Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 131: Two ghost movies


Amy Pascal was no longer surprised by Simon's frequent sudden thoughts. After thinking about it, she said: "I remember that three years ago due to poor operating conditions, Warner proposed to sell DC to Marvel, but it was rejected. . I’m not sure about the current situation, but after the stock market crash, large companies are generally reorganizing assets and reducing debts. The comics industry has already begun to decline in the 1970s. If you offer a sufficient price, Warner will probably agree. "

Simon tapped his fingers on the table, imagining the magnificent scene of the fusion of the Marvel and DC superhero universes in his mind, and asked again: "You said Semmel will call me this afternoon?"

Amy nodded and said: "I guess it's about "Run Lola Run" competing for awards. Orion should have mentioned it to you, right? If "Run Lola Run" can win something in the next awards season, it will be a great blessing for the two of them. It’s very beneficial for everyone’s copyright operations.”

"Run Lola Run" was released in North America in August. It has now passed the three-month window and can be released on video at any time. After Simon packaged and sold the overseas rights to Warner Bros., relying on Warner's comprehensive international distribution network, the box office of "Lola Run" in overseas markets has also successfully exceeded 200 million US dollars in the past six months, and will also enter the post-operation stage.

In my memory, "Run Lola Run" basically received no honors in North America, but the situation is different now.

With a global box office of US$400 million, Warner Bros. Pictures, one of the seven largest studios, has cooperated with Orion Pictures, which is good at awards public relations. Coupled with the unquestionable excellent quality of the film itself, "Run Lola Run" will definitely become a A big hit this coming awards season.

Perhaps Simon's only shortcoming is his age.

Prior to this, the youngest Oscar winner for Best Director was already 32 years old. If Simon could be 30 years old, he would probably break this record. But now, the possibility is almost zero, and the only thing Simon can hope for may be a nomination.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

There had been no call yet, but Terry Semel would probably call him before get off work, perhaps for a dinner party invitation or something. However, Simon already has plans for the evening and has other work to do next. The matter of buying DC can only wait until the weekend or next week.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door of the conference room, and Amy's assistant Vanessa poked her head in and said: "Mr. Westeros, Ms. Pascal, and Mr. Craven are here."

Simon and Amy stood up together, and Wes Craven walked in with a middle-aged white man in his forties wearing glasses.

Today is already December 18th, Friday.

Yesterday, Simon took out the synopsis of the planned "Scream". After Amy and Craven contacted each other, although he had not yet agreed to direct, Wes Craven also proposed to hire a screenwriter to write out the script first. See the effect.

The middle-aged man wearing glasses is probably the screenwriter recommended by Wes Craven.

After a brief greeting, Wes Craven introduced: "Simon, Amy, this is Bruce Joy Robin. He was the screenwriter of my "The Girl Next Door" last year. I think he can try it. Watch Scream."

Simon barely managed to hide his surprise when he heard Bruce Joy Robin's name.

Before cooperating with Wes Craven on "The Girl Next Door," Simon knew that he had directed a less successful "The Girl Next Door" for Warner Bros. last year, but he did not expect that the screenwriter of this film would be Bruce Joy Robin.

There may not be many people who know Bruce Joey Robin, but there should be few who don't know "The Last Days".

Bruce Joy Robin is the screenwriter of "The Last Days".

The Original Time and Space, released in 1990, not only became one of the most tear-jerking romance films in history, but also grossed US$500 million at the global box office with a production cost of US$22 million, plus an Oscar-winning The film has been nominated for a series of awards, including word-of-mouth and box office awards.

Simon had tried to find the whereabouts of Bruce Joey Robin before, but to no avail. Now he didn't expect to meet him under such a coincidence.

This may not be a coincidence.

In the final analysis, the Hollywood circle is still too small. Many people you are interested in may be close at hand, but you just haven't noticed yet.

He was thinking about whether he should attend more social parties in the future. After sitting down, Simon completely suppressed the surprise in his heart and discussed "Scream" with everyone as usual, while unknowingly bringing up the topic. In the direction you want.

A few people chatted for a while, and after hearing Simon's doubts about his ability, Bruce Joy Robin said: "Simon, the box office results of "The Girl Next Door" were indeed unsatisfactory, but the script was adapted from a novel. I think I and Wes have done their best within the creative framework given by the studio."

"So," Simon looked at Bruce Joey Robin and said, "Bruce, do you have any other scripts, creative ideas? Although I have provided the synopsis of the story of "Scream", I still hope The screenwriters themselves can be creative enough.”

Bruce Joy Robin nodded and said, "Of course."

Simon raised his hand and said, "Tell me about it."

Bruce Joy Robin pondered for a moment and said: "I watched "The Revenge of the Prince" a few years ago, and I had an idea when I saw the scene where Hamlet's father's soul left the body and told his son to avenge himself. Now the story concept has been very Perfect, but haven't started writing yet. Sam and Molly are a couple who are about to get married. One night, they were robbed on their way back to their residence after watching a play. Sam was stabbed to death by the gangster, turning him into a man who couldn't relate to him. A ghost who communicates with normal people, he floats around Molly, only to discover that his death was not an accident... "

In the conference room.

