Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 94


No one knows what was agreed between Wu Hanqi and Rong Jing that night.

You know? Only the people in the car.

three months later.

With the end of the filming of "Imperial Power", there is no news of Gu Xi and Rong Jing being tied up again.

There is little interaction, if any, on various occasions, which is quite intriguing.

They looked stranger than strangers, and they didn't say anything to each other, and fans said they had seen them backstage? The two had an argument, but both sides denied that there was any conflict afterwards.

Since the two have been chasing reports, the media will always follow them to write some specious reports. Traffic is king. Even if the parties are low-key enough, they can't hold back their popularity. Fans love to watch them.

The only thing they have in common that can be said is that they both like to wear clothes from the same brand.

Some media have previously discovered that the suit Gu Xi is wearing on the podium is from the first-tier luxury brand Xie.

Because it is a customized model, I can't find the picture on the official website. However, because Gu Xi's appearance in a white suit is popular all over the world, he has never been able to find the brand provider he provided. As a result, the media kept digging deep before they were dug out and buried. The deep Xie.

Xie has always been known for being cold, and even the spokesperson is an electronically synthesized character.

This time, Xie rarely interacted with Gu Xi on the official website. This time, Gu Xi's fashion resources have improved, and the previous incident of being broken by the brand businessman will never happen again.

Later, it was discovered that Gu Xi and Rong Jing both liked Xie very much in their usual private servers. Xie still does not have a spokesperson, but these two people have used their own efforts to push the new trend vane in the new field of fashion.

A poor working class said that they really wanted to buy a piece of Xie, but they couldn't afford it. Only when Party A invited them to live in Cheryl on a business trip did they find out that they could enter the official website of Xie with the check-in certificate. There is a certain discount on the products of the company, and she finally gritted her teeth and bought one for herself.

Then posted this experience on the Internet, causing many netizens to ridicule "I'm not worthy". Since then, Cheryl's occupancy rate has increased significantly. As Xie Lingyi thought at the beginning, this is a win-win arrangement.

Zhou Xiang was originally happy to see Xie's stocks rising steadily recently, but their boss, Xie Ling, always frowned.

Xie Ling was looking at his mobile phone, and what was displayed on the screen was an entertainment report. The approval of "Imperial Power" was completed a few months ago, and now it is entering the publicity period. But in more than a dozen roadshows, as the two protagonists, they were almost never present at the same time.

This strange discovery caused the media to scramble to report, but the two leading actors still go their own way, and the different channels are still different.

Of course, most investors and producers are still very happy, because these reports have made "Imperial Power" even more popular, and it also saved the publicity fee.

Xie Ling originally thought that the younger brother's love should be smooth sailing, but it seems that the two are no longer in contact. Mark of.

He went straight to Gu Xi and asked if he had broken up, and what he got was a negative situation.

Could it be because I prevented them from having sex before marriage, and there was a conflict

Xie Ling opened the cabinet annoyed, stood in front of the safe, and entered the password.

Opening the back cabinet door, what came into sight was a thin and small box.

I bought it a long time ago, but I'm embarrassed to give it to my brother's safety measures. He was always hesitant to give it to his younger brother, which went against his long-standing philosophy; if he did not take it, he was also afraid that his younger brother's love would be ruined because of one of his words.

Boom, there was a knock on the door.

With some guilt, Xie Ling put the box into the pocket of the suit, and said indifferently, "Come in."

Rong Jing was called by Xie Lingyi on the phone to Mr. Xie, and the front desk saw him, as always, he was very pleasantly surprised, and some newcomers would take the opportunity to learn who Rong Jing was.

As for the newcomer Rong Jing, who suddenly became popular on the Internet, oh, that's just our little master's sideline.

After Rong Jing greeted Zhou Xiang, he entered the president's office.

He's also the only one who can enter the office without an appointment.

"Come on," Xie Ling has already opened a project book that he had read in just a few seconds, pretending to be busy, without looking up, he pushed a document directly. Go to the front, "If there is no problem, just sign off."

"What's this?" [Rong Jing] flipped through the document and saw the huge amount of money above, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, but in order to maintain the character, he still remained indifferent.

"Grandpa's charitable foundation is left to you, you just need to sign the documents, and the agent will be responsible for the rest." Xie Ling said.

Originally, the old man had prepared three copies, but because Xie Jisheng's actions completely chilled the old man's heart, he simply divided his remaining property into two and gave them to the two brothers Xie Ling, so that they could go Support each other in the days to come. [Rong Jing] nodded to show that he knew, and waved his hand to sign the name.

