Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 10: Who persuades whom?


"You said that the female producer I've never met wants to invite the little guy to play the role in the script written by the little guy, is that right?" Jared asked in the study, shaking the glass in his hand. .

"Yes, that's right, that's right," Elena replied with a shrug, then sat down in front of her husband.

"This is really interesting. I really want to know this lady who I have never seen before. How can I be sure that I will agree?" Jared touched his chin and said.

"So, do you agree?" Elena asked with a smile.

"Of course—no!" Jared put the glass on the table and spread out his hands: "Let me put Chris in that Vanity Fair? Just kidding, unless I'm crazy."

"Well, you won't talk to the little guy?"

"No, I can talk about anything else, but this - no!" Jared shook his head, said firmly, and then looked at his wife suspiciously: "You agree?"

"I neither agree nor disagree." Elena still smiled, and the topic suddenly changed: "You know, dear, you just reminded me of my father, my father more than ten years ago."

"You mean I'm as rough, unreasonable and arbitrary as my father-in-law was more than a decade ago?" Jared raised his eyebrows.

"I only said the first half of the sentence, and you said the second half." Elena raised her index finger and said.

Jared shook his head with a smile, and then sighed: "Eileen, I can't help but do my own thing. Yes, Chris will inevitably have to learn to adapt to those hypocritical entertainments and deal with all kinds of people, but that Definitely not now! Not under the mercury lamp, not chased by tabloid reporters, public figures have no private lives, and I will not put my children under the 'Paparazzi' camera all day long, That was my dereliction of duty!"

"But what about the little guy? She's no worse than me when she's stubborn." Elena continued to say calmly.

Jared frowned, that's a problem... wait! He looked at his wife again: "I said, dear, what's wrong with you today? Yesterday you were worried about the precocious little guy, but... "

"But you said yesterday, you have to trust the little guy," Elena interrupted, and she sighed, "Jedie, you know, in fact, today, when Ms. Meyers said something, I immediately refused. But... she moved me."

Jared blinked, but said nothing.

"She said it very simply, she didn't ask or beg us to promise anything, she just offered that she and Chrissy talk alone, and then we talk to Chrissy alone, and she said she fully believes that the little guy has The mentality and self-judgment of adults.”

"Ha, so you agree? It's not like you at all, Erin." Jared shrugged noncommittally.

"I said that I neither agree nor disagree. I just agree to let her talk to the little guy alone. I really want to know what the precocious little guy can say." Elena said suddenly She stood up, made a shush gesture to her husband who was about to speak, and then listened carefully, and soon there was an indescribable smile on the corner of her mouth: "It seems that Chris has made a decision."

Jared also turned his head and listened, then quickly walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. Immediately, a melodious violin sound came in, sometimes clear and sometimes excited, sometimes full of wind and rain tyranny, and sometimes with sympathy. Destiny's struggle and unyielding, finally seems to be able to see two butterflies fluttering in the rainbow after the rain. This is the violin song that the little guy often plays when he encounters setbacks and things he can't make a decision - "Liang Zhu"!

"To be honest, I don't feel good." Jared turned around and sighed, "Didn't you talk to her first?"

"Jedie, you are the father." Elena shrugged.

"Yes, yes, it's always the father who is the bad guy." Jared scratched his head. "Okay, I'll go talk to her, but don't expect me to agree or allow anything!"

When the last note flowed through her fingertips, Angela breathed a sigh of relief and took the violin off her shoulders. She has played the violin solo of "Liang Zhu" countless times. Although it is not as majestic as the concerto, but Every time she played, she was still immersed in it.

In her previous life, she liked "The Liang Zhu" very much. When she was 7 years old after her rebirth, she was honored to listen to Mr. Sheng Zhonghua's performance at Carnegie Hall in New York, and she listed the solo of "The Liang Zhu" as her must-have. One of the violin repertoires of the meeting, when she encounters setbacks or has something she can't make a decision, she will play this piece to find spiritual support and encouragement.

The little girl carefully put the violin into the piano case, and then sighed. She never thought that she would appear in "Born to Be". She always thought that Nancy would find Hollywood's current popular child stars, such as Christina Lee. Chi or Kirsten Dunst, etc., but I didn't expect Nancy to come looking for her!

"Angela, I won't promise anything, I won't seduce anything, you're the smartest and most mature girl I've ever met, I'm still playing with dolls at your age, so I'm here for your help ."

"No no no, don't reject me so quickly, Angie, you should know that I am a person who pursues perfection, and "Born in Love" will be a very good work of mine - as long as there is you, I don't think so Who else is more suitable than you, you yourself admit that the girl in the play is your projection, you know your work better than anyone, don't you?"

"No one is born to act, honey, but life is always about trying something new, not waiting to miss it and regretting it, yes, I know your family can do a lot of things easily, but that's you Want it?"

"No, it doesn't matter, as long as you want, it doesn't matter even if your parents don't agree, at least I know I'm not here for nothing, okay?"

If it were any other time, Angela would definitely refuse without hesitation. She didn't have the heart to go to Hollywood to buy coquettish - oh, this coquettish is just for herself - even though she has lived as a little girl for 11 years, she It has also been recognized and integrated into the family very well, but some things are difficult to change, just like she never likes to wear skirts and stockings, she wants her to be like the female stars in her previous life. "It's more uncomfortable than killing her in front of a naked breast! Although she thinks a bit too much, who knows if this kind of thing will happen in the future, especially now that she is standing at the door of Hollywood.

But Nancy said these words today, saying that after Jessica told her firmly about her dream, Angela found herself at a loss. Yes, she has no ambition, and she can have a very easy life in her life. She has a warm family and parents who love her. Even if she doesn't rely on them, she just plagiarizes a few scripts and buys a few stocks to avoid the financial turmoil. Maybe she won't achieve much, but she is comfortable. There is absolutely no problem in serving this life.

However, is this really what she wants? Like the previous life, eat and wait until the end? As Nancy said, life is always about trying something new. If she didn't have that condition in her previous life, what about now? Jessica has her own goals and will succeed, but what about her

"Okay, then agree, anyway, it won't kill people, the big deal is just this one." Angela mumbled with her small fists squeezed. What a fun thing to do by herself, so she finally made up her mind, but the question that followed was how to convince her parents

Bang bang bang, the knock on the door rang, Angela turned her head and saw that her father had appeared at the door: "Hi, dear, can we talk?"

What are you talking about, the little girl muttered in her heart, she shrugged: "Dad, Mommy told you?"

"Yes," Jared nodded, walked in and sat down on the chair beside the bed, "So, Chris, can you tell me how you think?"

Angela scratched her head. She knew very well that although her father was always gentle and polite, once a decision was made, except for her mother, almost no one could make him change. It would be impossible to persuade him not to take drugs.

"Okay, but..." The little girl rolled her eyes, moved a stool to sit in front of her father, put her hands around her head and raised her head, and said with a mischievous sly smile: "If you have any questions, answer them!"

Jared frowned, obviously the little guy was ready, otherwise he wouldn't be playing "ask and answer" now. This is a game that father and daughter used to play when they were children. Answer with yes or no. No answer is not allowed. It’s like a court debate, right? Jared used to use this trick when the little guy made a mistake and didn’t dare to admit it. This game tests the questioner’s circumspection. However, Jared always feels as if he has fallen into a trap now.

"Okay, but..." Father raised his eyebrows, "I'll ask first."

"No problem," Angela said confidently, holding out a hand at the same time, "One person can only ask five!"

"Okay," Jared was also intrigued, he also folded his arms and straightened his body: "Then, I'll start!"