Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 19: Brazen plagiarism! (1)


The vineyards in Napa Valley are one of the largest wine suppliers in the United States, and the scenery is undoubtedly very beautiful, especially when riding a horse in the garden, there is no taste. Many tourists who come here for sightseeing also like it very much. , so the filming is also indispensable.

"CUT!" With the voice of Charles, Dennis pulled the horse a little bit in a hurry, but the horse was still walking back and forth in the same place, and finally the trainer next to him came to help and calmed the horse down. And Angela, who was also riding in front of her on a horse, had already stopped the horse. Her riding skills are nothing, but she is still prudent, which surprised the crew. Of course, this simple riding skills were not brought by her rebirth. She was an otaku in her previous life. Where can I practice riding? But now...

Having said that, Angela is eager to shift everyone's attention to other places. These days, there are always people who don't know the details and ask a question or two with a smile when they are resting. Angela, how is your script writing? ! In the eyes of these uninformed people, this little girl who wants to write a script is really cute. Although she knows that it is her who asks to write the clause that she can't express herself as a screenwriter into the contract, she is still very upset, but everyone's The relationship is good, so she can only "kill" each other with her eyes at most, which makes the little girl depressed, but the most maddening thing is that even Jessica, who knows about it, occasionally follows everyone to make fun of her, If possible, she really wanted to push Jessica to the ground and give her little ass a few hard hits!

I'm just a whim, I'm just a whim, I'm just... ugh, what the hell am I thinking? ! The little girl covered her face sadly. If you count her previous life, how many times has this been the first time? Every time I have an impulse, I always do things regardless of the consequences. "Sleepless in Seattle" was released in 1993, so the shooting date should be in 1992. The script may be written earlier. Write it out rashly. What if the original author has already written it and is now looking for investment? And what's worse is that several people already know the general plot, especially Miss Meg. If she throws away what she has written, she doesn't know how much turmoil "Sleepless in Seattle" will cause after its release. .

Impulsivity is the devil! Angela held her head and thought, although Nancy didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that the pages of the manuscript and what Miss Meg had told her had already aroused her interest, so what should I do? She really wanted to moan.

Speaking of which, I really don’t know how to describe this event better. Angela’s deepest impression of “Sleepless in Seattle” is in the ending, where Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are finally on the top of the Empire State Building. After meeting, the eyes of the two of them couldn't be separated, and they walked into the elevator looking at each other, and Miss Meg's line just now had nothing to do with her scene in the "Sleepless in Seattle" hotel. How many connections, God knows how the little guy would associate them together.

"Angie, what are you thinking?" Jessica ran over and asked with a smile.

Angela, who was sitting on the ground holding her face, glanced at her and said, "Why don't you ask how the new script is written now?"

"Oh, yes, how's the new script going?" Jessica asked seriously, seeing Angela looking like she wanted to pounce, she quickly took a few steps back and stuck out her tongue: "Okay. , the director said that now we are going to film the scene of wild camping in the valley, so let's hurry up."

Finally there is good news, Angela shrugged and put aside the troubles temporarily. The scene of camping in the wild is the key. In this scene, Nick finally chose his daughter and reconciled with his ex-wife, which caused him to make a decision. The choice is the prank of the two daughters at night. Obviously, since the night scene is going to be filmed, the crew must stay in the forest for one night. This is real camping in the wild. , I have no conditions in this life - my parents don't have time, and even in my grandfather's manor, Angela has never tried to spend the night in a tent and sleeping bag, so, it's good news!

As she thought, after the filming was done, Nancy arranged a bonfire, everyone was happy, the crew was happy, because Mrs. Meyers rarely gave them such a rest during the workday; Meg And Dennis are very happy, because soon after they got married, they can finally spend a long time together and talk intimately; Charles and Nancy are very happy that today's filming task was completed ahead of schedule and well.

But, little girl... very unhappy, she suddenly found that she didn't know what to do, look at it, the adults were drinking beer and chatting and talking about their only words, even Sparrow was caught by photographer Phoenix Pulled over, although her soul is already an "old man", is it possible for her to go up and interject? As for drinking, well, forget it, she's not of legal age, and besides, she doesn't like drinking. Jessica and Jennifer talked about speculation, and kept asking her about embarrassing things, which made her very dissatisfied, so she could only sit by the bonfire alone, fiddling with the fire with branches, and if Big Mouth was around Well, at least I won't be so boring.

At this moment, a melodious guitar sound came over, followed by a soft singing voice, Angela looked over, Dennis got a guitar from nowhere, held it in his arms and played it for his dear wife. While singing the song, Meg also held her head and looked at her husband affectionately and silently, listening to his singing. Gradually everyone was attracted. Although Dennis's singing voice was ordinary, there was such a strong feeling in her. Inside, it also resonated with everyone, so after he sang late, everyone applauded him.