"Let's go to dinner together later." Xie Ling looked at the watch in his hand, "The trap you gave to the old director last time is good, you can slowly close the net."

The other hand hesitated whether to give the box to the younger brother now, how should I open it

Rong Jing paused for a moment, as if thinking about how to answer.

In the end, I still used the general answer: "Okay, brother decides."

At this moment, a female Omega secretary knocked on the door and brought the brewed coffee.

The secretary was in good shape, graceful and graceful when walking, and brushed Rong Jing's clothes before leaving.

For an existence like Rong Jing, the temptation is everywhere, it only depends on his own concentration.

It was at this moment that Xie Ling raised his head and found that Rong Jing, who never paid too much attention to others, actually paid attention to the strange Omega at this time.

Xie Ling didn't know, although the soul copied, but the copy was not complete.

When "it" becomes a living creature, it is no longer under the control of the body, "it" begins to be curious about the surroundings, begins to have its own thoughts and hobbies, and gradually separates from Rongjing itself.

Xie Ling frowned, took back the hand that sent the box, and hesitated for a while: "You..."

He suddenly thought? About three months ago, Gu Xi once stopped him and asked him if he felt something was wrong with Rong Jing.

He didn't think deeply at the time, thinking that it was just a young couple who were arguing, and that he, an outsider, would not be able to intervene casually.

And in the few meetings Rong Jing has not changed, he has not thought about other aspects at all.

"What's the matter, brother?" [Rong Jing] looked at him suspiciously, the same as before.

"Nothing." Xie Ling remained calm.

Xie Ling was talking, but found that [Rong Jing] picked up a model of Buzz Lightyear on the desk to play with, looked at him and said indifferently: "Brother, why would you put such a thing outside? ruin your image."

This decoration still has a history. Rong Jing's bedroom full of pink lace was finally redecorated. He went back to Xie's main house to accompany Xie Ling to dinner, and then found a broken Buzz Lightyear in the basement. Model. The housekeeper told Rong Jing that in fact Xie Ling was not a perfect template when he was a child. He would also watch cartoons and also have time to rest. Among them, I especially liked this animation, and secretly begged the housekeeper to get one for me, but was still discovered by the tutor, so he was broken by the old man and fell into the warehouse to accumulate dust.

After Rong Jing knew about it, he deliberately went to find the model that was broken, but found that the animation was decades ago, and all related products had long been discontinued. The model Rong Jing was looking for was hardly available on the market. , Rongjing posted on the second-hand app that it acquired a similar model at a high price.

I waited for this one for a long time, and then inadvertently gave it to Xie Ling.

When Xie Ling received it, he was very disgusted. He was so old, how could he still need such a childish toy.

But when I look back I put it on the desk and watch it every day.

This model carries the memories of the two brothers. In any case, the younger brother should not say it in such a frivolous tone.

[Rong Jing] has most of Shen's body memories, but it's not his personal experience, and many memories are limited to swallowing like a jujube. In so many memories, how could he remember a trivial thing.

But [Rong Jing] was very calm, and immediately came back: "I mean I didn't expect? Brother still keeps this."

Doubt, just inadvertently.

An inexplicable panic spread to my heart.

Was there an incomprehensible but terrifying possibility that he had been ignoring

Gu Xi personally drove to Woxue, and according to the room number posted on WeChat, under the guidance of the waiter, he came to the box.

Xie Ling has already ordered food, this is Xie Ling's first time to ask Gu Xi, this Omega that he thought he would only meet when his younger brother officially introduced him.

Xie Ling: "Sit."

Gu Xi removed his disguise and faced Rong Jing's eldest brother alone, he was still a little nervous.

Gu Xi asked, "Mr. Xie, why are you looking for me?"

As Rong Jing left for longer and longer, Gu Xi became more and more afraid. In order to make himself in the best state when facing Rong Jing again, he began to use high-intensity work to numb himself. Every day when you are so tired that you fall asleep, you can briefly forget that there is a corner in your heart, and you are always thinking of a man madly.

Xie Ling looked at Gu Xi who seemed to be in very good condition. At first glance, he really thought that he was doing very well, but after a closer look, he could see that Gu Xi was wearing makeup. I remember that Gu Xi was famous for his makeup in the past, what was he covering up

Xie Ling looked at the hot tea in his hand, watched the tea leaves swirl and settle in the glass, and asked, "The last time you asked me if there was anything wrong with him."

