Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 7: Take a ride?


She watched the boy leave with great curiosity, and heard Jonathan Friedman's voice calling her, so she hurriedly walked to the agent's office.

But Jonathan just motioned for her to sit down first, and then began to whisper something to Owen Wright, who was also called in.

She could only continue to wait patiently, not daring to show any dissatisfaction, but in her heart she was envious of the boy just now. To be treated so solemnly by Jonathan, is he from a Hollywood family

This idea was overturned by her as soon as it came up. The other party's clothes did not look like a rich man.

Although she pretended to be nonchalant, she still heard clearly that Jonathan asked Owen to prepare a contract based on his memorandum, and also to take a copy of a script, which was obviously related to the boy just now.

What a lucky guy. Fortunately, he is a boy and will not compete with himself, but Pasida and the others will have opponents in the future.

Thinking like this, I felt a little bit of schadenfreude in my heart.

Jonathan waited until Owen left to talk about her.

NBC finally canceled "The Incredibles", which was her first starring role in a TV series. But she was not too disappointed. She still wanted to be a movie star, and she only participated in TV series to accumulate qualifications.

Jonathan was recently promoted to the vice president of WMA. Although it is easy for agents with big-name clients in talent agencies to get a vice president position, the vice president of WMA should still bring him more opportunities.

The agent did not disappoint her.

Warner Pictures is preparing a fantasy comedy called "Beetlejuice" with a budget of US$15 million. This is a big production. The production cost of "Top Gun" was only US$15 million. Jonathan had already helped her secure an audition for one of the more important supporting roles. There are also auditions for the leading role in an MGM TV movie, both next week.

After talking about the matter, she happily left with two audition materials.

I picked up my car in the parking lot and turned onto Camino Street. After some thought, I decided to go south and take Olympic Avenue back to Santa Monica. It's rush hour right now, and Wilshire Boulevard to the north is absolutely choked with people.

The traffic on Olympic Avenue indeed seemed sparse. She drove forward for two or three minutes and was about to leave Century City when she unexpectedly spotted a figure not far ahead. She was wearing a cheap black T-shirt and jeans that had turned white after washing. Light gray rucksack, obviously that guy.

Moreover, his shabbily dressed appearance as he walked along the urban road where the sunset was like running water gave people the feeling of wandering around the world, like a lonely wandering poet.

Her eyes were attracted, and she unknowingly slowed down the car and leaned towards the roadside.

This guy has an awesome body.

With this thought in her mind, she pressed down the car window and greeted the figure on the roadside: "Hi."

After leaving the WMA headquarters, Simon called the woman at a phone booth on the street using the contact information left by Catherine, wanting to tell her that he had confirmed his contract with Jonathan Friedman.

No one answered the phone, so Simon could only choose to leave a message.

Then he started planning his next move.

Renting a house is definitely not possible for the time being, and the only option is to stay in a hotel.

If you only consider price, there are naturally many places to go.

But in Los Angeles, safety is an issue that must be treated very carefully. Moreover, he does not have a car, so he cannot live too far from WMA headquarters.

After considering between Hollywood in the north and Santa Monica in the east, Simon decided to go to Santa Monica. In my memory, there were many cheap motels on both sides of the 405 highway between Beverly Hills and Santa Monica.

Making up his mind, Simon headed south along the Camino, then turned onto Avenida Olimpico. The city of Santa Monica is about six or seven kilometers away from here. It can take up to an hour to walk, and Simon is not in a hurry.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Simon felt a white car slowly approaching him. Just as he was a little confused, a girl's voice said hello through the lowered car window.

The driver's seat was on the left side. Simon lowered his head and looked into the car and found that it was Courteney Cox whom he had just met at WMA.

Entering Hollywood, he will also sign a contract with a management giant like WMA. Simon knows that he will definitely come into contact with many faces that can only be seen on the big screen in the future. Therefore, he just met 'Monica' from "Friends" There is no special feeling.

At this time, Simon was a little surprised to see Courteney Cox taking the initiative to greet him, but he still responded politely: "Hello."

Courteney Cox saw the boy outside the car window looking at her with bright eyes, raised her hand and made random gestures, and then said: "Well, we just met in Jonathan's office. I live in Santa Monica. Do you want a ride?"

"Okay, thank you."

Simon smiled and nodded. The curb under his feet was painted in eye-catching red, which was a no-parking sign, so he did not hesitate and reached out to open the door.

Courteney Cox collected the audition materials she had just put on the passenger seat and threw them into the back seat. When Simon came in and sat down, she immediately stepped on the accelerator.

