Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 46: Christmas (2)


The steaming kitchen was full of busy scenes, with servants rushing back and forth, preparing dinner, cheese pudding, Christmas ham, everything that should be, and should not be...

"Okay, the fire can be adjusted to the minimum, and then boil it for 20 minutes." After tasting the soup with a spoon, the grandma holding the baby girl who was only a few months old said.

Although she is only half of Chinese blood, her grandmother is an uncompromising oriental woman in both appearance and words and deeds. Even if the years have left countless marks on her face, she cannot hide her gentle and watery temperament.

"Grandma, are you in Baosu soup again?" Angela asked in Chinese standing behind her grandmother.

"It's Xueyi, are your father and the others already here?" Grandma was a little surprised when she saw the little girl, and replied in Chinese.

Although she felt aversion to her grandmother calling her by her Chinese name—for her, Chinese names reminded her of her gender at any time—the little girl still smiled and said, "We just arrived, and I came here to see you, of course, but also There is Susu."

As he said that, he winked at the little baby girl in grandma's arms. The little baby who had been quietly watching the kitchen suddenly became happy, babbled, and stretched out his hands to catch Angela.

"It seems that Susu is still very sticky, do you want to hug her?" Grandma said with a smile in English.

"Can I?" The little girl blinked, and although she appeared calm, her eyes were full of unconcealed longing.

Grandma bent down and handed the little baby girl to her. Angela immediately took it over, and then she couldn't wait to take a firm bite on Xiao Susu's face. She liked children very much in her past and present life, especially small babies. The appearance of her makes people drool, and it is really a pleasant thing to tease. Of course, it is impossible for her to take care of the children, so, to be precise, she likes to play with children.

"Grandma, I saw that the plum blossom piles in the garden seem to be much shorter, is that what Grandpa requested?" Angela, who was teasing little Susu, suddenly asked.

"Yes, he always asked me not to practice any more, but how could I let it go after so many years? In the end, we each took a step back, and I lowered the height of the plum blossom pile to the range he allowed." Grandma smiled, that was A smile that is very clear to her husband.

Angela shrugged and didn't plan to say any more, but at this time, grandma asked with a smile: "I think you shouldn't practice any more, right?"

The little girl who was choked by the saliva coughed a few times. She glanced carefully at her grandma, who was still smiling, as if she had no other intentions, so she said cautiously: "Actually, grandma, you know, I have a lot of …”

But under the eyes of grandma, she quickly gave up her defense plan and said dejectedly, "Yes, I didn't insist on it."

It is indeed very hard to practice martial arts. She can't hold on to just squatting. It's not as fun as practicing an instrument. Back then, when I was entangled with my grandmother to learn Wing Chun, it was just to realize the martial arts dream that every male had in his previous life. But when she really started to practice, she realized how painful it was. Although she had imagined it and was mentally prepared, the theory was not as good as her personal experience, and she was a girl now, so she had to give up after a few times.

So so far, with her cleverness, she has memorized all the moves of Wing Chun, and the routines are also decent, but there is no energy at all, and she is completely flamboyant.

"If you can't insist, don't practice. It's very difficult for girls to practice this. If it's just self-defense, grandma can teach you simplified Wing Chun when you're older." To the surprise of the little girl, grandma didn't say much. This made Angela very depressed. She was sure that her grandmother's Wing Chun was definitely 100 times stronger than those masters who opened and taught apprentices in her previous life. What a pity.

However, Angela has always wanted to know how grandma learned this boxing technique, but grandma didn't want to say much, and the family didn't mention it much. They only knew that grandma used to be surnamed Li, and that there was an older brother in New York's Chinatown. , I have a good relationship with my grandma, but I have lived on the west coast for many years, so naturally I have no chance to inquire.

The little girl who was just thinking about the fascination suddenly felt a pain in her forehead. The mischievous Su Su stretched out her hand to play with her hair cheerfully. She laughed and made a face at the babbling baby girl, and then went to the still Said hello to grandma who praised the soup for grandpa, and slipped out of the kitchen with Susu in her arms.

Christmas Eve is great, and what could be more pleasurable than dining with family? And the most worrying thing didn't appear - father restrained himself very well, or both father and grandfather restrained themselves very well, and the two didn't talk much to each other.

But even if the family atmosphere is good, Angela still has her own depression, such as gift bags under the Christmas tree, or accompanying her grandpa to the synagogue after dinner to report the good news to the old man of God, and delivering candy to the choir.