Gu Xi's absent-minded eyes suddenly froze.

Looking at Xie Ling in a daze, he shrank his fingers. During this period of time, he was praying every day that someone would find out. If someone did find out, he began to worry about whether Xie Ling's answer was what he wanted.

During this time, he secretly observed [Rong Jing] in private, and he found that the fake person had begun to integrate into all aspects of life, while the real Rong Jing showed no sign of coming back.

He worries that when more and more people only recognize fakes, will Jung-kyung really disappear.

Every time Gu Xi was in the dead of night, he would always be awakened by his own guesses.

He wrote the word "stay" on Rong Jing's hand, hoping that Rong Jing's heart would stay.

Gu Xi's eyes lit up slightly, and he asked cautiously, "Did you... did you find something?"

Xie Ling nodded: "He's a little different."

Gu Xi: "Eyes."

Xie Ling: "Speak."

Gu Xi: "Pretend."

Xie Ling: "Memory."

The more they talked, the faster they spoke.

Each of these words seems to be able to expand into a small composition of several thousand words.

Gu Xi knew that there was an incredible incident in Rong Jing, so he could think of it, but he didn't expect that Xie Ling could finally think of it. He felt that Xie Ling was a very magical existence.

There is only one younger brother Xie Ling can accept, because only this one truly recognizes him. People are relative, and there is never good intentions for no reason.

Some things are well known, but there is no need to say them. Which one does he recognize, which one is his younger brother.

His little brother is unique.

Xie Ling's face became worse and worse: "Is there any way?"

Gu Xi shook his head: "He is restricted, there is nothing to do now, he said to wait for him."

Xie Ling said firmly: "He will come back, we are here, he will not leave without saying goodbye."

Gu Xi looked at the unquestionable look in Xie Ling's eyes, and his heart was a little calm, and choked up: "Well."

His little brother, he always knew what he wanted, but the little brother himself is... Will he have no nostalgia for this world

Xie Lingfa? It seems that Gu Xi's makeup may be covering up his haggardness. No amount of comfort for Gu Xi like this is in vain. Gu Xi knows too well what he is going through. Some feel sorry for his sister-in-law like this? Day after day. ? Days of waiting.

Xie Ling doesn't know? How to comfort people, he is not like that.

Even he was terrified by this conjecture. One can imagine the pressure that Gu Xiyi has endured over such a long period of time.

Xie Ling's eyes looking at Gu Xi softened a lot. After thinking for a long time, he drew a check from his body.

Swish wrote a number, put it on the turntable, and turned it to Gu Xi.

"Take it."


Gu Xi picked it up, his eyes widened.

My hands trembled, and I almost shook the paper off my hands because of this exaggerated amount.

5 million checks!

What was once imagined has come true.

One day, he received a check of 5 million from his boyfriend's house.

Gu Xi blurted out: "Actually, I'm rich enough to support him? Anything else I'll be nice to him so I don't want to leave..."

Gu Xi said it out of breath, this sentence was completely out of his mind, and he didn't know if he had thought about it in his mind before.

There wasn't even a punctuation mark in the middle, which showed Gu Xi's nervousness.

Xie Ling listened inexplicably: "What are you talking about."

Gu Xi was like the pause button was pressed, and he sat obediently in his seat, listening to the instructions.

Xie Ling: "Pocket money, buy yourself something to eat... Rest as much as possible, you can't make enough money."

That's what I said, huh.

Gu Xi swept away all the waste in his mind and wanted to return it: "Mr. Xie, my income is enough to support myself, I don't need anything to eat? Five million is so much, you still..."

"Call me eldest brother, brother gives pocket money? It's right to pay, but if you return it, you don't recognize me." Xie Ling said calmly, his way of speaking is always so straightforward.

"Big, big brother?" Is this a title that I can call, is it suitable for me

"Hmm." Xie Ling replied.

Gu Xi's originally depressed mood instantly rushed to the clouds, dizzy.

"I... I'll go out first." Gu Xi stood up abruptly and exited the room pretending to be calm.

Gu Xi hurried to the door, covered his face and screamed silently, is he recognized by his in-laws

Xie Ling's appearance was like a quick-acting heart-saving pill. He finally knew why Rong Jing respected his elder brother so much. This man is the same as Rong Jing. As long as he exists, he is like a needle for stabilizing the sea.

Gu Xi jumped excitedly outside the door, and a waiter came along the way.

