Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 101: You are so old-fashioned


"Simon, you must be complimenting me on purpose. In "Once Upon a Time in America," the most impressive female character should be Deborah as a girl."

"This is definitely not a compliment, Ms. Fruge. I can't explain why, but I am often attracted by the casual words of some women in movies. Maybe it's a special 'I'm sorry', or maybe a 'Please forgive me.' . Then, I felt that they were so charming at that moment."

The Coldwater Canyon community on the western edge of Beverly Hills.

At the party at Jonathan Friedman's house, in order to impress Robert De Niro, the manager obviously put a lot of effort into the details of the party and specially invited some stars from WMA who had worked with De Niro to attend. .

The person Simon was chatting with at this time was the Hollywood actress Dalani Flueger who played De Niro's girlfriend Eve in "Once Upon a Time in America".

Dalani Fruge is about thirty years old, with blond hair and blue eyes. She has the appearance of a typical German girl, but her appearance and temperament are a bit like Naomi Watts.

At this time, after hearing what Simon said, Dalani Fluge looked at Simon with interest and said, "What about me, Simon, which of my lines are you attracted to?"

Simon gave a small guess and said: "Guess."

Dalani Flueger didn't have many scenes in "Once Upon a Time in America". She thought about it for a while, but she could only shake her head: "I don't know."

Simon listened to the woman's answer, but smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said: "That's it, 'I don't know.'" At the beginning of the movie, several thugs broke into Eve's residence and asked about the whereabouts of the noodles. Eve said, I don't know, said Twice. Ever since I first watched "Once Upon a Time in America" and heard the words 'I don't know' twice, I have always firmly believed that Eve is the most charming woman in this movie."

"Oh, Simon, you are so attentive and good at talking," Darlany Flug's beautiful blue eyes flashed and she said, "Then, do you think I can try the role of Mia from "Pulp Fiction"?" Role? I submitted my resume, but unfortunately it was rejected."

Westerners don't pay attention to subtlety. When Simon heard the woman take the opportunity to recommend herself, he just smiled and shook his head and said: "It's a shame. The role of Mia requires a height of about 180cm."

Darlany Flug felt a little weird about Simon using the metric system to measure his height, but she didn't give up easily and said, "Isn't it okay to wear high heels?"

"Mia is barefoot most of the time in the movie," Simon explained, and then added: "However, I think there will definitely be a chance for us to collaborate. Maybe you can leave me your contact information."

Dalani Fluge looked at the big boy with a harmless smile in front of her, but her expression was slightly hesitant.

After a moment of silence, the woman was about to speak when another white man in his thirties trotted over from the villa. When he came closer, the man put his arms around Dalani Fluger's waist, looked at Simon with some uncertainty, and asked the woman next to him: "My dear, what are you talking about?"

Dalani Fluge felt the change in Simon's eyes, and smiled reluctantly. She raised her hand and introduced the two of them: "Simon, this is my husband, Michael Small. Mike, this is Simon, Simon Weiss." Tello.”

With the success of two consecutive films, Simon has become very famous. However, he himself is not the kind of character who likes to be in the public eye, so it is not surprising that Michael Small did not recognize him for a while.

After hearing his wife's introduction, Michael Small showed a sudden expression and extended his hand to Simon very warmly to say hello.

After chatting for a few more words, Michael Small turned around and left with Dalani Fluger.

Simon raised the cup in his hand to his mouth and took a sip of the cocktail, then walked towards Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, who had been standing nearby chatting just now.

Seeing Simon coming over, Keanu Reeves just said hello and turned to leave.

Simon looked at Keanu with confusion as he hurriedly walked away suppressing some emotions. He then looked at Sandra in front of him and saw an expression on her face that was half-smiling, and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Sandra shook her head, but the smile on her face grew stronger, and she couldn't help but said: "I, it's just that I just heard a very impressive line."

Simon made a helpless expression and said, "I didn't expect you to have a hobby of eavesdropping on other people's conversations."

Sandra rolled her eyes at Simon and retorted: "Keanu and I were standing here before you stopped the woman to talk to her, okay? I'm not deaf."

"Okay," Simon shrugged, "my bad."

Sandra made a 'it was your fault' expression, and the smile on her face still did not dissipate. She looked at Simon and said, "Don't you guess which line impressed me the most?"

Simon asked back: "Is there a reward for guessing correctly?"

Sandra asked carelessly: "What reward do you want?"

