Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 114: Madam (1)


"Hi dear, how are you?"

"Hi, Mom, I'm fine, don't worry about me, Mr. Sparrow's words don't count."

"So, who can count? Grace? Or Mr. Spielberg?"

"Well, Mom, I'm just a little sad, I know what I'm doing, and I'll be fine."

"To be honest, honey, I really shouldn't have let you take this movie. It was my and your father's fault."

"Mom, listen to me, I'm fine now, I believe that Mr. Sparrow should report my situation to you or Dad every day, and you should also know that I have finished shooting now, and there is no emotional fluctuation, Don't worry, okay?"

"… Chris, let's see, I think the Sky is about to arrive in Krakow, you can let Sparrow accompany you on a tour of Europe, and then wait for us at Grandpa's house the day before Christmas, okay? Of course, if you want to go home or go to grandpa's house, you can fly back directly, anyway, I hope you are happy."

"…Thank you, Mom, I see, then I'll be walking around Western Europe."

"Okay, baby, I hope when I see you again, you're still as lively, goodbye, I love you."

"I love you too, Mom, bye!"

Turning off the satellite phone, Angela sighed, then walked back to the agent and returned the phone to him, then folded his arms and looked at him: "Okay, Uncle Sparrow, when did you tell mom Their?"

"The second day of that night." Sparrow shrugged. "Is there a problem?"

What's the problem? What could be wrong? Angela rolled her eyes and sat down beside him. Anyway, it was what he should do to tell her parents about her situation. Fortunately, the parents didn't worry too much. Well, let's rest for a few days.

She did feel that she should relax a bit. Although her role was changed to the little girl in red, it was not easy, especially in the scene where the body was dug up and sent for incineration. Spielberg asked to come. A close-up, so the makeup artist rubbed her cheeks for a while to show signs of decay, and when she looked in the mirror, she jumped, thinking she was filming Resident Evil.

As for whether there is this scene in the original film, she doesn't remember it, anyway, this is her last scene. After the filming, she will end her role in "Schindler's List", which means she can leave, right Spielberg didn't do much to keep him, he himself sometimes fell into a trance, and John and Itzhak had already left after visiting the concentration camps in the previous two days, so she kept a low profile left the set.

At this time, the manager of the airport hurried to Sparrow's side and whispered a few words to him. Sparrow nodded, then looked at the girl: "Angie, we can take off."

"Really, that's great." Angela looked at the time as if relieved, "Fortunately, it's morning, we still have time to make it through."

Sparrow nodded to the manager immediately, then picked up his luggage and walked with the girl to the entrance of the VIP passage. After a few steps, he finally couldn't hold back and asked, "Angie, are we going to visit someone in Switzerland?"

"Yes, we are going to a small town called Moorges between Geneva and Lausanne. There is a place called Tolochenac, and the person we are going to visit lives there." Angela nodded, although she did not intend to Concealed, but also not explicitly stated.

However, after Sparrow became Angela's agent, he was already quite familiar with Hollywood, so he understood it after a little thought, and couldn't help showing surprise: "You mean..."

"Yes," the girl interrupted with a quick nod, "if you really care about it, the old lady and I are also close relatives. It should be a distant relative among distant relatives. I have visited her before, so I will go now. Not too presumptuous."

After regaining his senses, Sparrow shrugged and said with emotion: "No wonder you want to go to Switzerland. I believe the old lady will calm down your restless heart."

Angela smiled and didn't speak again. In fact, apart from this, she also wanted to seek support or encouragement. She didn't want to tell her parents or relatives, so talking to the old lady was the best choice, and she also knew that , after January next year, you may never see this perfect woman known as an angel again.

After arriving in Geneva and renting a car, it was almost evening when we arrived at Moorges. This is a city like most small towns in Europe. The beautiful idyllic scenery unique to Switzerland is pleasing to the eye in good weather. The car is moving on the intestine trail, and the scenery along the way is so peaceful and peaceful.

Stopped in front of a farmhouse with idyllic characteristics of the 18th century, Angela got out of the car alone and pushed open the small gate of the fence, quickly walked to the door, rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened, it was a man of about 40 The woman around the age of 2 looked like a housekeeper, but she didn't know her, and it seemed that the original housekeeper had changed.

