Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 68: change


"Hey Angie, are you going to make movies again?"

"How many stars are there this time? Tell us about it!"

"Yeah, tell us what the content is."

Facing the swarming girls after class, Angela raised her hands with a headache: "Wait, wait, I just took a vacation for a while, why do you all think that I went to make a movie, I Can't you take time off for something else? Like... like... like..."

For example, the little girl didn't come out for a long time. To be honest, she really had no extra reason to ask for a month's leave. As for excuses such as grandparents being sick, or her own illness, she didn't want to curse herself and her family. .

"Okay, what do you want to know?" Angela asked dejectedly when faced with the tidy girls who had pulled out the chairs and sat in a semi-circle around her. But before they could ask questions, she suddenly stood up and put her hands on the table: "Listen, everyone, making movies is not that fun, you have to obey the director completely and unconditionally!"

She left the desk and walked between the aisles, waving her hands as if performing an opera: "If the director doesn't let you eat, you can't eat, if the director wants you to cry, you must cry right away, If the director is going to shoot in the middle of the night, you can't—can't sleep!"

The girls around all widened their eyes, while Angela continued: "If you can't do what the director asks you to do, then you will be scolded! No mercy! No one will sympathize with you until you cry. , No one will pity you, because you didn't do your job, so you deserve to be scolded, this is making a movie! Do you think it's fun?"

Angela finally ended her speech. Before the girls recovered, she took a step to the right. After a while, a girl raised her hand and asked, "Angie, is what you said true?"

"Oh, dear, I promise—no!" After speaking, Angela with a sly smile opened the door beside her and ran out quickly, leaving a commotion behind her.

Haha, the laughing little girl ran to the grass outside the building before stopping, and sighed in relief to the sun, recalling what they believed to be true in her narration, it was so interesting, um, although I have done similar things before The prank, but I never thought that I am so happy now, maybe it is because I recognized myself and let go of the burden

"Angie! I waited for you under the tree for five minutes, but you were hanging out here. Did you become blind after returning from New York?" Jessica's angry voice came from one side.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jess, I was surrounded by my classmates." Angela gave her a hug and said soothingly, which surprised Jessica a lot.

"What happened?" Jessica looked at her suspiciously.

"What will happen?" Angela shrugged.

"Come on, Angie, you are two people now and a month ago, do you still remember the two weeks before you went to film "Hide and Seek", you refused to hug me at first, and then you stopped holding my hand , I thought you started to hate me, but after seeing you again on the school bus this morning, you seem to be the same again." Jessica paused, then tilted her head and said, "No, no, There still seems to be a difference, but I don't know where the difference is."

"Okay, don't be different, am I not me?" Angela pinched Jessica's little face.

"Okay, but... what happened to you a month ago?" Jessica asked again after thinking.

"Well, it's actually because I'm too involved in the drama," Angela rolled her eyes and said, "You know, this time it's a horror movie, and I had a problem with the characters, so I... Made me almost schizophrenic too, so..." She shrugged.

"Really? Are you okay?" Jessica grabbed Angela's shoulder in surprise and stared at her face carefully.

"Okay, okay, Jesse, if I have something to do, I won't appear in front of you now." Although Angela rolled her eyes, she was still a little moved.

"Are you sure? I heard that people with schizophrenia won't be aware of their other personality." Jessica said seriously.

"Even if I can't detect it myself, do you think the people around me can't detect it?" Angela was dumbfounded, she grabbed Jessica's shoulder, leaned in and said fiercely face to face: "Okay, Jay Xi, if I really split into a second personality, I will come to you first when my second personality appears!"

Jessica shrank back, stuck her tongue out, and changed the subject: "By the way, what did you say on the school bus? Lindsay ran to your house?"

Speaking of Lindsay, Angela let go of her hand and curled her lips: "Yes, after I came home from New York for dinner yesterday, she came to me recklessly—what a fool, if I didn't go home yesterday, What should she do?"

"Has something happened at Lindsay's house?" Jessica asked.

"Well... Her parents quarreled, which made her very uncomfortable, so she ran out and didn't want to go back. As a result, she slept with me last night and asked Mr. David to send her back this morning."

