Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 35: No matter what his problem is


The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Mr. Martin, who was still talking at length, was like a duck strangled by his neck. There was no sound. He licked the corner of his mouth.

The quiet classroom suddenly became noisy, and the children were always noisy. Angela could finally yawn and stretch comfortably. Her reddish eyes clearly told others that she hadn't slept well last night. In fact, it wasn't just last night, she hadn't slept well in the past two days. As for the reason, what else is there other than that damn "Killer Leon" script!

There are too many problems involved in "Killer Lyon". This film is directed by French director Luc Besson, who is also the screenwriter of the play. The film was released in 1994, so the production time will not exceed 1993, then The script may also have been written in 1993, or it may have been written in 1992 or even now. If Luc Besson's own script like this novel falls into the hands of Luc Besson, he is just starting to write this script, how embarrassing it would be thing.

Although the recipient is Uncle Jean Reno, everyone knows the relationship between Uncle Reno and Besson, and in this envelope, there are also many plot drawings drawn by Angela with colored pencils, one of which is a poster from the past. , that is the pair of Leon holding the pot of green plants in one hand and holding a gun in the other hand and walking down the street in a trench coat, while the little girl Matilda is walking with a paper bag and a bear while watching him, Although the male protagonist wears sunglasses, he can tell at a glance who the painting is from his very distinctive nose, so if Uncle Renault really receives the letter, it will be certain to give it to Luc Besson.

In fact, neither of these two is the most critical. Even though Besson is writing this script now, Angela's is written in the form of a semi-fiction. Besides, the postmark is from California, USA, so it is impossible to say that it is plagiarism. Maybe Besson's guy will come up with some kind of remarks. Besides, the little guy's address was not written on the envelope, even if Luc Besson wanted to find her, it would be very difficult.

But, the question is, what about Natalie Portman? Well, if the little guy gets himself out of the way, Besson, who gets the script, has only two options, either risk breaking the law and shoot it, or refrain from making the film indefinitely, but whichever he chooses, Long Island It's too bad that girls are in danger of never appearing again!

If the French director had chosen the first option, would Natalie, now only 10 years old, be picked by a scout and recommended to Besson just like in her previous life? You must know that Angela always finds a way to go to Long Island every time she goes to New York, but she has never met Natalie.

As for the second point, it's even worse. In the little guy's previous life, everyone knew that the heart of the Long Island girl was never in Hollywood. If she hadn't accidentally participated in the filming of "Killer Leon", perhaps Natalie would never have been in her life. Interspersed with movies!

This is the source of Angela's troubles. For "him", Matilda played by Natalie was "his" favorite, "his" dream, and she is still in that thick envelope I spent a lot of time painting for Matilda. One is her sitting on the window with her knees in her arms and looking out helplessly. The sun shines in to give her a golden color; the other is her sitting on the stairs. Looking back, he was still holding a burning cigarette in his hand. These two scenes were once very classic scenes. Angela's painstaking efforts to draw it shows how infatuated she is.

So, if the number one loli on the silver screen is destroyed in her hands like this, Natalie's image of a loli who can be said to be an eternal existence, the ultimate goal of every otaku or strange uncle is destroyed in her hands , she will never forgive herself!

The little girl stood up weakly, walked out, and said a few words to the children who passed by from time to time. It has been a month and a half since the release of "Born in Love", and the enthusiasm of her classmates for her has gradually disappeared. Many, although the natural aura of affinity makes her still go there and will be noticed, but the situation of being surrounded by wherever she goes like at the beginning is basically gone.

But Angela now really expects someone to surround her and ask what this is, so that she doesn't have to think so much. Apart from the script problem, there are other things that hit her hard. This morning it was Jessica. It was the first time I didn't ride the school bus with her to school!

Thinking of this, Angela is very hurt, but who can blame for this, if it wasn't for those strange thoughts, if it wasn't for those inappropriate behaviors, how could Jessica and I have come this far? Is this the end? Or can't even make friends? The little guy stood on the edge of the corridor and looked at the children playing on the grass with a sadness.

