Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 103: Storm (2)


Angela hung up the phone heavily, her chest kept heaving and her face flushed red. Looking at the newspapers scattered on the desk, she suddenly waved her hand and swept them all to the ground.

"A bunch of bastards!" She cursed bitterly in Chinese.

Although she knew that the media would publish such an article one day, she didn't expect it to happen so quickly, as if she had planned it a long time ago, so many suddenly appeared today, let's see what these things are!

"... Obviously, we can completely guess what Angela's family should be like. Her father should have some mental problems, and her mother is weak and incompetent, which can be confirmed in "Hide and Seek" to some extent... "

"…whether it's "Hide and Seek" or "Killer Leon" we can see Angela's Electra, playing with his father's second personality in "Hide and Seek", and the glorification of middle-aged killers in "Killer Leon" , all revealing this..."

"… It is reported that the so-called talented girl is just behind a writing group working for her, that is not her work, and the Hollywood Screenwriters Guild should investigate this... "

Well, these are local tabloids, so you don’t need to worry about them, but as the “Los Angeles Evening News”, which has a wide range of influence and is only under the three major newspapers, will actually publish such articles that do not conform to the facts. It's so disappointing, and it involves Natalie, what the hell are their reporters thinking? Do they think such out-of-context articles are gimmicky? Don't they know that such remarks will hurt both children

Angela took a deep breath, thought about it, picked up the phone, and called out: "Hi, Uncle Sparrow, it's me, yes, thank you for telling me, I saw it, I swear they tampered with my words, and I Bet they also falsified Mr Besson's words, can we sue them?"

"If you think it's necessary, of course you can. In fact, in my opinion, they just exaggerated some of the facts. Just send them a lawyer's letter and ask them to apologize publicly." The agent seemed calm over there. When telling Angela about this story, he considered her reaction.

"No, I insist! They are too much!" Angela said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, but I think you should talk to your father first, Angie." Sparrow's voice was still unhurried.

"My father?" Angela pouted, "Okay, I see."

The girl hung up the phone with a sigh, what would her father think about this issue? This kind of random question? After calming down a bit, she knew that there was a bit of anger in the words just now, because she also promised Natalie to ask those guys to explain it.

It would be nice if you had your own attorney. Angela thought sullenly, but unfortunately, she won't have it until she is an adult and can freely control her money.

After a day of restlessness, the parents finally went home, very good, there is no invitation for a charity party or anything like that today, but the father obviously got the news from Sparrow, so for the daughter's request for a father-daughter talk, Very readily agreed.

"So, Chris, dear, what are you going to say?" The father sat down behind the desk in the study and looked at his daughter with a smile.

"Dad, do you have to ask this? You should know!" Angela, who was sitting on the other side of the desk, supported her face with her hands and looked at her father dissatisfied.

"OK, so you're going to sue the Los Angeles Evening News?" Father spread his hands and asked in a relaxed manner.



"Of course it's slander! They make up fake news and go against the facts. All the news textbooks clearly tell those who are engaged in related work that if you make up the facts, then you will pay for it!" Angela waved a small fist. , as I have checked the information.

"Well then, we sue, they respond, then investigate and collect evidence, spend a lot of time, make a lot of noise, and finally decide against the other party - what punishment should they receive?"

"Public apology... and compensation for damages!" Angela said after thinking for a while.

"Is this any different from sending a lawyer's letter asking them to publicly apologize?" the father asked back.

"Of course, even that damage fee is nothing to us, but..."

Jared stretched out his hand and pressed down, stopping Angela's words, and then looked directly into her eyes: "Chrissy, you feel that you have been making a lot of noise for such a long time, for your friend, Miss Natalie has something to do with it. Is it any good?"

Angela opened her mouth, but was not speaking.

"Don't always do what you think of, dear, please think carefully about the consequences of doing so before you make a decision. We make decisions to better solve troubles, not to make troubles cause more troubles." Father said lightly said lightly.

The girl bit her lip and finally sighed, she was a little depressed, even with 42 years of experience, is she still just an impulsive "little" guy? !

"I know Dad, I'm just angry, those people can write about me whatever they want, they can say that I'm a weird girl living in their own fantasy, they can also say that I'm an Electra or a foreigner. I don't care about stars or anything, but! I don't allow them to slander my family! My parents! My friends! If it's just a local tabloid, I don't care. 》 Such a hugely influential newspaper also publishes this kind of false news, what a terrible blow it will bring to the people around me! If I can't give them a warning, what will they do next time?!"

Angela finished speaking in one breath, looking very excited, but she quickly controlled her emotions, took a few breaths, and stood up: "Okay, Dad, send them a lawyer's letter, I ... back to the room first."

Jared didn't say anything, just followed her to the door, then leaned down and kissed her on the forehead lightly, patted her back comfortably, and then he didn't return to his seat until his daughter went out. He put one hand on his face, thinking about something, and even what Elina wanted to say after coming in was stopped by his hand.

After about two or three minutes, he picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hi Ruth, it's me."

"Hey, Jedi, what's the matter with the phone call tonight?" came the voice of my sister over there.

"Have you read today's Los Angeles Evening News?"

"You mean that news?"

"Yeah, obviously, they've crossed the line, and while it stands to reason that they're second only to the Los Angeles Times on the West Coast, they shouldn't make that mistake, but it's a fact." Jared could imagine Ruth in She frowned as she said that.

"What do you want to do, Jedi? Warn them?"

"Of course, I told them that they can report it casually, or even exaggerate it, but they can't spread rumors or inquire about Kris's family situation. Obviously, they all forgot."

"…Look, Jedi, that's why Daddy is upset, even if you don't let the newspapers dig into the house to put more pressure on Chris, but you can't keep protecting her like that, if she's going to continue in Hollywood, She must face these things." Ruth didn't know whether to comfort or sigh.

"Yes, I know, but I will only let go when she can face it. She's still too young now, isn't she?" Jared was unmoved.

"… Well, I see, you want me to tell Dad, don't you?" Ruth continued to sigh.

"Yes, I can talk on the west coast, the east coast must..." He didn't finish, but he knew his sister understood what he meant, but it still made him a little uncomfortable.

"Aren't you really going to tell Dad in person?" Of course Ruth knew that even if her brother wanted to ask her father, she still had to be tough.

"Yes!" Sure enough.

"Understood, then, good luck, and greet Mary and Chris for me."

"Okay, bye."

Putting down the phone, Jared looked at his wife with a sigh of relief. Elena came over and reached out to help her husband rub his shoulders: "You should tell Chris, she looked very unhappy just now."

"No darling, that would stress her out, or become dependent, or become arrogant, you know, she's always confused about that, I remember Christmas when I was seven, at my father-in-law's When the ball was held in the manor of the 1970s, Earl Black asked her if she knew what the history of her father-in-law's family meant, but she was just blank and couldn't say anything." Jared said with a smile and shook his head, then shook his head lightly. On the wife's hand, "she needs to find this out for herself and then think about how to deal with the stress."

"Okay, so do you need to call them now?" Elena continued to massage him.

"Don't worry, I need to wait for the news from Dad, and it will have better results at the same time. Chris is my daughter, and I will not let my daughter be wronged." Jared's fingers are on the armrest of the chair. Tap lightly on.

"Okay, I'll go back to the room first." Elena bowed her head and kissed her husband, and was about to go out.

"Wait, dear." Jared called suddenly, and then she showed a naughty smile that didn't match her age, and reached out to hug his wife: "Can I hear it?"

"Don't be delusional!" Elena chuckled and opened his hand to protect her lower abdomen.