Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 117: good news


For Miss Emma Charlotte Watson, who was just two and a half years old, she didn't know what she was doing, she just thought it was very interesting and fun, she liked Angela, liked the smell on her body, In the head of this greedy little devil, if you like it, you should eat it, especially the red and bright grapes in front of you, which look delicious, so she sticks to Angela's chest and keeps sucking, licking, and biting. It means never giving up.

So Angela couldn't support it more and more and almost fell into the bathtub. Fortunately, her head that became confused after the attack suddenly woke up, and she fell into the bathtub and splashed a lot of water, but Finally escaped from Xia Xia's "claw".

But the little guy was obviously not reconciled, and reached out and grabbed Angela's half of her chest that was exposed to the water and still stained with her saliva: "Yes!"

Angela, who had just recovered from her anger, ignored the fact that her whole body was still softening, she hurriedly struggled to push Xia Xia's hand away, turned over from the bathtub, and almost rolled and crawled to hide in the corner, soaked all over her body. He folded his hands on his chest and looked at the little guy in the basin in horror, as if it were a man-eating demon.

The dissatisfied Xia Xia sat in the bathtub, slapped the water with her mouth flat, and looked at the girl aggrieved, as if she was very unhappy that the "food" that had arrived in her mouth suddenly flew away.

Seeing that the "perpetrator" was still looking aggrieved, Angela felt like crying without tears, and the humiliation that hadn't been for a long time came to her heart again. The guy is only two years old! Could it be that he is really a Xiaoshou for ten thousand years? And, more importantly, unless you have a desire for the other party, you can't be so sensitive. This is the conclusion that you have come to after playing with Jessica and the others for a long time. Then... I have a desire for Xia Xia, who is only two years old...? Are you a teenage girl? !

Angela rolled her eyes, of course not. If she really wants to say, she should be very fond of Xia Xia 10 years later, but no matter what, Xia Xia is only two years old now. Those actions produce feelings... Should be self-inflicted, right

Looking at the little guy who was trying hard to get out of the bathtub, Angela had the urge to cry more and more. Even when she was making out with Jessica, Lindsay and Natalie, she was not "sucked" by her mouth. The treatment, ah, what is this!

At this moment, Mrs. Loris came in from outside and shouted at the door, "Miss Angela, someone is looking for you."

The girl woke up immediately and hurriedly stroked her face twice. Fortunately, the bathroom was hot and it was normal for her to blush. She stood up and still hugged her chest and responded, "What's the matter? Who's looking for me?"

Maybe it was because her mind was too twisted just now, which made her voice sound a little weird, but Mrs. Loris didn't notice it and replied: "There is a Miss Cade Beckinsale outside... Well, it should be pronounced like this, she Came from England to find you."

Cade Beckinsale? Is that Kate Beckinsale? But how did she know she was here? Hearing that Kate might be looking for her, her previous embarrassment and shame suddenly disappeared, Angela simply put on an undershirt, put on a coat and trousers, and ran out like a fly.

Kate, who is tall and tall, is standing at the door, with long curly hair draped over her shoulders, a red and white scarf around her neck, a dark brown sweater, a ginger coat over her right forearm, and a skirt just below the knee. , plus the bright black boots, I haven't seen it for half a year, and the temperament is more and more outstanding.

"Kate! It's really you!" In the voice of surprise, Angela rushed up, hugged Kate firmly, and happily buried her head in the other's chest.

"You're always like this, Angie!" Kate hugged Angela and shook her head with a helpless smile.

"Because I love you!" Angela raised her head, but her face was flushed. After she released her hand, she pulled Kate and asked a series of questions: "Why did you come to France? Are you still studying in Cambridge? How did you know I was here?"

"Okay, okay, Angie, can I answer these questions one by one?" Kate raised her hands and said, then she tilted her head, pointed to the girl's chest and said, "You're going to be with me like this. wanna chat?"

Angela looked down and saw that there was only one undercoat under her coat. She had put the undercoat on her body without wiping it after being splashed with water by Xia Xia in the bathroom just now. Now her clothes had been completely hit by water droplets on her body. Wet, especially the chest, it can be regarded as the hardest hit area, and the two points are very obvious.

The girl hurriedly pulled the jacket with her hands, held it in front of her chest, looked at Kate embarrassedly, her face became even redder: "This... is because... just now... "

"Okay, Angie, you should change your clothes quickly, or you will catch a cold." Kate advised.

"Yes, yes, I'll change quickly." Angela nodded again and again, and after welcoming Kate into the door, she hurriedly went to the room to find her clothes, and then hurried into the bathroom to clean her body and put it on, sitting on the sofa After sitting down, Kate watched her come over and smiled without saying a word.

Soon Angela changed clothes and ran out of the bathroom, and sat down beside her as if relieved.

"What's wrong?" Kate asked curiously when she saw her like this.

"The Watsons' child is taking a shower in the bathroom, a very clingy little guy, just two years old." Angela explained, then rolled over and knelt on the sofa, folded her arms on the backrest, and looked at Kate with a smile : "Okay, tell me why you know I'm here."

"It was Mrs. Elena who told me you were here." Seeing the girl's puzzled look, she quickly explained: "That's it, you know, Christmas is just a week away, and we also have an early holiday. , my roommate invited me to stay at her grandma's house in Edinburgh for a few days, but yesterday I received a call from Mrs. Elena, she told me something you didn't mention in your letter, I hope I can take a look on her behalf You, so I hurried over here."

