Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 58: Dazzled


Woke up early.

It was getting bright.

Maybe it's because of the time difference.

There is also a time difference between the east and west coasts.

Staring blankly at the ceiling of the wooden house, I suddenly felt that I might have gone crazy.

Just for the weekend, I actually flew from New Haven to a strange town thousands of kilometers away, and lived in a bedroom provided by a boy I had only met a few times.

Moreover, the boy has a girlfriend.


This has nothing to do with myself.

Perhaps, ever since I heard a boy's crazy guitar sound on a beach one day, I have always wanted to do something crazy.

If we do not get crazy now, we're going to grow old.

Yesterday afternoon I went skiing for the first time.

Seeing him rushing from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, Lisa, who also likes skiing, felt like she had met her idol. She screamed and explained to her how powerful he was, and then rushed down too.

Then, there are two stupid Jennys left on the top of the mountain who can only play snowboards.

So embarrassing.

Fortunately, there are only two of them, and someone is with them.

I worked very hard to follow along, but inevitably fell several times, and my body still hurts a little.

However, the excitement in my heart still continues to this day.

It's a pity that I have to leave in a hurry this afternoon.

There are classes tomorrow.

Moreover, you can't tell your parents about this, otherwise they will definitely be scolded to death. I am a good girl and have persisted for many years.

I can only keep it in my heart silently.

I didn’t know how long I had been in a daze, but it felt like it was already bright, so I carefully sat up, picked up the watch on the bedside table and looked at it, 7:30.

The premiere of his movie is at 9 o'clock, so he must go there earlier.

I wonder if he has gotten up yet.

Maybe, I should prepare breakfast for everyone.


There must be no other intentions.

I'm a good girl.

After getting dressed and washing up, I tied my hair in front of the mirror.

When wearing a hat when going out, you must still untie it.


He would occasionally glance at his ponytail.


The secret is revealed.

What if I can't find it

Without calling Lisa, she quietly left the bedroom and came to the kitchen quietly.

Then I was startled, he was already busy in the kitchen, listening to him greeting me, and responded quickly, as if he was planning to do something bad and be caught.

Still mustered up the courage to step forward and help.

Janet and Lisa were also up quickly.

After breakfast, at 8:10, the group of four drove out of the resort apartment and arrived at the Egyptian Cinema in downtown Park City.

I did my homework in advance and knew that this was just a very small film festival and not very popular. Looking at the lobby of the Egyptian Cinema with more than 400 seats, I was secretly worried. Yesterday I noticed that the streets of Park City were not busy, and now it is morning. On such a cold day, even fewer people are willing to get up and watch a movie.

It would be embarrassing if too few people came to watch the movie.

So I proactively became a volunteer, got a thick stack of film festival flyers from the staff, and planned to distribute them outside the theater.

I'm pretty pretty, so I should be able to attract a few more guys.

Lisa and Janet also came out holding a stack of flyers like her. Lisa already regarded him as an idol, and she was a very enthusiastic person, so this was understandable.

Janet surprised her.

At first glance, she looks like a pampered woman, but she is willing to do this. She seems to really love him.

Then, I soon realized that my worries just now seemed a bit unnecessary.

Since half past eight, people have been gathering in twos and threes towards the Egyptian Cinema. Near nine o'clock, the queue waiting to watch the movie has been waiting for more than ten meters outside the cinema. Suddenly, news came from the ticket office that the tickets were sold out. .

Standing on the street, I turned around and looked into the cinema. The hall was crowded with people, and some were questioning loudly.

A couple next to them even had a bit of a quarrel over this. Listening to the content, they found that they had watched two movies yesterday, and the attendance rate was only 20 to 30%, so the boy thought that he could come over at the right time and stay in bed for a while.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't get in.

Looking at the time, it was almost nine o'clock and the screening was about to start, so I looked at each other a few times with Lisa and Janet.

The theater hall is full of people, how can the three of you get in

After hesitating for a moment, he still ventured inside.

After explaining the situation to the staff they met, the three of them were let in, and there were dissatisfied complaints coming from behind them.

Entering the screening room, I saw that it was full of people, and the voices of conversation gathered together, making it buzzing and extremely lively.

Thinking of what the couple just said, I couldn't help but feel a little proud.

He is indeed the one who stands out from the crowd.

Somewhat nervously, they came to the front row with Janet. Fortunately, he reserved a seat for them, three in a row, right next to him.

He also saw Robert Redford sitting on the other side of him, chatting happily.

Although she knew that Robert Redford was the founder of this film festival, she was still very surprised to see the other party. She liked "Out of Africa" two years ago so much that she even bought the video.