After the car drove smoothly, Courteney raised her eyes and glanced at the boy next to her through the rearview mirror and said, "My name is Courteney Cox. What's yours?"

"Simon Westeros."

Simon answered and looked at the girl next to him through the rearview mirror.

At this time, Courteney Cox was in her early twenties, with a tomboy-like short haircut, and her face was a little thin, so her eyes looked very big, giving people a lively look. Although the whole person is very beautiful, she can't hide her youthfulness, and she lacks some of the style in "Friends" later.

"Oh," Courteney nodded, retracting her gaze from the boy next to her in the rearview mirror, looking at the road ahead to find a topic: "So, are you familiar with Jonathan?"

Ximen shook his head and said: "No, it was just introduced by a friend. It's the first time we met today."

"Then you are really awesome. You chatted with Jonathan for more than an hour after our first meeting. Have you just arrived in Los Angeles and plan to be an actor?"

"No, I'm a screenwriter."

Courteney turned her head and glanced at Simon in surprise, then quickly looked away and said, "That would be even more powerful."

After all, it was their first contact, and the two of them just chatted casually.

A few minutes later, the car crossed the 405 Freeway and entered downtown Santa Monica. After continuing to drive less than a kilometer, Simon signaled Courteney to stop and put him down.

Saying goodbye to the girl, Simon began to look for a place to stay in the streets of downtown Santa Monica.

As Simon remembered, there were indeed quite a few motels nearby.

However, most hotels turned Simon away after learning that he did not have any type of bank card and wanted to stay for a long time but was unable to pay a sufficient deposit in advance.

After searching for several blocks, Simon finally found a hotel willing to accept him in an alley near the southern edge of the city.

Because the boss who introduced himself as Diego Salcado is Hispanic, over sixty years old, and a first-generation immigrant. After listening to a few sentences in the boss's thickly accented English, Simon tried to communicate with the other party in Spanish, and the conversation turned out to be very enjoyable.

Finally, the boss agreed to rent a single room on the second floor of the hotel near the road to Simon for US$100 per week. Simon only needs to pay a deposit of $50 first, and subsequent payments can be made weekly.

Obviously sensing Simon's tight situation, the boss kindly reminded him that he didn't need to set aside a tip for the person cleaning the room, because his wife was doing this.

The whole process once again made Simon realize the truth of 'how important it is to master a foreign language'.

It took a whole day to sign the contract the next day.

In order to avoid any clauses that caught him off guard, Simon carefully studied the contents of the more than 20 pages of the contract several times. Although he can't afford a lawyer now, fortunately, the relevant information in his memory is enough. Finally, I re-discussed with Jonathan Friedman to add or delete some details.

After signing the agency contract, the next thing to do is to wait.

Even though Jonathan Friedman is very optimistic about the script of "The Butterfly Effect", script sales cannot be completed overnight. Many scripts will even stay in the hands of agents for several years. Simon is also mentally prepared for this situation.

However, despite signing a three-year contract with Jonathan Friedman, Simon will not be 100% defenseless hanging himself from the WMA tree.

There is also a restrictive clause in the detailed contract. If Jonathan Friedman cannot reach a deal with the film company after Simon submits three consecutive scripts, Simon has the right to submit the third script three months and Terminate the agency relationship with the other party after the full contract period exceeds nine months.

After securing the contract with WMA, Simon began to work on his own livelihood.

In fact, Simon is obviously more skilled at this than anything else.

In just two days, Simon found a job at a large supermarket in midtown Santa Monica.

This 24-hour supermarket called Griffin Supermarket should be a non-chain independent store. When Roger Griffin, the middle-aged fat supermarket owner who interviewed Simon, saw this good-looking boy skillfully After completing a series of tasks such as replenishing goods, taking inventory, stacking and even cashiering, I immediately felt that Simon had a bright future and readily hired him.

However, in terms of salary, perhaps because of Simon's status as a Hollywood drifter who can't find many jobs, Roger Griffin seems very stingy and is only willing to pay the most basic hourly wage of $3.50.

The only advantage is that the salary of this job is settled weekly. Simon can get 140 US dollars every week, which is just enough to cover his most basic living expenses.

However, on the third day after starting work, Simon had to face a somewhat difficult problem. He had less than $100 left in his pocket when he checked into the hotel a week ago, and he paid a $50 deposit.


It’s time to settle the house payment in the first week, but the day to settle the paycheck at Griffin Supermarket has not yet arrived.