Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 92: Hide and Seek premiere (1)


Click! Click! Click! Surrounded by the sound of pressing the shutter, Al smiled and greeted the reporters around him, standing there and letting them take pictures.

"Mr. Pacino, this should be your first time in a horror film. Compared to your previous roles, what do you think?" a reporter asked loudly.

"For me, every character feels like a new life. Unfortunately, I can't outline their complete life. There are only countless fragments left in my heart. I can't comment on which one is better." After talking for a long time, only at the end did he lightly click on the question, as expected of a battle-hardened person.

"Mr. Pacino," another reporter asked, "Mr. David Fincher is directing a movie for the first time. I heard that you have a good personal relationship. What do you expect from him?"

"David is a very talented director. He has many ideas of his own. I always think that it is a natural thing for him to take charge of the film director. This cooperation also proves my opinion. I have full confidence in him."

"So, what do you think of Miss Angela Mason who plays your daughter? I heard that she is the screenwriter of this film. Do you believe that a little girl can write such a thrilling film?"

"It is impolite to doubt others for no reason, Mr. Reporter, as for Miss Mason, she is very cute and very smart, I don't want to say too much, but everyone who has come into contact with her knows that she is a true genius ." Al shrugged, waved to the reporters and walked to the hotel, not intending to answer any more.

At this time, a car drove to the door. After the waiter opened the door attentively, he jumped off. A blue Tang suit button, coupled with the straight short and medium hair restored to the neck, looks both beautiful and heroic.

"Hi, Angie, it's nice to meet you." Al, who had already walked to the door of the hotel, came back, smiled and hugged Angela, sticking her face.

"I'm also very happy to meet you, Dad Al." The little girl said playfully, although she seemed to turn a blind eye to the reporters around her, but when Al took her hand, she found that her palm was obviously wet.

"Let's go first, we'll start in a while." Al patted her hand understandingly, then held her hand and greeted Sparrow who was accompanying him to walk to the hotel, even if the surrounding The reporters shouted to ask Angela questions, but they couldn't stop them.

"Mr. Pacino? Mr. Sparrow? Miss Mason?" After entering the hotel, the waiter greeted them immediately, and after receiving a positive answer, pointed them in the direction: "Please come this way."

In the corridor leading to the banquet hall on the tower, Angela finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Al, who had been holding her and watching her, smiled lightly: "Are you nervous?"

"Well... I really want to say no, but..." The little guy pouted, "The sound of those reporters taking pictures is so disturbing, for a few seconds I felt like I couldn't even take my breath. I should have attended the premiere of "A Couple" so that I would at least have some experience now."

"But how do you know that you won't be flustered the last time you participated?" Alhaha laughed, and only patted Angela's hand after seeing the bitter look on her face: "Don't be nervous, dear, everyone It's always like this, you always have to be in the spotlight, don't you?"

"Yes, I know, so I just sighed." The little guy grimaced, "Anyway, thank you, Dad Al."

There are already many guests in the banquet hall, movie stars, directors, heads of various companies, etc. Many of them are people she does not know, but there are also people who she knows and the other does not know her, such as the one in the front left, who is single The curly-haired pretty lady in the shoulder red dress, whispering something with her companion, the one who should be called Mrs. Cruise now; likewise, she knows, for example, who promised her to come to the premiere, is talking to Mrs. Cruise Conversation with Julia Roberts.

So after apologizing to Al, she went straight to Julia and said with a smile, "You really came, my dear Big Mouth sister."

"Hey Angie, you look so pretty today, and..." Julia looked her up and down and chuckled, "and handsome!"

"Do you mean that if I go out like this, I will fascinate a group of little girls?" Angela put on a pose with seriousness.

"Yes, yes, not only little girls, but little boys will also be fascinated by you." Julia did not hear the problem in Angela's words, and introduced the lady beside her: "This is... "

"Oh, I know, Miss Nicole Kidman, it's nice to meet you," Angela snapped, blinking. "Or should I call you Mrs. Cruise?"

The other party was a little surprised, but he recovered quickly and showed a smile: "You can call me Nicole, Miss Mason."