Angela, who had been itching for a long time, hurriedly leaned over, pretended to take a closer look at the guitar in his hand, and then let out a surprise: "Washburn's handmade acoustic guitar?"

After thanking everyone, Dennis had already noticed the little girl. After getting along for so many days, he liked her very much after getting along with her for many days, especially when he heard from his wife the day before yesterday about the little guy's screenwriting skills, and was very curious about her. He immediately raised his guitar: "Want to try it?"

"Can you?" Angela blinked.

"Come on, it's okay." Dennis smiled and handed her the guitar. He could see that the little girl was also a person who liked music very much.

"Thank you." Angela was also polite. After taking the guitar and slung it over her body, she tried the scale and feel, and then thought for a while, then plucked the strings and sang a cappella:



It's notabigbigthingifyouleaveme;




The crisp and natural voice, without stage fright and without pretentiousness, flows around people, and immediately attracts everyone's attention. With the singing of the little guy, everyone can't help immersed in the kind of lost in the vast sea of people, for parting. In the feeling of love and confusion and the intersection of thoughts and hearts.

That's right, this is Emilia's famous "Big World". Although this song is accompanied by a piano, the little guy can play that taste very well with a guitar, and although she can't show this The sadness of the song, but it finds another way to sing it in the form of talking, which gives this song another flavor. I have to admit that the little guy does have talent in music.

After the song was over, everyone threw the applause to her. Angela thanked everyone proudly, and then someone called: "Angela, let's do another one!"

The excited little guy didn't think too much about it, he thought about it and said, "Then let me sing a French song."

After speaking, she cleared her throat, plucked the strings and began to sing:





A very beautiful song, the lighthearted song of "My Name is Elaine" by Irina Holley was in Angela's previous life, it held the number one position of the French singles chart for 25 weeks, and its influence was not great. How much worse than "The Big World".

After hesitating for a while, the applause was still warm, and Angela was secretly relieved. When she started to decide to sing this song, she regretted it a little. After all, few of the crew members knew French, but although they didn't understand the lyrics, they didn't. It prevented them from appreciating the taste of the song from the music, so everyone did not stingy with their applause.

"It's surprising, Angela, whose song is this, it seems that none of us have heard it." Dennis clapped and asked with a smile.

"Oh, I wrote this myself." Angela replied without changing her face, and she brazenly took other people's works as her own.

"You wrote it yourself?" Sister Sweetie, who was sitting next to her husband, was surprised again. Although she knew from the script draft a few days ago that the little girl could write, she never thought she could write songs.

"It's not surprising, Miss Ryan, when Angie was in school, Angie thought about forming a band." Jessica interjected, "She wrote several songs at that time and forced us to practice with her."

"Is it possible to form an orchestra in elementary school?" Meg was clearly confused.

"I should be glad I didn't, or God knows how she'll torture us—even though the song is nice." Jessica shrugged.

"Angela, can you play the song Jessica said?" Dennis became interested at this time and looked at the little girl.

"Well..." Angela scratched her head and said with a smile: "It may be a little troublesome. That song needs to be played on an electric guitar to sound good. The acoustic guitar doesn't have that kind of feeling."

"It's easy." Dennis laughed, getting up and walking towards the duffel bag under the puzzled eyes of the little girl.

"He always had his precious guitar with him," explained Meg, and looked tenderly at her husband's back, "so he could always sing to me at any time."

"Awesome." The little girl stuck out her tongue, seeing how close they are now, who would have known... Well, forget it, Angela turned to look at Jessica, and raised the acoustic guitar in her hand: "Hi dear, come and help."

"Need… me?" Jessica asked, pulling back.

"Of course, you also know that this song is the best when played by two people. I remember teaching you before." Angela squinted and said, "Even if you haven't practiced for a long time, the accompaniment is always okay, right? Can you always sing songs?"

"Okay, okay, I'll just play." Jessica also knew that she was leaking, although she would rather sing than play - Angela didn't bother playing the instrument when she wanted to form an orchestra She, but still reluctantly took over the guitar and adjusted it.

Soon, Dennis brought his electric guitar, the whole body is space black, the neck and body of mahogany, and the fingerboard of rosewood, giving a very fashionable feeling.

"Wow, it's a limited edition of Fender." Angela, who was familiar with the instrument, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise after taking over the electric guitar. She hurriedly took over the power supply of the battery and tried it out. It felt very good.

"Okay, then, Jessica, let's begin!" Angela winked at Jessica, flicked her hand, and plucked the strings.