those portraits all had identities, so how could they possibly stand to be painted on the canvas like this.

At that time, the Fang family will face a group attacking them, and they will be embarrassed on all sides.

If the Fang family really falls, who should swallow this big cake, it seems to be more and more interesting.

Wu Hanqi turned off the phone, and his breathing suddenly became short, as if he was stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and suddenly rushed out.

After it was over, he patted Omega's ignorant face: "Let's settle money outside, I don't like people who make their own decisions."

Omega is one of Wu Hanqi's constant little lovers. He graduated from a prestigious school and had a bright future, but because he was attached to Wu Hanqi, he was reluctant to leave his side.

But looking at Wu Hanqi's emotionless eyes, he knew that if he begged for mercy, it would make the other party look down on him. It would be better to dissipate and leave to be looked at, and nodded with tears.

Wu Hanqi just liked his ability to move forward and retreat, and his fingers gently scratched the omega's chin: "You are a bit like that little guy, you know how to judge the situation. Forget it, go out first."

The omega was overjoyed and nodded desperately.

Wu Hanqi closed the zipper, picked up the phone and called out: "Check it out, what happened in Xiaojing's side. An abolished by the Fang family, there is no need to fight with the Xie family, let the Fang family figure it out. "

Wu Hanqi came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the rich colors of the sunset and morning glow outside the window.

"That child, it would be nice if it was my family." This is probably the most admired junior for so many years.

Much more useful than the stinky boy in his family, a major event was almost settled with just a few phone calls.

Not only was it thoughtful, but it also tried to win over allies as much as possible.

The afterlife is terrifying.

Wu Fuyu, who was driving around looking for people, sneezed fiercely.

who scolds me

Rong Jing was packing the paintings, and asked Xie Ling for the addresses of the owners of the paintings, and sent them one by one by express.

The setting sun adorned the sky and spilled into the interior.

Gu Xi slowly woke up from his sleep, looked up at the ceiling, and blinked.

I slowly recalled a series of major things done by another personality in my mind, and I was speechless for a long time.

This personality is him, not him. In the other party's words, it is his deepest desire buried in the bottom of his heart.

Gu Xi covered his head: You abolished the surname Fang

Another voice: I thought you wouldn't wake up, so I helped you by the way.

Gu Xi: Have you thought about the consequences

Another voice: It's a big deal, we won't be a star, and those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

Indeed, if he broke the boat, Fang Juelian would not be able to take much advantage.

Gu Xi did not regret it, but was worried that Rong Jing would be implicated.

He was so emotional before that he didn't think about controlling another personality, maybe he wanted the other person to do it subconsciously.

Gu Xi suddenly thought of something: Wait, you, you, you kissed his Adam's apple! ! ! !

Another voice: Isn't that what you want to do, I can't miss this opportunity, right in front of me...

Gu Xi was extremely angry: How could you kiss him! ! ! !

Another voice: Are you angry because I kissed him, or because it wasn't you who kissed him.

Gu Xi: …

Gu Xi was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

Another voice: You peeked many times, didn't you always find his Adam's apple sexy.

Another voice: It's not good to help you, thank you very much.

Gu Xi: "Go away!"


I wouldn't do such a thing!

That voice attracted Rong Jing from outside: "Are you awake, have you been in a nightmare?"

Rong Jing had just packed up those paintings and asked Zhou You to call the courier, and soon the Fang family had no time to manage Fang Juelian.

Seeing Gu Xi dumbfounded, Rong Jing sat on the head of the bed.

Gu Xi clutched the back of his neck with a headache, and there was a hint of weakness in the coldness: "What did I do, I..."

In front of Jung Kyung, he seems more willing to show this side.

Gu Xi felt that he was good or bad.

"do not you remember?"

"On and off clips, kind of blurry."

Rong Jing thought, maybe it was a stress reaction.

Well, that kind of memory is better not to remember.

However, the touch on the Adam's apple could not subside for a long time.

Gu Xi still remembers, he bit my Adam's apple, and Rong Jing staggered his gaze a little embarrassedly.

Rong Jing roughly explained the follow-up, and Gu Xi was relieved.

What he was most worried about was that Rongjing would be implicated, but this person never seemed to regard him as trouble.

The two took Fang Juelian to the ambulance together, and Fang Juelian even woke up halfway.

