Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 55: in Paris


Although it is only separated by a strait, the weather in France is undoubtedly much better than that in the United Kingdom. At least Paris will not have the situation of London that it will rain at any time for a few days. Although it's still winter, walking on the Champs-Elysees under the sun doesn't feel cold at all.

After returning to the Frent House for two days, Angela followed her parents to Paris, the last stop of their European tour of the New Year, with the Watsons. Although they are British, they work in Paris. Watson Mr. is responsible for the legal work of some of the Albert family's properties in Paris, and Mrs. Watson has her own law firm in Paris, and they just go home.

Angela was both happy and confused about the little guy named Emma. Judging from the Watson and his wife's work and family, the identity of the little guy should have been confirmed, but the problem was that it was too coincidental right? Could it be that there is an invisible big hand controlling my life? (Words out of World of Warcraft, human female joke~)

"Hey, dear Xia Xia, you might be famous in the future." Sitting at the round table in the open-air cafe, Angela teased little Emma in the stroller. Voice, I don't know what she's talking about, but from her chubby face full of smiles, it can be seen that she is very happy, but is it because when Angela hugged her today, she took the opportunity to bite her ear again And happiness is unknowable.

"But don't be complacent, this butterfly of mine may give you a different future." Angela put on a vicious expression and approached the little guy and said.

But little Emma, who didn't understand at all, laughed even more happily, and even opened her mouth to bite her nose, Angela hurriedly avoided: "Hey, you little one, are you addicted to biting?"

She sighed a little depressedly, looked at her parents who were chatting with Watson and his wife, she simply stood up, took a few steps to the street, stretched out and took a deep breath, then carried her back. She raised her head slightly with her hands and squinted at the Arc de Triomphe in the distance. Although the soft breeze caressed her face, it was very comfortable, giving people a feeling that spring was coming, but Angela suddenly felt a little gloomy, she didn't know Why, but she didn't want to interrupt the feeling, maybe she could find something along the way.

However, unfortunately, her wish was doomed to fail. Just after she felt a little bit, a voice suddenly came from the side: "Hello, this lady, are you interested in making a movie?"

Angela was startled, jumped out of her thoughts, and looked nervously at her side. It was a white man in his mid-thirties, with a southern French accent, who was looking at him with a smile.

Perhaps seeing Angela's nervousness, he hurriedly took out a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it over, explaining: "I'm not malicious, I'm a talent scout from the Montage Factory, and we're looking for someone for the latest movie. A heroine around 10 years old, I think your image is very suitable, are you interested in auditioning?"

Angela took the business card, the name on it was Roger Zoe, and the business card looked good, but what was the Montage Factory

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Angela shrugged and turned to leave, unless she could be with Sophie to be honest. Marceau, otherwise she would be too lazy to come to France to make a movie.

"Please wait, ma'am," the man hurriedly called out, "this is a film directed by Mr. Luc Besson, we..."

"What did you say?!" Angela turned around abruptly and looked at him in surprise, "Luc Besson?!"

Roger was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly: "Yes, this is Director Besson..."

"I remember what you just said about the montage factory!" the little girl interrupted unceremoniously.

"The Montage Factory is another name for Luc Besson's studio. I think everyone should know it." Roger said strangely.

Angela took a deep breath and showed a wry smile. The 10-year-old heroine, then... She looked at the other party and asked, "Is the name of the movie that Mr. Besson is about to make called "Killer Leon"?"

"Yes, but how do you know?!" Roger asked in surprise. But Angela didn't answer, but patted her head angrily: "Damn, Jean Reno gave him my script anyway..."

But before the words were finished, the little girl who realized that she had missed her mouth hurriedly covered her mouth, glanced at the scout with a little panic, and quickly ran into the open-air cafe, leaving the inexplicable scout Roger standing in place. .

At about 5 pm, Roger Zoe returned to his apartment. At this time, his live-in girlfriend Miranda had just woken up and was about to go to work in the nightclub. Seeing his lack of energy, he could not help asking: "Hi dear ,What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing Miranda, I'm fine." Roger sat on the sofa and shook his head.

"Come on, you look like you want to be dissatisfied." Miranda snuggled up with a smile and lightly bit his ear.

"Okay, Miranda," Roger laughed, kissed his girlfriend back, and then said a little dejectedly: "Maybe I'm really not suitable to be a scout, so far I haven't signed an actor, maybe I'm very Will be fired soon."

"I told you a long time ago, my dear, if you introduce me, I will definitely be popular." Miranda joked.

"Well, this time the boss's new movie needs a 10 to 14-year-old girl as the protagonist, are you going?" Roger, who was in a better mood, also joked.