"Okay, Nicole, but you have to call me Angie too." The little girl stuck out her tongue and looked left and right. "Is Mr. Cruise around here? If you can..."

She took out a notebook and a pen like a conjurer and handed it to Nicole. Angela said with a smile, "Sign your name for me, Nicole, I like Thunderbolt very much."

"It surprises me, do you like sports movies too?" Nicole took the pen and notebook, turned to the blank page and wrote a few words as before before signing her name.

"My father likes this type of movie, and I have watched a lot of them because of his influence. Thunderbolt is one of them." Angela simply pulled her father to block the front.

Just then, a handsome man came over: "Hi, Nicole."

"Hi dear, how are you talking?" Nicole, who had just returned the notebook to Angela, recognized her husband.

"Not bad, but..." Tom Cruise said a few words into her ear, then put his arms around her and started to walk the other way.

"Hey, Tom, you gotta say hi to someone," Nicole said hurriedly.

"What?" Tom was stunned, and then he noticed Julia next to Nicole. "Hi, Julie, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry because..." He pointed to the crowd over there, without saying what it was , apparently related to something private.

"It doesn't matter, if you have something to do, you can go there." Julia didn't say much.

"Thank you." Tom nodded and smiled - I have to say that this guy has a really charming smile - and then left with his wife, never looking at Angela from the beginning to the end, so in the end Nicole could only Under the leadership of her husband, she gave her an apologetic smile.

Is this guy usually like this? Angela didn't know whether to laugh or what, he was too rash, even if he was a little short, he wouldn't be completely ignored like this.

The little girl pouted unhappily, then, Mr. Cruise, you will get divorced in the future anyway, anyway, someone said you are bisexual, I curse you to be a real gay in the future!

Angela didn't take this joke like a prank seriously. It was just the kind of product that was full and had nothing to do. However, sometimes the world is so boring.

"You look unhappy." Julia's voice pulled the girl's thoughts back.

"Is there? No." Angela shrugged and glanced at the Cruise couple in the crowd. Tom was introducing his wife to others, and Nicole was holding his arm in an intimate look, who knows 10 years later, oh, now there are still 8 years, they will be separated from each other

"To be honest, Big Mouth Sister, you should also find a male partner to attend the premiere with you. I don't know about the others. There is only one person who should be willing to serve you." Angela blinked at this time.

"Okay, Angie," Julia blushed slightly, "at least for now, I'm not planning to end my single life."

"But I can't wait to call you auntie," the little girl grimaced, "although it's not as nice as sister."

Julia turned her head in embarrassment, and then changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that you have already studied at Naskoma Private Girls' High School. How is life in the girls' school?"

This topic has successfully diverted Angela's attention. To be honest, although the girls' school life during this period is not bad, it is not good either. Compared with public schools, private schools are really different. There are various courses. Including all aspects, foreign language, literature, art, etc., there is actually a yoga exercise class! If that's not much, what about basic finance courses? This can't help the little girl not being big. For her now, if she likes it, she can learn very quickly, but if she doesn't like it, she can't read a single letter even if she kills her.

As for interpersonal relationships, in addition to Lilith, she has met a few more friends. As for that Vicky, although she teased her on the first day of school, and even provoked her, at least they were in peace during this time. Of course, after school The faction in the class is becoming more and more distinct, oh, it's not a faction, it's just that Vicky, the representative of the rich girl, and her friends from the same rich family set up a beauty gang, and they plan to wear them all day long. What kind of clothes look good and how to dress is beautiful, this attracts a lot of girls, and they don't refuse anyone to join, but if you don't dress in line with their brand aesthetics, you will be ridiculed mercilessly.

For Angela, who is always worried about the brand of clothes as long as she wears clothes that look good, this kind of ridicule is the first thing to do, but the little guy doesn't take it seriously at all, he just finds it boring occasionally - a typical man's idea - but at the beginning, When her parents gave her a list of schools for her to choose, there was only one girls’ school in Nasquema, so if she was bored, she would be bored, too lazy to bother with them.