When Fang Juelian woke up, he was speechless in pain, and he still had the usual grace and calmness.

Looking fiercely at the pair of dog boys and men who looked at him hypocritically, Rong Jing came to his ear after asking for medical care, and said softly: "I have moved your computer, and there are still a lot of your illegal activities in it. Ji's evidence. And your oil paintings, if you don't want them back to their rightful owners, you should know what to say and what not to say."

In fact, it has already been sent, but who cares.

Of course Fang Juelian knew what he was doing, but he couldn't help but turn his eyes to Gu Xi, even if Gu Xi treated him like that, in his heart it was still a poppy that swayed its branches and leaves all the time.

Gu Xi stood behind Rong Jing, looking at Fang Jue Lian, who had already broken his leg but was now blind and inhuman, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Fang Jue Lian, all my pain, you can take your time to taste it.

Fang Juelian couldn't believe what he saw, this flower that seemed to be unstained by mud, he seemed to be hiding himself all the time.

His eyes widened, eager to pierce Gu Xi.

Gu Xi clutched the corner of Rong Jing's clothes as if afraid.

If Rong Jing felt something, he patted Gu Xi on the back and coaxed softly: "Don't be afraid, he can't hurt you any more."

He thought, Gu Xi must be extremely frightened.

The sound of getting on the ambulance here also made Wu Fuyu, who was on the road, take a look, but there were too many onlookers, and he was not interested in joining in the fun.

"What about Rongjing people, why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Wu Fuyu always felt that there was a sudden coolness beneath him, as if he had escaped a catastrophe.

really weird.

In the evening, the airport terminal t2.

There was a lot of voices, and many fans with banners and light signs lined up in an orderly manner outside the airport drop-off gate.

They discussed softly, occasionally accompanied by low screams. If you listen carefully, you can tell that they are calling Gu Xi's name.

Today is the day when the "Lotta" crew competes at the Venice Film Festival. Although it is only a nomination, it is an unexpected joy to be nominated in the recent downturn in the domestic film industry.

And the station sister who got "Lota" organized this drop-off event after learning the flight number. Almost all the fans who responded were Gu Xi's fans. Gu Xi was popular when he debuted, but now he has been silent for three years. Soaring again, many old fans have no regrets in this life.

Now that the new drama "King Lu" has been finalized, Gu Xi will also challenge the villain. Judging from Gu Xi's current reputation, he is basically looking forward to it.

In the second half of the new drama expectation index, "Lu Wang" is among the best. Although Gu Xi had been suspended from work for more than a week, it had little effect, and because of the lack of work, he won the sympathy of the public.

The hot search physique and the continuous drama have brought Gu Xi back to the top position this year.

Now he is a career fan of Gu Xi, and there are two factions. One is to hope that the goose will return to the stage. Gu Xi also wrote ten songs for himself when he debuted. After that, it seems that he has never written again. The mother fans who have been chasing Gu Xi since his debut in his teenage years; the other group hopes that Gu Xi will continue to make film and television dramas. Approved.

"Will Gu Xi come?"

"Yes, this itinerary was decided half a month ago."

"A person who is so responsible as my brother will definitely not release pigeons."

"Even if I broke up with the brokerage company, it is real to be nominated."

"I'm so worried about him. After he posted that Weibo, he never went online again."

"That company is so wicked. It usually seems to be so good to the goose. Maybe it's all fake! They can do things that managers and bosses force!"

"Support Gu Xi to sue that company!"

"According to reliable information, Shengteng Entertainment seems to be changing owners!"

"It deserves to be acquired, this kind of bad money company should be razed to the ground, and the contracts of Xixi's many brothers and sisters have not expired yet, so let's get out of the misery as soon as possible."

"Yes, Xixi is so miserable, don't talk about others."

Rong Jing and the two threw Fang Jue Lian into the hospital, and the operation was done successfully.

For Rong Jing, this is good news. He has long been disliked by these scumbags, and now he can finally draw a cross after Fang Juelian's name, and he almost vomits the breath he has been holding. One-fifth came out.

Gu Xi was very quiet today, Rong Jing thought he couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Do you think he's too miserable?"

Gu Xi is fine with everything, but he is too soft-hearted.

Gu Xi was sympathetic, he wished Fang Juelian could be a little worse.

