Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 90: Uncle who moved to California


"Why? Why do we have to add political factors? Isn't there enough political content in the novel? Why not give everyone a realistic fairy tale, but want the movie to be as ironic as the novel?"

The girl walked around the office and said excitedly, making several middle-aged men on the sofa and behind the desk stare at each other, not knowing what to say.

"I don't understand the politics in the book, and I don't want to understand it. That's not what I should understand. I just know that I saw a mentally handicapped man who was smarter than most smart people, and then made up for him in my head. A story of running forward and working hard for success!”

The girl waved her small fist as if she was speaking: "The journey of life is full of unknowns, just like that white feather, or fighting against the wind, or fluttering with the wind, or soaring into the blue sky, or falling into the abyss! It is like chocolate, you You never know what the next one will taste like! Then, why think so much! Just run towards your goal! Gentlemen, you can think that this is just a little girl's imagination, and you can also think that it goes against the original The spirit of writing, but, this! This is the Forrest Gump in my eyes!"

With a sharp circle in the air, Angela ended her words. After a long while, someone applauded gently, followed by everyone in the office.

"How is it, Mr. Groom, do you still insist on your opinion?" Eric Ross asked the old man beside him with a smile on the large sofa.

Winston Groom took off his wide glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, and then looked at the little girl with a wry smile: "Excuse me, Miss Mason, are you really only 12 years old?"

"You're not the first person to ask me this question, and I believe you won't be the last." Angela shrugged, then pinched her still fleshy face, and returned a wry smile: "From the outside, I even Not even 11 years old."

There was a chuckle in the office, Winston spread his hands and sighed: "I admit, I was moved by you, Miss Mason, but I still insist on my ideas, of course, if you want, we can still communicate. ."

As a novel author, of course he hopes to put the scenes in his novels on the big screen intact. For this reason, Paramount has a lot of disputes with him during the negotiation. In the end, it was only on the condition that Winston participated in the adaptation. Sold the editing rights. And Angela's letter, unfortunately, came to Mr. Groom's house when he was about to pack up and go to Los Angeles. Naturally, it was thrown aside after two glances. For Winston, it was just a It's just a little girl's joke. If he hadn't threw it in the back of the suitcase and brought it to Los Angeles, Ross wouldn't have accidentally seen it and been attracted, and then contacted Angela. Emphasis has been debated many times.

"I think Miss Mason's thinking is very close to mine, so, Mr. Edwin, what do you think?" Ross turned to the man in his 50s behind the desk, the production manager of Paramount Pictures. Mr Edwin Brown.

"This aspect is your specialty, so I agree with you." Edwin said with a smile, "Miss Mason, if possible, I would like to invite you to participate in the adaptation of this book."

"It's a great honor, but what I want to say is that I'm just a little smart, so let the two gentlemen do the main work, and I'll give advice from my point of view." Angela also said with a smile.

"To be honest, it was a wonderful speech," Mr. Sparrow said to Angela after getting in the car.

"Thank you." Angela's answer was a little listless, which was very different from when she first came to Paramount in high spirits and gave a passionate speech in the office.

"What's wrong?" the agent asked.

"It's nothing, it's just something on my mind." Angela's mouth was flat, and she didn't say much.

When she thought that she was given a turn by Jessica and Lindsay that day... She was furious. The last time Jessica was the same, but now she was 3P, and how old is Lindsay? What a shame! But no one else could say these words, and when she recalled that when she left from Jessica's house that day, she felt dizzy and still had a feeling of unfinished business, which made her feel extremely useless.

Such emotions directly affected her attitude towards "Forrest Gump". She originally planned to say a few words, just like "True Lies" and "Pirates of Fire", just to provide inspiration, but she went to Paramount. After the interview, I learned that the original author, Winston Groom, actually demanded that the film must be made into a satirical film just like the novel. Gan Zhengzhuan is a well-deserved great movie, how can it be so short-sighted! So she immediately came to a speech, and then had the previous thing.

Never mind, my mother is a genius! When the time comes, you can say whatever you need to say, and they will treat me as a genius or a monster, whatever they want! I'm going to win the Oscar for Best Adaptation! Angela gritted her teeth in her stomach and said that her bachelor character started to attack again. Of course, there is also that, when you go to Jessica's house in the future, you must bring a small jug of wine. If they dare to do that again, it will definitely make them look good!

