Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 84: Crazy and Spielberg


Although the sun has set behind the high-rise buildings, the sky is still rendered golden, which makes the whole New York shrouded in this color.

"Tired~ I'm dead~" With a long voice, Angela, who was sitting on the bench holding the ice cream in her left hand, stretched out with one hand and shook her a little sour right hand.

"That's what you asked for." Natalie next to her licked the ice cream in her hand, and said teasingly, "You only need to compose the music once, but every time you shoot and dance, you have to play along, I calculate. It took about nine times. So in addition to being possessive, you are also very assertive.”

Angela glanced at her sideways, and snorted softly in disapproval, but she wisely didn't speak, because no matter what aspect she looked at, she was trying to be brave, although she didn't see it that way.

I was just a little too excited, Angela muttered in her stomach.

Yeah, that's right, just overexcited, think about how much fun it would be to be involved in making such a classic scene, like the one that popped up at my birthday party before and got a foot in all the classic movies The thought, probably this is the most meaningful thing I think.

Having said that, I really want to thank the production manager from Universal, called... Irwin Roger, yes, that's the name. If he hadn't helped to say a few words when Director Martin hesitated, maybe he would have thought about it. The only way is to do it, but because it was so smooth, she was so hot-headed that she took the initiative to play the violin during the filming. At that time, she never thought that there was only more than two minutes of tango in this film, but she repeatedly filmed nearly Ten times—that's not counting the number of NGs!

The director repeatedly shot from different angles, and even used two cameras, so Al and Kate danced over and over again on the dance floor, and he was pulling over and over again beside him. On the NG, my hands are soft.

Impulsivity is the devil. Angela said with emotion in her heart, opened her mouth and took a big bite on her chocolate-flavored ice cream. Unfortunately, the bite was too big, and a biting cold feeling immediately numb the mouth after the entrance, and was stimulated. The little girl opened her eyes wide and wanted to swallow it quickly, but unfortunately, under the stimulation of the cold, her tongue slowed down, and after a while, she slowly pushed the ice cream into her throat, but her throat was also numb with ice. When he got up, it was as if he had been stuffed into a piece of charcoal. He couldn't even spit it out and swallowed it. The little guy was so anxious that he tapped a hammer on his chest, and managed to swallow the large piece of ice cream. Angela had to shake her head for a long time before she recovered.

There was a chuckle of laughter around, and you didn't need to look to know who it was. Angela turned around and stared at Natalie, as if she planned to kill the other party with her eyes, but Natalie didn't answer at all, and turned her head away with a smile. He licked the vanilla scent in his hand.

Angela retracted her eyes angrily, and glared at the ice cream in her hand, but she didn't dare to take a bite. The catchy piece was still frozen in her stomach, so she could only be like Natalie. So slowly licking the ice cream.

He secretly glanced at Natalie again, hey, there was already a lot of white cream on her charming face, and the spots looked really funny, but Natalie didn't realize it, and still slowly licked her hands. of ice cream, the little tongue swims between the two balls, fiddling with the tip of the tongue from time to time, it looks like…

A mouthful of saliva was swallowed down her throat. Angela suddenly woke up and quickly turned her head out of Natalie's line of sight. Her face was burning, and blood was clearly pouring out. Hell, what are you thinking!

calm! calm! Angela said to herself, try not to think about anything, just eat her own ice cream, but she immediately found herself licking the ice cream, and her face was sticky, that is to say... a certain picture in her head Angela shuddered, as if holding a flame in her hand, and immediately threw the ice cream out with a flick of her hand.

"Hey, Angie, what's the matter." Kate, who was approaching, quickly stopped, and the ice cream was thrown right in front of her.

"Well, I know it took me a little longer, but you don't have to do this to me, right?" Kate said jokingly.

"I'm sorry, Kate," Angela hurriedly stood up and explained, "I think something else was distracting, and I accidentally threw it out. It shouldn't have been thrown on you."

"Aren't you thinking of something bad?" Natalie also stood up and asked strangely, but she finally took out the paper and wiped her face, wiping off the cream that no longer makes people think .

Although Angela wanted to turn around and glare, but that would only tell the other party, ah, you're right, yes, I was thinking about something dirty.

So she pretended not to hear Natalie and asked Kate, "How is it, how is the house?"

"Fortunately, I told my mother that I will be going back soon." Kate replied while picking up the ice cream on the ground with paper and throwing it into the trash can.

"Soon? We've only been in New York for a few days." Angela expressed surprise.

"Dear, it's been almost a week, I know everything I need to know, and my thesis is in place. I can't stay here until the end of the summer vacation." Kate smiled.