Meryl Streep and Robert Redford.

Karen and Dennis.

Himself and him

The inexplicable little substitution is inexplicably sad.

Sighing softly.

Janet sat down next to him, she sat down next to Janet, and Lisa sat down next to her happily, looking very excited.

Heartless guy.

Nine o'clock.

The lights in the screening room dimmed on time.

It's a bit surprising. This is a film festival after all. There is no interaction at all? In the blink of an eye, I realized that maybe it was after the movie was played, from 9 to 12 o'clock, but there were three hours.

It opens with a poem by the British poet T. S. Eliot: "We will not cease to explore, and the end of this exploration will be to return to our starting point and make it known for the first time."

Still know Eliot, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. However, the other party's works were always obscure, and she didn't like them too much.

However, since he used it here, he still planned to think about it carefully.


The sound of the pendulum, the rapid sound of the second hand, the impatient music, and Laura's shouts when she exploded completely interrupted her attempt to stop and think. Only the figure running quickly through the streets of Santa Monica in Los Angeles was left in her mind. .

Red hair, blue vest, green pants, big leather shoes.

Her name is Laura.

Running Lola.

A completely subversive image.

A completely subversive film.

It's surprising, and suddenly I realize that movies can still be shot in this way, animation can still be used in this way, the camera can still be so sharp, and the camera movement can be so tricky.

And music.

And the picture.

It wasn't until the last scene ended that she came back to her senses from a dreamlike trip, and she couldn't help but immediately look forward to watching the movie for the second time.

In the blink of an eye, I felt a little regretful.

In a short period of time, I will definitely not be able to watch it a second time, unless this movie can be released in theaters.

Such an excellent movie will definitely be released in theaters.

She had no doubt of this.

However, she still knows some things about Hollywood. Even if it is released in theaters, such an alternative movie will definitely not be released on a large scale.


By then, even if New Haven doesn’t have it, New York will definitely have it.

I was a little distracted thinking about this, not paying much attention to the subtitles slowly falling on the big screen, but the surrounding audience obviously started to whisper.

I didn't mind or think too much about it.

Anyway, the movie has finished, and they will definitely like it very much.

Then, Lisa beside her suddenly poked her: "Jenny, have you noticed?"


"The end credits," Lisa said, turning to look at her, dissatisfied: "It's such a great movie, but you actually lost your focus?"

"Of course I didn't," she immediately shook her head guiltily and defended, "I was just wondering when I could see this movie again."

"Okay," Lisa shrugged, but then said, "Did you really not pay attention to the subtitles?"

Worried that Janet and him on the other side could hear it, he hinted Lisa to keep her voice down, and then asked, "What's going on?"

Lisa raised her hand and gestured: "Many names, Simon's name."

Still a little confused.

With a tone that clearly doubted that she might be dazzled, Lisa said again: "Production, director, screenwriter, photography, lighting, soundtrack, scenery, editing, anyway, there are several more, and they all bear Simon's own name. "

This time she finally understood.

But I also felt that Lisa might be dazzled.

Just as he was about to tease her a few words, the subtitles all fell and the lights in the screening room came on again.

With the bright light, the discussion in the darkness suddenly weakened a bit. After a brief pause, warm applause broke out.

More than ten seconds later, the staff set up chairs on the stage, and Simon pulled Janet and Robert Redford onto the stage together. The applause that had weakened once again became enthusiastic.

It wasn't until Robert Redford raised his hand and pressed it with a smile that the theater gradually became quiet.

Later, Robert Redford personally served as the host, holding the microphone and said: "I promised everyone at the opening ceremony on Friday that you will never be disappointed after watching the movie just now. There should be no disappointment now." Do you doubt my judgment? However, if you still don’t like this movie, then you can only settle the score with Simon.”

Amidst the chuckles in the screening room, Robert made a very subtle joke: "Of course, before you do this, you must first make sure you can beat the kid next to me. Now, if you have anything to ask, you can raise your hands. ”


After Robert Redford finished speaking, dozens of hands in the screening room were raised almost at the same time. Some people hesitated for a moment, raised their hands halfway, and had to put them down temporarily due to the situation in front of them.

After glancing at the audience, Robert Redford pointed at a brown-haired girl with glasses sitting near the front.

The girl stood up, adjusted her glasses habitually, looked at Simon on the stage, and said: "Mr. Westeros, I am Jane Trevor, a reporter from Variety. I am honored to be able to watch "Run Lola Run" like this. A novel anti-genre film. However, I just counted and there are at least ten positions with your name on the behind-the-scenes list. Although it is a bit presumptuous, I still find it hard to believe that you personally completed these. ?"