The woman looked at the girl suspiciously and asked, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, I'm Angela Mason. Is Mr. Robert at home? I'm here to visit the old lady." Angela said generously.

The woman didn't say anything, just shook her head: "I'm sorry, Madam has been resting, Mr. Robert said, and declined any visitors."

Angela frowned slightly, and said hurriedly, "Can't you tell me? I came from... England."

The woman still shook her head: "I'm sorry, miss, no, the lady is very weak and can't see the guests." She was about to close the door, when a male voice came from inside: "What's the matter, Martha? "

"That's right, Mr. Robert, a young lady wants to visit the lady," the woman replied, turning around. There was a sound of footsteps, and immediately, a thin and slightly bald old man appeared at the door with a deep worry between his eyebrows.

"Are you..." He looked at the girl and frowned slightly, but he quickly remembered and said in surprise, "Miss Angela?"

"It's me, Mr. Robert, I'm glad you still remember me." Angela said with a smile.

"You, I'm impressed." With a smile on the old man's face, he stepped aside: "Please come in." Then he looked at the car parked outside and asked, "Are those your parents?"

"No, that's my agent and babysitter. I let them stay in the car. I know you and your wife don't want too many people to disturb you." The girl replied as she walked.

"Agent?" After closing the door, Mr. Robert asked strangely, "I remember you and your parents live in the United States. Are you also acting in movies?"

"Yes." Angela nodded with a smile, and then began to look around: "I think if I can..."

"Okay, she's in the garden, I'll take you there," the old man nodded, then turned to the housekeeper: "Martha, prepare some cookies and hot juice to bring to the garden."

After Martha went to the kitchen, Robert took the girl to the garden, and at the same time warned: "Don't talk too long, Angela, her health is very bad now."

"Is it cancer?" Angela asked carefully. In later generations, there has never been a clear statement on whether the old lady died of rectal cancer or breast cancer, but one thing is certain, when it was found out, it was already in the late stage. , and she had previously traveled to Somalia to visit children there.

"Yes, late." Robert sighed, his face filled with worry again, but when he got to the garden, those worries were gone, replaced by a gentle smile, because he was in a wheelchair not far away Sitting the perfect woman.

Even though the years have left a knife-carved mark on her face, even if the original purity and beauty have gone with the wind, even if she is suffering from illness now, she still can't stop her elegance, purity and plainness temperament.

She turned her head slightly, looked at her husband and the girl who came to visit, curled the corners of her mouth, and said softly, "Look who is here? It's really a surprise."

Angela stuck out her tongue, held up a skirt that didn't exist, her body was short, and she played a non-standard welcome ceremony, which made both the couple chuckle.

"You're still so interesting, Angie." The lady shook her head slightly and said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am, I didn't expect you to remember me," said the girl from the bottom of her heart, then squinted at Mr. Robert, "it takes several seconds for someone to think of my name. Sir, your memory is much better."

The couple couldn't help laughing again, and then the wife asked softly again, "Did you come to Switzerland after a holiday? Did your grandfather come too?"

"No, ma'am, I'm... Well, I came to Europe because of the filming." Angela thought for a while and said.

"Making a movie? Are you making a movie now?" the lady asked in surprise.

"It's like this, ma'am." The girl simply gave a brief overview of her life during this period of time, omitting the matter of writing the script and making the record.

"Then you came to see me now because the filming in Europe is over, right?" Madame said with a smile.

"Yes," Angela nodded, "Mom allowed me to travel in Europe for a while, so I thought of coming over to see you as soon as possible. I was worried when I heard that you were ill."

"Angie, what movie did you shoot in Europe?" Madam asked suddenly.

The girl was stunned, a little overwhelmed.

"I can see what are you worrying about, because of this movie?" The lady looked into her eyes.

Angela moved the corner of her mouth. She came here originally to find support or encouragement, but seeing Madam's weak appearance, for fear of irritating the other party, she had already threw this idea out of the sky, but at this moment, Madam saw it again. , I can't help but be a little at a loss, should I say it or not