As for the former, she doesn't think there will be anything she wants in the gift bag. Maybe when she wakes up tomorrow morning, Santa Claus will put a set of Barbie dolls or teddy bears in his socks. In short, it is absolutely impossible to deform. King Kong, remote control racing cars and the like.

For the latter, the old man is a devout Jew, but it is strange that he does not force his wife or children in this regard. This is an anomaly among Jews. After Christmas dinner every year, if his wife and children are willing to accompany him Let's go together, don't care if you don't want to, even Jared can't say anything about it, but as long as Angela spends Christmas in New York, he will always go with him, and no little girl will never refuse anyone.

"God is fair, Angela, when he gives you one thing, he will surely take one away from you," the old man said to her when he came out of the church.

"Yes, I know." The little girl nodded, expressing her understanding. In her previous life, she was tired of watching blockbusters.

"Do you like making movies? Angie?" the old man asked suddenly, then sat down on the bench by the street, looking a little tired.

"Grandpa, it's too cold here, let's go back first." The little girl looked at the street, and a large pile of snowflakes swept aside and had not yet melted.

"It doesn't matter, dear, this temperature can't beat me." The old man smiled, and then asked seriously again: "Angie, do you like making movies?"

The little girl scratched her head through the hat. She probably understood what Grandpa wanted to say. To be honest, she has no answer, at least not now. Do you like to make movies? Of course I like it, but what if I keep shooting? She believes that she may still need to hone herself, but she will never be worse than any Hollywood actress in the future, but here is the problem. It's an actress, no matter where you are, you will always be harsher towards women. There is an unavoidable question. But let her give up, she is not reconciled.

"Dear Grandpa, I don't think I can give you the answer, maybe I still need time." Angela sighed and sat down beside Grandpa, "I just wrote another script and voted for Warner, and they invited me to star in it. , I also... promised."

"Really, he is indeed a genius, Angie." The old man said with a smile.

The little girl stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and then heard the old man say again: "I don't need your answer now, Angie, but I hope you can think about it... If I hadn't been too arbitrary, maybe Jedi wouldn't have left home. I left, and I still don't want to talk to me."

The old man's face showed sighs and regrets, which surprised Angela. This was the first time she heard grandpa say that in person. She was about to ask specific questions, but realized that her grandfather had gone too far, and hurriedly stopped: " Okay, let's go back." Then patted the little girl's head: "Remember what I said, Angie, God gave you something..."

"It will definitely take something from me, yes, I know." Angela answered quickly, she understood why grandpa was reminding herself, but how did he know that in fact, the old guy of God had already taken the most important thing from her. important stuff. Angela turned her head to look at the still flashing synagogue that was far away, and sighed in her heart.

At this moment, a voice came over: "Mr. Crest, is that you?"

The little girl and the old man looked for the prestige at the same time. There was a family of three standing at the corner of the street. The middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties was greeting the old man. The old man recognized who it was at a glance, and waved: "It's me, Ai. Merry Christmas, Fnner."

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Kleist, you are just fine, but you can't sit in such a damp place." Avner came over with his wife and daughter.

"What? Grandpa got sick not long ago?" Angela jumped up and asked.

"Okay, dear, it's nothing, people will always get sick when they get old." The old man raised a hand and said.

"But why didn't anyone tell us?!" The little girl said angrily with her hands on her hips, then looked at Avner: "Mr. Avner, what's going on."

"Okay, Angie, Avner is my personal doctor, not yours, and it's not a serious illness." The old man said with a bit of laughter.

"No, grandpa, this is an excuse. I guess you must have gone to Mr. Avner's house, so grandma must not know, well, now, let's go back immediately!" The little girl couldn't help but go to pull the old man.

The old man had no choice but to stand up and say hello to Avner. The little girl dragged him forward. Avner shrugged funny and watched the grandparents go away.

"Dad, is that girl Mr. Kleist's granddaughter?" his ten-year-old daughter asked suddenly.

"Yes, what's the matter, dear?" Avner asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I've seen it somewhere." The little girl muttered, her eyes kept falling on the other's back.

As if feeling it, the other party also turned around and looked here at this time. The eyes of the two girls collided in the air, and then separated immediately. Although it was only a glance, this intuition told her that maybe they would do it again in the future. noodle.