Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 9


Painful voices resounded through several carriages, attracting everyone's attention.

Rong Jing didn't have the slightest pity in his eyes, the tighter he squeezed, his face was frosty, as indifferent as a different person.

Most of his expression was covered by the peaked cap above his head, only a faint blue shadow covered it.

In Rong Jing's eyes, don't mention how good the figure is under any clothes, that is a cat.

A hard worker who works hard for a living and plays the role of a cat at work without even taking off his work clothes. Is it because of this that Metro Wolf is unscrupulous? Because I know that the other party has no power or power, no ability or time to fight with myself.

Rong Jing is really angry, this subway wolf has been harassing victims one after another, whether it is a student at the beginning, a beautiful white-collar worker later, or a doll man, who is not a vulnerable group, he really picks people!

Especially the doll people, the last station of the subway on this line is Happy Valley. If it is not for work, who will wear thin fleece on a hot day, how uncomfortable it is to be inside the toy hood, Rong Jing has experienced this job in his last life for filming, Knowing that the hood is inside, not only the temperature has risen several degrees, it is humid and hot, but sometimes it is difficult to breathe.

What's the point of trying to live but being forcibly taken advantage of by an Alpha like you

Although the world has changed, it does not mean that the evil thoughts will disappear.

There is no fairy tale in the adult world, but at least you can create a relatively stable place by yourself.

Rong Jing said coldly, "Why don't you harass Alpha because you like to harass people so much?"

Most of the gazes around were filled with condemnation and anger, but few of them stood up.

Black-rimmed glasses have long known that most people have nothing to do with themselves, and it is normal to watch from the sidelines. He does this every time, and many of those victims are afraid to speak out, so his courage is getting bigger and bigger. . But I didn't expect that there were several people walking towards him around today, bah, bad luck!

The other hand of the black-rimmed glasses hurriedly took out something from his pocket. Rong Jing didn't know what it was, but he responded quickly and shouted to the people around him, "Close your eyes!"

Who would have thought that a subway wolf would carry an anti-wolf spray with him!

Rong Jingjing was stunned for a moment by this person's shamelessness. Taking advantage of this gap, the black-rimmed glasses aimed at the station to stop, and the kung fu of moving the door opened to get out of the crowd.

The corner of Rong Jing's clothes was gently pulled by a soft force. This force was like a feather brushing past. Rong Jing didn't notice it, and didn't even look back, because he found that the wolf quickly disappeared behind him. In his vision, the opportunity was fleeting, and he rushed out almost immediately.

Once such people feel that they can escape punishment every time, the maliciousness will become more and more inflated.

Rong Jing disappeared at the same speed as a cheetah, leaving only Gu Xi, who had just taken off his hood and wanted to see the person. His wet hair was still stuck to his sweaty face, and he looked at Rong Jingyuan in confusion. Go back.

You, you, let me see what you look like!

Gu Xi has not rested for more than 50 hours, and now he is wearing a doll costume, even if it is thin, but because the doll costume itself is like a doll, it is still made of flannel. A little dizzy.

After entering the subway, I quickly found a spot and prepared to rest for a while. I didn't even bother to pay attention to whether anyone was approaching behind.

When he heard the familiar voice, he immediately looked over as if in a daze.

But the huge doll hood blocked his vision. The place where Doraemon's mouth could look out, but there was a thin layer of cloth, it was very blurry.

At the moment of passing by, he saw the man's angular chin and thin red lips in the shadow of the peaked cap, flashing like cold water from his hazy vision.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Gu Xi grabbed him almost immediately, but the man didn't stop at all and left like that.

After taking off the hood, they saw Gu Xi who was dripping with sweat and looked like a water elf. There were screams from the entire subway cabin door. Everyone couldn't believe that Gu Xi appeared here. No, is it better.

The camera recorded Gu Xi's dazed appearance faithfully.

According to the regulations, Gu Xi wanted to play a game with an amateur who recognized him, but his eyes looked outside from time to time, expecting that person to appear again.

Until the camera crew came to set the rules of the game, he watched the hatch close.

And how can the people around me remember the satyr incident just now, which surrounded Gu Xi, it seems that the vicious incident just now is far less important than Gu Xi's existence.

Rong-kyung chased after him quickly, and got far away as if he heard frantic cheers and screams from behind.

But the subway had already opened, and Rong Jing glanced back, thinking of nothing else, he just wanted to catch the jerk. There were a few men behind him who chased after him. Although they didn't know each other, they had the same goal.