"It feels okay." Angela shrugged, she could hear the insincere words in her words, but someone came over and relieved her: "How are you, Angela?" "Mr. Eric, you too It's here." Angela looked at the man in front of her with some surprise, and then looked around again: "Isn't Mr. Winston here?"

"Of course he won't come. He still insisted on his own opinion about the script last time. Without you acting as a lubricant, it seems that we will always argue over some details." Eric Ross shrugged his shoulders, and then spoke with him. Julia greets: "Hi, Julie."

"Hello, Eric, are you talking about the script?" Julia looked at Angela and then at him.

"Of course, don't you think we'll be discussing the color of the clothes?" Eric said jokingly, spreading his hands.

"It sounds like this time, An Ji is no longer an independent author, but is participating in the adaptation, is that so?" Big Mouth sister asked after thinking for a few seconds.

"Bingo! That's it, dear big mouth sister, I participated in the adaptation of "Forrest Gump" this time." Angela said rather proudly, not knowing how great a movie this would be. Julia and Eric were only slightly excited as girls, smiled at each other and didn't say much.

Then, Julia frowned, seeming to remember something, hesitated, and asked, "Angie, I remember... "Forrest Gump" is... a political satire?"

"Yes." Angela nodded, of course she knew what Julia wanted to ask, so before the other party asked, she poured out all the excuses she had already thought up. Anyway, she just watched "Forrest Gump" After the novel, I thought it was very interesting. Although I didn't understand politics, I wanted to write a fairy tale and so on. I said this very smoothly when I was at Paramount. Now even if I ask her to repeat it backwards no problem.

"Oh, it's hard to imagine, Angie, that you would actually be involved in writing such a script." As for the girl's narrative, Julia really didn't know what expression she should have, and in the end she could only spread her hands.

"Actually I'm just giving advice, telling them about occasional concurrent inspirations, or giving them a break when they're arguing, like Mr. Eric just said, I'm just a lubricant." Then, Angela raised her eyebrows at Eric.

"Oh, the lubricant is just one of them. In fact, many of Angela's ideas are very interesting, and they happen to resonate with me or Mr. Winston. Without her, we might have a real fight." Eric hurriedly explained.

"What Eric means is that I am not only a lubricant, but also a powerful lubricant." Angela said solemnly, and Julia couldn't help laughing.

The three talked for a few more minutes, and the premiere finally started. The top executive of Warners delivered a speech. A thin middle-aged man named Crazy Ward was the general manager or the chief executive. Angela didn't know. , for Warners, she knew Paul Tuckers and several of his assistants.

After the conversation was over, the reception was over, and then the guests entered the hotel's movie hall one by one, and sat in their seats to watch the movie. Angela's position was good, not far or near, and Sparrow was sitting on his right. It's a pity that both Julia and Al are far away from her, but what's more important is that the other side is sitting...

"Hi, Angela, it's nice to see you." The blue eyes looked at her with a smile.

The girl looked at each other with mixed feelings, sighed in her stomach, and then replied, "I'm also very happy to see you, Judy, why didn't I see you in the hall just now?"

"I've seen you, but I saw you, Julie, talking happily and didn't bother you." Judy smiled still, "Look, there seems to be something unpleasant with you, something went wrong with your friends. Is it?" She bit the word "friend" very hard, and obviously meant something.

Angela opened her mouth but didn't say a word. She said that she was... Since that day, neither Jessica nor Lindsay have been in contact anymore. I don't know what kind of mentality I have, ostrich? But neither of them ever called or wrote to her, which made the girl very unhappy. At least it was your fault, so can't you apologize? Even pretending to be okay.

"It looks like I got it right." Judy said affirmatively when Angela didn't reply.

"I don't have it." Angela said with a little confidence, and at the same time slandered that it was just because you appeared that reminded me of those! One of her two oldest people is Michael Mann and the other is Jodie Foster.

Michael Mann is okay to say, anyway, he is only interested in her character and thoughts, and there are not many people with his insight. But Judy is different. On the one hand, she is very grateful that she woke her up, so that she no longer escaped from herself inexplicably; but on the other hand, her appearance reminds her all the time that she has only a small fate, which is really amazing Depressing.