"Are you saying I'm childish?" Miranda's eyebrows rose.

"No no no, I'm saying you're cute, as cute as a 14-year-old girl." Roger hurriedly raised his hand.

Miranda snorted, stood up, picked up her jacket and walked out: "I'll settle the account with you when I come back."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Roger yelled at her back, then laughed, feeling much better.

He tore off his tie, took a bottle of wine from the cabinet, poured himself a glass, and leaned on the sofa. What a pity, the girl I met today is absolutely suitable for the requirements of the new movie, as she looked at the Arc de Triomphe. The sense of vicissitudes is very attractive, if only I could convince her. But she actually knew the name of the movie, it was really strange, unfortunately she refused to say it, and what did she mean by the last few words? Who did Mr. Jean Reno give the script to? Wait, what does it really mean with me? !

Roger sat up immediately, he definitely heard it right, the girl did say the words sure and me, he remembered very clearly, Eric, one of the studio directors, once said by chance that the new project in the planning The script for the movie was brought over by Mr. Reynolds, and he once said that the original author of the script doesn't even know who it is!

But, will that little girl be the screenwriter? Roger wanted to laugh a little, but he couldn't. What if it was really her? He didn't understand why such a ridiculous thought popped into his head, but she did say the word of mine!

Roger hesitated, stood up, sat down, stood up, sat down, and after several repetitions, he tried to pick up the phone but quickly put it down, but after a few seconds, he picked it up again, After doing this a few times, he finally dialed the phone. I must be crazy, he thought when the beep on the phone rang.

Soon, the phone was connected, and a female voice came. Roger couldn't wait to say, "I'm Roger Zoe, is Director Eric still there, I'm looking for him urgently."

Soon, Eric's voice came from over there: "Roger, what's the matter with you? It's almost time to get off work."

"That's it, Mr. Eric, I would like to ask, did Mr. Jean Reno get the script for "Leon the Killer" in the first place?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"So, the original creator of the script, I don't know who it is, right?"

"Hey, Roger, just say something."

"Okay, okay," Roger hesitated, "I think I might have found… the original creator of the script."

Then he recounted what he saw today in the fastest way, and then he clenched the microphone and waited for the mockery and sarcasm to come from there, but to his surprise, Eric only said: "Wait for me a few minutes. Minutes, don't go away!" Then there was no movement.

After Roger's heart beat countless times, Eric's voice finally came again: "Roger, come to the studio right now, right now, understand? We'll wait for you."

Immediately he hung up the phone, and Roger didn't hesitate. He immediately went downstairs and drove to the studio. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, but when he came to the conference room of the studio, he was surprised again. There will be several executives looking for him to understand the situation. What did not expect is that in addition to a few executives, several big figures such as Luc Besson and Jean Reno were there.

"Don't be restrained, Mr. Zoe, we are just in a hurry." Besson smiled and motioned him to sit down.

"Thank you, Mr. Besson." Roger nodded and took his seat.

"I have read your resume. You have only been in this industry for a month. You are very hardworking and capable, but you are not suitable for this kind of work. I think you can try planning. Of course, we have to ask a few questions first A question." Besson turned over the document in his hand and said.

"No problem, sir." Roger took a deep breath, trying to keep his peace.

"Does she speak French?"

"Yes, but the accent is inaudible, but she doesn't know the Montage Factory, and I don't think she's French."

Besson exchanged glances with those around him, and a supervisor moved a colored pencil sketch in front of him: "Is she similar to the girl in this painting?"

It was a very beautiful picture, the girl in the picture was sitting on the windowsill with her knees in her arms, and she had a very sad feeling, but Roger shook his head: "No, it's not like that, she has long curly blond hair, not brown. With short straight hair, and her green eyes, it can be said that once you see her eyes, it's hard to forget."

Roger thought for a while, and then added: "Now that I think about it, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

At this time, Jean Reno suddenly leaned into Besson's ear and said something, followed by Besson's call to an assistant to say something, the assistant quickly left the conference room, only came back a few minutes later, and then talked to Besson again. Besson said a few words, and Besson said a few words to Renault, looking at Roger from time to time.

Finally, another assistant ran away, this time after waiting for more than an hour before the assistant came back with a roll of video tape.

"I'm sorry, sir, there is no videotape of "Born to Be" released in Paris now. The one I found...is a pirated copy." The assistant said apologetically.

Besson didn't say much, and just played it in the conference room. Although the picture was not very good, the characters could still be seen clearly, so when the girl appeared, without being reminded, Roger had already stood up: "It's her!"