By the time Bruce Joy Robin finished speaking, before Simon could speak, Amy couldn't help but said: "Simon, this is a great idea, we should buy it, right?"

Wes Craven also nodded and agreed: "It's really good, but it's a pity that I'm not good at this type of film, otherwise I would have directed it myself."

Simon thought for a moment and then said: "Actually, I happen to have a similar idea about ghosts." After saying this, he noticed the nervous look on Bruce Joy Robin's face. Simon smiled and said to him: " It's just that the ghost's thoughts are similar to yours, and the story is completely different. Your story tells about love, but the core of my story is family love. However, I think this story is also very suitable for you to create. So, Bruce, Dan Nelis Pictures can sign a contract with you for three scripts, what do you think? Two commissioned scripts and one original script."

Bruce Joy Robin didn't expect that he would be able to get three contracts in a blink of an eye. He was a little surprised and excited, but he still said cautiously: "Simon, are you sure that all three scripts can be filmed?"

"Actually, you want to ask if your script can be shot?" Simon smiled and said: "The answer is yes, of course, you also need a certain amount of patience. Ha, I know this sounds like all film companies As executives will say, if you are worried, you can add some restrictive clauses to the contract, and you need to talk to Amy about this."

Bruce Joy Robin nodded, but tried again: "Where's the authorship rights?"

"The authorship of "Scream" belongs to you, and the authorship of the ghost movie belongs to me. Oh, I mean my ghost movie, your ghost movie, the authorship rights are naturally still yours," Simon finished explaining and asked: "Do you have any other questions?"

Bruce Joy Robin shook his head.

"Then, you can ask your agent to contact Amy about the specific salary contract. Let's talk about "Scream" first."

In Simon's plan, "Scream" will be the first movie to be independently produced and released by Daenerys Pictures during next year's Halloween schedule, so he also pays special attention to it.

The script writing meeting lasted until after get off work hours. During this period, Simon also took the time to take a call from Terry Semel, CEO of Warner Bros. Pictures, and indeed invited him to a cocktail party tonight. Due to arrangements made in advance, the two could only reschedule the meeting to tomorrow night.

In addition, Terry Semel mysteriously reminded Simon on the phone that there will be a surprise next Monday.

Although the other party did not say it clearly, Simon naturally knew that next Monday was the day when the American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards announced the new nominations. As one of the most important indicators of the Oscars, the Golden Globe Awards are still very valuable compared to other union awards.

Now that "Run Lola Run" has been sold out, Simon will naturally not spend money on award publicity. Due to his age and shortcomings, he is unlikely to win the award anyway, and he is even a little indifferent to it.

However, Orion and Warner spared no effort in this regard for their own interests.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

After sending Wes Craven and Bruce Joy Robin away, Amy called her assistant to come in and pack up the information on the conference table. At the same time, she said to Simon who was looking through the meeting memo next to her: "Why didn't you see it this afternoon? Jenny?”

Without raising his head, Simon turned the page of the memo in his hand and explained: "Her parents came from New York, and they wanted to treat me to dinner in the evening, so I sent her back early at noon."

Amy thought of the gossip in yesterday's newspaper that 'Simon Westeros escorted the female assistant home, and the two behaved very intimately', and said with a smile: "You are here to prosecute so soon?"

Simon was confused: "Huh?"

Amy's tone was teasing: "You abducted their daughter."

Simon didn't answer directly.

Amy didn't joke any more and said seriously: "Simon, "When Harry Met Sally," "Pulp Fiction" and "Basic Instinct" have all decided on distributors. We plan to distribute "Scream" ourselves. , these are all fine, but what about "Dead Poets Society" and "Steel Magnolias"? And so many copyrights that you bought recently? I think we should sign a fixed distribution contract with the Seventh Group first, and then invest Make it concrete, otherwise we will be very passive in the future.”

Simon raised his head when he heard Amy talk about business, and said: "Signing a distribution contract is not difficult, but it is impossible for us to obtain too favorable terms. The release of "Dead Poets Society" and "Steel Magnolias" It depends on the situation, I still hope that Daenerys Pictures will do it on its own. The production budgets of these two films will not be too high, and it will be okay if they lose money."

Amy nodded helplessly and said: "But, we have 100 million US dollars now. If you are not willing to sign a fixed distribution contract with the Seven, we will simply not be able to produce too many movies according to your ideas, otherwise we will destroy them all." We have it in hand. The big studios would be very happy to see us lose all $100 million."

Simon shook his head and said: "I never said that all this money can only be invested in Daenerys Pictures' own movies. With so many projects in Hollywood, we can definitely participate in investment. You can let the news out recently. 100 million US dollars can invest in about seven or eight movies. In addition to "Scream", "Dead Poets Society" and "Steel Magnolias", I will choose another project for the company recently, and all the remaining funds will be spread out. Many movies The company should be running out of money now.”

Amy couldn't help but said: "This seems to be more risky."

Simon smiled and said: "So, the next step is to see your negotiation skills. Don't forget, you can get 5% of the money you make, but if you lose, you have nothing."