Rong Jing considers himself selfish, he doesn't want to cause trouble, most of the time he just wants to protect himself and the people he cares about.

But the person who bumped into him, what is this called, this is called sending someone a thousand miles away.

This station is a peak passenger flow, and Rong Jing's unfamiliarity with the route of the subway station is fatal.

However, Rong Jing was not in a hurry to chase. He immediately found the nearest subway policeman. He had a short video he had just followed in the past, and he did not forget to keep the evidence when he chased it. The video didn't stop until the other party touched the doll. end.

The subway police immediately notified the patrolling police outside several openings and recorded the appearance and clothing of the person. If there is a suspicious person, they will stop him. Rong Jing believes that the person will not have the opportunity to change his clothes in a short period of time. E-gateway, which was less crowded, found the person who wanted to escape.

Rong Jing identified with several people who were chased out, and the video evidence was conclusive, and he successfully detained the person and handed it over to the police who came later.

Even the subway police can't stand it anymore: "Classmate, you'd better wash your face and cool down."

It was only then that Rong Jing realized that the place where the anti-wolf spray had been sprayed was still burning, and he didn't care about the follow-up. He ran to the nearest bathroom. Even at this time, he still carefully read the sign and entered Man A. It took ten minutes for the whole face to cool down.

Unexpectedly, when he came out, there was a person waiting for him outside.

It was the only A in the group of Bs who chased them together just now. At that time, he was inexplicably relieved.

Through this time, most people's evaluation of A is polarized, and Rong Jing also vaguely feels the particularity of this group.

The A stopped him and stared at Rong Jing for a while before saying, "Rong Jing?"

It is true that Rong Jing's temperament has changed a lot, and the other party is afraid that he has mistaken the person.

Rong Jing didn't pay attention to this person's appearance, but felt that this person was A, but he didn't expect that the original owner knew him. Rong Jing hid the surprise on his face, quickly searched his memory, extracted the information about this person from the original owner's long memory of more than 20 years, and said hello like the original owner: "Jileping, long time no see."

This person is the monitor of Rongjing's 12th grade performance class B. He is a socialist, very capable, and also an officer of the student council. Because of the car accident performance of the original owner in the freshman report performance, the entire B class was laughed at by the whole school, and was naturally isolated by the whole class. Ji Leping was one of the few who were willing to talk to him. The original owner had a high degree of favorability towards Ji Leping.

But just like with Xie Ling, Rong Jing felt that memory was just an aid, and he preferred to judge by himself.

Ji Leping asked like a friend: "Today is the day when the graduate students pass the first test. Did you pass?"

Rong Jing was in the entertainment industry in his previous life, and he has seen many types like Ji Leping. They know how to manage their own network and do not easily offend people. Even the original owner who seems to be extremely abject will not be able to guarantee that he will turn around. , This type of person is the most difficult to figure out, and in general, Rong Jingjing will avoid it.

Rong Jing also replied as usual: "I don't know yet, you know I don't have a computer."

Ji Leping suddenly remembered that Rong Jing's family was not good. He remembered that when he was in school, he would rather eat white rice by himself than provide for Qi Ying's high consumption. Bought on a part-time basis day and night.

Thinking of the class group saying that Rong Jing and Qi Ying from the Department of Cinematography have broken up, everyone is celebrating, most of the classmates said that Qi Ying finally got out of the sea of misery, #no longer need to be stuck with a dog skin plaster#, #Why don't people have self-awareness? , what does he match with such an excellent Omega as Qi Ying#, #焆讆 has been delusional about eating swan meat, and finally was beaten back to its original shape#.

Similar words have not been interrupted in recent years.

The performance accident was a moment when everyone felt extremely embarrassed. Naturally, almost all of them aimed at Rong Jing.

In college, campus bullying will not be enough, but rejection and disgust will still be manifested.

It can be said that everyone can't wait to nail Rong Jing to the pillar of shame.

Ji Leping thought that Rong Jing didn't seem to drop out of the group and was always in the class group.

But Rong Jing was so inexistent that everyone didn't even remember whether he was in the group or not.

Ji Leping didn't know if Rong Jing had seen those chat records. Last night, the class group talked about it in the middle of the night and tried their best to ridicule. Everyone can see how much he likes Qi Ying. Don't be crazy when you are broken up

Ji Leping found that Rong Jing's state was not as decadent as everyone thought. Although he did not participate, he somehow saw Rong Jing's cold and indifferent gaze. , I haven't changed dormitories yet, do you want to come?"