Simon didn't answer, but deliberately narrowed his eyes and looked Sandra up and down.

Today's party has a relaxed theme and no formal attire is required.

Sandra was wearing a black close-fitting sweater and white casual pants. The turtleneck style sweater also exposed two round shoulders, making her look inexplicably a little more sexy.

Noticing Simon's eyes looking towards her shoulder, Sandra suddenly felt guilty, hurriedly suppressed her smile, deliberately looked fiercely at Simon and said, "What are you looking at?"

After saying this, Sandra felt a little regretful.

How unladylike.

"I just suddenly thought of a joke," Simon pointed at Sandra's off-shoulder cardigan and said, "Then I had the urge to sew the shoulders of your dress."

Sew it up

Sandra was confused for a moment, raised her hand to draw a box in front of her, and said, "You are so old-fashioned."

Simon looked at Sandra's movements and smiled: "Have you read the script of "Pulp Fiction"?"

The gesture Sandra just made happened to be the same gesture Mia made in "Pulp Fiction" when she laughed at Vincent who refused to go to Bunny's Restaurant. In old-fashioned cartoons, characters often use the form of drawing boxes to mock someone's old-fashionedness.

"Yes," Sandra nodded, with a little resentment in her eyes, and said, "Although you didn't invite me, I still want to see if there is a role suitable for me in the script."

"I originally wanted to give you the role of Little Rabbit. However, if you think about it carefully, this role will not be beneficial to your future career development. On the contrary, it will destroy the screen image you established from "Lola Run", so Forget it," Simon said with some regrets, "By the way, I heard that the "Back to the Future 2" project has also been suspended. Your audition for the heroine must have been fruitless, right?"

Sandra actually also thought of the character of the bunny.

If she could be cast in Simon's new movie, she wouldn't care what the outcome was.

However, hearing that Simon actually thought of something with her and gave up the idea for her sake, the little resentment in Sandra's heart immediately dissipated.

Hearing Simon's last question, Sandra nodded: "Universal was very anxious and provided several production plans, but Robert Zemeckis released his own films in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Back to the Future" 2". Therefore, this matter can only be postponed until next year. However, Universal has offered to sign a female lead film contract with me, and Jonathan is still negotiating with them about the salary issue."

Simon listened to Sandra's words and said with a smile: "Congratulations then."

After "Run Lola Run", coupled with the two "Back to the Future" series that are destined to be popular, Sandra's status in Hollywood will be completely consolidated. In the future, as long as there are no consecutive mistakes in film selection, it will not be a problem to maintain her position as an A-list actress for ten or twenty years.

Sandra obviously understood the connection, and she also smiled happily, but suddenly remembered what happened just now, stared at Simon with dissatisfaction and said: "I almost got passed by you, can you guess the line just now? "

Simon said helplessly: "'This is my husband', are you satisfied?"

Seeing Simon's depressed expression and recalling what happened just now, Sandra couldn't help laughing again, covering her mouth and whining for a moment, squeezing out tears.

After a while, Sandra asked Simon with some gloating, "How do you feel now?"

Simon reached into his trousers pocket and took out a business card, waved it in front of Sandra, and said with a smile: "It's not that good. Someone secretly stuffed a business card over me. I'm still very hesitant now."

Sandra stared at the business card in Simon's hand for two seconds, then suddenly stretched out her hand.

Simon easily dodged Sandra's little hand, slowly stuffed the card back into his pocket, and said: "I can't give this to you. If a woman steals a woman, we men will lose face."

Sandra's eyes followed the business card disappearing into Simon's pocket, and then she said: "You're not really going to call, are you?"

"Didn't you just hear that? If there is a suitable movie, I still hope to cooperate with 'Eve', a very serious one."

Sandra listened to Simon's righteous tone and said with disdain: "Do you think I will believe it?"

"So, there is no need to explain this kind of thing to you women. I don't believe it anyway," Simon smiled. He noticed that Jonathan and De Niro walked out of the villa together and looked towards him, so he asked Sang Della said: "I'm going to chat with them for a while. By the way, do you want me to take you home later?"

Simon said and pointed to the wine glass in Sandra's hand.

Sandra wanted to say no, her assistant Gina was nearby and would take her back later.

However, after a pause, Sandra nodded and said, "Okay."

"That's it."

Simon didn't think much, nodded, and greeted Jonathan and the two who had already walked over.