Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 36: Reception (1)


Disney's reception was on the third floor of the Paleg Hotel, either intentionally or not, who knows. However, when the little girl recalled the three or four days of filming here, she felt a lot, but this did not dispel her boredom of the reception.

Angela tapped the ground lightly with the heel of her shoe, but fortunately it was only a short heel, otherwise the heel would suffer again. She wandered the hall aimlessly. She also attended similar receptions a few times. Her parents Occasionally I bring her to parties at the villa in Beverly Hills, but it's really boring. The guests always get together in twos and threes to talk about topics of mutual interest. Men can't do without career and women, while women Beauty and gossip are on the lips. These topics are not for little guys to talk about. Besides, would anyone discuss these things with a little girl

However, there was always something to do at the reception. Angela went to the table and took a small piece of smoked fish cake and put it in her mouth, slowly chewing it in her mouth, first nodded, and then frowned.

"What? Does it taste bad?" A voice came from beside him.

"It's not bad. Compared with the chefs at Buckingham Palace, the chefs here are more imaginative, but they are inferior in technique. I personally suggest that they should be conservative before perfecting the technique of making new smoked fish." The little girl He replied without thinking, but then he reacted and looked to his side, Nancy stood beside her, looking at her with a little surprise.

Angela didn't panic at all, shrugged and said, "Just kidding."

Nancy smiled and said, "I thought you would become a gourmet again."

"Are you complimenting me or making fun of me?" The little girl blinked.

"Actually, I want to thank you." Nancy said seriously.

Angela, who often browses movie news, of course knows why. She was a little embarrassed at first. She just advanced the honor she deserved. Besides, the script was originally written by herself, and she was praised by the original author. Thick and not only slightly red.

She said quickly, "No, Nancy, if it weren't for you and Mr. Charles, this script would be just a script. I'm glad you made it into a movie. I believe I did nothing wrong in sending it to you."

Nancy smiled slightly: "If it weren't for you, "Born in Love" would have lost a lot of color."

"That's not necessarily true. Without Sister Julia and Sister Meg, it would have lost a lot of color." Angela was not proud, she didn't want to say more on this topic, and asked another question: "Sleepless in Seattle" Did you get the script?"

"Sure, but why send it to me?" Nancy wondered.

"Because I think it's more interesting." Angela giggled, of course she wouldn't say that it was her mistake that made Jennifer send it by accident.

"Okay, so the two pictures you included in the script are of Mr. Tom Hanks?" Nancy asked again.

"Yes," Angela replied, "what, do you think it's inappropriate?"

"It's hard to say, Angie, I think..." Nancy had more to say, but was interrupted by the little girl: "Nancy, if you believe me, choose Mr. Hanks, I don't think he will disappointing you."

Nancy was a little puzzled. She didn't understand why Angela had so much confidence in Tom Hanks, although he was indeed very suitable for this role. Angela also knew that she was a little too hasty, so she shrugged: "To be honest, when I wrote this script, I actually wrote it based on the image of Sister Meg and Mr. Hanks, of course, if you don't think it's appropriate, then As you please."

Just when Nancy was thinking, her husband Mr. Charles came over and said a few words in her ear, Nancy nodded, and then smiled apologetically to Angela: "I'm sorry, Angie, I have something to leave. "

"Please." Angela obediently made a gesture of invitation.

After watching Nancy chat with her husband and the other three men and one woman, the little girl looked around again. Big Mouth Sister didn't come, while Sweetheart and her husband were chatting with others, and they were still bored, so she went to the window. Go, anyway, if Hanks and Meg, the silver-screen couple, don't appear anymore because of this or that situation, then it can only be done like this, anyway, it is impossible for everything to run on the original trajectory, Besides, I have my own big butterfly, but speaking of it, what would have happened if I had sent the script to the original writer and director, Ms. Nora Ephron? This thought only flashed in my head and was thrown aside. After all, the script had already been given to Nancy, and Nancy was definitely no worse than Nora, so it was useless to think about it.