Rong Jing refused: "No, it's just convenient to see the results."

Ji Leping didn't force it. He also knew that when Rong Jing went to school, looking at grades was only a secondary concern. Maybe finding a tutor to clear the relationship was the main thing. Ji Leping couldn't bear to say that with Rongjing's reputation, the tutors might be the first to brush him off in the reexamination.

Ji Leping felt that it was too cruel to tell the truth, but if he didn't tell the truth, he had to watch Rong Jing run into a wall. He is not familiar with Rong Jing, and Rong Jing doesn't seem to be able to make a comeback, so let's pretend he doesn't know.

Looking at Ji Leping's rich expression, Rong Jing could probably guess what the other party was struggling with, and took the initiative to say, "You also go back to see the results?"

Ji Leping: "Well, have you chosen a mentor?"

Rong Jing wondered: "Can this be my turn to choose?"

Ji Leping was choked for a moment. He really didn't expect that Rong Jing's mentality was surprisingly good under the severe blow of his lovelorn.

If you ask Ji Leping, is there any default or moisture in the entrance examination of the theater

The professional preliminary test is fair, and the scores of short answer, discussion, term explanation, ideological and political theory, English, etc. must be above the pass line.

But when it comes to re-examination, in all fairness, there are two words: follow fate. For example, which tutor you are more familiar with, just happens to be the reviewer of the re-examination, that will affect more or less. The re-examination itself is a more subjective choice.

With a reputation like Rong Jing, even after passing the first exam, the chance of passing the re-examination is almost zero. Most of the tutors have status and reputation in society. Who wants a student with a tainted reputation

"I don't think you're worried at all?"

"Is it useful to worry about?" After the crisis was lifted, Rong Jing began to wander off again in Ji Leping's questioning.

He touched the corner of his clothes. When he was out chasing someone just now, he seemed to feel that someone was pulling him. Was it an illusion

When they went back to the place where they took the subway, there were suddenly a lot of people, and there were usually many people on the subway, but today, the strange thing is that not many people went in when the subway came, but they were very excited, and the whole scene seemed to be covered with countless pinks bubbles.

After I asked, I learned that there was a subway quietly recording "A Star's Day" before, and the guests in this episode are said to be the dream of countless boys and girls, and their appearance alone has made it into the top 50 of the world's most beautiful list. Gu Xi.

To know this list, the judges are all Europeans. For Asians to be on the list, appearance is not the key point, but fame is the key point. Only the approval of the majority of the public can be shortlisted, that is, the nationality must be high.

But at that time, Gu Xi had only debuted for a year, and no matter how popular he was, he was only a rookie.

Listening to Ji Leping all the way to popularize Gu Xi, his excited appearance was not like the way he had advanced and retreated just now.

"Are you his fan?"

"Nonsense, that's not it, which A can escape his charm, it's definitely not A!" Seeing Rong Jing's indifferent appearance, Ji Leping doubted, "Why don't you seem to react at all?"

Rong Jing: "..." I only focus on your Sichuan Opera face changing now.

And why did the name Gu Xi appear around him from time to time since he crossed over to the present, just like the protagonist of a space, a collector of great luck and the like.

Rong Jing felt that his thoughts were too whimsical again, and time-travel had made his thinking unscientific.

No, crossing itself is very unscientific.

Ji Leping's face was very bad, as if it was a heinous crime for Rong Jing not to be infatuated with Gu Xi.

"You are finished, you are finished, Qi Ying's poison is too deep in you, I have to brainwash you so that you can see the real beauty! Let you see what it means to be an angel."

Rong Jing wants to say what has it to do with Qi Ying, but your fans' rainbow farts are really blowing out.

But Rong Jing met a real fan of her husband. Rong Jing felt a little nostalgic. In his previous life, he also had a large number of fans. He had met many types of fans. , just listening quietly, responding with a sentence or two from time to time.

Ji Leping, who was originally indignant, saw Rong Jing's attitude, and suddenly felt relieved physically and mentally, and finally laughed.

He suddenly discovered that Rong Jing was a good person, and it was rare to see A with such a warm temper.

Neither of them thought that not long after they arrived at the school, they saw the banner hung up in the school: Warmly welcome former alumni, Gu Xi and Xun Jiarui to give speeches at our school.

Both of them are popular, and they also have popular movies or TV series released, which themselves can attract many schoolmates to watch.

Ji Leping remembered what he had just heard at the subway station, and opened the Internet to search for Gu Xi's itinerary today, Reuters. Sure enough, he saw a few photos of Gu Xi on the subway, taking off the doll's hood, and bending over to sign autographs for fans.

