Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 75: the first time……


“…there are at least three ways to judge the onset of menarche:

1. Measure weight and height: After girls enter puberty (11-14 years old), measure their height and weight every six months. If a measurement shows a sudden increase in height and weight, it indicates that the girl may have menstrual cramps in the following six months.

2. Observe the condition of the breast: If it is found that the breast begins to develop, swells, and the areola appears, and there is an induration when touched, then menarche will occur within the next two years.

3. Check for leucorrhea: If a transparent, colorless, odorless and slightly viscous liquid like egg white flows out of the girl's vagina, it indicates that menarche is coming in 2-3 years. "

Angela snapped and closed the book in her hand, looking at the cover, "Two or Three Things About Menstruation", it was so ironic, I never imagined that I would read this book one day! She thought through gritted teeth.

After standing up and walking a few times, she quickly sat down again, feeling that the thing was very uncomfortable to stick to her private parts. In fact, the sanitary napkin is soft and light, and it will not hinder women from doing things. Angela is just a psychological shadow. That's it.

This is understandable, after all, after living as a man for 30 years and as a child for 11 years, now there is something that has never been put under it, and it has to be put on for a few days every month from then on. I might have to go to the hospital to see women's diseases, which is really not a happy thing.

Menstruation! woman! Although Angela was angry, she couldn't vent, but what should I do? To take out the uterus? When I thought of how terrified I was when I was facing my menarche that night, the veins on my forehead jumped, and I couldn't help but want to scream hysterically.

The only thing that makes her feel better now is that her menstrual period has decreased a lot after the past few days, and it will be back to normal in about a couple of days, and she will no longer use the embarrassing things. At home, I was really bored, even though I asked my mother to ask for leave for her.

"Chris, look who's here." Elena knocked at the door, who would the little girl beside her be except Jessica!

"Hey, Jessie!" Angela shouted happily and was about to jump up, but she stopped halfway through the movement, with an embarrassed look on her face, and then sat back in the chair again, what the hell, it won't come sooner It's not too late, it's coming as soon as we get up!

"Are you still sick? Angie?" Jessica, who was already ready for Angela's bear hug, couldn't help sticking out her tongue and asked.

"It's okay, I can go back to school in two days." The girl replied weakly, looking really sick.

Elena naturally understood what was going on, but she just smiled, said something to talk slowly, and then left.

Angela shrugged, then smiled at Jessica and beckoned: "Jesse, I'm so glad you came to see me!"

"What's wrong with you, Angie?" Jessica walked straight to Angela and looked closely at her face, "It doesn't seem to be bloody."

"About this, you will know later." Angela coughed dryly.

"Why can't you say it now?" Jessica blinked, trying to get to the bottom of it.

"I said, Jessie, you'll know soon, maybe tomorrow." The girl said angrily, then changed the subject: "Okay, come here, I just have something for you. what do you say."

"What is it? Jessica's second adventure?" Jessica suddenly became interested and followed Angela who stood up to the lift table. She was so excited that she didn't notice Angela's awkward walking posture.

"Yes." Angela took out a stack of sketches and said with a smile.

"Wow, you're awesome, Angie!" Jessica, who took over the sketch, turned over quickly, her face flushed with excitement. At her 11th birthday party last month, Angela's gift was The beautiful 20-page short comics drawn by the image of Jessica moved Jessica very much and told Angela in private that it was the best birthday present she had ever received. Now Angela has drawn another short story for her. Although it is only about ten pages and has not been finished yet, it is enough to make her happy.

"Angie, I envy you so much. You can write, draw, act and sing. Maybe I'll never catch up with you." Jessica said enviously, but she didn't mean to be jealous at all.

Angela bit her lip, and suddenly stepped forward and put her hands on Jessica's shoulders: "Listen to me, Jesse, everyone has their own talents, and you are no exception. Don't you like acting? Acting? There are a lot of skills, everyone said that they can master all the acting skills, don’t you have confidence in this aspect, your favorite aspect? I know Jessica is not someone who will give up casually.”

Jessica looked at her with her beautiful brown eyes, and suddenly laughed: "Of course not, I'm still waiting for you to write the script for me." She opened her hands and said, "Ten! "

"You're here again, aren't you afraid of my punishment for being so greedy?" Angela raised her chin and gave a vicious look.

Jessica stuck out her tongue, and suddenly stepped forward and pouted her lips and gently touched Angela's lips: "Thank you, Angie."

Angela was a little stunned, but she quickly smiled lightly, stared at Jessica and said, "Do me a favor, Jesse?"


The girl shrugged, pulled her to the bed, and pressed her onto the bed with lightning speed, startling Jessica: "What are you doing, Angie?"

"It's nothing, I just want to try..." Angela said, holding Jesse's hands over her head, pressing her whole body on top of her, leaning close to her face, her eyes flashing strangely, "I just want to try Try to push down your feelings!"

"Tear down?" Of course Jessica didn't understand the extended meaning of the word, but it didn't prevent her from being a little distracted. Her face was itchy so that she could feel Angela's every breath. Although Angela just pressed her down, Jessica's heart was already sprouting, so after struggling a few times, she suddenly turned over with force and pinned the unsuspecting Angela.

"It was you who pushed you down before, so this time it should be me who pushed you down." This time, it was Jessica who held down Angela's arms and said viciously.

