Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 100: Schindler's List


This answer made Angela stunned for a full minute, and then asked in surprise, "Steven Spielberg?"

"I guess Hollywood doesn't have a second Spielberg anymore?" Sparrow spread his hands.

The girl stretched out her thumb and scratched under her lips. She really did not expect that the famous Spielberg would invite her to appear in a movie. If she remembered correctly, Spielberg had almost no works in 1992, only "Jurassic Park" will start filming at the end of the year. Does he want to find himself to play the little girl

Angela shrugged, didn't think any further, and leaned over to get the script on the coffee table. To be honest, she didn't really like Spielberg very much. Of course, she admitted the artistry and thoughtfulness in his works, whether it was "The 80s" ET", "Jaws", or "AI" and "Happy Terminal" after 2000, he can always maintain a balance between business and culture as much as possible. Few directors can do this.

But he's a little philistine. When he's standing behind the camera, he's an artist, but when he lets go of the guide, he's a businessman. The businessman will only make choices that are beneficial to him. The only exception is probably only Compared to shooting "Schindler's List", James Cameron, who would rather spend hundreds of millions to make the perfect movie in his mind, is a little more cute.

Well, let's take a look first. Angela turned over the script. However, when she saw the name, she was stunned again. She was stunned again for a full minute. The name of the script was very clear, it turned out to be "Schindler's List"! There is a small line of Hebrew characters below. Although the girl's Hebrew is not very good, she still read out its meaning, which is the last sentence in the movie: save one person is to save the whole world!

Angela felt a little dizzy, she shook her head gently to calm herself down, in her memory, although Spielberg got "Schindler's List" as early as the 1980s, due to the immature timing , has not been filmed until the 1990s, and he began to put the filming on the schedule. For this reason, he has found many Jewish directors, such as Roman Polanski, but without exception refused, so he finally decided to direct it himself.

But after the director's problem was solved, he was unable to get investment. Many people expressed that they were not interested in this subject, including the executives of Universal, who persuaded him to give up several times. For this reason, Spielberg bargained with them a lot. From 1992 It was negotiated until 1993, and the filming finally started in Poland in March 1993.

The girl believes that her memory is correct. In her previous life, she had watched "Schindler's List" repeatedly, and the related behind-the-scenes and tidbits are also familiar, but why is it ahead of schedule now

Angela quickly flipped through the script. Although she had not read the script in her previous life, those impressive classic scenes could be found in the script in her hand, and the role she was about to play was during the Krakow massacre. , the daughter of a single mother.

In this scene, after the mother took her daughter to hide in Tibet, she finally found a cellar in a house with some people, but because there were too many people hiding in it, she could only accommodate her daughter. So after putting her daughter in, she went out alone to try to divert the searching Nazi soldiers, but her daughter was reluctant to part with her mother, so she secretly ran out to find her, and finally escaped the search with the help of a little German boy.

Angela does remember such a plot, but it is very short. Although the script in her hand has 3 or 4 pages, it is estimated that the final editing will only take 4 or 5 minutes.

However, she found something interesting or surprising. Universal is only a distribution company, and the producer is only Spielberg, which means that he has already pulled enough investment, so he produced it independently? Is it the wings of this little butterfly that have changed? Angela shook her head amusingly and decided not to think about it for the time being.

"Uncle Sparrow, have you read the script?" the girl asked suddenly.

"Of course." Mr. Agent nodded.

"So... do you think I should take it?" Angela asked hesitantly.

"Angie, you should ask yourself this question." Sparrow said with a wry smile, he pointed to the cover of the script, and didn't say: "You know."

The girl was silent. Of course she knew why Sparrow said that. After all, this is a movie about the Holocaust of World War II! Although he is only a quarter of Jewish blood, inherited from his father, and received Christian baptism, he is still considered Jewish in a broad sense. Maybe that's one of the reasons Spielberg invited her.

"Okay, I think I accept the invitation." Angela finally nodded, "Let me tell Dad about this, and also, Uncle Sparrow, please tell Mr. Spielberg that I am free Play this role!"

Even if it is made for grandpa, it is also an account of his Jewish blood, but what about one-eighth of Chinese blood




I_see_your_face, you're_haunting_me


Simple music and ethereal singing echoed in the bedroom, and then as the piano gradually faded away, the singing slowly slipped to the end, spit out the last unvoiced sound, and "evey_time" came to an end.

"How is it, ladies?" The girl sitting in front of the piano stretched and asked with a smile. Lying on the other side of the piano, the two heads with their faces on their hands shook their heads together.

"So sad," said the older one.

"The music is comfortable, quiet and flat, but the lyrics are bad," the smaller added.