At this time, Angela's eyes fell on a boy standing by the window, but he rarely met his peers at the reception. That and the boy were about thirteen or fourteen years old. The brown hair that was parted to the right almost covered the right side of the face. With one hand in his trousers pocket, he tilted his head and fiddled with a small table next to the window. The swinging ball for decoration, with a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth, looks out of place with the black suit he wears.

As if realizing that he was being watched, the boy turned his head to look at Angela, then he was stunned, as if he saw something startling, he opened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but a The syllable didn't come out, just looked straight at her.

Although Angela has been looked at like this by many people, but this time from the eyes of the boy in front of her, she clearly felt that there was something else, which made her tremble. Seeing that the other party never spoke, the little girl had to cough dryly: "Why, Is there something on my face?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," the boy woke up like a dream, his face flushed a little flustered and embarrassed, but he quickly calmed down, straightened his collar, and bowed slightly: "Hello, dear lady, I Yes… "

"John Connor, the savior of mankind, I know." Angela said solemnly, when she saw him for the first time, she recognized him, no way, who called that movie too classic, Disney It's amazing to be able to invite them.

The boy scratched his head in embarrassment again, and then spread his hands in a helpless gesture: "Okay, miss, if you want me to lead mankind to save the earth, you have to wait at least six years."

"It doesn't matter, if the producer agrees, you can start leading all mankind tomorrow." Angela shrugged with a smile, and then looked around, "Is Mr. T-800 here too?"

"Yes, but Mr. T-1000 didn't come because of something. Their maker is here." The boy raised his eyebrows.

"You mean 'Skynet' is here?" Angela asked deliberately.

"No, no," the boy shook his head like a rattle, and then showed a wicked smile: "I'm talking about the old man with thin hair and a tangled beard who always likes to scold people."

"That's not good," said the little girl, shaking her finger up, "how can you say that about your stepfather."

The boy was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. Although he was surprised by the girl's well-informed information, he still laughed and said, "Dear miss, strictly speaking, Mr. T-800 should be my stepfather."

Angela tilted her head and thought for a while before she said, "Well, you're right, so can they tell me where they are."

The boy coughed dryly at this time, and extended his hand to the little girl in a polite manner: "Nice to meet you, I'm Edward Furlong, may I ask the lady's name."

"Angela Mason, I'm also very happy to meet you." Angela shook hands with him helplessly. Although it was interesting to talk to him just now, it didn't mean that she wanted to be friends with him. After all, Edward F. Lang became famous at a young age. Like many Hollywood starlets who became famous as teenagers, he started to let himself go when he was a little older. When he became an adult, he was a drug addict and did not do a proper job. In a few years, his image was completely destroyed. It's enough to meet such a person occasionally and chat a few times. Whether it is in the past life or now, she doesn't like this kind of person, and she is still a girl now.

"Angela Mason?" Edward seemed to have thought of something, and after scratching his head, he suddenly reacted: "Oh, God, you are the two little girls from "Born in Love"?!"

He took a step back in surprise, looked Angela up and down completely, and then praised: "You are much more beautiful than you look in the movie, your... your eyes are very charming."

Although she has lived in the United States since she was born in this life, the little girl is still not used to their directness sometimes, so she can't help coughing: "Can you tell me, Mr. Director, where are they?"

Now Edward is still very good at checking her looks. Seeing that Angela has no desire to talk more, and has no intention of stalking her, he is very gentlemanly pointing the direction for her, following the gap between the crowds, Angela didn't have much effort to spot the big figure of Mr. Governor.

"Thank you, Mr. Fran." The little girl smiled and nodded politely to Edward, with an arc at the corners of her mouth, which made her look particularly cute.

"It's an honor to serve you, you can call me Edward." The boy is very good at fighting snakes.

"You can also call me Angela," the little girl said helplessly, "if possible, can we talk later?"

"It's a great honor." Edward adjusted his collar again. Although it didn't fit in with the suit he was wearing, he was quite gentlemanly, and with his good looks, I believed that the Zhengtai Controls would like it very much.

But Angela ignored his charm at all, gave him a smile, and left without looking back.