"Maybe you and your friends also have a problem." Angela couldn't help but fight back.

"No, at least I don't have a suitable friend yet, so I don't have a problem with that." Judy said with a smile, while stroking her cheek, "If only you were ten years older."

These words made Angela shrink her neck. She... Didn't she like herself? Fortunately, it was dark all around at this time, and the movie was about to start. The girl pretended to sit up and moved her eyes to the big screen to stop watching Judy.

After the appearance of Warner's Golden Shield logo, the film was officially broadcast, and Angela also completely focused on it. Although the original film of "Hide and Seek" was very blurred, she quickly recalled it as the film progressed. .

This is really an interesting comparison, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, himself and Dakota Fanning, which one is better, Angela can't tell, but compared to the memory of Robert's introverted to excessive calm , Al is more extroverted. For example, when he found out that his wife died, Al's severe grief was very sympathetic, and after moving to the small town, he also wiped the family's photos from time to time, which made people feel that he was very fond of his wife. , and at the same time better concealed his transformation.

Of course, this doesn't mean who's acting is better between the two. After all, the "Hide and Seek" I remember was filmed after 2000, the director is different, the script has also been changed, and both are old dramas. Bone, it's hard to compare.

As for herself and Dakota, although her peculiar humility makes her not want to comment, Angela actually thinks she is at least two better than Dakota. After all, she wrote the script herself, and she has read many comments in her previous life. She must have a much deeper understanding of this role than her. The most important thing is that she can still recall the feeling of being completely indulged in this role because of the conflict in her heart when she was in Woodland Town. The performance effect can be imagined.

Remember that scene she changed, when another little girl, played by Scarlett, was a guest at her house, she deliberately broke her doll and drove her away. Angela changed the action of the doll's sudden launch to placing the doll next to the face. This is a very good acting scene, and it is necessary to completely use the character's expression to drive the atmosphere.

Angela fell into a trance after filming this scene because of the contradiction, and only relaxed after Al and Judy solved it, so it is not clear what the effect is. Anyway, the director David did not let the reshoot. So when she saw this scene in the movie, she couldn't help but startled herself. The strange look and the broken face of the doll were combined, and there was a kind of inexplicable impact, especially the green eyes. Emotions such as warning, confusion, tension, doubt, etc. are fleeting, as if they can speak, but in just a few seconds, everyone around them takes a breath of air.

Of course, David is also responsible for such an effect. He is a director who is very good at telling stories. Angela once said that while ensuring that the audience is misled, his father's transformation should be logical and understand well. It is precisely because of the weird atmosphere created before that made Angela's scene so shocking.

As for the whole story, although David is the first film director, he has enough skills to master the film after a lot of accumulation. , people first suspected the original owner of the house, then the sheriff, and then the male owner of the neighbor's house, and each doubt made the father more anxious, and then changed something. After these foreshadowings, the final schizophrenic Only when his father showed his fangs did the audience find out that he had been tricked.

As for the ending, Angela still gave two, she was adopted by a female psychiatrist or sent to the hospital. Although both endings were filmed, the ending that I am watching now is the ending of being admitted to the hospital. After all, leaving a little sunshine is what In line with the public's taste - although the girl herself prefers the ending of adoption.

The movie was finally finished, and after the subtitles appeared, the theater turned on the lights, and everyone squinted their eyes as they got used to the darkness, which made the room quiet for a few seconds, and then the applause broke out, first sparse, then immediately. It got louder and louder, and finally the whole auditorium applauded. Although the film has no connotations, David's film technique and storytelling skills are excellent, and almost everyone is caught in it. Al and He Angela's performance was also very eye-catching, and the audience couldn't help but applaud.

"Angie, I'm so jealous of you right now." Judy, who was also clapping beside her, leaned into her ear and said with a smile.

"These applause are also yours." Angela shrugged.

"That's not the same, dear, I'm just a supporting role, understand, this is actually a movie of two people." Judy smiled and stopped talking.

A movie for two people? Yes of course. Angela shrugged again to the applause, and honestly, it felt good!