"She sleeps with you?" Jessica pouted unhappily, but Angela didn't see it.

"Yeah, she came here alone, and she's very pitiful." The little girl folded her hands and looked at the sky with a sigh. When Lindsay proposed to sleep with her last night, she wanted to refuse Yes, now it's different from when I was in Canada. Now that I have understood myself, God knows if I will do something with a hot head, but seeing the pitiful appearance of the red-haired girl, thinking about her family, Angela is really hard. Heart up, can't you give her some warmth? Other people's famous works were plagiarized by their own brazenness!

So the two finally slept together. Fortunately, they were probably tired. Lindsay fell asleep quickly, but just like Avril, she hugged Angela like a doll. Does it mean that every girl likes hugging Sleeping with a doll? At least Angela isn't like that, um... she's not a girl.

And smelling the body fragrance of the girl in her arms - well, including her own - Angela was quite agitated, and she was like a thief after making sure that little Lindsay should not be able to sleep any more, and then gently kissed her cheek, if Not all the time: I'm only 7 years old! They are only 7 years old! Might have to do something.

Hell, although the old lady used to be a lolicon, but not a young girl! If someone knows that they are prosecuted for molesting a young girl, then the fun will be great. A 12-year-old girl molesting a 7-year-old girl, well, I'm afraid it's unprecedented, right? But what if not with Lindsay but with Jessica? Or with Na...

Angela with a strange face and cranky thoughts suddenly felt a pain in her face, and then she came back to her senses, Jessica was pinching her face unhappily: "You are always distracted, Angie, can't you not be distracted? "

Angela blushed, she just thought about being with Jessica, she was really depressed, she couldn't even think about it in front of others! She coughed dryly and said, "Okay, what's up, Jessie?"

"I'm very surprised, why she didn't come to my house, but ran to your house. You must know that the distance between my house and her house is definitely closer than her house is to your house, and she will come to our house every other day to play, but Why did she go to your house?" Jessica still pouted, her tone unwittingly sour, but the latter sentence "I still sleep with you" just turned around in her mouth and didn't say it.

Angela didn't hear it, but after thinking about it, she said, "Maybe she is afraid that after she goes to your house, she will be found by her parents, but she is not sure." This is indeed a very strange thing. There was no phone call in between.

But Jessica seemed to accept this point of view, shrugged her shoulders and didn't ask any more questions, but changed the subject: "By the way, have you watched Sleepless in Seattle, which you wrote? Sister Meg's acting is really amazing, I love her to death!"

""Sleepless in Seattle"?" Angela was stunned, then remembered that on the set of "Hide and Seek", Jodie Foster had mentioned that "Sleepless in Seattle" was already on Valentine's Day on February 14th. It's in theaters, uh, not sure what Nancy's version of Sleepless in Seattle will be like, how will Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan's performances be different from the original

"Too bad, I forgot to read it." Angela spread her hands and asked, "What do you think, Jessie?"

"Well, I think... it's very beautiful." Jessica thought for a long time before giving such a one-sentence comment.

Angela rolled her eyes, she actually asked Jessica for a comment, was she confused? But the premiere on February 14th, so even if you want to read the movie reviews in the newspapers, it's impossible? Heck, hopefully Nancy's version will be well-received as well.

Some helpless Angela suddenly thought of another thing. Counting "Sleepless in Seattle", plus "Hide and Seek" and "Killer Lyon", she has sold three scripts this year, but it doesn't matter, The important thing is that if these three films are all big sellers - there is no doubt about this, she remembers the approximate number of the box office of "Sleepless in Seattle", and it is still the Valentine's Day premiere, and this film is not technically difficult; and "Hide and Seek", There are Al Pacino and Jodie Foster to join, the director is David Fincher, and several loopholes in the script have been revised by themselves. As long as there is no major problem with their performance, it will definitely be better than the original version. High, and there is an inflation factor; although the box office of "Killer Lyon" can't be remembered, since it is regarded as a classic, it will not be low.

So here comes the question, if all three movies are big sales, I'm afraid it will be difficult not to be noticed by the film company, right? Angela has some headaches, how good it would be to change the name of the screenwriter if she knew it earlier!