It doesn't matter if you stay until the end of summer. Angela said in her stomach, but she didn't say it. Instead, she changed the subject and said, "By the way, you must be very tired after dancing tango for so long today. Why don't you go for a walk in Central Park?"

Looking at the hopeful face of the little girl, Kate thought for a while and agreed: "Okay, let's go then."

"Yes!" Angela raised her hands and shouted, then reached out to pull Natalie: "Nat, don't eat, we're leaving."

"You can't ask me to throw it away just because you throw it away." Natalie let go of her hand and made a face at her.

Angela saluted her, and then took Kate's hand: "Let's go, let's go, it will be dark if you drag it on."

In a trance, she seemed to see Grandpa get off the car parked in front of a high-end restaurant across the street and enter the restaurant, but she didn't care, and walked away with Kate and Natalie.

In the box of Perth's restaurant, Steven Spielberg, sitting at the table, looked at his watch, then removed the glasses from the bridge of his nose and wiped them - he had done this several times, obviously his mood Very restless.

"Don't worry, Steven, the old gentleman is always on time." Yasen Kornberg, a friend next to him, said comfortingly.

"I know, Yasin, I'm just a little excited, and I can't help but get mad when I think about what some people are saying to me instead of making this film, donate the money to the Holocaust museum or something!" Spielber Grid knocked hard on the table.

"Yes, I know, so do I," Yasen nodded, then smiled, "But this time you will definitely be able to get investment, and your goal will be achieved."

"I hope so." Spielberg nodded. At this time, the door of the box was pushed open by a middle-aged man, and then an old man entered. Although gray-haired, he had a majestic aura.

Steven and Yassen stood up at the same time, the former stretched out his hand: "Hello, Mr. Mason, I'm Steven Spielberg, Kornberg should have told you about me"

"Yes, hello, Mr. Spielberg, I'm Christopher Mason." The old man nodded and shook hands with him, took off his jacket and handed it to the middle-aged man beside him, while introducing: "This is My attorney, Anderson Green."

After another chat, the four sat down together, Spielberg coughed dryly, and was about to speak, but the old man raised a hand: "Mr. Kornberg has already told me in detail, I I also found someone to understand the relevant situation and read the original novel, so I completely agree with your plan and invest in this movie, and the number..." He paused, and then affirmed: "No limit!"

Steven was stunned. He suddenly had an uncontrollable excitement. For this film, he bought the adaptation and production rights 10 years ago, but the time was not ripe at that time, so he never moved. , it was not until the 1990s that he began to run around to appeal for this film, but many people were not optimistic, and some even found it strange, a man who has always been known for shooting thrillers, horror films and science fiction films with a game mentality. How could the director of "Children" have such an inexplicable dream.

He spent countless sleepless nights in this distress. Although he was overwhelmed, he kept on running. Just when he was about to despair, his old friend Yasen Kornberg heard news from New York, The former chairman of the Conscience Foundation, Mr. Kleist Mason, was willing to invest in this film, which made Steven ecstatic but suspicious. When he arrived in a hurry, he did not expect to get such a The news, how could he not be excited.

"You... You are too generous, for this, I express... I express my gratitude to 120,000!" Under the excitement, Spielberg, who had gone through countless storms, couldn't help but stutter.

"This is what I should do," the old man shook his head gently. "Although our family had already immigrated to the United States at that time, many members were still killed in Poland. Some things should not be forgotten."

"Yes, some things can't be forgotten." Steven nodded heavily.

The old man suddenly smiled: "Speaking of which, I'm really fortunate. I haven't watched movies for many years, and I rarely watch TV. If it wasn't for my little granddaughter who is now a young actress in Hollywood, I wouldn't pay attention to these things. , and will never meet Mr. Kornberg."

"Is your granddaughter acting in a movie in Hollywood?" Steven asked curiously.

"Yes, she also writes scripts and the like." The old man didn't intend to talk about this topic, and shook his head and suddenly asked, "I think you should go to Poland for a field shoot, right?"

"Yes." Spielberg nodded.

"Then I have two requests."


"1. It is better to build another venue than to shoot in any concentration camp, and don't disturb the souls of the dead! Second, I think you should have already selected the main actor, so apart from these few, try to let those who have been rescued and those in the concentration camp as far as possible. The surviving descendants play the roles they once did!"

After being silent for a moment, Spielberg suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully to the old man: "I apologize for my hasty and lack of thought. I will keep your opinion in mind and implement it!"

The old man nodded slightly, accepting his apology, and then stood up: "Then that's it, I believe this will be a world-renowned film, and tomorrow Mr. Green will draw up a contract and send it to Mr. Kornberg. Office, I look forward to your success!"