At this moment, a pair of hands sneaked out from under her ribs, and then slammed into her armpits. Angela jumped up in shock and ran out of the corridor in a panic, under the giggling of the attackers. He turned his head and stared, and then shouted angrily, "Jesse! You attacked me again!"

"Okay, Angie, you are in a daze, but you can't blame me." Jessica raised her hands and moved her fingers, said triumphantly.

"Really? Maybe we should have an upright contest." Although Angela looked angry, she was extremely excited. She coughed dryly and asked casually, "By the way, why are you today? Didn't you take the school bus?"

Jessica smiled slyly: "What's the matter? Could it be that someone is very unhappy because they didn't see me?"

"Jesse, didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to expose other people's thoughts in front of them?" Angela said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, if I hurt your young heart, I apologize." Jessica shrugged needlessly, and after seeing Angela's signs of going berserk, she quickly said: "Okay, Dad has something to do this morning, please drop by as you like. took me a ride."

Angela automatically ignored some of the inaccurate things in these words, and then asked carefully: "Are you- are you all right?"

"What's the matter with me?" Jessica didn't seem to understand her words.

"I... I mean to say... I mean... " Angela made several gestures, but in the end she couldn't say it, but her face was slightly embarrassed.

"I—don't know what you're talking about, Angie, but..." Jessica put her small fist to her mouth and coughed dryly, as if she didn't dare to look at Angela, "but I'm really fine."

Angela was full of doubts. She felt that there was something strange about Jessica, but she couldn't say exactly where it was. Just when she hesitated, Jessica seemed to summon up her courage, turned her head to look at her and said: "It's really nothing, Angie, I just figured out some things." She breathed a sigh of relief after saying this, as if she had unloaded the stone in her heart.

But Angela obviously didn't understand, and still looked at Jessica with an inexplicable expression. Jessica couldn't help frowning, her eyes rolled, and she suddenly stepped forward and touched Angela's lips, and Angela stepped back like an electric shock. She jumped, and before she had time to recall, Jessica's smirk had already fallen into her eyes. Angela frowned and didn't want to think about it. She opened her arms to catch Jessica, and Jessica immediately Screaming and running away.

Angela didn't think about anything at this moment, even the troubles caused by "Killer Leon" were left behind, because Jessica didn't leave herself.

"Darling, don't move, if you move again, it won't look good if you draw thick eyebrows." Mom said while holding an eyebrow pencil and drawing above Angela's eyes.

"If the painting is thick enough to keep me from talking, then I'd rather you paint thicker." The little guy sitting in front of the dresser said depressedly.

"That's not good, dear, since you promised, you must do it, if you can't do it..." Elena remained unmoved.

"Then don't promise, right? I know." Angela answered quickly, and she sighed: "I promised to attend the reception because I was sorry for not attending the premiere, but it didn't mean anything else."

"Then you have to learn to say no." Mom said, put away the eyebrow pencil, and then leaned down against the little guy's head and looked into the mirror: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Angela looked at herself in the mirror and shrugged, she was really beautiful, her soft blonde hair dangled like a waterfall, slightly curly for more beauty, the few bangs on her forehead made her look very cute, and her bright green eyes , giving people a hazy beauty, with round and slightly lines on the face, the kind of developing childishness revealed can definitely kill a large number of lolicons.

The little girl is very satisfied with her appearance. Everyone has a love for beauty. Although her mother is not a professional makeup artist, she can always match herself with the best dress. It would be nice to replace the skirt with pants. Although the beige dress has just reached the ankles, and there is no exposed shoulders or collarbones, Angela still doesn't like it. Maybe she really shouldn't go to the Disney cocktail party

But who would have known that the total U.S. box office of "Born to Go" would reach 100 million, a full 40 million more than the previous version, which is really surprising. Of course, Julia and Meg contributed to this.

"Mom, are you really not going with me?" The little guy raised his head and looked at his mother, trying his best to be innocent.

But Elena, who had seen through her thoughts for a long time, refused: "Of course - no, this is your work, it has nothing to do with me and your father, and Mr. Sparrow is with you, and there are people you know there, so You'd better go obediently."

Looking at her mother's smiling face, Angela shrugged helplessly: "Okay, then, I'll go."