He just felt that after being killed by his Adam's apple, Rong Jing didn't respond at all

Why, because of myself... not attractive at all

In the evening, because of the itinerary, Gu Xi took the clothes from his own house. He has always been at the forefront of fashion. The clothes except for private clothes are all finished products after being matched by exclusive designers. Although it is only the end of summer, he The daily wear of the style has to go in the autumn and winter style.

At this moment, he is wearing a light-colored irregular beige sweater, loose and baggy, with a black leather rope tied around his neck, an endorsement ring on his real and middle finger, his long legs are wrapped in black cropped trousers, and his feet are on black sneakers. Youthful and lazy, it makes people feel autumn in advance.

At this moment, the radio in the car is quietly playing the classic pure music "Autumn Whispers", and the melodious music is passed between the two.

He suddenly felt a little dizzy, and the glands were getting hot, and he was caught off guard.

But after a while, the feeling disappeared again, Gu Xi took out a blocker, tore off the restraining sticker at the back, and sprayed it.

Rong Jing turned his head just to see this scene, and he vaguely saw a faint pink gland on his fair neck.

Rong Jing's heart began to beat irregularly, and he felt that the faint aroma of the blocking agent filled his eyes in the space and drilled into his pores.

Gu Xi is an omega who has never been marked by anyone.

The seeds buried in the soil are waiting eagerly to emerge.

Rong Jing could hardly look away. He wanted to belong to the alpha's desire for control, but he didn't know that it invaded his sanity.

I know I shouldn't watch it, but I can't control it.

Gu Xi had re-sprayed the blocking agent just in case, and finally felt a little relieved.

In his eyes, Rong Jing is a monk with no desires and no desires. If an alpha is by his side, it is impossible for him to make the action of directly tearing off the restraint sticker.

But Jung Kyung, huh.

At the exit on the second floor of the t2 terminal, when Gu Xi got off the bus, he was stopped by Rong Jing.

He vaguely felt that Rong Jing's voice was a little low and a little hoarse, and Gu Xi looked back at him.

Rong Jing's eyes were deliberately avoided: "You have something in your bag, get on the plane and open it."

Gu Xi: "What?"

"I can't say it for now, don't be angry when you see it, get off the plane and call me, I will explain." While Gu Xi was not paying attention, he threw the necklace in.

Rongjing also searched before, and it is generally seen that omegas are disgusted with these locators on the Internet, and most of them think that they are feudal dross.

Face-to-face, I really can't give it away, so I can only sneak it in.

Gu Xi didn't think about it at all. When he helped with the selection, Rong Jing had already made it clear that it was not for him. Anyway, he was also scheduled, so he wouldn't be envious.

Gu Xi took off the suitcase and secretly said, you were the one who finally watched me go.

Gu Xi had seen his assistant Mo Dian who was waiting for him not far away, and walked over quickly.

Rong Jing looked at the back of Gu Xi leaving, hesitated for a moment, and said to Zhou You, "You will pick me up at the shuttle bus later."

Maybe it was the accident that happened before, Rong Jing was still a little worried and got out of the car.

Then just after entering the entrance, I heard crazy shouts from a distance, almost all of them shouting at Gu Xi.

Even the passers-by around Rongjing were excited to run over.

The airport drop-off gate is surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors. Although the fans are very excited, it does not affect the normal operation of the airport. The fans of Gu Xi have relatively good reputation in the industry. Generally, members of the support club will restrain other fans. , Don't recruit passers-by to Gu Xi, omega is much harder than ab in the entertainment industry.

Rong Jing only watched from a distance, but there were so many people that he couldn't see Gu Xi at all, but he saw the staff accompanied by Gu Xi.

In the crowded crowd, Gu Xi politely greeted the fans present while smiling at the camera.

It's just that when others don't pay attention, he frowns a little uncomfortable.

The enthusiasm in the car just now came up again.

Like a flame, it went all the way from the back to the gland, and now even Gu Xi felt that something was wrong with him.

Gu Xi slowly realized that his illusory estrus period was coming again, right

Gu Xi hurriedly looked for the bathroom, he might need ten inhibitors.

Suddenly, the hand looking for the inhibitor paused slightly.

In the gap between the crowd, Rongjing was seen far away.

Due to inertia, he seemed to have forgotten a very important thing, and the country matched him with an A.

Rong Jing was startled.

The eyes met from afar, Gu Xi's eyes seemed to have countless small hooks, scratching in his heart, if there were none.