Looking at Completely in shock? Gu Xi, who subverted his imagination, was dazzled, how could this be Gu Xi.

Xie Ling's worries are not many, but he has cultivated the ability to not change his face even when a mountain collapses in front of him since he was a child.

Moreover, Gu Xi can carry it, he can't be underestimated by his sister-in-law? Look, he must be more calm.

Gu Xi still has work today, but because of Xie Ling's temporary summons, it was late to go to the event site.

What he didn't know was that his daily intense thoughts condensed an unstable soul.

With Xie Ling's recognition, Gu Xi finally stopped fighting alone, their thoughts are slowly awakening the sleeping soul, and the idea of wanting to come back is deepening day by day.

The place where Gu Xi arrived tonight was Maya City, which happened to be the place where he first met with Rong Jing.

Feeling emotional, Gu Xi can only forcibly compress all his thoughts. Today, he is still a jewelry platform for endorsement, and he speaks with the host.

Suddenly, his eyes turned to a corner of the venue where the crowd was surging, where there was a familiar back.

Gu Xi couldn't make any reaction, just stared at the direction the man was leaving, and when he was about to run off the stage, the host who noticed something was wrong grabbed his wrist.

"Gu Xi, it hasn't arrived yet? The show session, why can't you wait!" The host laughed.

There was a series of good-natured laughter at the scene, Gu Xi realized that he was still on the platform, but his heart was already flying.

He seems to have seen Rongjing.

The figure just now was too similar.

Gu Xi waited until the end of the platform before hurried out.

He looked around and passed countless people, but he never saw that familiar figure.

It's an illusion.

Maybe again? It's that faker's trick.

The impostor didn't give up, he went to the place where he worked and confessed again.

Some fans saw that they were arguing backstage, it was not groundless, it was true.

After being rejected many times that day, the counterfeit finally couldn't control Gu Xi's discriminatory treatment.

Roaring at Gu Xi: "What he can do, I can do it too, exactly the same. The most important thing is that he doesn't love you, he just sees you as pitiful."

If it was the former Gu Xi, he might have been knocked down by this sentence, because he knew what the fake said.

But now Gu Xi wants to become better, he has been constantly changing himself for the person in his heart.

"You're too sad. You want to find the people around him to gain a sense of identity." Gu Xi replied coldly, word by word, "He won't go anywhere because he's here with me."

Gu Xi pointed to his heart, even if I never love, I can wait forever.

The impostor looked at him, seeing for the first time that an Omega with a reputation for being weak could be so mentally strong.

The impostor realized that he was losing ground, and finally seemed to regain a city: "You can't wait for him, this is his bet with God, and he is doomed to fail. His soul is dissipating, very Come on, this body is completely mine."

"God, who is it?"

"Supreme existence."

"Gu Xi, he doesn't belong here, so he must disappear. Choosing me is the most correct one. Don't fight against God."

"I don't believe in God, I only believe in him."

He said he would come back, and he would definitely come back.

Gu Xi searched for several times, but found nothing.

He stood blankly in the crowd of people coming and going, and pressed the corners of his dry eyes.

What are you thinking, according to the clues that Jung Kyung left on the calendar, if it goes well, he will be back in a few months.

Gu Xi held the necklace around his neck, regained his energy, bought himself a glass of iced drink, and drank it in one breath.

After dissipating all the sullenness, he walked to the bathroom where they met for the first time. Gu Xi couldn't help but smile on his lips when he thought of passing by and bumping into Rong Jing at that time.

If he had known at the time that they would happen so much later, if he could go back in time, he would have jumped at the first time.

As soon as Gu Xi laughed, he noticed that at the door of Men A, there was a tall man squatting, and the man stared at the ground in a trance.

Gu Xi seemed to be afraid that the person in front of him was an illusion. As long as he exerted force, the illusion would be shattered.

walked over gently.

After a few steps, he stopped in place.

She is timid about being close to her hometown, she looks forward to it too much, and she is afraid to reveal the truth.

"you… "

Rong Jing was wondering if the place where he dropped his hat was here, when he heard a familiar voice, he raised his head in surprise.

As soon as he stood up, he saw that? Gu Xi covered his mouth with his hands, tears slid down.

Gu Xi endured it for three months, and all his strength and nonchalance collapsed in an instant.

When Rong Jing was at a loss, he rushed over quickly and bounced, his legs hanging on Rong Jing's waist.

Let me be in the first place and meet you again.

very nice.