"Angie, why did you write such poignant lyrics?" the older one asked again.

"It's just a random thought." Angela shrugged, "Well, in fact, I do plan to rewrite the lyrics, and I want to arrange the song for pure piano performance - the original plan was to mix piano, violin, cello Waiting for several instruments. I wanted to make the song a little bit simpler, to accentuate its ethereal and freshness, so that…”

Before the words were finished, the two girls on the opposite side tilted their heads, lay on the edge of the piano, closed their eyes and snored recklessly.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about this head office." In this regard, Angela could only roll her eyes and said helplessly.

Jessica and Lindsay jumped up giggling, ran over from the left and right, and at the same time gave Angela a kiss on the cheek, startling the girl, her eyes widened.

"You two!" Angela gritted her teeth, but didn't dare to act rashly. The two guys seemed to have formed an alliance. She was no match for two to one, and she didn't have a wine bottle by her side.

"Angie, when are you going to reveal your identity as Miss AM?" Lindsay sat down on one of the chairs and asked with a smile.

"Is there a problem?" Angela looked at her with an expression that told me honestly.

"Of course, in that case, I can show off Miss AM singing to me alone in front of my classmates. You must know that many of my classmates are your fans." Lindsay said proudly.

"Besides that, the day before you report it, she can sell the news to reporters for a small profit," Jessica added with a smile covering her mouth.

"It's a good plan, isn't it?" Angela raised her eyebrows and clenched her fists to look at Lindsay.

"I'm just joking." Lindsay quickly raised her hands to clear it.

"Lindsay, I've had enough troubles. A newspaper said the day before yesterday that some of my classmates revealed that I never obeyed the rules in class, always doing my own thing, and sneered at the teacher's reminder, damn it! If I know who is talking nonsense, I won't let her go!" Angela said, suddenly a little angry, although she knew this would happen early on, she was still very upset, if it wasn't for 92 now In 2010, the methods of the paparazzi were not as varied as they were later. Maybe they had already found the address of her home and stayed outside 24 hours a day. Even so, some tabloids still speculated about her parents and family, saying that "Hide and Seek" was The real portrayal of her family and so on.

This shocked both Jessica and Lindsay. They just jokingly said something, and Angela was just pretending at first, why did she react so strongly later on? This made the two of them very sad, especially Lindsay, who lowered her head with her hands behind her back, bit her lip and looked like she was about to cry.

"Angie, Lindsay is really just joking, stop talking about it, okay?" Jessica, the initiator, persuaded.

Angela was stunned for a moment, and when she saw Lindsay's grievance, she immediately reacted, and couldn't help but scratched her head with a wry smile: "I... I'm sorry, Lindsay, I didn't mean to take anger on you, you know me I've been a little troubled lately…”

"Aren't you blaming me? Angie?!" Lindsay raised her head abruptly, with a faint glint in her eyes, as if something had left her just now.

Angela didn't know what she was thinking, and she didn't seem to realize that she somehow replaced part of her father's image in Lindsay's mind. So she walked over and hugged her gently, patted her back gently: "Okay, I'm not really blaming you, you see I really have a lot of things to do recently, new scripts, adaptations, for Writing my own songs, and busy with new movies, etc., but what annoys me the most is…”

Saying that, Angela looked at Jessica, and said with a mocking and self-deprecating expression, "Jessica is now more than 1 inch taller than me, and I am only less than 0.5 inches taller than you!"

These words made both girls burst out laughing, and the dull atmosphere just now was swept away.

"Okay, I'm not writing songs now, let's do something fun... Hey, Lindsay, when are you going to hug me?"

"You broke my heart just now, I want to take it back." Lindsay pouted.

"Really? Then do you want me to stick here and let you hold it for the rest of your life?" Angela said angrily. At this moment, Lindsay stole the bells and gave her a heavy kiss on the mouth, followed by Giggling and running away, Angela's eyes widened again, but before she could recover from the dizziness of being attacked, Jessica sneaked over again, turned her head from behind, and put it on her mouth He kissed heavily, then ran away with the same smile.

These two guys! Angela, who had two faint blushes on her face, stared at the two girls who were smiling, but she didn't dare to take revenge. One-on-one, she would die miserably, let alone two-on-one. Damn, Jie Sika seems to have been broken by Lindsay.

"Okay, let's do something else, I'm not in the mood to write songs or do anything else right now," Angela shrugged, "There's a good movie premiere today, and Jesse is speaking for us today. How about we go to the cinema to prove what we learned from the acting class she took?"

"That—the genius girl

Fourth work? "

"...Yes, "Killer Leon"!"