Sparrow didn't say much, but drove up to Beverly Hills, and after more than 10 minutes of driving, he stopped in front of No. 323, which is a typical English Gothic building. The angular shape of the roof and the pillars with many lines combined can be seen. The house is decorated with flowers or something, and the lively crowd inside can be vaguely seen through the windows.

The manager got out of the car first, but didn't walk away, he just stood outside and waited, and there was a rustling sound from time to time in the car, so after a few minutes, the car door finally opened, and then a different Angie Pulled out.

With white leather shoes, white stockings, a white short skirt, and the same white coat, as well as a white hat, with a little embellishment, the little girl is so cute.

"It's rare to see you dressed like this, very beautiful." Sparrow couldn't help but admire.

"...Thank you." Angela forced a smile, saying that she was laughing, but it looked more like a facial paralysis. For her, this was torture at all, and the three most annoying things were all there! Stepping on high heels, the whole person is leaning forward, as if it may fall at any time; the stockings are rubbing against the thighs and calves, which is indescribably uncomfortable; the most serious thing is that the skirt opens and closes with the walk, not air is poured in and licked. Her little ass made her have to straighten herself and clamp her ass hard.

At least one thing is fortunate, now there is no menstruation! Angela thought in pain, went to the door and rang the doorbell.

After a few jingles, the door in front of him opened.

"Hi, dear Chrissy, my little angel, you are finally here, my sister is waiting." The man at the door smiled and hugged the little girl, "I'm surprised that you actually put on The dress is so pretty."

"My dear uncle came to Los Angeles from London, and finally plans to buy a house and live there for a long time. I always have to dress up a bit more beautiful, and then come to congratulate." Angela raised her eyebrows, "It is indeed your style, you plan to put Is the stalking going on to the end?"

"Hello, Jack, I'm glad you're here too. Come in." My uncle pretended not to hear the little girl's words, greeted Sparrow, and let them enter the room.

There weren't many people at the party, all of whom Frank had just met here, and some business partners, so Angela quickly found her parents and walked over: "Dad, Mom."

"Dear, how is it?" Elena asked with a smile.

"Very bad." The pink-toothed little girl tugged at her clothes and complained.

"Come on, honey, it's a formal party." Mom patted her lightly.

"Yes, I know, so I'm just complaining." Angela frowned, making Elena annoyed and funny: "Well, if you agree with Frank, I'll allow you to go home early."

"Thank you, Mom." The overjoyed little girl couldn't help but want to jump up, but her father interjected: "Wait, what your mom just asked was about your trip to Paramount today."

"Oh, yes, Chris, you changed the subject." Mom said with a laugh.

"But that has nothing to do with Uncle's new home, right, so let's talk about it when we get home." Angela grimaced and ran away quickly, her new goal was to stand by the window just now with a certain lady or After the young lady finished chatting, there is a possibility that she will be the hostess here in the future.

"My dear big mouth sister, I'm really glad to see you again." The little girl slammed into Julia's arms, making the other party laugh in surprise.

"How are you doing, Angie?" Julia looked at Angela with a smile, "Well, you look so pretty."

"Thank you, it's a pity that I'm not tall." The little girl said, gesturing the height of herself and the other party, "I hope to be as tall as you in the future."

"It's not a good thing, dear, to be honest, I think I'm too tall and my shoulders are too broad to be liked." Big Mouth Sister shook her head and said with a smile.

"Really, if I need to, I can immediately go out to the street to find a dozen people who like you, right here..." Angela smiled narrowly, "I promise to find at least one of them."

Of course Julia knew what she was talking about, and coughed awkwardly: "Maybe, by the way, I heard that a horror movie you made is going to be released soon, right?"

"Yes, about the end of September, will you come to the premiere then?" Angela asked with blinking eyes.

"If they invite me, I will." Julia liked the little girl very much and agreed.

"I'd like to borrow her for a while, if you can, Julie?" a voice interjected at this moment.

"Of course, Fran." Julia nodded with a smile and left.

"Why, your target should be her, isn't it?" Angela said teasingly after Big Mouth sister left.

"But my dear sister told me that my little angel was going to fly away early, which made me very sad." Frank made a melancholy look.

Angela looked at her uncle with a black line on her head, and said after a while: "Okay, don't worry, my dear uncle, your archangel will come, I will not forget it, I promise!"