Angela opened her mouth and looked at Jessica in surprise, and then giggled. Jessica, who was still pretending to be fierce, also laughed out, and exclaimed that she was hugged in by Angela. In his arms, the two girls giggled and hugged together.

"I love you, Jess." After laughing, Angela hugged Jessica tightly and whispered.

"I love you too, Angie." Jessica, who was pressing on Angela, buried her head on her shoulder and replied softly.

The two girls hugged each other quietly, listening to each other's heartbeats through the thin summer clothes.


"What's wrong?"

"Is there anything under you?"

"… "

Can you go back to school tomorrow? Angela looked at herself in the mirror carefully, looking all over, her little face had returned to rosy, and there should be no problem.

After her period, she pestered her mother to ask for two more days off. This is her menarche. Who knows if she will suddenly come back and be in full view of her... Even if she commits suicide, it is not certain.

Anyway, this damn thing has finally passed, Angela shook her head, and planned to take a bath. During menstruation, you can't take a sitz bath and a bath.

Taking off her clothes again, Angela lowered her head and looked down a little worriedly. She shouldn't come again, but is that? Hell, I didn't notice it before, she hurriedly stood in front of the mirror, the girl inside was naked, like a delicious little lamb, slightly embarrassed, Angela looked down, there really was... hair color !

She suddenly remembered a line from "Young and Dangerous" for no reason: "Wow, I played with a Brazilian girl yesterday, but I didn't expect her hair to be golden yellow!"

Angela shivered and wanted to leave, but her feet refused to move. A strange feeling came out of her heart. Menstruation means that the sign of being a woman has matured, just like a man. The nocturnal emission is the same, so that means it's okay... The girl looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but start to gasp for breath. She stretched out a hand and carefully squeezed the bulge in her chest, and then the red at the top. Tap lightly.

A feeling of weakness and powerlessness rushed to her forehead, making her almost moan, how could she be... so sensitive? Angela didn't even notice that her face was flushed.

Still don't, right? She thought so, but the other hand had already reached down, across her groin.

Well, I just touched, just touched.

Although I said this repeatedly in my head, when my fingers touched, my little mouth suddenly let out a longing cry, and then the whole person suddenly knelt down softly.

STOP... WAIT! But the fingers of both hands did not seem to obey the command, and began to play. The first is "A Midsummer Night's Dream", which is warm and intoxicating; then "Autumn Whispers", which is soft but makes people want to run; In the "Moonlight Sonata", it is like flying in the moonlight; finally it becomes "Fate", rising and rising in the storm, to reach the top of the sky!

How can you be so sensitive! how come! The last trace of reason was also washed away by the tidal wave of happiness. Her sobbing and charming voice echoed throughout the bathroom. She knelt on the ground, her little butt was raised high, her hand was on the other side. With the constant cooperation of one hand, he is playing a cheerful and exciting movement.

Finally, in the storm, she rose to the top of the sky, her whole body suddenly convulsed, her vision and consciousness became blurred, and the thing inside kept shrinking. Spray it out!

Breathing, breathing constantly, after breathing for a long time with her face against the cold floor, Angela finally came to her senses, what am I doing? She raised her head in a daze, and then saw herself in the mirror. The blurred and contented eyes and the rosy skin were enough to explain everything.

Hell, I was... Angela covered her face with her hands in annoyance, but the next second she felt something was wrong, why were her hands wet? She screamed and took her hands away, picked up the towel and wiped her face, then quickly turned on the faucet to wash her hands. She was in a hurry for a while. She didn't calm down until she jumped into the bathtub, turned on the nozzle, and let the hot water pour down from her head and flowed all over her body. Then she put her hands on the wall, her head between her arms, and continued to pant slightly. .

Just... was that... an orgasm? That feeling of flying? And... also... She turned her head and glanced at the place where she was kneeling outside the bathtub. There was a small water stain on the floor, and then she quickly turned her head back as if being scalded by fire. She knew what it was. These have sufficient theoretical understanding.

Women's orgasms are indeed several times that of men, but they are too sensitive. Angela thought randomly, the feeling of excitement and curiosity was always hovering in her mind, which made her want to do it again.

But I always feel that there is something missing. If I can be with another person... Wait, another person? man? Angela suddenly had a cold war, and a picture appeared in her head. In the future, she was pressed under a certain man and held it back with something, and then she kept shouting Yamie Daddy, oh no, it should be It's Come_Baby, it's horrible! The girl couldn't help hugging her shoulders and rolled her eyes, feeling disgusted by her association.

But what about women? Like... Jessica? Kate? Or... Natalie? Angela felt her heart start beating wildly, and the blush that was still fading on her face became clear again.

Isn't this what you want to do subconsciously? The girl raised her head to face the nozzle, still sprinkled on her face with running water. It was Judy who made her understand that she had never identified herself as a woman, but it was also Judy who made her understand that what she liked was a girl after all. But it's ridiculous that I only fully understand it now, but it's not too late, and whether I'm with a man or a woman, I'm still gay, the former is spiritual, and the latter is physical.

In that case, why can't you choose the latter? Let Come Out, Lala, Lace go to hell! I just need to know what I'm doing! The girl suddenly turned off the nozzle!

Since then, what has been called the most desperate era for men in the history of Hollywood has secretly kicked off!