Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 105: Mickey Mouse Club


"Stop! This sentence is really bad, who broke the sound?" Assistant director Hayden Hunt waved, paused the recording, and looked at the children in the recording room.

After a while, a girl raised her hand carefully: "I'm sorry, Mr. Hunter, it's me."

"Okay, it's you, Miss Millie." Hayden wanted to say something, but in the end he spread out his hands with a wry smile, "Forget it, let's take a rest."

The children, who thought the assistant would be angry, sighed in relief, then filed out the door and went to rest outside, while Hayden sat down in the chair next to him and sighed.

"What's the matter, can't handle these kids?" Recording engineer Bill said jokingly.

Hayden stared at him for a long time, then shrugged with a smile: "This is the difference between the chief surveillance and the assistant director." He thought for a while, then stood up again: "Okay, I'll go to John's place to see, I Hopefully Miss Angela's arguing with him is over so he can come over and take over the job here!"

As soon as I left the recording studio and stepped into the corridor, the playful sound in the corridor suddenly disappeared, as if someone had pressed the switch of the TV, the children of MMC seemed to have been casted by a spell to fix themselves, and they kept their posture and looked towards the sea. Deng. In this regard, the assistant director can only smile bitterly: "Okay, children, it's rest time, you can do whatever you want without restraint, as long as you don't disturb others."

But obviously the harsh attitude in the previous recording made the children remember deeply, so even if he spoke like this, the boys and girls still only resumed speaking in a small area, and they kept staring at him, Hayden could only helplessly roll his eyes , strode outside in order to get out as soon as possible. He didn't know that a pair of bright eyes in the crowd had locked him.

"Come on, Erica, we're going to catch up now," a light-brown-haired girl of about 11 said to her companion, her eyes fixed on Hayden's receding figure.

"Do we have to go?" Her companion, with short brown hair, was about her age.

"Of course, of course, I'm sure I'm not mistaken, it's definitely Angela, she's with Mr. Burns, Hayden must be looking for Mr. Burns now, so we just follow." The girl said, Turning to look at the other boy, "Joshua, are you coming?"

"But..." The boy looked at Hayden's back hesitantly.

"Come on, let's go." Seeing that the assistant director was about to disappear there, the girl hurriedly pulled the two of them one by one and ran there.

Not far behind Hayden, two women and one man dodge and move forward, sneaking like secret agents, pretending to chat with each other as soon as a staff member passes by, these days, the children of MMC are coming. When the record company was recording, the staff at most glanced at them and didn't ask anything.

After walking through two corridors, Hayden pushed the door and entered a room. It was the musical instrument room. The three children stuck out their tongues and touched each other. Although the door was not closed, they didn't dare to get too close, but it was faint. Some chatter can be heard.

"...I wish you guys were done talking, but it still seems like a century..." This was Hayden's voice, sounding helpless.

"...Don't worry, Hayden, can't you even deal with some kids?" This should be Mr. Burns, Director.

After a few chuckles, a crisp and sweet voice sounded: "I think Mr. Hayden is dealing with a group of children instead of one child, and the difference is huge."

"If you really want to help Hayden, Miss Angela, I suggest that it is best to end our discussion as soon as possible."

Really Angela Mason! The three guys nodded excitedly to each other and were about to get closer when a voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, what are you doing?"

The children were frightened, almost like a conditioned reflex, they straightened up and pretended to be talking about something. Of course, it only took a few seconds for them to wake up. The staff, a white male in his mid-thirties.

"Hello, sir, we are members of MMC, we are resting now, and we came here unintentionally." The girl with light brown hair boldly stepped forward and said.

The staff looked at the three of them and then looked at the musical instrument room not far away, and then waved: "Okay, children, this is not the place for you to come, go back quickly."

The three children winked at each other and hurriedly walked on the way they were going back and forth, until they turned into a corridor, the staff member was still standing there watching them.

"It's too bad, if Mr. Hunter heard the voice just now, we would be in trouble." The little boy Joshua said with some complaints.

"We should be glad that the staff member had left before Mr. Hunter came out, otherwise we would still be in trouble." Erica replied.

"Okay, my fault, it's okay." The light brown-haired little girl shrugged, and then she stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Erica, who noticed her stopped, also stopped.

"How about we go back now?" The girl's eyes flickered, "That person must have left."

"What a bad attention," Joshua shook his head. "What if I go back and get caught?"

"Don't be so timid, Joe! Even if you are caught, you will only be told a few words. It will be fine. I just want to meet Angela." The girl said nonchalantly, then looked at Erica: " What about you, Erica, aren't you going back?"

"I agree with Joe this time." Erica spread her hands and shook her head.

"Okay, then I'll go alone, don't be jealous of me then." The girl raised her finger and shook her head, turned around and ran to the instrument room again, until they were almost where they were standing, the two children were still Did not follow. The girl mumbled something, then walked towards the instrument room against the wall again.

Soon she heard the voice again, but this time it was no longer a voice, but a female singing voice. It was very light and contagious. It rose and fell in the soothing piano sound, which made people sound very comfortable. Can't help but froze, who could it be? Sing such a beautiful song.

After the song was over, there was applause from inside. If it wasn't for the quick reaction, the girls outside would almost have applauded, and then Burns' voice of admiration came from inside: "It's amazing, you are born to sing, Angela."

"Yes, I totally agree with that." Hayden echoed.

Is this Angela singing? The girls outside were taken aback. Angela is now only one year older than herself, so the ethereal singing doesn't sound like it was sung by a child like herself!

"Thank you for the compliment. In short, I still insist. This is my style. At most, I can pay attention to the matching of each other in the remaining songs. Well, well, I will go to the bathroom first, thank you."

Then, the sound of footsteps came towards the door, and the girl outside walked away cleanly, ran a few steps in the opposite direction of the bathroom, and then turned into the corridor. After taking a breath, she carefully stuck her head out to take a look. A cute girl came out of the musical instrument room, her petite body looked similar to her, and her round and pointed face made her change all the time, just like she saw a few months ago, giving people a kind of intoxication It's a pity that she turned around quickly, leaving only a back, but the eyes that the girl wanted to see the most were gone.

The girl thumped the wall in annoyance, hesitating whether to chase into the bathroom. At the same time, she was a little puzzled, what did Angela do in the record company? Came here once a few months ago and now again, what is it for? Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, the girl almost called out, Angela_Mason! Isn't that Miss AM? If it was before, she would have doubted it, but just now she heard her singing with her own ears. It was so beautiful, then she was sure!

Putting her head out to see that no one was there, the excited girl ran into the bathroom in a hurry, startling Angela who was washing her hands.

"Hi, hello, Angela." The girl took a breath and looked at each other excitedly.

"Hello, who are you?" Angela probably understood, and asked with a smile, followed by frowning her brows again, as if she wanted to see more clearly: "Have we... where have we met?"

"Yes, yes, we've met!" The girl nodded again and again, "Remember, a few months ago, we too..." She looked around and said a little embarrassedly, "It's also in the bathroom."

"I remember! You were with another girl, and you asked me if I was a new member of MMC." Angela said suddenly.

"Yes, yes, it's me, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you that time." The girl said excitedly, her brown eyes full of enthusiasm.

Angela smiled, but then frowned again: "No, no, I remember where else I should have seen you."

"Really? That should be on TV. I'm also a member of MMC, and we often perform on TV." The girl puffed out her chest, as if glad that the other party had seen her show.

But Angela, who looked suspicious, was obviously not referring to this, but she obviously didn't think of it, so she smiled again and asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so presumptuous, I'm Britney Spears, I'm from Louisiana, and I love your... Angela, you—what's the matter?"