Although it was a passerby's photo, Gu Xi, who was slightly sweaty, still dazzled under the camera.

Ji Leping immediately activated his personal connections and asked his classmates to help him occupy the best two front-row positions.

Ji Leping: "go?"

In his heart, even if he wasn't a fan, who would refuse to see Gu Xi.

But in front of him, a strange thing appeared.

Seeing that Rong Jing still didn't want to go, Ji Leping hated that the iron was not steel: "You can see the grades anytime, and the tutor won't run away, but Gu Xi sees it less than once."

There was one thing he didn't say. With Rongjing's current development, this is probably the only chance to see a superstar.

Rong Jing just didn't want to be disappointed again, he was already sure that Gu Xi's face didn't stimulate his memory.

As the hope of going back became more and more dim, it only made me sad to see it.

Hearing Ji Leping's words, he couldn't help laughing.

Ji Leping also noticed his words: "Ah, bah, bah, Gu Xi has a long life! Forgive the believers for a slip of the tongue! You don't know yet, Gu Xi's next movie will be a big production, a big team, and a rival drama. Actors are still being picked, and I heard that Gu Xi has the right to veto. Let’s go, maybe because he is too handsome, he will be favored.”

Rong Jing nodded indiscriminately, but he didn't think that Ji Leping's words could be taken into account. A professional actor like Gu Xi would not randomly choose a young boy who is still studying and has little acting experience.

Rong Jing looked for Gu Xi's information and found that whether it was music works or film and television works, Gu Xi had carefully selected them, otherwise, where did the three-year-old window suddenly become popular? This is a person with his own principles, and such a person will not suddenly lose his mind and ruin his future.

Gu Xi was in the lounge, and was doing makeup. At this time, the makeup artist also found that he was not wearing makeup. He was amazed, and several cameras also recorded it.

Gu Xi was absent-minded, and in his mind he replayed the shocking glance on the subway, as well as the familiar voice.

At this time, another long-standing man who was speaking behind him also walked in.

The comer looks handsome and dressed in fashion. He recently starred in a remake of the idol drama male two. Because of the infatuated heroine, he silently guards and sacrifices for his lover, and his popularity skyrockets. Although the plot is cliché, it cannot hold back the enduring character.

When Xun Jiarui entered, he saw Gu Xi who was the most eye-catching, and his eyes lit up slightly: "Gu Xi, I didn't expect you to come so early."

Gu Xi was taken aback for a moment, pushed the makeup artist's hand away, and stared at Xun Jiarui: "You... your voice."

Xun Jiarui touched his Adam's apple. His original voice was not very pleasant. In order to get the best sound, he took a huge risk and went to Smecta for vocal tract change surgery. Now that the surgery has recovered, he is very satisfied with the current voice. Deep and magnetic, how many O will be defeated under his suit pants.

Unexpectedly, the famous and indifferent Gao Lingzhihua in the circle will also be fascinated, he immediately put on his most handsome smile: "What's wrong?"

Gu Xi was a little dazed: "Is your original voice like this?"

It was so similar to what he remembered!

The body shape is also a bit similar, is that the person

"Of course." A trace of panic flashed in Xun Jiarui's eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

At this moment, the host informed Gu Xi that the speech was about to start.

Gu Xiqiang calmed down and prepared to give a speech first.

But he still said involuntarily, "Senior Xun, are you free when the meeting is over? I want to talk to you about something."

Xun Jiarui was immediately ecstatic, it seems that the Flower of the High Mountains is just like that.

When Gu Xi came to the stage, the crowded small auditorium was full of applause, and there were many entertainers who heard the news.

Gu Xi was used to seeing the big scene, and without the slightest panic, he bowed slightly to the audience, and was about to start his speech.

Suddenly, a tall student in the front row stood up and seemed to want to leave, but was pushed down by his companions, Gu Xi just glanced at it, and suddenly his eyes were frozen.

When he saw the tall classmate, he narrowed his eyes slightly. The figure and figure of that classmate also resembled that person.

Gu Xi couldn't help but look at Xun Jiarui who smiled and stared at him in the audience. Xun Jiarui was swept away by those soul-sucking eyes and felt that he had lost all three souls and seven souls. If it wasn't for the camera, he couldn't bear it. Live and rushed past.

At this moment, Gu Xi felt like an omelette on a frying pan, and there was a risk of it being cooked at any time.

Yes, which one is it