Mom called Kate? Angela immediately understood, and looked around her, Grace didn't know herself like Jennifer did, Mr. Sparrow was just an agent, and the Watsons also had business to do, so there was no one around them to talk to. People, even if I went to Switzerland to visit the old lady, it only temporarily calmed down my heart. Besides, I can't always disturb each other. The uncles and aunts of my grandfather's family are all in Europe, but they are also busy with their own careers. As for my grandfather , PASS directly, so Kate and her are undoubtedly the best person to listen to her.

Angela couldn't help feeling moved, because she still cared about her mother across the Atlantic Ocean, and because Kate, who came from London just after hearing about her situation, rolled over and sat on Kate's lap, hugging the other's lap. He rested his head on Kate's shoulder, and said softly with nostalgia, "Thank you for coming to see me, Kate."

"It's nothing, Angela, you have always been... my sister." Kate hugged Angela and patted her on the back, but when she said the word sister, she involuntarily paused, her tone a little bit eccentric.

But Angela didn't notice this, just giggled, kissed Kate's face like a surprise attack, and made Kate open her arms amusingly and pressed her on the sofa, intending to punish her, when a milk sounded The milky voice sounded: "Disgusting!"

The two of them on the sofa were stunned for a moment, looking for the sound, a small and menacing figure staggered over, then pushed Kate hard, and then opened his arms to block Angela like an old hen, puffed up. said: "Mine!"

The little guy's words made several other people present, including Mrs. Loris, speechless, speaking so confidently, do you think Angela is your personal belonging

Fortunately, the doorbell rang again, Angela hurriedly jumped up to open the door, and Xia Xia, who pouted and wanted to follow, was immediately picked up by Mrs. Loris.

It was Sparrow outside the door, which surprised Angela: "I thought you were going to visit the Arc de Triomphe or the Louvre or something."

"Grace went, and I," the agent shrugged, "always have something to do."

"Okay, come in, what's the matter?" Angela greeted Sparrow and asked.

"First of all, Mrs. Elena told me that a Miss Kate Beckinsale was coming to see you from London, probably in the last few days..." Before Sparrow finished, Kate had already stood up: "Jack Sparrow Is Mr. Palo right? I'm Kate Beckinsale, and I just got here."

"Just arrived? You're so fast, miss." Sparrow shook hands with the girl. "Madame said if you need anything in Paris, you can tell me."

"Thank you, sir, I think I'm just here to see Angie, nothing else." Kate replied with a smile.

Angela was about to speak, when Xia Xia suddenly became noisy again, stretched out her hand to Angela, and shouted in a milky voice: "Yes! I want it!"

"Xia Xia, please forgive me." Angela said with a frown, it would be fine if she just gnawed on her face, but she accidentally gnawed in a place where she shouldn't...

"Well, I'll take Xia Xia out for a walk. Every day at this time, I'll take her to the banks of the Seine." Mrs. Norris said at this time, but when she carried Xia Xia to the door, the little guy started She struggled desperately, looking at Angela without turning her head.

You are really defeated! The girl rolled her eyes and simply waved: "Okay, let's go for a walk along the Seine!"

Just go out to distract the little one, and as long as she doesn't focus on herself, everything will be fine! Angela brought Kate and Sparrow out with such a wishful thinking. In fact, just as she expected, the little guy who came to the street quickly shifted his attention, which made Angela relieved. She even asked Kate to tease the little guy, in the name of improving the relationship. .

Children don't hold grudges. Don't look at Xia Xia's dissatisfaction with Kate just now. After a few minutes, she began to get close to her. This made Angela relieved again, and Sparrow also found the opportunity to talk to her about other things. Now: "There is some good news, do you want to hear it?"

"Good news? Apart from reporting my situation to Mom and Dad, what other good news do you have?" Angela asked half-jokingly.

"You won the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Newcomer, as well as the Young Actor Award."

"You mean the award, not the nomination?" Angela blinked.

"Yes, Mrs. Elena has entrusted someone to take it for you." Sparrow nodded.

"Ha, I really should thank the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, isn't it? It only gave me the best newcomer this year." The girl shrugged noncommittally, "What else?"

"A lot of advertising intention contracts, as well as invitations for several movies, advertisements and some low-cost movies I have pushed for you, but there are two invitations you can consider, the first is, James Cameron Mr. Schwarzenegger wants you to play Mr. Schwarzenegger's daughter in his new film "True Lies," which starts around May."

"Oh, don't even think about it, although I like his movies very much, but working with tyrants... I'm still free." The girl shrugged.

"Well, one more thing, Ms. Jane Campion invited you to audition for the role of her daughter in her new book, The Piano Lesson," Sparrow continued.

"Just auditions?"

"It's just an audition." Sparrow nodded affirmatively.

Angela touched her chin and suddenly became interested. She had no idea what movie "Piano Lesson" was. She rarely watched literary films in her previous life, and she had only vaguely heard of Jane Campion, but Mr. Sparrow Since she did not reject her but let herself judge, then this lady must have merit.

"I'm not busy answering for now. If you can, please give me Ms. Campion and the details of this movie." The girl thought about it and said, "Anything else?"

"Yes, there is one more, and it is the most important." Sparrow cleared his throat and said solemnly: "The list of nominations for the 35th Grammy Awards has been officially released, and Miss AM won the Best Newcomer and Nominated for Best Instrumental Performance, "Big World" was nominated for Best Single!"